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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


An unfortunate tale of despair and wonders written by Marisa Rook, the Manager, herself.
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A management quest heavily inspired by SCP Foundation and L Corp both with a siding of Ruina. Let's see how long we'll survive the chair!
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My first quest and English isn't even my first language. Why did I do this.....
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A land of thirsting gods, zealots, hungry rats, dwarfs, and everything else under the sun gets invaded by an eldritch abomination in the form of a dragon that likes eating magic. Anti-magic need not apply.
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These are dark times in the ravaged lands of the former Tasakarim empire, as the new and old...
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The Inheritance Of Man A Mass Effect Empire Quest It has been an age old question. Of whether...
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The world is ending. It has been foretold by every sage, mystic, and fortune teller from the...
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You're a Norscan lass who worships an Outlawed God of the Empire of Man instead of one of the Four Chaos Gods. Everyone thinks you are a heretic.
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Ah, Westeros. Ever since the coming of Aegon I Targaryen, the Conqueror, it has been nominally...
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Ascension, a Science-Fantasy kitchen sink played with the CK2 rules, and where your goal is to rise through the ranks of villainy from the very bottom, where you'd honestly be lucky to get away with a mugging. But! You have a brilliant plan involving shoddy lab equipment, magical blood, and haphazard genetic modification to start to overcome some of your more glaring weaknesses. You're absolutely convinced this is your best idea, and that in no way whatsoever it could go wrong.
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Gun shots. Screaming voices. You just want to get them out of there safely. More gunshots. You...
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Character Generation Something monumental thing has just happened that will impact the destiny...
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Hi to all people, This is Traveling quest, a Sonic X (yes that series) adventure in which you...
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Dogs. Dogs have been a part of humanity's story for quite a long time. From the earliest...
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Hi everyone, this is my first quest so this is very much a learning experience for me so helpful...
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The world sometimes known by its inhabitants as Yadrai was one that could be called strange. It...
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Humanity's Manifest Destiny In the late 1970's, both the United States and the Soviets relied...
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Monday, Dungeon Date 01/01/0001 ------------------------------- Suddenly, light. Not a...
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You took a wrong turn someone, went too deep into the woods, followed someone who you thought...
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You are a brick. A red brick in a wall in some alley. It's a cold dark night. [X] Realize you...
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Behold, the RinKaihou. A nocturnal lurker that has found itself moving at sufficient velocity...
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Hullo, thar! I'm a mighty coffeecup. You might know me from....well, I mean I've been co-GM of a...
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Oh, God, what am I doing...oh, right, improvising a quest using the 4chan-designed Panic rules...
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Hey guys, what’s up? I’m Rex Heller and Welcome to Deadpool Kills the Multiverse. The Deadpool...
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