Epoch: A Grand-Strategy Quest

[X] [Execution] He will be sacrificed to your gods by Haggai.
[X] [Husband] Jarrix
[X] [Movement] Stay Here
[X] [Gift] The Pouch of Seeds
[X] [Darthom] Send Emissaries
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Arthellion on Jan 21, 2019 at 11:37 AM, finished with 57 posts and 24 votes.
Arthellion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Civic Total: 41
41 41
Arthellion threw 1 14-faced dice. Reason: Canoes Total: 4
4 4
Arthellion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mil Encounter Total: 24
24 24
Arthellion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DarthomF Total: 46
46 46
Arthellion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DarthomH Total: 92
92 92
Arthellion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DarthomT Total: 17
17 17
Cool quest. I'm going to share a few musings:

The combat mechanic is extremely random and luck-dependant. Remember that the chances of throwing more than 50 lower than the opponent on a D100 aren't that bad. Throwing that badly twice in a row isn't exactly unheard of either. The consequences of losing even one round of combat are extremely devastating as well. Remember the first combat, where half of our warriors died in one round? One more throw like that and it would have been game over, at least for this tribe. All this means that every combat is a significant chance of elimination for our tribe.

Considering the above, we should never enter total annihilation battles, at least if we care about continuing to play this particular tribe. We really have little reason to do so anyway. We don't need anymore population, as I don't think nomads like us can support and feed much more that what we currently have. We only need enough population to scare off attackers anyways, before we get agriculture. Tech stealing might be worth an all in battle, but probably not without permanent settlements to threaten us.

There is also an extremely weird feature of our tribe, and that is that women have many husbands. I don't know what weird historical pre-quest turn of events made that happen, but it can't continue. We already have about equal amounts of men and women. With men continuing to die unequally in wars and migrations, the ratio is only going to get worse.

Even if the men/women ratio stays equal, women having many husbands is a bad idea. Easy math tells us that if those women who marry get two husbands each, half of our tribe's women are left without husbands. I wonder if the unmarried women have a lower social ranking in the tribe? In any case, considering the attrition we have with wars and migrations, we can't have nearly that many women not making babies. Almost every woman of the old Rikud tribe is probably currently without husbands, while the rest of the Veles tribe women all have multiple men for themselves.

The Birth Rate tells the truth: even after being twice blessed by the fertility goddess, only 15% of females are pregnant at a given time. Generously counting away half of the tribe as children and the elderly, and taking into account a high estimation of a 50% infant mortality rate, this still means that no more than 60% of childbearing-capable women are pregnant in a year. Remember that the multiple blessings of the fertility goddess are only a temporary boost as well.

Remember that the Death Rate in the first page doesn't cover violent deaths, at least not wars and migrations. I think it only covers adult diseases, accidents and aging. Child mortality rate is probably included inside the Birth Rate number as a hidden negative modifier.
Cool quest. I'm going to share a few musings:

The combat mechanic is extremely random and luck-dependant. Remember that the chances of throwing more than 50 lower than the opponent on a D100 aren't that bad. Throwing that badly twice in a row isn't exactly unheard of either. The consequences of losing even one round of combat are extremely devastating as well. Remember the first combat, where half of our warriors died in one round? One more throw like that and it would have been game over, at least for this tribe. All this means that every combat is a significant chance of elimination for our tribe.

Considering the above, we should never enter total annihilation battles, at least if we care about continuing to play this particular tribe. We really have little reason to do so anyway. We don't need anymore population, as I don't think nomads like us can support and feed much more that what we currently have. We only need enough population to scare off attackers anyways, before we get agriculture. Tech stealing might be worth an all in battle, but probably not without permanent settlements to threaten us.

There is also an extremely weird feature of our tribe, and that is that women have many husbands. I don't know what weird historical pre-quest turn of events made that happen, but it can't continue. We already have about equal amounts of men and women. With men continuing to die unequally in wars and migrations, the ratio is only going to get worse.

Even if the men/women ratio stays equal, women having many husbands is a bad idea. Easy math tells us that if those women who marry get two husbands each, half of our tribe's women are left without husbands. I wonder if the unmarried women have a lower social ranking in the tribe? In any case, considering the attrition we have with wars and migrations, we can't have nearly that many women not making babies. Almost every woman of the old Rikud tribe is probably currently without husbands, while the rest of the Veles tribe women all have multiple men for themselves.

The Birth Rate tells the truth: even after being twice blessed by the fertility goddess, only 15% of females are pregnant at a given time. Generously counting away half of the tribe as children and the elderly, and taking into account a high estimation of a 50% infant mortality rate, this still means that no more than 60% of childbearing-capable women are pregnant in a year. Remember that the multiple blessings of the fertility goddess are only a temporary boost as well.

Remember that the Death Rate in the first page doesn't cover violent deaths, at least not wars and migrations. I think it only covers adult diseases, accidents and aging. Child mortality rate is probably included inside the Birth Rate number as a hidden negative modifier.

