Recent readers

It all began in China, Qingqing City.

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born...
Somewhere cold
It all began in China, Qingqing City.

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born.

Then it died, because the infant couldn't consume enough sulphur to fuel such a wasteful chemical process. In fact, the first quirks generally resulted in the deaths of the child and/or the carrier, either through other unusual chemical deficiencies, or through damages caused by their own powers. This eventually became less common, until it was normal for both the powers and abnormal biology to manifest later in life.

Far too quickly for most people, world became a superhuman society, exponentially more children developing 'quirks', and precisely no one knew what to do about it. In that world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

That profession was 'supervillain' as it turns out, but it didn't work out for very long, because a domino mask isn't fooling anybody when the mysterious super powered criminal and their full capabilities have been on the news for the majority of their childhood. Consequently, the first few 'supervillains' were arrested without too much difficulty. It was after villains gained the secondary quirk of a functioning brain that the profession of 'hero' became more widespread. The public had little trust in those with quirks, and the superhuman minority came to the conclusion that they would need to regain this trust or be driven out. And so the charismatic, admirable heroes came into being, and the world gained some semblance of order.

Until you started to ruin things for a certain area of Japan…


AN: So I got bored, and did this. Sorry if the writing style's weird, I don't really do anything like this much, but it's fun for now, so we'll se how far this goes. I have no middle ground between as realistic as I can and humor. Please point out any mistakes on my part - I am an idiot and will probably make a load that I won't notice until it's too late to change.

This will intersect canon, so understanding of source material is recommended for the best experience. Mainly because you can derail it as much as you want from there. Join the leage of villains! Summon Cthulhu! Destroy Endeavour's career! If you vote for it, I'll attempt to write it.

At the designated points in the story. Not just whenever. Even I have standards.

The first few parts will be a prologue, in which the actions don't have drastic effects, but will instead determine your starting abilities, what constitutes as in character, and a few other things I'm not going to tell you about. General rules apply, but the voting system I'm using is a bit different: you get one main action vote, and as many additional action write-ins as you can come up with. Additional actions are selected based on popularity, compatibility with the main action, and how interesting they are.

And yes, this is a deliberately vague explanation. Have fun!
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Prologue 0.01
The moment you accidentally swallowed a wasp was the most joyous moment of your admittedly short life. No, you were not some strange, four-and-a-half year old masochist that actually enjoyed the sensation of a wasp repeatedly stinging your stomach lining. You were excited mainly because you had just disabled the nociceptors in your stomach lining, reduced the wasp to its base proteins, and absorbed them.

Of course you were a four year old, not a biology teacher with self confidence issues, so you understood the process in a few simpler terms. To reiterate: you were excited because you'd turned off the bits that lit up and told you you were hurting and made the wasp like the other parts of you and now you were the best hero ever!

Or something to that effect.

To add context to the excited squealing that was starting to worry the daycare minder, one must understand the specific brand of existential dread that the past version of you had been experiencing for the last year or so. Normally it would be unthinkable for a child to have an emotional range greater than 'happy', 'sad', and 'murderous rage', but in a society in which the idolisation of heroes, the fact that you too had the chance to grow up to be a shining beacon of hope to the world, is so ingrained? Your parents' generation would read their children the achievements of real people rather than the stories they grew up on, matching and in many cases surpassing their offspring in unrealistic expectations. Your grandparents, as quirkless as the majority of their age group, would punctuate each visit with reminders of how lucky you were to be part of the 'next generation of heroes'. Even the education system was not immune, convinced that they would be known as the teacher of the the next All Might. Such a society could never last, but in a rapidly changing world, for those short years it seemed like anything was possible.

And so, for a product of that society, the revelation that one is quirkless would be something similar to finding out that Santa isn't real because he was eaten by a giant spider created from the accidentally viewed sex between the sentient manifestation of your family's secret hatred for you and a dead puppy.

