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Quests Archive

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The only rules are 1) Vote for the most *METAL* option. 2) Recommended but not required to add a metal song so that I may make a Power metal quest play list. 3) Votes with appropriate metal music that has not been posted before are worth 2
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"that long epoch between the assimilation of the Andals and the coming of the dragons" as Archmaester Gyldayn puts it. This is a time of constant warring, shifting alliances and intrigues. Before the Dragons ruled, there were men. The Kings of the southern realms all had their eyes set on one thing, and gambled their gold, legacy, blood and lives in pursuit of it. Hegemony... Can you thrive in these tumultuous times where others fell?
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You are born into this world with a unique Gift. Able to create wonders and horrors in equal measure, what mark shall you leave on Mythic Europe? That is for you to decide.
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A sinister cult seeking to free their imprisoned god... A realm at the edge of ruin... Seven heroes of prophecy, marked and chosen to face this calamity...
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So, this is my attempt at a quest , hich I hope to republish as a fanfic once its complete. I had published this before but I felt the posts were too short and I didn't have a plot/lore planned out before, so I've republished this. The setting is alt-history Europe heavily based on my homebrew dnd campaign. The characters for this quest are all Worm/Rwby protagonists for standins of real historical figures. The DND campaign uses Worm-themed powers to establish a mage-controlled society in...
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Will you fight for God, riches, glory, or maybe even redemption? Will you conduct yourself with honor? Or will you scheme your way to power? Will you annihilate the infidel or will you come to an uneasy peace? You decide as the cause of God takes you to the East. Crossposted on Spacebattles
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My Daughter. I am dying. God has chosen that I should leave this dying world as a shell of my mortal self. While my eternal soul shall soon be judged, I worry for the legacy I will leave behind. Carrion birds fly over my holdfast- constructed from the fallen steel and muddied blood of my enemies at the fields outside it so many decades ago. I was young, then. I married and fought for love of Amanda and of war. I served my King faithfully, and so he named me Lord and Falcon. But now my...
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The year is 1,203 and war rages on the horizon. The disastrous events of the 4th crusade are already in motion, unable to be stopped, soon the city and its Archangel will fall. But, that is a war of mortals and you are not a mortal, not anymore at least. You are a beast of the night, a Cainite, A Vampire to the masses, and you have been dragged into the largest conflict of your kind since the Punic wars and the razing of Carthage. So! I’m Caney and this is my newest quest! I felt like...
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Explore a medieval Europe where magic and religion is real!
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I write this in hopes that history finds it in the hands of a worthy predecessor. Shortly I face odds I am uncertain I can triumph over or shenanigan my way out of. Learn from my mistakes, study hard, and always remember law is written for the smooth function of society not the good of the people within it.
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A humble, imperfect and kinda weird quest?
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Seasons of Heroes: A D&D-inspired Adventure! The continent of Vikalean is divided: between...
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"One must consider that there is nothing more difficult, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous, than to initiate a new order of things"
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Far from Westeros, humanity remains the same. Life is short, brutish, and bleak, and political leaders scheme and plot with little regard for the welfare of the common folk. Now, you have through some circumstance of fate achieved political power and prominence, but what will you do with it?
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I've always just lurked around these boards for a little while but I've finally decided to try...
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IN THE NAME OF THE KING ~ * ~ A dark fantasy roleplaying game of diplomacy, war, and intrigue...
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OOC: Hello! Since I'm a member of both SV and SB I've decided to crosspost this 1 year old quest...
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Will be using the 5.2 but you can use 5 for reference point. Hey Guys I have been planning this...
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The world ended in the year of Revelation. And from the ashes a new world arose, the old order...
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Sixteen years ago you were part of a coup. A very indirect part. You weren't there when Duke...
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‘I will not cry.’ you tell yourself as you pick up the shovel and place it on your right...
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Prologue Well, this sucks. It was not enough with having my father...
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Come and take on the lifestyle of the Bandit! Will you manage on your own or carve an hideout...
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I plan for this to be more of a Slice of Life type of VRRPG than a SAO-style fight for survival...
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