Yeah, I was going "nope" on it dodging us, since it crit-failed the save and we rolled high on our stealth check. We are the stealthiest stealth blob that ever stealthed.
First off, working on the update. Good news is, since there is no combat needed, I should be able to write this up very quickly. And yes, you do get experience for winning the encounter. Experience will be given based on various things, so you don't have to feel like you have to murderhobo everything to level up. You'll get 450 XP. (I need to go check the table to see when you hit Level 4).
Second, I need a Wisdom (Perception) check. Due to how well you did here, I'll tell you the DC. DC is 18.
Third, you'll need to decide if you want to go with him or not. You did put it off to go chase the Will O Wisp, but now you must make a decision.
Yep. I try and have the thread roll the checks, similar to how the players would roll their own checks. Makes it feel more D&D. And it is generally D20
[18 - 1 (Wisdom) + 1 (Jack of All Trades) = 18.]
Congrats, you made the DC! Things are about to get interesting...
You got ninja'd by author. Jack of all Trades is probably gonna be pretty OP heading forward.
However, I'm extremely interested in hearing the angry wizard rant.
You got ninja'd by author. Jack of all Trades is probably gonna be pretty OP heading forward.
However, I'm extremely interested in hearing the angry wizard rant.
Jack of All Trades rounds down, so it bumps to +2 around 9th Level, and +3 at 17th. Still good, but probably not too OP. It will make your weakest checks better thought, so you can never discount that.
Wanna know what's really fun? Expertise. Double Proficiency Bonus, and at 10th Level you can pick two more skills your proficient in to gain that bonus. Your Performance and Deception rolls will gain crazy amounts of bonuses. More so if you boost Charisma or find proper magic items.
As a note, I'm not sure how much your finances are going to be a problem. You get free lodging provided you preform each night, and that there is actually an inn, which saves you money. Your Performance level is going to be good enough that even poor rolls can still get you a small amount money. Enthralling Performance charms a number of people, who would be inclined to give you money, or at least buy your drinks.
You got ninja'd by author. Jack of all Trades is probably gonna be pretty OP heading forward.
However, I'm extremely interested in hearing the angry wizard rant.