You had been dreading this seemingly inescapable fact since you were three, when all the other neighborhood children had begun undergoing what was commonly referred to as 'super puberty', in which children with developing quirks gain the biological changes required to support their quirks, such as an increase in bone density so that they don't break their own arms from the force of a point blank nitroglycerin explosion, or an extra section of the brain dedicated to processing whichever of the various mental based powers they have - to say nothing of the aesthetic changes that occasionally happen for no discernible reason. It is so named only in part due to the superpower aspect; because puberty seems like a medium difficulty yoga exercise compared to the pain of having your skull reshape itself to accommodate a ten foot long tongue.

Worldbuilding aside; your parents were convinced that you were a late bloomer, and were not overly concerned. However, this was little comfort to you, as by this point the other children in the daycare had almost fully developed their quirks, and many were enjoying their newfound power over the weaker children. You were part of the latter category.

And all thanks to one little shove at one lucky moment, your life changed forever.

Well, that, and every action following it. Life changes, the above cliche statement doesn't make much sense if you think about it - but you weren't thinking about it, you were squealing excitedly over your newfound quirk.

After noticing the expression on the daycare minder, you internalised it, and tried to understand your quirk: you could… 'feel' everything happening in your body, and instinctively knew that you could change it in innumerable ways. As for what those ways were though, you'd just have to experiment.

Main action:

[ ] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it was… you try and find out what specifically about it let you affect it by attempting to change other not-really-you things inside and outside your body.

[ ] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...

[ ] You wait before attempting anything, intending to ask your parents for advice later. Your dad has a quirk, so maybe he'll be able to help.

Additional action(s):
[ ] Write-in


AN: Regarding the non-canon parts, I just had to fill in some of the annoying gaps that don't make sense as best as I could. I will probably regret this later.

As for frog waifu, google red bellied woodpecker skulls. That's got to hurt.
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[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...
-[X] And then go eat some flowers, ants,and something.

Time to kick canon in the teeth!
Edit: How about Kaede Shima as the character's name.
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[X] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...
[X] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...
[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...

[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it - hey! Is that a grass snake over there? It looks about the right size...
[X] Tell the snake a story about how its ancestor is devouring the roots of the world and one day you're gonna find it and tell it to stop!!
[X] Then go eat some flowers or something.
[X] Tell the snake a story about how its ancestor is devouring the roots of the world and one day you're gonna find it and tell it to stop!!
Is that a reference to something?

Anyway a part of me wants to figure out a way to horribly mutate other living things into horrible abomination (cough Izuku cough).
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[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it was… you try and find out what specifically about it let you affect it by attempting to change other not-really-you things inside and outside your body.
[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it was… you try and find out what specifically about it let you affect it by attempting to change other not-really-you things inside and outside your body.
[x] You think about how the wasp activated your quirk; it wasn't part of you, but somehow it was… you try and find out what specifically about it let you affect it by attempting to change other not-really-you things inside and outside your body.
-[X] And then go eat some flowers, ants,and something.
Prologue 0.02
[X] What a delicious looking snake

A shrill squawk caught your attention - one of the other children had just spotted the cutest little snake by his foot and you love reptiles and you - oh. You just ate it. The other child screamed even louder.

It flailed all the way down, until it reached your stomach and became you-but-not. Your eyes lit up; this was so much more interesting than the wasp - so many different parts that you didn't even know where to begin! Wait, now you did.

Unlike the mostly harmless grass snakes of other countries, Japanese grass snakes, locally known as yamakagashi, are not only venomous, but poisonous to boot. You would later reflect on this fact with the conviction that whoever named for them must have had a sick sense of humour, but you were currently preoccupied by the fact that the adorable widdle snakey had just caused internal bleeding. You frowned, attempting to disconnect the stretchy bits that made it move, and failing, which was strange, as you had thought that you could do that. You tried it with your left arm, and succeeded. Oh, it was probably because the snake parts felt different: the snake wasn't really you, so you couldn't change it as much. You were great at this deduction stuff!

