You're the Queen - Now What? [CK2ish Character-Focused Quest]

Voting is open
You must have posted just as I was rolling Queen 2, but yes, a pretty damn banging turn.
Lol and I just edited during this. Forums!

But to go deeper the Weak Succeses are:

  1. Correspondence for more tax assessments: Most straightforward I can think is the provinces assessed are less profitable than expected. Or that there's something (extra bandits, sudden drought, etc) that gets in the way of getting taxes
  2. Queen Action 1: I'd say marriage pool not as strong as we hope. Hopefully not that people notice the scyring and hate it. Using divination isn't that taboo right?
  3. Queen Action 2: Again, seems to be new rates not that profitable though I can see the complication being Vanessa steeping on the toes of the Estate. Gonna shill again for doing some social actions to hopefully establish actual allies/power base! Just "doing a good job" doesn't guarantee that!
Correspondence for more tax assessments: Most straightforward I can think is the provinces assessed are less profitable than expected. Or that there's something (extra bandits, sudden drought, etc) that gets in the way of getting taxes
In this case it just means only one of the two tax Assessments Rykall took on as extras gets done.
Using divination isn't that taboo right?
Depends on how you do it. Divination can range from vague foreseeing of the future to spying on intimate moments of someone's life and everything in between.
though I can see the complication being Vanessa steeping on the toes of the Estate.
A reasonable concern.
Turn 2 Income, Expenditures & Debt Servicing
Starting Treasury: 36 Dureks
Pre-Income Costs: 5 Dureks
  • 5 Dureks Spent on Rebuilding the Spy Network in Morvak
Pre-Income Gains: N/A
Income: 233 Dureks
  • Crown Holdings: 127 Dureks
  • Free Cities Taxes: 37 Dureks
  • Counties Taxes & Dues: 37 Dureks
  • Lordships & Towns Taxes and Dues: 32 Dureks
Expenses: 122 Dureks
  • Royal Administration: 42 Dureks
  • Wages & Supply of Royal Army: 70 Dureks
  • Basic Maintinence of the Crown & Palace: 10 Dureks
Final Income: 111 Dureks
Final Treasury: 142 Dureks

Outstanding Debts:
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis: 358.5 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (43 Dureks)
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 165 Dureks (10% Interest) (16.5 Dureks)*
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 83.25 Dureks (11% Interest) (9.25 Dureks)
Owed to the Royal Bank of Zedarsh (Zedarsh): 112 Dureks (12% Interest) (13.5 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 81 Dureks (8% Interest) (6.5 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 111 Dureks (11% Interest) (12.25 Dureks)

Total Interest To Be Added If No Debts Are Paid Down This Turn: 101
Example Plans
[ ]Plan: Just Above Bare Minimum Turn 2's Version (105 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay 44 Dureks to Previous Debts Owed by Syrokis
-[ ] Pay 17 Dureks to Axecavern Bank
-[ ] Pay 10 Dureks to Redhammer Bank
-[ ] Pay 14 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh
-[ ] Pay 7 Dureks to Individual Wealthy Merchants based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown
-[ ] Pay 13 Dureks to Individual Wealthy Merchants based in Zedarsh or Selissa

[ ] Plan: Wipeout Redhammer (83.25 Dureks)
-[ ]Pay 83.25 Dureks to Redhammer Bank

[ ] Plan: Payment Begins At Home (119.5 Dureks)
-[ ]Pay Interest on All Debts Except Eaglecrest/Port Lest/Westcrown Merchants (94.5 Dureks)
-[ ]Pay 25 Dureks to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants based on Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown

[ ] Plan: Old Debts Increase Fast (118 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay Interest on All Debts Except Previous Debts Owed by Syrokis (58 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay 60 Dureks to Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis

QM Note: Don't feel slaved to the example plans, they're just to give you an idea of what we're looking at here. Of course, if you like one of the example plans, go for it.

