Hmm, people know of any good cellular energy resources we can try to replace our cellular respiration with, one not using oxygen? Because it'd be really handy to ditch our need to breath.
As far as I'm aware, literally everything on the planet functions off of O2 or CO2 respiration. I'm not even sure why you're trying to avoid it, there's so many other things you could cut out before you get to breathing. Not to mention humans are already hilariously optimized for endurance.

I mean, there's a few species of frogs that breath through their skin... I think.
[X] Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
[X] Myostatin in stupid, why should someone have to work for their muscles?
[X] His bones can use some toughening up, he can't fix them like you fixed your tail every time it broke. Luckily, you can do something very similar to the disease that gives weak bones, to give him strong ones!
[X] Improve his circulatory system and immune system allowing it to scrub his body of toxins much faster. Like Lactic Acid. Don't need heroes getting tired after running a couple dozen miles.
[X] With his permission, remove his need to sleep. It'll be a big lifestyle change, but will grant him eight more hours in the day to do stuff, and will keep him from getting tired when he really needs to do something.
[X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.

Additional Actions
[X] Get some Bullet Ants, and learn how they make their venom. Unlike the venom of your friends, Bullet Ant Venom is non-lethal allowing you to use it as a hero. Ah, you can already hear the bad guys screaming in pain.
[X] Maybe you should learn how to fight. There will probably be bad guys you can't just bite, so it'd be good to learn to punch them in the face. De-Kun probably could use practice getting used to his new body too.
[X] Stalk Investigate Bakugo. You want those stem cells, there has to be a way to get them. If all else fails, maybe you could blackmail ask him nicely.
[X] See if there's anyone else with interesting non-quirk physical adaptions.
[X] What would happen if you made yourself a second brain? Could you think doubly good?
[X] Protect your precious cinnamon bun, he can't survive being blown up like you.
[X] See if you can get a Darwin Bark Spider. It's silk is REALLY tough, and you could use it to weave a subdermal mesh which will, hopefully,make you effectively bullet and knife proof.
[X] See if you can expand your senses. Humans can only see three colors, how lame is that? And then there are all their other senses that are even weaker, leaving them effectively blind to the world compared to various animals and bugs. And don't get you started on the senses that people just straight up lack, like a platapus's electroreception.
[X] Geckos have super wall climbing abilities. You want that, so not only can you hang around on the ceiling, but you can give hugs that people couldn't everget out of.
As far as I'm aware, literally everything on the planet functions off of O2 or CO2 respiration. I'm not even sure why you're trying to avoid it, there's so many other things you could cut out before you get to breathing. Not to mention humans are already hilariously optimized for endurance.

I mean, there's a few species of frogs that breath through their skin... I think.
Most things do, but not everything. Hell, WE don't rely completely on oxygen, our muscles often make use of anaerobic respiration for bursts of energy. And while we don't need it, it'd still be helpful.
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Platypi also have this incredibly painful neurotoxin that can effect people for decades.

But mostly they're adorable.
We screw up rather big and complicated stuff. Like growing a new limb. What we are doing with De-kun is far simpler. Most of the things are simpler than the metabolism adjustment and we should have similarly big sample sizes. Metabolism is an entire system of checks and balances we have to rebalance. Myostatin is just flipping a switch from on to off.
Our biokinesis has been shown to be:
-Horribly inexact and problematic when trying to create new features from scratch based on the theory.
-Highly reliable when performing complicated operations that just splice a feature from an organism we have in our data store to another.
--We have in fact, found it pretty easy to just regrow/reconstruct limbs. We've even spliced poison glands from one creature to another, a horribly complex operation, with less difficulty than making minor original designs.

As such you have it the wrong way round.
Metabolism is easy, because we have a range of metabolism samples, from cold blooded, insect, to warm blooded and human. We know what works, and have a lot of modes to switch it to.

Messing with hormones, adding body parts and features we don't have a template for.
That's the kind of thing that gets us half killed instead.

[X] Stalk Investigate Bakugo. You want those stem cells, there has to be a way to get them. If all else fails, maybe you could blackmail ask him nicely.
Incidentally IIRC those stem cells are only naturally found in embryos and tumors.
May want to rethink that because the only way Bakugo was going to give pluripotent stem cells...
Adult stem cells can't become as many things as embryonic stem cells, but they still exist. So if you combine multiple multipoint cells with an in depth look at how each part off the body works...
Hey won't all these changes over tax his system or at try very least his mind were changing a lot about him relatively quickly.
Our biokinesis has been shown to be:
-Horribly inexact and problematic when trying to create new features from scratch based on the theory.
-Highly reliable when performing complicated operations that just splice a feature from an organism we have in our data store to another.
--We have in fact, found it pretty easy to just regrow/reconstruct limbs. We've even spliced poison glands from one creature to another, a horribly complex operation, with less difficulty than making minor original designs.