As much as you wanted to play with the snake, now dubbed Nidhogg, you had to deal with the bleeding first. However, you were not one to let a little pesky haemorrhaging stop you - calling on the skills earned through the countless hours of gameplay sacrificed to the merciless gods of Low Battery, you scrambled for a way to save your data.

Tuning out the panicked daycare minder, you pored through the snake's coding, until you discovered, nestled inside its spinal cord, tiny pieces practically singing with [potential]. Spurred on by the concerning movements the choking snake was making, you [pulled] one of the fragments into yourself, and set about letting poor Nidhogg out.


By that point the daycare minder was crying; he was a good person, right? What had he done to deserve this? But now that weird little kid was going to die and the ambulance wouldn't get here on time and they were so going to get sued for this. At least they had managed to get the rest of the children to come inside, although they, like himself, were viewing the scene with mixed levels of dread and anticipation from the other side of the sliding glass doors. This was a choice they would regret. Particularly around the point when the now shirtless child put their right arm through the side of their own chest.


Once you got the hang of it, moving your organs around was easy: just keep your hand away from the arteries, blocking off smaller blood vessels and repairing tissue damage as you go. The secret is to lie down so that nonessential processes can be temporarily shut down in order to focus on more pressing matters, such as the hand in your chest cavity.

Fixing the damage to your stomach hadn't been too difficult, even with the snake venom complicating things, as you had previously closed off circulation around the bite area once you realised what had happened. Then it was simply a matter of [moving] the weird bad stuff the snake put in you and the lumpy blood from around where it touched out of the area, spitting it out, and [focusing] on the damaged area to accelerate the healing process.

Saying goodbye to Nidhogg had been difficult, but it was for the best; as you watched his bloodied form slither off into the undergrowth, you consoled yourself with the knowledge that he would find someone better than you, who would give him more from a relationship than you ever could.

But when it came to getting dried blood out of bedsheets?

You gave up, flopping back down onto the soaked hospital bed. It had seemed like a logical decision at the time; the doctor wouldn't let you leave without a parent because of some stupid reasons like "you've lost a lot of blood" and "you don't even know your own address" - you're nearly four-and-three-quarters, you don't need her opinion! Anyway, you'd had nothing to do after she took the potted plant you kept attempting to force down your throat, and so had come up with the bright idea of adding a second mouth, to avoid getting caught again.

One thing led to another, and you were soon in the process of deciding which organs you could merge into a larger stomach.

'What is that? It doesn't even do anything!? Don't need it. Those don't do anything yet, but I'm completely fine, so it's probably not important. What do those blobby tubes do?

Eventually, you were the proud owner of a greatly expanded stomach, as well as the proud recycler of your appendix, intestines (which turned out to be redundant, due to the fact that after a little practice using the snacks the doctor left you, you found that could do everything they were supposed to manually anyway), and undeveloped reproductive organs. There had been a bit of a problem when part of it had started dying for no apparent reason, but it worked fine after you had the idea of attaching more of the bleedy strings to it. Thankfully, the doctor had set up a blood transfusion before she left, inadvertently saving your life, not that you were aware of it.

Your secondary mouth connected directly to this, and took the form of a highly visible, vertical slit running from just beneath your ribcage to your pelvis. It had no complex mechanism behind it, no purpose to it being visible other than aesthetics; you would simply split the skin along the indent and shove your victim in by hand.

You'd wanted to add teeth, but you didn't have enough of whatever your teeth were made of to do it.

Unfortunately, you were now lying in a pool of your own blood from where your concentration had slipped earlier, causing one of the big bleedy strings to realise that it wasn't currently attached to anything for a second. This irritated you greatly, as you had been planning on not getting caught. The fact that the doctor would definitely notice your new mouth regardless of mess eluded you.

Oh well, at least you killed a few hours.

"Thank you for signing, your child is right through here"

"Hi, mom!"

You learned a lot of new swear words that day.