Voting will open in 1 Day, and be open for 2 days after that.
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So looking at our council here's some of my quick thoughts on them, mostly focused on what it'd hopefully take to keep them loyal:
  • Rykall Morn--whew honestly seems to be a godsend. Young and idealistic, so progressive policies are good to go and is very canny to go with it! That backstory--knowing the system well enough to sabotage it AND on the ball enough to be able to get the hell out when caught? Nice combo of traits. Think it'd be fairly easy to keep him loyal by doing what SV would naturally trend towards
  • Rucdorn Axecavern--Banker with firm family ties/general history in the kingdom. Seems like general prosperity, and not messing with his trade routes are his drivers.
  • Jarras Darach--Huh she/her order are influential but didn't take either side of the civil war and are mostly focused on The Necrotic Kingdom. Seems like she'll be not difficult to keep on side if we use her knights for general patrols/defensive action and DONT develop closer ties to the necromancers. Sorry necro fans!
  • Count Trovus--Ah the most troublesome one (for now). Conservative, blue blooded elitist...yet one of our biggest supporters for being on the throne in the first place. Gonna more into detail further down.
  • Lady Balmain Rescon--Mortal enemy of the above and on surface should be more aligned with SV's general tendencies. But has been presented as one of the two big powerbrokers in the country, so need to still be careful.
  • Lucas Trins--our other general! Got some egg in his face, but that seems to be from bad luck as opposed to being bad at his job or disloyal.
  • Rienne--we know what she wants, recruited her and she's down with our program. So long as we aren't stupid, loyalty shouldn't be a concern. Seems like she'd be cool to hang with.
  • Arandel Synvara--Okay I am actually kinda concerned about him. Mainly due to the "why did you take this job?" question. He's got the skills and connections sure, but that means he had other options. I'm not seeing anything that would drive him accept the diplomat offer. His block mentions he prefers his studies, and is a wanderer with no specific ties to this country. He hasn't been here for that long (relatively) and him sitting out the civil war reads as someone who doesn't really care about the social construct known as The Kingdom of Halrun personally. So why pry himself from his studies for this specific gathering of short lived mortals?
  • Itrick Grosdan--hasn't really popped up, seems to be general progressive minded justice. Interesting to note his age (75) and that he's older than the country

Okay Trovus. The dude who's probably most likely to cause issues from a combo of personal beleifs and the ability to act on them. And per the MC "Snobbish, arrogant and wealthy, the man thought that if you didn't have a title, and especially if that title didn't go back to before Halrun, at least, you were barely above gutter trash, no matter your wealth." Given how young Halrun is and his roots in previous Imperial bloodlines, I'd be concerned that he might have dreams of a new Empire and would start pushing for some sort of Manifest Destiny. But somehow contradictorily enough he was the driver behind a bastard being elected as Queen. So it seems like he can actually compromise and hold his nose for social stability--which would be nice and imply a pragmatism that can be worked with--and/or he legit believes magic is enough to count--something that almost parallels the idea of being able to 'earn' nobility.

I imagine he's feeling a little isolated on the council. Rykall is a commoner, Jarras depends on how old that knight family is and it "counts" to Trovus, Balmain is his mortal enemy, Rienne is explicitly an outsider, Trins is new-blood, Arandel is a complete outsider with ???? for family even if he is a mage and Grosdan is a peasant from before Halrun was a thing. Rudcorn is maybe okay due to length of lineage, but it depends on how of much of the typical noble disdain for merchants/trade Trovus has. It could be that he's kinda okay with this, since he thinks he "naturally" top of the peking lader and doesn't want proper competition butting in or he's inwardly seething at having to breath in commoner particles on a regular basis. Either way it looks like Vanessa is close enough to "one of the proper ones," (or good enough to puppet) that I think a social action to gauge him (and maybe even suck up) is in order.

I will note the QM gave a nice extremely obvious set of levers for him--those two young children. I'm not saying to be so obvious as like to ask to foster them right this moment, but he's a noble obsessed with blood so their futures ought to be among his primary concerns. A little nepotism for the kiddos could go a long way to winning him over methinks. Ala "I don't understand the desire to help the poors, but I can withstand it since she's seting up my legacy via xyz"
Wait, we have something like 100 duress of income per month?

That is WAY higher than I expected. So high thst I'm not actually very concerned about the debts anymore.
He hasn't been here for that long (relatively)
He's been living in Eaglecrest since before Halrun existed. Halrun has been his de facto home. he's not a Halrunian Nationalist, by any stretch, but he's at least of the opinion that Halrun existing is better than Halrun not. He did do stuff in other countries a lot, but he came back to Eaglecrest with some regularity.

Wait, we have something like 100 duress of income per month?