You are correct. At this early stage, warfare can be devastating.

Really appreciate your insight into mechanics. There are some things I'm still tweaking as we go.

I'll say this is very much a Beta version of a game system. So I ask people please be gracious if the system gets wonky at times and I have to manipulate things.
Year 4.2

Stay Here
No Change

Bash Head in
Chief Authority Increased

Husband Jarrix
See Vshera Update

Pouch of Seeds
Learn Agriculture
See Jarrix Update

See Foreign Update​

You feel something compel you to take the pouch of seeds. As your hand touches it, pain wracks your body. You feel piercing daggers assault your brain with knowledge that is not yet yours. You writhe and struggle, but soon the pictures become clear. Eventually, the pain subsides and you find your head resting in the lap of the Queen. She smiles down at you and you feel yourself grow warm all over.

The Queen whispers into your ear,

"Everything has a price, child. Go to your people with this knowledge...show them my power. I have given you great knowledge, but now, your people must worship me."

You swallow hard and struggle to stand. The Queen of the Forest and her creature have already faded into the trees. You feel a primal need rise up within you and you rush back towards the tribe. Several scouts see your approach and attempt to stop you, but you stop them with a command,


They look at each other, but choose to follow you. You make your way to the fertile clearing by the river. And you begin to work. Months pass and your people watch you in confusion. Eventually, some of the younger children begin to help you in your free time. You teach them the knowledge the Queen gave you. You till the ground. You work it. And soon...a harvest is ready:
You show your people how to make food from the wheat. It is the most delicious thing you have ever tasted in your life. Your people look at you in awe for the knowledge you have brought them. You state:

Religion Shift?
(This will potentially change your Religious Tradition)
[] [Religion] Our gods have blessed us with this knowledge!
[] [Religion] I am Divine! Worship me!
[] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[] [Religion] The Gods are dead. Let man rise!​
You stand over Frieza's bloodied corpse. It had been hard to kill Geo, but Frieza was much more frail, having just given birth to a child. You looked over to where Germa was already cooing at her new baby. It was a boy. You hoped that child would grow strong. You turned your attention away from the corpse and let Haggai dispose of it. Many in your tribe were currently working with Jarrix and this new source of food. You smiled. It was time.

It was late evening when you found him. He was standing off to the side, guarding the harvest. He looked so focused. You felt a thrill enter you. He would be a good husband. Harsh and powerful, but good. You approached him and he nodded towards you. The two of you had not spoke much, but you could see it iin his eyes that he felt the same. The young bo- no man now, gazed at you. You offered a confident smile.

"You have brought the tribe a great gift. Thank you."

"You are welcome, Vshera."

The way he said your name made you shiver. It was said with such heat. You stood tall and spoke simply,

"Jarrix, if you would have it, I would like you to be my husband."

Jarrix seemed to pause and he gazed towards you. After several moments he spoke,


Your heart dropped.


"No. I will not be a part of your harem. I refuse to be used by some woman and then discarded once I am old."

You felt anger enter your heart and you spoke heatedly,

"It is my right as a woman to choose my husbands. Even more so as Chieftess!"

Jarrix scowled at you,

"In the Rukad, each woman only had one man. And each man only had one woman. If you want me...then you must choose me only. I will kill any other man who would lay with you."

His words both angered you and excited you. It broke with tradition. The women would be angry. You said,

Marriage Tradition
[] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[] [Marriage] The Veles will maintain our current practices.

The words spoken. The results would become clear in time.

You called a meeting with the tribe. Your tribe would:

[] [Movement] Stay Here
[] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[] [Movement] Move North
[] [Movement] Move South
[] [Movement] Move West

Unlocks: Hamlet Settlement

Tech Choice
[] [Tech] Pottery (0/4000)
Unlocks Granary Building.

[] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
Can Herd Animals

[] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
Unlocks Shrine Building. Unlocks Great Prophet Class.

[] [Tech] Mining (0/4000)
Unlocks Mine. Unlocks Stone Weapons.

Civic Chosen: Foreign Trade
Roll: 41
Great Leader: +75
Many Gods: +10
Egalitarian: +10
Population: +9

No Cities in Which to Build

Canoes Built: 4

Total Military Units:
42 Brutes
18 Canoes
Hero: 1 Hero

No Encounter

Send Emissaries
Your emissaries are sent to meet with the tribe. The Tribe greets you friendly and do not try to attack. Your emissaries attempt to communicate with the Darthom. They speak, but do not possess any words you know. Through gestures, you learn that they bare the name Darthom. Your emissaries, through gestures, communicate a bit and your two tribes exchange clothing and some food.

The Darthom stay in that location for a few months, but soon leave when it becomes apparent that they need more food. You learn very little of their language, but enough to know they will be friendly if you see them again.

Foreign Trade Boosted (Reduce to 2000).

