It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia (My Little Pony/IASIP Crossover Quest)

[x] Try and get Rainbow Dash a girlfriend in a rare gesture of kindness

If we get on the Elements of Harmony's good sides, then we can be friends and have protection from criminal prosecution by the Celestial Police Bureau
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[x] Try and get Rainbow Dash a girlfriend in a rare gesture of kindness

If we get on the Elements of Harmony's good sides, then we can be friends and have protection from criminal prosecution by the Celestial Police Bureau
This is a very good point.
[x] Try and get Rainbow Dash a girlfriend in a rare gesture of kindness
If we're on good relations with the Elements of Harmony then we can also enlist them in our movies later.
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It seems like it's a tie. If someone could break the tie, that'd be great.
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I think I'm going to need to put this quest on hiatus for now. I just don't have the energy for it right now.