As such you have it the wrong way round.
Metabolism is easy, because we have a range of metabolism samples, from cold blooded, insect, to warm blooded and human. We know what works, and have a lot of modes to switch it to.

Messing with hormones, adding body parts and features we don't have a template for.
That's the kind of thing that gets us half killed instead.

Incidentally IIRC those stem cells are only naturally found in embryos and tumors.
May want to rethink that because the only way Bakugo was going to give pluripotent stem cells...
What I said was complicated was growing NEW body parts on someone. Not regrowing a pre-existing one.

And we aren't operating off of theory, all but one of the things I listed is present in various animals and people that we should have the information on. Like Metabolism. We know what works and doesn't with Metabolism, we will also konw what works and doesn't in bone structure and muscle growth and all that other stuff. The newest thing is the sleep thing, but that is explicitely written as with his permission.

Also, something you should note, Lindworm said that these changes we'll be doing to him are changes we already did to ourselves, rather heavy implying that we are not going to be using him as a test subject, only grabbing him after we figure out how to do it.

We've been getting "Save Data" from full grown creatures quite often, so I don't see why we can't get some from Bakugo.
Hey won't all these changes over tax his system or at try very least his mind were changing a lot about him relatively quickly.
Not really. I assume we'll manually re-adjust his digestive system and what not, so his body wouldn't be the one paying for it, and the muscle growth and what not wouldn't be taxing as it's making use of natural body systems. It'll leave him hungrier and wanting to eat more, but this is help offset by the improved digestive system, and being the present age I highly doubt he can't get enough food.
As for Mind, the only tax on it would be adjusting his mental body image and what not, which I don't think will be too hard on him, and if it is none of the changes I mentioned should be unreversable, especially if we keep a sample of his Save Data. It is also helped that we are doing this shit with his permission. Stuff would be harder on him if it was forced upon him, but none of this will be.
Some people just refuse to pay attention.
No, we are paying attention. We just don't agree with you.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ChildishChimera on Aug 31, 2017 at 4:05 PM, finished with 52 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X] Myostatin in stupid, why should someone have to work for their muscles?
    [X] His bones can use some toughening up, he can't fix them like you fixed your tail every time it broke. Luckily, you can do something very similar to the disease that gives weak bones, to give him strong ones!
    [X] Improve his circulatory system and immune system allowing it to scrub his body of toxins much faster. Like Lactic Acid. Don't need heroes getting tired after running a couple dozen miles.
    [X] With his permission, remove his need to sleep. It'll be a big lifestyle change, but will grant him eight more hours in the day to do stuff, and will keep him from getting tired when he really needs to do something.
    [X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
    [X] Get some Bullet Ants, and learn how they make their venom. Unlike the venom of your friends, Bullet Ant Venom is non-lethal allowing you to use it as a hero. Ah, you can already hear the bad guys screaming in pain.
    [X] Maybe you should learn how to fight. There will probably be bad guys you can't just bite, so it'd be good to learn to punch them in the face. De-Kun probably could use practice getting used to his new body too.
    [X] Stalk Investigate Bakugo. You want those stem cells, there has to be a way to get them. If all else fails, maybe you could blackmail ask him nicely.
    [X] See if there's anyone else with interesting non-quirk physical adaptions.
    [X] What would happen if you made yourself a second brain? Could you think doubly good?
    [X] Protect your precious cinnamon bun, he can't survive being blown up like you.
    [X] See if you can get a Darwin Bark Spider. It's silk is REALLY tough, and you could use it to weave a subdermal mesh which will, hopefully,make you effectively bullet and knife proof.
    [X] See if you can expand your senses. Humans can only see three colors, how lame is that? And then there are all their other senses that are even weaker, leaving them effectively blind to the world compared to various animals and bugs. And don't get you started on the senses that people just straight up lack, like a platapus's electroreception.
    [X] Geckos have super wall climbing abilities. You want that, so not only can you hang around on the ceiling, but you can give hugs that people couldn't everget out of.
    [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
    [X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
    -[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
    [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
    [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
    [X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
    -[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
    [X] Improve his circulatory system and immune system allowing it to scrub his body of toxins much faster. Like Lactic Acid. Don't need heroes getting tired after running a couple dozen miles.
    -[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
    [X]Kindly inform his metabolism that it isn't the Stone Age - you can stop hoarding that fat now. Get some muscles instead.
    [X] Fix his inefficient stomach and intestines they barely absorbs anything.
    [X] Dramatically increase his growth and other related hormones,and make his production of said hormones seemly and nearly,but definitely NOT endless. Because it time this shrimpy shrub to become a mighty redwood.
    [X] do a general tone up with his body like improving his circulatory system fixing weaknesses in his bones cleansing his organs of any contamination and clean his lungs things like that.
    -[X] Take your time it's much harder to fix any mistakes that you make on him.
Prologue 0.08 - Yuuko Shima
"Mom, where can I buy some bullet ants?"

