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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


One independent and self-sufficient colony. One universe that hates independence and self-sufficiency, but loves nukes.
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Welcome to The People! Lead your People to greatness...or starvation but don't worry, every bad decision is a group effort. Deal with...scarce food, scarce civility(in-game), scarce water, scarce people and very scary horse nomads/vikings/drought/flood/storm...where was I? At least you'll have boat memes to tide you over. :)
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It is the 22nd century. For over 50 years has Mankind worked to secure it's future form a fiery death by the hands of Alpha Centauri A. The date is November 15, 2105 and mankind hammers away at two great projects. Project Deep Citadel and Project Exodus. You are an Admiral of Project Exodus. It is your job to guide a fleet of ships out into the wider galaxy
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Equestria. Land of magic, friendship and ponies. A paradise of colorful landscapes, friendly...
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For time eternal, the Gods themselves were the only things keeping every world from the crushing nothingness of the void. However, when humans began challenging their divine overseers, the Gods cast them out of their worlds, deeming them Forsaken. Centuries ago, your people were Forsaken, and now struggle to survive in the cold, uncaring void.
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With the impending doom arriving to their solar system, humanity has no choice but to evacuate Earth and start over on a new world, but what awaits there would determine the fate of mankind…
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A new civ quest in an alterative timeline of my old one: Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest Original.
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When humanity colonizes another planet, new conflicts arise. As a special agent, help the nation of INTEGR navigate these troubled times.
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A civ quest vaguely inspired by @Academia Nut's Paths of Civilization, but with my own spin on it. You are The People, one People amongst many. You share the world that Sky Woman created with the animal Peoples of the land, air, and sea--working with them for the betterment of all.
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A new of age for Cybertron has begun though will it be the start of an golden age or the start of another age of war.
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An original Gundam AU. The war between the Earth Sphere Federation and United Space Republic. The ESF hopes lies with the newly made starship Zeus and mobile suits. Who will live? Who will die?
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What if General Revil was killed while captured by Zeon? The Federation shatters into pieces across the Earth Sphere unable to stand up against the seemingly unstoppable Zeon Forces. It is now Universal Century 0081, the Federation has been divided into three different factions.
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I'm not actually sure of how threadmark indexes work yet lol.
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The tribe has been hunting and gathering in these woods for generations and trying to survive...
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A Civ Quest that is a continuation of my old one, Chronicles of Nation, that picks up a hundred and fifty years where the last one came to an end.
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The world was changing and the People were unsure of what to do. The monsters were gone for now...
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The People had been wanderers for as long as anyone could remember, moving from place to place...
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The new world of a people.
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Change is in the air. 'Inauspicious times,' say the elders and mystics, to a one. The winds...
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You and your people had been fleeing for a long time. Fleeing from other people. Fleeing from...
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Friendship and harmony are the sustenances of the Equestrian civilization, but what about...
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I'm having a go at a Civ Quest. The players decide the course of a civilization, starting from...
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You had vague memories of "Before"... you are not sure but... you died? It's strange but you are...
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You arrived at the island by mistake. You know not whose mistake it was, but they couldn't have...
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If the 20th century was defined by the two world wars it saw and the one it avoided, the 21th...
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With all that was happening in the past decade and in recent days, it was a miracle that the...
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Greetings stranger. Take a seat by the fire. You are cold? That is normal in these dark days...
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Their walk had been long, longer than memory. It was the only way of life that the tribe had...
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Pristine plains sweep as wide as eyesight can reach. There is no pollution, no slightest buzz of...
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My name is Astra Myst and today I am finally an adult! Well, technically the ceremony isn't...
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