That is WAY higher than I expected. So high thst I'm not actually very concerned about the debts anymore.
Well, you do have other expenses that will come up, and the Roads are going to cost you quite a bit. And whenever you get around to improving the border defenses, that too will be expensive. So I wouldn't let the numbers go to your head, but I would say that while you guys might have a bit of an uphill road ahead, it's certainly looking better. Like I said last turn, Vallefor landing you as much as he did from the Selissan Banks was landing yourselves in a pile of Christmas, for being able to pay off debts. Gave you just enough to help carry you over the edge I think.
@Kylia Quilor If I remember correctly (Edit: It even says there😅) , the Front Companies reduce the cost of this action:

[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Openly Start Buying Raw Materials For the Roads (No Roll)
-[ ]Write In Amount to Spend (50 Dureks total to get all the raw materials if you do it at once. Overall Cost will rise somewhat if you do it piecemeal. If the front companies are successfully set up(can't be during the same turn as this action), cost will decrease, as will the potential for the costs to rise if done piecemeal)

Is there a way to know now to what extent our strong success in this matter is decisive, or is it not possible?

Wait, we have something like 100 duress of income per month?

That is WAY higher than I expected. So high thst I'm not actually very concerned about the debts anymore.

It was always more of an interest problem (over 100% annually), if we get around to reducing the debt noticeably we get the ball rolling.
But that's difficult right now, not a nice decision waiting for us if we compare it to the last turn.
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Is there a way to know now to what extent our strong success in this matter is decisive, or is it not possible?
it will reduce the cost to buy all the materials at once to 35 Dureks, whenever you get around to doing it. It also means that if you do it piecemeal, the costs will increase much slower.
He's been living in Eaglecrest since before Halrun existed. Halrun has been his de facto home. he's not a Halrunian Nationalist, by any stretch, but he's at least of the opinion that Halrun existing is better than Halrun not. He did do stuff in other countries a lot, but he came back to Eaglecrest with some regularity.

Aahhh I thought he was much more transient than that. If he personally cares about Eaglecrest that at least gives him some stakes in the existence of Halrun as a whole.
@Kylia Quilor Thanks, that really helps.

I think we should plan our repayment according to our costs next Turn.
That's why I would reserve 40 Dureks, 35 for materials and 5 for another spy network or whatever else we think is important.
I don't like it but I think it would be better if we don't try to solve the currency contraction as well, we need the rest for the repayment.

We can probably afford to be picky about repayments again and only repay those with the highest interest rates.

[ ] Plan: Highest interest rates first (102 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay 51 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh
-[ ] Pay 51 Dureks to Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis

If we split it up between two parties, fewer will feel left out than if we only repaid Syrokis debt or Zedarsh.
This means our debt should at least remain at about the same level.
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Aahhh I thought he was much more transient than that. If he personally cares about Eaglecrest that at least gives him some stakes in the existence of Halrun as a whole.
It is a fair concern to a point - an elf who was once in the company of the Avesiyan Seers is always someone who might have other loyalties, but the Seers are no enemies of Halrun, and they operate on Decades long timescales (at a minimum) and there's no proof Arandel is still working for them.

But the Estates wouldn't have put him on the short list if they had any reason to suspect his general loyalties in general.
I think we should plan our repayment according to our costs next Turn.
That's why I would reserve 40 Dureks, 35 for materials and 5 for another spy network or whatever else we think is important.
I don't like it but I think it would be better if we don't try to solve the currency contraction as well, we need the rest for the repayment.
I disagree. Fixing the Currency Contraction will help bring in a bit more money with which to repay debts. The whole thing is a marathon, not a race.
You make it sound like paying back debt is useless unless its in a 100% lump sum, and thats just not how things work.

Interest is, of course, by percentage

Therefore, lessening the base amount will still have the net positive effect of making less money owed next time

Chipping down debt, halving a debt, is a viable strategy for controlling debt.

So I will always be confused by any arguments on this kind of basis.

Vote will come if things aren't shut down by the time i get back from laundry
Well, the issue is that if we only repay our debt with 62 Dureks and do not pay any interest, then our debt total and interest will still grow rather than fall, even if one of the loans get smaller.