Increases by 2

Vote Format
[] [Religion] ???
[] [Movement] ??
[] [Marriage]???
[] [Technology] ???
[x] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will maintain our current practices.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
[X] [Tech] Pottery (0/4000)
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[x] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!

Because pissing off a Goddess is bad.

[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.

See Paroni's argument above.

[X] [Movement] Settle Here
Fertile Clearing +Friendly river

[X] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
Because I want to found a religion sooner rather than later.
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
Can Herd Animals

Not pissing off the friendly goddess. Astrology helps keep her happy.
Clearing by a river, sea access, island right across from us. Seems like a good place.

P.S. changed to animals, looseanons right
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[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!

We do not want a pissed of spirit/goddess/ whatever the Queen is.
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!

The other options seem far more interesting, but this is the right and proper thing to do. And if Jarrix is anything, he's right and proper.

[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.

Jarrix killing it yet again, favorite character so far.

[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)


[X] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
Unlocks Shrine Building. Unlocks Great Prophet Class.

Switching my vote to astrology because fishing should provide a significant substitute of protein and astrology seems even more important now that Gods are a confirmed thing.
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[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
Can Herd Animals

As for the marriage thing, spin it as a Hero Tale. He went out, fought, showed mercy, was rewarded by a goddess and asked for a boon.
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[X] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
[X] [Religion] Our gods have blessed us with this knowledge!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will maintain our current practices.
the big negative that will have most woman dislike her for it and likely some men that hope to have a chance with her and i don´t think the outcome of that is likely not something we are going to like.

[X] [Movement] Settle Here

[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
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[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!

Let's not anger the Queen of the Forest. This would likely change our religion to monotheism. Wonder how it will affect the boons of the four Gods that our people are praying to.

[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.

Hope Great Leader can settle this without much disruption from the women in the tribe.

[X] [Movement] Settle Here
[X] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
[X] [Tech] Animal Husbandry (0/2000)
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will maintain our current practices.
this is a very big negative that will have most woman dislike her for if we go for it and the outcome of that is likely not something we are going to like.

Short term pain for long term gains.

We really need to switch from polygamy to monogamy if we want to keep our population going.

Let's not anger the Queen of the Forest. This would likely change our religion to monotheism. Wonder how it will affect the boons of the four Gods that our people are praying to.

I'm wondering if it will be monotheism or nature. It might also be we have a more focused polytheism. Apparently the other gods still exist, this just means we focuse exclusively on worshipping the queen I guess. We prolly will lose the fertily blessing :(
[X] [Religion] The Queen of the Forest Gave me this knowledge! Worship Her!
[X] [Marriage] The Veles will shift to the Rukad Tradition.
[X] [Movement] Settle Here
(Founds your first city)
[X] [Tech] Astrology (0/2000)
Short term pain for long term gains.

We really need to switch from polygamy to monogamy if we want to keep our population going.

and why would that be the case ?

polygamy is not suddenly going to lower the amount of kids our pop can have/will have (that would be more our "laws"*).

*the law just needs to get shifted from death to this being a bothsided thing so that not just woman can have a harem which i see as more likley to happen then us shifting the tradtions is such a radical manner
and why would that be the case ?

polygamy is not suddenly going to lower the amount of kids our pop can have/will have (that would be more our "laws"*).

*the law just needs to get shifted from death to this being a bothsided thing so that not just woman can have a harem which i see as more likley to happen then us shifting the tradtions is such a radical manner

See the following argument

There is also an extremely weird feature of our tribe, and that is that women have many husbands. I don't know what weird historical pre-quest turn of events made that happen, but it can't continue. We already have about equal amounts of men and women. With men continuing to die unequally in wars and migrations, the ratio is only going to get worse.

Even if the men/women ratio stays equal, women having many husbands is a bad idea. Easy math tells us that if those women who marry get two husbands each, half of our tribe's women are left without husbands. I wonder if the unmarried women have a lower social ranking in the tribe? In any case, considering the attrition we have with wars and migrations, we can't have nearly that many women not making babies. Almost every woman of the old Rikud tribe is probably currently without husbands, while the rest of the Veles tribe women all have multiple men for themselves.

The Birth Rate tells the truth: even after being twice blessed by the fertility goddess, only 15% of females are pregnant at a given time. Generously counting away half of the tribe as children and the elderly, and taking into account a high estimation of a 50% infant mortality rate, this still means that no more than 60% of childbearing-capable women are pregnant in a year. Remember that the multiple blessings of the fertility goddess are only a temporary boost as well.

Remember that the Death Rate in the first page doesn't cover violent deaths, at least not wars and migrations. I think it only covers adult diseases, accidents and aging. Child mortality rate is probably included inside the Birth Rate number as a hidden negative modifier.
:o Oof, I just realized that because we are being pressured to marry so early, it kind of sets a precedent for pubescent forced Marriage.
