Distant Lands (an ASOIAF CK2 Quest)

[X] Corai Zor
[X] Gender
-[X] Man

[X] The leader of the Farasan revolt that toppled the King of Hel'dah
Here's the actual updated tally.

Looks like Yi-Ti is still pretty firmly in the lead, with a slight bias towards playing as a dude.
Adhoc vote count started by Lazer Raptor on Sep 25, 2019 at 1:59 PM, finished with 39 posts and 35 votes.
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[X] Gender :
-[X] Woman
[X] One of the competing God-Emperors of Yi-Ti
[X] Corai Zor
[X] Gender
-[X] Man

[X] The leader of the Farasan revolt that toppled the King of Hel'da
[X] Gender :
-[X] Woman
[X] One of the competing God-Emperors of Yi-Ti
Alright, I'm going to close the vote in about 5 hours, right now the tally is as follows:
Adhoc vote count started by Lazer Raptor on Sep 26, 2019 at 2:44 PM, finished with 46 posts and 41 votes.
Alright, Vote Closed.

It looks like y'all will indeed be playing as Han Wudi, claimant of the title of God-Emperor. I'll try and get the next update up by Saturday.
Armies of the God-Emperors
Before I forget, here's a rundown of the military forces you'll be either commanding or fighting soon:
  • Infantry:
    • Hereditary Battalions
      • The mainstay of all Yi-Ti forces, theoretically professional soldiers tasked with defending the land in times of need as well as working it, they are poorly paid, posses uneven training and equipment, and have low social status. An obvious result is that they are often quick to break when the battle turns against them, a far cry from the soldiers of ages past.
      • Primarily deployed in tightly packed formations of spearmen and crossbows, with the best armored soldiers in the front ranks.
      • Crossbowmen receive extra pay and are trained to stand their ground and fire in volley with their powerful crossbows, and make up the most important component of most armies.
      • Only about 65% of soldiers have armor, and 40% only have boiled leather and a helmet to rely upon, the remaining 25% have an uneven mix of scale and lamellar, providing good protection against most foes. Usage of shields is irregular and varies by unit alongside spear length.
    • The Imperial Guards
      • An elite force of 25,000 infantrymen tasked with defending the capital, guarding the Emperor, and enforcing his will on the rest of Yi-Ti.
      • Armed with polearms and clad in finely made steel lamellar and mail armor, the Imperial Guards are a devastatingly effective heavy infantry force with good training and high morale. Blows that would kill lesser men glance off them, and enemies of the Emperor fall like wheat before them.
    • Imperial Naval Infantry
      • Your marines are well disciplined infantry, skilled with the bow and the short sword, and protected by a lamellar cuirass. Although accustomed to fighting on the high seas, they are no less deadly on land, raining accurate volleys of arrows upon your foes from afar with large composite bows or cutting through enemy infantry with swords and shields.
  • Cavalry:
    • Borderguard Horsemen
      • Lightly armored cavalry proficient in the bow, whose constant skirmishes with the Jogos Nhai have honed their skills to a fine edge. Now the border legions have thrown in with the Orange Emperor, serving as scouts and skirmishers unmatched in all of Yi-Ti
    • Steel Bear Cavalry
      • Heavily armored shock cavalry who bear the sigil of a bear upon their breast, clad in lamellar, riding armored horses, and trained to charge home with lance and dao. They are drawn from the hardy Westerners whose lands border the Jogos Nhai, and it is said their charges shatter mountains and trample armies underfoot.
      • They accompany the Orange Emperor to war, a heavy armored fist capable of breaking entire armies if used properly.
    • Southern Cavalry:
      • Composed of bandits, nobles with a penchant for the martial, and poorly trained levies, they are only good for pursuit, scouting, raiding, and foraging.
  • Artillery:
    • Fixed Artillery
      • Bombards: newly introduced fire throwers capable of battering down walls with ease, they must be assembled on site by besiegers.
      • Trebuchets: either small traction trebuchets or larger counterweight trebuchets which throw rocks and thunder bombs against enemy cities and fortifications.
  • Naval Forces:
    • Junks:
      • The mainstay of the Imperial Navy, they come in a variety of sizes, but all share a type of rig in which battens extend along the length of each sail, and which sails best close hauled.
      • Larger warships typically have 5 or so masts, while smaller junks may supplement their sails with oars. All of them rely entirely on their marines to inflict damage upon hostile vessels with bows, and if necessary, fight boarding actions with swords and shields.
      • The Imperial Fleet has been said to be composed of "a thousand ships", but only 650 or so ships are large enough to truly serve as warships. Of these, 120 are of the five masted variety, carrying nearly 240 marines apiece, and the other 530 ships are of the three masted type, carrying 80 marines per ship.
      • Elevated forecastles are maintained at the fore and aft of the ship to provide an elevated firing platforms for the archers, but siege weapons are rarely mounted aboard a ship.
    • Porcupine ships:
      • The newest innovation of the Fleet, porcupine ships are flat bottomed coastal vessels primarily propelled by oars supported by sail, and armed with nearly two dozen fire throwers arrayed in all directions.
      • They have proven highly successful against pirates so far, capable of smashing ships to tinders in ferocious volleys from their guns. There are perhaps two dozen in service, concentrated in the Central Naval District under the direct command of the Admiral of the Fleet (you).
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