Outstanding Debts, if repaying 62 Dureks of the loan from Zedarsh before interest:
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis: 358.5 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (43 Dureks)
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 165 Dureks (10% Interest) (16.5 Dureks)*
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 83.25 Dureks (11% Interest) (9.25 Dureks)
Owed to the Royal Bank of Zedarsh (Zedarsh): 50 Dureks (12% Interest) (6 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 81 Dureks (8% Interest) (6.5 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 111 Dureks (11% Interest) (12.25 Dureks)

Outstanding Debts, if repaying 62 Dureks of the loan from Zedarsh after interest:
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis: 401.5 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (48 Dureks)
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 181.5 Dureks (10% Interest) (18 Dureks)*
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 92.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (10.25 Dureks)
Owed to the Royal Bank of Zedarsh (Zedarsh): 56 Dureks (12% Interest) (6.75 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 87.5 Dureks (8% Interest) (7 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 123.25 Dureks (11% Interest) (13.5 Dureks)

The interest would then be 93.5 Dureks and our debt total would grow from 910.75 Dureks to 942.25 Dureks and the interest will grow from 101 Dureks to 103.5 Dureks, so I would not say only paying 62 Dureks would have a net positive effect of making less money owed next time, so we should repay more than that, if we want the debt and interest to get smaller.

Wait, we have something like 100 duress of income per month?

That is WAY higher than I expected. So high thst I'm not actually very concerned about the debts anymore.
Well, that is before we deal with the interest of our debt, which at the moment is at 101 Dureks, so it will still be a while, before we have repay our debt.

@Kylia Quilor Thanks, that really helps.

I think we should plan our repayment according to our costs next Turn.
That's why I would reserve 40 Dureks, 35 for materials and 5 for another spy network or whatever else we think is important.
I don't like it but I think it would be better if we don't try to solve the currency contraction as well, we need the rest for the repayment.

We can probably afford to be picky about repayments again and only repay those with the highest interest rates.

[ ] Plan: Highest interest rates first (102 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay 51 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh
-[ ] Pay 51 Dureks to Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis

If we split it up between two parties, fewer will feel left out than if we only repaid Syrokis debt or Zedarsh.
This means our debt should at least remain at about the same level.

I disagree. Fixing the Currency Contraction will help bring in a bit more money with which to repay debts. The whole thing is a marathon, not a race.
When it comes to a debt repayment plan, then the high end of money we will need next turn is likely 55 Dureks, 35 for material, 5 for spy network and 15 for minting. If we kept 55 Dureks in the treasury, then we would have 87 Dureks to spend, though the question is, if we actually need to keep that much money in the treasury, since we will first need to spend it next turn, where we will also have access to that turns income.

If we kept 40 Dureks in the treasury, then we would likely still be able to spend 55 Dureks next turn, since we in the worst case scenario just would repay less debt next turn and we would have 102 Dureks to repay debt with this turn, though I would prefer to spend it all on repaying Zedarsh, rather than splitting it in two.

[ ] Plan: Repaying Zedarsh first (102 Dureks)
-[ ] Pay 102 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh

Outstanding Debts, if repaying 102 Dureks of the loan from Zedarsh before interest:
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis: 358.5 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (43 Dureks)
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 165 Dureks (10% Interest) (16.5 Dureks)*
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 83.25 Dureks (11% Interest) (9.25 Dureks)
Owed to the Royal Bank of Zedarsh (Zedarsh): 10 Dureks (12% Interest) (1.25 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 81 Dureks (8% Interest) (6.5 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 111 Dureks (11% Interest) (12.25 Dureks)

Outstanding Debts, if repaying 102 Dureks of the loan from Zedarsh after interest:
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis: 401.5 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (48 Dureks)
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 181.5 Dureks (10% Interest) (18 Dureks)*
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 92.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (10.25 Dureks)
Owed to the Royal Bank of Zedarsh (Zedarsh): 11.25 Dureks (12% Interest) (1.25 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 87.5 Dureks (8% Interest) (7 Dureks)
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 123.25 Dureks (11% Interest) (13.5 Dureks)

If we look at the effect of repaying 102 Dureks of debt to Zedarsh, then our debt would fall from 910.75 Dureks to 897.5 Dureks and the interest would fall from 101 Dureks to 98 Dureks, so it would help with our debt situation.
When it comes to a debt repayment plan, then the high end of money we will need next turn is likely 55 Dureks, 35 for material, 5 for spy network and 15 for minting. If we kept 55 Dureks in the treasury, then we would have 87 Dureks to spend, though the question is, if we actually need to keep that much money in the treasury, since we will first need to spend it next turn, where we will also have access to that turns income.

