[Winner] That one with the pleasing form. You don't know why it's pleasing, but you want to be like that one! (You start as a Mnemonic Juiblexian. You gain False Appearence and Mnemonic Echoes)
Generally speaking, oozes are blind creatures. You were no exception.
Of course, being blessed by the Lord of Slimes, you tracked your prey through other means. In some ways, your other senses were better then others. You knew when the smallest prey tried to scurry by, their pitter-patter of feet giving them away. You could smell when a good source of food was nearby, ready to be consumed. Sure, the range of your senses was short, but that didn't matter. Anything outside of your little world was unimportant.
But recently, your senses have become... more. You can now "see". You don't know why it is you "see". But within your "field of vision" - and you have no idea where you got that term from - you know what your prey looks like. That small grey thing moving fast. You knew the smell. You consumed many with that smell before. But now you had something to go along with it.
But recently, you've notice that your choice of prey have changed. They are rather tall, stand on two long things, with two more sticking out of them. On their top is a round thing. You don't know why, but you've become transfixed by it. And the more of them you consume, the more you learn of them.
The things they stand on are legs. The things out of their sides? Arms. Round thing? Head. More and more, you know this form. You study them as they digest within you. And the more you consume, the more they consume
And now, another one comes into your lair. And it... is... perfect.
It's look! It's shape! It's... everything. It's the pinnacle of everything you ever wanted in your life as an ooze. The way it moves, acts, makes noise from the hole in it's head - mouth! - everything. It's like the best thing in all of creation ever.
Then it hits you like a very heavy thing. You want it. Well, okay, you want to eat everything. But this is different. You want more then to eat it. No, you want it's form. You want to
be it.
You want it.
You NEED it.
And so you do. You quickly surround the creature, enveloping it within you. And as it struggles from within, you take note of everything you feel within. The feel of the skin. The color of each part of it's body. All the ins and outs. And slowly, you feel yourself becoming it. As the thing within slowly stops it's struggle, your body becomes more like it. You gain the arms. The legs. The head. Slowly, you are becoming like they are.
And then, somehow, a part of you burns through it's head and touches it's thinking organ. And you have a thought.
"I am."
Wait, what's a thought? And why are you having them?
Then you start to have
lots of thoughts all at once.
The wave of uplifting thoughts that are rapidly transforming you from a creature of instinct to a creature of rational though threatens to overwhelm you. The sensory overload crashes through you, as you learn new things in nanoseconds. Things like time, space, cooking, and love. You gain a glimpse of what they are, before a new concept takes it's place.
But you power through, absorbing the knowledge as if it were organic food. No longer are you driven completely by instinct any longer. No, the concepts of thinking has forever transformed you. You are like those whose form you craved. Not just in form, but in intelligence.
You once were blind, but now you see.
Select Your Class. You will start at Level 3. Here is a link to TVTropes, for a good description of what the classes can do (Remember to pick 5th Edition)
If you wish to use a Homebrew option, feel completely free to suggest it! Remember to link to the splatbook in question so I can examine it. Subject to DM Veto.
Suboptions will be voted upon in the next vote
[] Artificer
[] Barbarian
[] Bard
[] Cleric
[] Druid
[] Fighter
[] Monk
[] Mystic
[] Paladin
[] Ranger
[] Rogue
[] Sorcerer
[] Warlock
[] Wizard
[] Homebrew - Write In