Testing Great Man Theory in A Fantasy World [Isekai Succession Quest]

@Murtox can I get a spot if its available, I've already made a character.

Name: Andreas Kross
Point of Isekai (POI): 1843
Appearance: (The image below)

(No gun though, that would be too easy)
Personality: Inquisitive, eccentric, obsessive but very patient (Has realistic expectations with the things he's obsessed with & is willing to put in the time and effort without expectation of immediate results for a long time.)
Attributes: 10 points (distribution is shown below)
Virtues: Patience
Sins: Pride (Is obsessive and refuses to half-ass things regardless of how petty or minor they are.)
Summary: An inventor/gunsmith from Prussia who is in charge of designing weapons and managing the factories & people that make them. He's the black sheep among a family of distinguished officers who chose to lead the making and improving of weapons for his homeland rather than leading those who use them to war as was expected. He's a quiet but patient fellow who's willing to be patient with those he works with & respects but has little patience for careless individuals who make avoidable mistakes (this was ingrained within him by his parents from a young age since officers who let their subordinates be careless will lead to their deaths and further ingrained through his time as a gunsmith/inventor managing others where little careless mistakes could turn into lethal accidents with gunpowder that could scar & take limbs).

-1 Lifetime Goal - Significantly improve the level of metalworking available to human society to at least iron age leaves of metal, creating the infrastructure necessary to make iron tools (or even steel if possible) moderately accessible to people for use.
-2 Secondary Goals:
A. Attempt to make a primitive hand cannon when the resources & capabilities are available (one that can make goofball size holes)
B. Originize enough followers & apprentices (regardless of clan) to make a metalworking guild to help create the necessary infrastructure & organization to preserve & further improve knowledge of metallurgy even after our death.
-2 Misc Actions -
A. Do your parents' & country proud and finally use the officer training installed within you from a young age to create an army (whatever is the equivalent in this age) to be rid of all the dangerous monsters around you.
B. Teach as many people as you can (especially the apprentices of the metalworking guild) how to speak & write in german and call it Reikspiel (I know what I'm doing here and I'm not apologizing lol).

Metallurgist- During his time as a gunsmith, he's been in charge of designing, smithing, and managing the creation of large quantities of gun barrels of all shapes, lengths, calibers, sizes, & rifling to cannons & mortars of all shapes and sizes. This has given him a very good understanding of how to smelt & shape a variety of metals to guns (and probably other tools) from wrought iron, steel, to even bronze form a particularly eccentric customer with a custom order (though that guns didn't last long).

Administration (Rank 4) - 3 points (bro owned a factory, managing a mini military-industrial complex in his own right that could arm a small army)
Diplomacy (Rank 3) -2 points (His patience & experience with managing many apprentices means he knows how to deal with others)
Intrigue (Rank 1) - no points invested
Lore (Rank 5) - 4 points (I wasn't kidding when I said this dude knew how to design & shape metals of any design or material, no matter the length or girth :p. Also being an inventor/gunsmith he's presumably got some basic knowledge of chemistry to know the properties of gunpowder and how that can affect a gun barrel, but not nearly as much as he knows about metals since making gunpowder wasn't something he was in charge of at any point.)
Fervor (Rank 1) - no points invested
Martial (Rank 2) - 1 point (He was initially trained to be an officer, and even then he's a Prussian from the 19th century, what did you expect?)
Prowess (Rank 1) - no points invested
Magic (Rank 0) - no points invested
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Can the Magnificent Hooves be used for cavalry or are they too aggressive to have riders? Also, if we chose them, do we still have a large enough population to breed them or will we have to catch more?
Can the Magnificent Hooves be used for cavalry or are they too aggressive to have riders? Also, if we chose them, do we still have a large enough population to breed them or will we have to catch more?

They are more the equivalent of livestock, not that you can't try and steer them for military use. All domestications will take a significant amount of time, so think of it as a long-term plan really.
[X] Lazy Snakes: Small serpentine-like beings that could burrow and hide in rocky areas, not poisonous or lethal to humans they possessed some nutritious values. They were easy to maintain, reproduce, and grow. Their diet consisted of roots, insects, and some greenery. These animals could also provide fat for some oil for medicine.
[X] Destroy the river raptor breeding grounds. The river must be exterminated if we are to continue living in this land and prosper. Many will die but this may secure our future.
[X] Diplomacy: If the clans can communicate with the Giants, then maybe there is a chance of peaceful coexistence. Though there are no memories of such a thing happening in any of the clans.

Do these events happen during the next characters turn or do they complete before the next character is isekaied?
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[X] Magnificent Hoof
[X] Clans will erect fortifications! Reduces Food bonuses due to the need to enclose and protect fields, but gains a bonus to defend of human villages and towns.
[X] Diplomacy: If the clans can communicate with the Giants, then maybe there is a chance of peaceful coexistence. Though there are no memories of such a thing happening in any of the clans.
[X] Clans will erect fortifications! Reduces Food bonuses due to the need to enclose and protect fields, but gains a bonus to defend of human villages and towns.
[X] The Wanderers take up arms! The clans go to war against the Giants, how many clans will sign up for this remains unknown but it will be an expensive affair nonetheless.
Fixed it.

Edit: @Murtox is there a time limit for how long people can take to make their characters? If that's the case then if someone in the list still hasn't made their characters yet, can someone in the waist list that already has a character made go?