If we kept 40 Dureks in the treasury, then we would likely still be able to spend 55 Dureks next turn, since we in the worst case scenario just would repay less debt next turn and we would have 102 Dureks to repay debt with this turn, though I would prefer to spend it all on repaying Zedarsh, rather than splitting it in two.
On the one hand, true. On the other hand, we have been warned that it's a good idea to have enough Dureks in the bank beforehand. And I'm leering of spending money we technically don't have at the given moment of the plan.
On the one hand, true. On the other hand, we have been warned that it's a good idea to have enough Dureks in the bank beforehand. And I'm leering of spending money we technically don't have at the given moment of the plan.
Well, we have an income of 111 Dureks before interest at the moment, so getting another 15 Dureks from that sum do not seem that difficult.
I disagree. Fixing the Currency Contraction will help bring in a bit more money with which to repay debts. The whole thing is a marathon, not a race.

Only if we don't become insolvent beforehand, which technically is the case if we can't pay the interest even with all of our disposable income. That's not the case now, but we're still very close. Even if this is unlikely, we can determine whether it is a 15 turn problem or a 30 turn problem.




Well, we have an income of 111 Dureks before interest at the moment, so getting another 15 Dureks from that sum do not seem that difficult.

If that were an option we wouldn't have a problem, but that was exactly our discussion last time that we should avoid that.
I think we need another clarification here.

@Kylia Quilor Would it be possible to spend 15 Dureks more than we have saved like Mortenkam suggests, do we have that leeway?
Wait, we have something like 100 duress of income per month?

That is WAY higher than I expected. So high thst I'm not actually very concerned about the debts anymore.
yeah gotta say this isn't super helpful. We have almost as much Interest on our debt as income after expenses, we gotta trim that.
@Kylia Quilor Would it be possible to spend 15 Dureks more than we have saved like Mortenkam suggests, do we have that leeway?
You do have that leeway, and it would be possible, but it is a very dangerous habit to get into, and your creditors and future creditors will notice if you ride the edge like this too often. While (spoiler alert) it won't happen with early turns income because I'm not trying to screw you over, eventually, things that can cause significant disruptions of tax collection may happen, at sometimes inconvenient times. Random events, essentially. Or other emergency action items.

And if you ever find yourself with a net negative treasury after your income turn, because of such random events, you get an emergency loan, which will cover the shortfall, at 20% at minimum, increasing every time you need an emergency loan. Do this enough, and no one will ever lend you money for quite some time, if ever.

If you do get to that point, I'd start planning Vanessa's escape.
So we can get away with it this time, but as I said, let's do it as little as possible.

[] Plan: Repaying Zedarsh first (102 Dureks)
-[] Pay 102 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh
Even with Kylia Quilor's explicit statement on the matter, I am downright frowning at the idea of spending more than we have and will vote against it, especially on a theoretical plan where we still don't know if anything interesting happened yet. I'd also prefer completely nuking a debt over only nearly doing as much (but 1-2 dureks at the level we ride at is probably not a big deal).

I understand that consensus is that this isn't going to happen often, if at all past this one occasion-I'm of the opinion that even this one occasion is one occasion too many and would gladly hold on buying the Road Materials for a turn (or dealing with the Currency issue) if it means we don't have to play loose. Part is just prudence; part is that while it's urgent I'd reserve this sort of strategy for when it's dire.

[] Plan: Zadresh Total Refresh (112 Dureks)
-[] Pay 112 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh

This plan will still let us deal with the currency contraption and leave us 15 flexible Dureks to spend wherever we desire.

Even if my prudence is ignored... Think on this, if we're going to be paying future money off anyways, what's 10 dureks more in that context when we make over 100 net per turn and are liable to make more over time? At that point, it's a saving of 1.25 Dureks (or 1 Durek, or 2), for absolutely no cost we wouldn't be already taking, even if I'd rather not take it at all.
Voting is open on the question of loan repayment plans.
[X] Plan: Highest interest rates first (102 Dureks)
-[X] Pay 51 Dureks to Royal Bank of Zedarsh
-[X] Pay 51 Dureks to Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis

Both have an interest rate of 12%, so there's no reason not to split the repayment.
The division will upset fewer people.
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Voting is open