Original MAN'S FALL: Daughter of The Falcon

MAN'S FALL: Daughter of The Falcon
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My Daughter.

I am dying.

God has chosen that I should leave this dying world as a shell of my mortal self. While my eternal soul shall soon be judged, I worry for the legacy I will leave behind. Carrion birds fly over my holdfast- constructed from the fallen steel and muddied blood of my enemies at the fields outside it so many decades ago. I was young, then. I married and fought for love of Amanda and of war. I served my King faithfully, and so he named me Lord and Falcon.

But now my wings are clipped. Your cousins scheme in my court. I can even feel their ears against my door, every time I rest. This wretched gout within me does not permit me from chasing them away, nor does my faith in the Lord Above, for he has taught us to love family. But soon enough, I will have to leave that decision in your hands.

My sweet daughter. You are my only child. While I have permitted you leave and freedom so far, now is the time to take up your duty. I know that I have not been the father you wished for. I know that Amanda would scorn me, if she was still here. But for the love of your mother- come back.

Come back and rule.
And continue my legacy.

Your father,
The Lord Peter,
Lord of Vichy and Falcon of the Southern Headlands,
of the House de Vichy.
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