I will probably have a 48-72 hour time limit, but for now, we will be going for waiting. Also, nope there will be a determined turn order for the time being.

The events happen during the character's next turn which for now will be a year after the previous character's death.
[X] Magnificent Hoof
[X] Destroy the river raptor breeding grounds. The river must be exterminated if we are to continue living in this land and prosper. Many will die but this may secure our future.
[X] Diplomacy: If the clans can communicate with the Giants, then maybe there is a chance of peaceful coexistence. Though there are no memories of such a thing happening in any of the clans.

Ok We use the Magnificent Hoof's as tripwire defences to screw any hostile attacks then we go on the offensive to kill the raptor's before they fully cement their position in the valley cause the more dug in they are the more difficulty to remove them in the future not to mention they will potentially disrupt/destroy the efforts of future player character's.

As for Giants we use diplomacy because we already commited to defeating the raptor's no need to start a 2 front war.
So @Murtox do I say I claim again to get a spot in succession quests?

I never really read up on how I can get my next player character in?

Righto, feel free to claim again. I may have to bump down players that already sent a character a fair bit down if we get too many claims later on but for now that's not a concern.

@digital2 Reminder that your turn for posting your character sheet is up! Not rushing though.
This is very neat. I'd like to join the waitlist as well. I have an idea about an Egyptian mason.
Attributes: 5+1d10.
Writing the longpost.

Name: Sutekh, the Mason
Point of Isekai (POI): 2542 BCE
Description: Sutekh is short and broad-shouldered. He has brown hair and tanned skin and a small forehead with a prominent nose.
Personality: Ever since he first saw the Red Pyramid, Sutekh has been single-minded in his pursuit to contributing to something so grand. He is a steady and patient man, one who shows up every day and works without complaint, one who does not slow or idle when the overseers look away, one who simply completes the task and then searches for the next one. He takes pride in this diligence. The others are all fat and lazy, supping on the gods' generosity and not properly thankful- But Sutekh works to honor them. The Pyramids and the great temple complexes shall last for ever. He can contribute to that, and be part of forever. Oh, and of course, ascend to the lavish lifestyle of a noble as a reward for such piety!
Attributes: 5+1d10.
Virtues: Diligent, Patient, Pious
Sins: Greed, Pious to the wrong gods (Stubborn)
Summary: The Phahroh Sneferu's majestic Red Pyramid was completed mere decades ago, a truly grand and majestic accomplishment of stonework and organized labor. Truly, the Egyptian people can achieve feats like unto gods. Through diligent labor and arranging all to perfection, the imperfect can create perfection. He learned masonry, stone-working, and the mathematics of planning and constructing buildings from his father, and has worked to improve his own skills in the hope of becoming a person of importance- Not another day-worker, but one of the designers who serve more directly to the grand personages. He has a wife and two children, and he provides for them, but they do not overmuch occupy his thoughts, which are centered on standing out in his work and achieving permission to work on ever greater edifices. First, houses. Then, shrines. Next, great temples!
-1 Lifetime Goal - Build a Temple Complex, Pyramid, Mastaba, or similar monument
-2 Secondary Goals: - Promulgate the Arch, spread worship of the Egyptian gods, especially Ptah the builder
-2 Misc Actions - Build a Boat, Get a Manor and Servants

Mason. With the ability and privilege to spend much of his youth preparing for and practicing one specific job, and furthermore greatly appreciating and enjoying the work, it is no surprise that Sutekh has become a mason and architect of considerable skill. Not only the bare work of putting stones in places, but all the logistics of preparing and transporting the stones, of shaping them precisely, of mathematical measurement and design to produce a satisfactory final result.

Administration: 6
Diplomacy: 4
Intrigue: 1
Lore: 3
Fervor: 3
Martial: 1
Prowess: 1
Magic: 0
Rockeye threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 7
7 7
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Righto, feel free to claim again. I may have to bump down players that already sent a character a fair bit down if we get too many claims later on but for now that's not a concern.

@digital2 Reminder that your turn for posting your character sheet is up! Not rushing though.
ok then I'll make another character sheet in a few turns.

oh I'd like to ask if I had a rank 5 character in magic does this mean he had magic during his time in earth as a wizard or is rank 5 purely his magic potential/max mana?

@Rockeye I'd like to ask where would you even build a boat, there's barely any water in the valley and the only visible body of water is on the eastern side of the known map?
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ok then I'll make another character sheet in a few turns.

oh I'd like to ask if I had a rank 5 character in magic does this mean he had magic during his time in earth as a wizard or is rank 5 purely his magic potential/max mana?

They get their magic after they arrive, maybe they were a charlatan or a "witch" on their earth life if you want to fluff it that way. So they would have to learn and do stuff with it to fully exploit it.

This is very neat. I'd like to join the waitlist as well. I have an idea about an Egyptian mason.
Attributes: 5+1d10.
Writing the longpost.

Added to the waitlist.
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I suspect the Magic stat is one's potential for it in this new world, but I'll wait for word of author on it, lol.
Could I claim a place on the waiting list as well, I'm planning on adding in literal Confucius if possible. I think his mixture, of governmental/societal policy along with the fact that he was actually an accomplished military man would add something to the scattered tribes of humanity.