Even beyond associating with the Greedfather, post the overthrow of a king noted to levy extraordinary taxes…
I think mentioning the Estates is important. Out position is extremely tenuous; we want to show the nobility we're willing to play. Immediately focussing on what we want therefore seems hazardous, especially if it seems to be to the exclusion of their desires.
Tax increases are really not what the plan says, yes Ordedus has the name "The Greedfather" and "The Lord of Gold" but he is the God of Trade, Wealth and Cities. It is not the kind of greed that disadvantages others, but rather the greed of seizing opportunities.
As I said, trade is down, we have to fix it no matter what we decide here, it's too important, speeches like this should give people a perspective on what they can expect from us right now.
Ordinary people are particularly interested in basic needs like food, I imagine the prices are not appealing right now.
The people we are giving the speech to are rich and or live in cities, the current situation is harming them.
Our finances are bad but everyone we talk to has the same problem, the plan will not be badly received.
Furthermore, the Estates do not need any assurance that we will respect them.
They just won a civil war and appointed us as a puppet.
Their idea of balance between Crown and Estates at this moment sees us as a figurehead.
We can't promise them to leave it that way, we need room for maneuver to address problems, otherwise we'll just be blamed for failure.