After the initial shock, your family were ecstatic that their little Kaede's quirk had finally manifested, disregarding how unusual it was that it didn't follow any of the established patterns that quirks did. This was mainly because you, being far from eloquent, lacked the vocabulary to properly communicate what you knew of it, and as a result, they were under the impression that your quirk was centred around eating potted plants while being unintentionally terrifying. Your grandfather was pleased. He'd bet some money on the quirk being related to the latter aspect.

Eating a plant was actually an incredibly disappointing experience. You'd assumed that you'd get to sense many more interesting parts from something so different to another animal, but all your preparation was for nought. No matter how many plants you tried, they all felt more like regular food than the snake or wasp: just a vague awareness of what it was made of. With fresh plants, there was a slight stronger sense of 'like you', but it was like the difference between trying to swim in a hurricane and trying to swim in a hurricane with a headache.

Your quirk was picky that way. What makes something 'like-you', anyway? You didn't know how to test it, and had no idea how to go about asking someone for help.

When the initial excitement of discovering your quirk began to fade, a whole week later, you realised that you had no idea what you wanted to do with it. On the same level that other children knew how far their joints could bend, you understood that you could change yourself in far more ways than you already had.

And you still had Nidhogg's 'save data' lying around...

You felt a little disappointed at your lack of creativity; you couldn't become a hero with just the ability to eat people, after all. What to do, though? You decided to look for inspiration.

Main action:

[ ] You watch [blue documentary], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw...

[ ] You read the start of [book about a different world of superhumans that is definitely not intended for your age range], and thought about how you could replicate what you read...

[ ] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…

Additional action(s):
[ ] Write-in


AN: Well, that escalated far quicker than I intended. Hospitals in that universe probably have to deal with a lot of weird shit, seeing as it's canon that small children are generally left to learn how to use their potentially dangerous abilities by themselves with little to no professional oversight.

To reiterate what you know of your quirk: you can 'change' yourself using a surgeon's tools, things like wasps and snakes with a hammer, and plants and food using only threatening glares. You can't switch tools.

Don't get used to getting automatic upgrades like this, though. Or such little input in what happens, it's just for the first few parts. That would just be boring.
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[X] You read the start of [book about a different world of superhumans that is definitely not intended for your age range], and thought about how you could replicate what you read...
[X] See if you can read about what all the parts of a human body is used for. You could do some better improvements that way.
[X] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
[X] See if you can read about what all the parts of a human body is used for. You could do some better improvements that way.
-[X] After that you watch a buttload of sci-fi horror movies from alien bioweapons are infecting and hunting down poor and hapless humans to horribly mutant monsters,and everything inbetween.
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[ ] You watch [blue documentary], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw...
The Blue Planet, or maybe Planet Earth. I'd guess we'd improve our animal-based shapeshifting, or maybe we'd gain aquatic abilities?
[ ] You read the start of [book about a different world of superhumans that is definitely not intended for your age range], and thought about how you could replicate what you read...
Too many possibilities to guess. It would be funny if it was Dragonball though.
[ ] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
Gurren Lagann. Being able to shapeshift a drill is actually pretty extraordinary. We'd have to be able to deal with the twist from spinning the drill, which is harder than it sounds. Or maybe we'd just try to copy the Beastmen.

[x] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
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[X] You read the start of [book about a different world of superhumans that is definitely not intended for your age range], and thought about how you could replicate what you read...
[X] See if you can read about what all the parts of a human body is used for. You could do some better improvements that way.
The Blue Planet, or maybe Planet Earth. I'd guess we'd improve our animal-based shapeshifting, or maybe we'd gain aquatic abilities?

Too many possibilities to guess. It would be funny if it was Dragonball though.

Gurren Lagann. Being able to shapeshift a drill is actually pretty extraordinary. We'd have to be able to deal with the twist from spinning the drill, which is harder than it sounds. Or maybe we'd just try to copy the Beastmen.

[x] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
its nearly impossible to make a free rotating joint
[X] You watch [blue documentary], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw..
-[X] See if you can read about what all the parts of a human body is used for. You could do some better improvements that way.