"Check the internet, dear."

I took another sip of my coffee, too tired to look up from the paper. Oh look, that celebrity died yesterday.


"Kaede, why exactly do you want to buy bullet ants?"


"Okay, that makes sense."

I am fully aware that our child had a few, slight problems. Such as their obsession with bodily modification, the fact that their best friends were bugs with a taste for human flesh, and their complete inability to recognise dangerous situations whenever they appeared.

Now some of that may be down to me and my over-reliance on caffeine to function, which has led to some questionable decisions on my part, like right now, where I'm quietly expositioning to myself rather than paying attention to whatever Kaede's doing. Is that my credit card they've got? Meh, too tired to move.

However, the last problem is entirely my husband's fault.

Don't get me wrong, I love him very much, it's just… Well, he looks like somebody flayed a velociraptor, stretched the skin over a human skeleton, then broke the guy's back, legs and hands for good measure. When he's happy, it gets even worse, as their sheer number of teeth would give a shark pause. He's always in a good mood, which can be problematic.

In short, he looks terrifying. And making an impressionable young child associate something that every primal part of their brain is screaming at them to run from with happiness is generally going to produce some kind of nightmare fetishist. Not that either of us care about that, mind you - whatever makes Kaede happy.

But anyway, by far the worst part about him is the fact that he's a morning person.

"Yuuko ~ how's the decaf suiting you?"

I glared into the coffee with the intensity of a thousand suns; no wonder I was expositioning if I was drinking this shit.

"Aww, don't be like that, it's terrible for you anyway."

"Don't care, let me die in peace."

Ryou laughed, hugging me, despite the newspaper to the face he got in return. Kaede called from the computer room:

"Mom, what's your pin code?!"

"I don't remember - your father took my good coffee!"

"It's ten in the morning!"

"It's my day off, I can sleep in if I want!"


After I'd finally gotten some proper coffee, and felt less like a microwaved corpse, I started talking with Ryou about what to get as a reward for Kaede; they were graduating soon, after all. That, and after the heart attack last winter, they hadn't been to the hospital in over five months - a new record.

"We are not getting them bullet ants. Do you not remember what happened with the spiders?"

"Then I've got nothing."

It was certainly taking a while to decide on something; it was difficult to find things that Kaede both enjoyed and couldn't find a way to bring about the apocalypse with.

"...Maybe something that would be useful to them when they start at UA? Or just something to help them out in fights would be reassuring…"

Kaede was going to UA, it was an indisputable fact, but even so - the thought of our little Kaede fighting villains is more than a little unsettling. Pepper spray and body armor were ruled out as redundant, and while some kind of heromade weapon would be useful, they were bloody expensive.

"We could, I don't know, pay someone to let Kaede eat them?"

I stared at him, struggling to hold back the expletives.

"And then what happens if they go blabbing about how they can theoretically copy quirks? We wouldn't be safe anywhere! Hell - they don't even need to do that. What do you think would happen if they panicked while right next to their organs?"

He held up his hands in surrender.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't think."

"No, I'm sorry, it's fine, I just-" I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Maybe we should just go with your first idea."

"The explosives?"

"No, the bullet ants. At least it's just an upgrade to something they already have, rather than giving them the idea of synthesising explosives. That is not happening in my house."

"Hey, I paid for it. Oh, speaking of jobs, I've - er, got another… business trip… coming up later in the year, so, ah -"

"You're a terrible liar."

"I know."


AN: So, have one of these things. Doesn't feel right without some sort of break.
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@Lindworm524 Is the vote closed, or is there still time for me to research locations for Shima to go find the various specimens?
And do we have to include a vote to be careful and take our time with De-kun's upgrades? Some people went and voted for something, but it just seems like something Shima would know to do with her far more fragile friend.
Izuku a cute, Kaede a cute, Katsuki maybe starting character growth earlier.

As per usual, body horror leads to the best things. I'm not so sure about immediate full ham modifications on Dekun straight away though. But since its to do with quirks I trust Izuku to make the best of things and ask for adjustments or undos! Yaaaaay!

Also our parents are adorable wow owo
Wait, are we actually doing that huge list of things? Those only got 3 votes, out of the 12 'jumpstart his metabolism' voters.

Gah, our formatting this time was atrocious.
Wait, are we actually doing that huge list of things? Those only got 3 votes, out of the 12 'jumpstart his metabolism' voters.

Gah, our formatting this time was atrocious.
QM said we could do multiple things, and only about a third of that list is stuff to do to De-kun. The others are (mostly) unrelated to De-kun. Almost no-one voted for anything else for the Additional Actions, so the big vote doesn't really got any competition on that half. And the QM said that part of what factors on if a Additional Action happens or not is how good it is.
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You know I didn't realize it until now, but Kaede is basically Kirby.

Both eat other to gain their abilities, both are cute (in their own ways) and both are, upon further thought, completely and utterly terrifying.