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Quests Archive

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It is the year 1975 and the world of TNO is unrecognizable from just ten years. The Second West-Russian War ends with neither the Russian Bear nor the German Eagle able to decisively defeat the other, Japan licks its wounds from its defeat in the Third Sino-Japanese War while America falls into darkness. Amidst all this chaos, the red star shines once more across the entire globe as the specter of communism returns again to haunt the world and the Comintern is reborn in the fires of...
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The year is AD 8993. Alfred the Great, First King of the Anglo-Saxons, has ruled the throne of Wessex for generations. With his wisdom and strength of arm at the helm, Wessex has flourished and thrived even with the constant pressure of Viking attack lingering in the back of all men’s minds. But Alfred’s time is coming to a close. His Thanes held the line for generations, but they are not enough. Not in the face of such rabidly ferocious Norsemen. Wessex needs Knights. Will you answer...
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In the year 1918, an Alien race known as the Sirens invaded the Earth. It is now 1941. Peace remains elusive.
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In this quest, you will take control of an alternate version of Rome that haven't take over Italy, will you lead it to greatness, or ruin?
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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are the ideals for which the Thirteen Colonies rose up in revolution against the British Empire. You are one of those souls fighting for freedom.
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John Wilkes Booth’s infamous assassination of Abraham Lincoln was only one of several planned killings in a conspiracy meant to destroy the Union’s leadership in a single stroke. In our timeline, it was the only successful murder committed on that fateful night. In this timeline, there were more—and the quest puts us in the shoes of those who are left to pick up the pieces…
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Picture this: humanity never got to be at the top of the food chain! From the dawn of time, humans have been running scared from all sorts of terrifying things. Bigger enemies, magical throat-slicing elves, and non-stop predators. Sound like fun? Well, this new isekai quest says, "Yes, please!" Humanity has finally found a little peace in a rift valley after generations of wandering. But, guess what? That peace may end at any moment—and it's time for YOU to step up! Pick any...
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In 2360, at the end of a blood-soaked war started by a martyred dictator, the power-hungry CEO of Stahl Industries unleashed a genocidal weapon on the inhabitants of Helghan. In the months that followed, blood and water flowed in equal measure as tyrant battled tyrant until, at last, the people cried out as one and those that would see them ground underfoot were silenced. Since those seven days in May and the Adenium Revolution that followed, much has changed on Helghan...
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Taiwan and Menagerie, two separate peoples from two separate worlds, have been forced together via either an act of god or something more phenomenal. Now led an alliance of both these people to survive the world that is Remnant.
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In debt to its enemy and ally alike, the Franco-British Union is left empty handed with the conclusion of WW2. America breathes down its neck, demanding its pound of flesh to pay off its own debtors. Capricious politicians in Washington threaten FBU stability with one of their many, many mood swings, while colonials demand independence with ever greater voices. They find willing backers in their fight for freedom in Moscow and Tokyo. It is the task of the London to stave off the inevitable...
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The Presence and the Pawn. A Pre-Wow Warcraft Quest where you take control of a unnatural presence and try and lead a unlikely hero to success via gentle nudges, whispers and pushes. The quest starts a few years before the first war and you must prepare your hero and yourself to stop the scourge and ensure the Burning Legion never enters this world.
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You are in command of Regiment during the American Civil War and must guide its way to victory for either the Union or the Confederacy. History is in your hands.
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From the chaos of the French Revolution, an extraordinary figure rises from obscurity. You are Napoleon Bonaparte. Will you be the Revolution's savior, or the man who crushes it underfoot?
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Starting out as a cloud of dust and gas in a very Earthlike orbit, you are now a super-Earth with a burgeoning biosphere restored to your birth orbit after a long trek in the icy reaches of your system. Only one problem, though: your oceans are freezing.
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In the 1930s, an unknown alien empire sends agents to Spanish anarchists with the duty of uplifting them to total planetary control. Lead a faction of the CNT-FAI to conquer planet Earth with their technology, all the while dealing with internal intrigue and the mystery of the aliens' reasons.
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Take control of the UAPR, a Marxist-Leninist party-state established in the aftermath of the American Collapse, and lead it into the fight against foes both internal and external.
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A redo of my caveman riot quest
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The Cold War between the two superpowers finally ended when a new threat emerged against which conventional means were useless. This brought a new era of cooperation between the USSR and the USA, but could not completely resolve the issue of competition. Lead the Soviet Protectorate and make it an important part of the parahuman community.
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In the dreaded year of 1997, a new Marvel is born from the brink of financial collapse. And from it, a new age of entertainment, one bound to shake the world in its own way!
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The War to End All Wars has come to its bloody end. See to it that you win the peace.
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On a flat Earth, the nations of the world have coalesced around an effort to cross the all-encompassing ice wall. It is now up to you to prepare for and, eventually, embark on an expedition to achieve that goal. Will you discover what lays beyond those towering glaciers?
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Your name is Theodore Sung. You have big plans. From attempting to pass off media taken from other worlds' internets as AI-generated content to cataloging millions of alternate Earths with each passing day, facing up against immense interdimensional empires, or even forging one yourself - prepare yourself for the madness that is the multiverse.
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The year is 1890, in the United States of America. Revolutionary movements are about to sweep the world in the coming decades: what's the fate of yours? In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Not political parties, but instead minor groups that would seek to either influence electoral politics or create change from outside the system. Examples you may be familiar with would be the Democratic Socialists of America, or the Black Panthers.
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Lead your Nation into a brave new world
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You are the Acting Commander of Installation ARKVALE, a self-containedgeofront-type city situated in Baja California, built to withstandthe Age of Singularities. Can you avoid having your citizens fall forapocalyptic meme-cults, gear your Models up to fight the beasts ofthe Biological Exclusion Zone and bechummy with the press, all while juggling moral quandaries, aback-breaking schedule and the looming threat of entropy?
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Your people thought themselves free and mighty as they fought against the terrible Wyrm of Abeir, until the blue flames took away all that you fought for, now the once proud rebels are scattered and broken, maybe you will have the might or the charisma to unite them or maybe the dream of freedom died with the Spellplague. In the end, only time will tell if you will succeed or not.
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Starting in 1970 and going onwards for as long as your legacy persists, try your best to guide what little of the Soviet space program you're in charge of and compete with contenders, domestic and foreign alike. Formerly: Orion's Arm Tech Company Quest,
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A child in medieval Ireland sees the passing of an Aeon and becomes a Pathstrider. Guide his dynasty, and shake the history of Europe.
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A straight-up retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula, though it could go off the rails... I swear there's secret state-tracking going on under the hood.
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