-[X] After that you watch a buttload of sci-fi horror movie and anime. From alien bioweapons that are infecting and hunting down poor and hapless humans to giant and horribly mutated monsters,and everything else inbetween.
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[X] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
Generator Rex, here we come. Also,
its nearly impossible to make a free rotating joint
Off the top of my head:
Imagine an eyeball and eyesocket.
Imagine that the optic nerve doesn't exist, and the eyeball can swivel freely.
Imagine the eyeball is filled with bone, but still has the same surface, making it rigid, yet with a smooth surface.
Imagine it is egg or oval shaped, and that the inner wall of the eye socket is lined with contracting and relaxing muscles, allowing it to be manually rotated by being squeezed in specific ways.
Imagine the actual skeletal aperture for the eye socket had a narrower radius than the eyeball, so that the bone filled eyeball could not possibly fall out.
Imagine instead of a pupil at the front of the eyeball, there was a small antenna of pure bone.
Imagine that the eyelids were more like lips, so that they could make an airtight seal even with the strand of bone protruding from the center.

And there you have it! An organic joint with continuous rotational freedom, with no chance of it falling apart, and no chance of infection.
I personally don't see we can learn from gurren lagann. Our powers and the abilities of the anime don't really match up.
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[X] You watched [drilling oriented anime], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw…
Generator Rex, here we come. Also,

Off the top of my head:
Imagine an eyeball and eyesocket.
Imagine that the optic nerve doesn't exist, and the eyeball can swivel freely.
Imagine the eyeball is filled with bone, but still has the same surface, making it rigid, yet with a smooth surface.
Imagine it is egg or oval shaped, and that the inner wall of the eye socket is lined with contracting and relaxing muscles, allowing it to be manually rotated by being squeezed in specific ways.
Imagine the actual skeletal aperture for the eye socket had a narrower radius than the eyeball, so that the bone filled eyeball could not possibly fall out.
Imagine instead of a pupil at the front of the eyeball, there was a small antenna of pure bone.
Imagine that the eyelids were more like lips, so that they could make an airtight seal even with the strand of bone protruding from the center.

And there you have it! An organic joint with continuous rotational freedom, with no chance of it falling apart, and no chance of infection.
would the joint spin in speeds fast enough to do damage? and would it be useful in anyway?
would the joint spin in speeds fast enough to do damage? and would it be useful in anyway?
No, unless you twisted the limb from the outside, which could cause muscle pulling if done with enough speed and force. If the joint is inside the body, then this isn't a concern.
As for whether it's useful, I can't say, but I can say that I don't care. What matters is that it's possible. Oh, and that it facilitates the use of internal gear mechanisms, which can do stuff.
[X] You watch [blue documentary], and thought about how you could replicate what you saw...
[X] See if you can read about what all the parts of a human body is used for. You could do some better improvements that way.
-[X] After that you watch a buttload of sci-fi horror movies from alien bioweas are infecting and hunting down poor and hapless humans to horribly mutant monsters,and everything inbetween.

And there you have it! An organic joint with continuous rotational freedom, with no chance of it falling apart, and no chance of infection.
congrats, you invented a cup and ball joint, e.g. the shoulder. And mostly ignored how exactly it would spin and be propelled by these contracting muscles which, inside the shoulder, would still be damaged by the spin at any sufficient speed. And assumed that an airtight seal would remain even against friction (which can be solved by a liquid (which would provide the lubricant and thus friction resistance that your smooth bone would still lack), which can be passed through by bacteria). And ignored the result of pressure against the nub of bone on both the bone and the other end of the joint that the pressure would go up to. And etc.

consider lubricants and rotating electric charges.
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I personally don't see we can learn from gurren lagann. Our powers and the abilities of the anime don't really match up.
I was thinking more in terms of biological mecha suits. Great for a disguise, allows us to pass ourselves off as anyone larger than us by growing a human shaped biosuit around us. Also good practice for shapeshifting, AKA transforming. Oh, and the whole "stick a small mecha into a larger mecha to temporarily take control of it from the inside" can be translated to our situation in... interesting ways.