You Are (Not) at Fault

Should this story start on Shinji's chapter (chapter 2) or Asuka's chapter (chapter 3)?

  • Shinji

    Votes: 23 44.2%
  • Asuka

    Votes: 19 36.5%
  • Either

    Votes: 10 19.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Speaking of that point, am I the only one who thinks that Gendo was just talking shit when he said he was afraid of Shinji? Literally the entire series he doesn't show more than vague interest in his own son, and when he does it's just to order him around. At no point do we see even an inkling of anything resembling concern. It's all 'Get in the fucking robot you little shithead'.

This situation is actually going to give me trouble at a major point in Ya(N)aF, because I don't know how to have Shinji react to an important thing.
Same, I personally always ho with manga!gendo who resented and hated shinji for stealing yui's affection and love. The whole thing at the end sounded like at half ass attempt to defend himself in front of yui.

What point is coming up? Is gendo showing up soon? You can use me if you want someone to bounce ideas off of.
Speaking of that point, am I the only one who thinks that Gendo was just talking shit when he said he was afraid of Shinji? Literally the entire series he doesn't show more than vague interest in his own son, and when he does it's just to order him around. At no point do we see even an inkling of anything resembling concern. It's all 'Get in the fucking robot you little shithead'.

This situation is actually going to give me trouble at a major point in Ya(N)aF, because I don't know how to have Shinji react to an important thing.
My operating concept for Gendo in that respect is 'I let Yui in emotionally once, and the pain of loss was unbearable. So I'm never letting anyone else in again, and breaking the world to get her back. Shinji is a threat because he has the best chance of making me care. I will keep him away to avoid this.'

That help any?
Same, I personally always ho with manga!gendo who resented and hated shinji for stealing yui's affection and love. The whole thing at the end sounded like at half ass attempt to defend himself in front of yui.

What point is coming up? Is gendo showing up soon? You can use me if you want someone to bounce ideas off of.
In the Anime bardiel scene, Gendo actually behaves like he is worried and frantic, atleast compared to rebuild. Though that could just be the english dub being the english dub, or him freaking out about Yui getting hurt.
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In the Anime bardiel scene, Gendo actually behaves like he is worried and frantic, atleast compared to rebuild. Though that could just be the english dub being the english dub, or him freaking out about Yui getting hurt.
He would have been reacting to a threat to Yui, since damage to Unit-01 can put the core at risk. Which makes it strange that Unit-01 was chosen to test something as potentially unstable as the Dummy Plug.

I choose to believe it was because Gendo just wanted Shinji to feel everything that the Dummy Plug did. The nerve connections weren't severed, so Shinji would have felt the entry plug cracking in his hand/mouth.
He would have been reacting to a threat to Yui, since damage to Unit-01 can put the core at risk. Which makes it strange that Unit-01 was chosen to test something as potentially unstable as the Dummy Plug.

Very likely. There is in fact a fic out there where Shinji forces Gendo to back down by threatening to activate the only system he still has control over with the dummy plug engaged - the Eva's self destruct system.
Very likely. There is in fact a fic out there where Shinji forces Gendo to back down by threatening to activate the only system he still has control over with the dummy plug engaged - the Eva's self destruct system.
I remember that scene, but not the fic it's from. Pretty sure that chapter had an omake where Shinji forgot how to stop the self-destruct too.
The good news is that I've finally finished the next snippet after ten freaking days, most of that spent trying to work out one bit.

Bad news is you'll still have to wait a bit for the snippet to get looked over.

Good news is that won't take nearly as long (hopefully).
The good news is that I've finally finished the next snippet after ten freaking days, most of that spent trying to work out one bit.

Bad news is you'll still have to wait a bit for the snippet to get looked over.

Good news is that won't take nearly as long (hopefully).
Take your time buddy. I'd rather wait a month or even a year and have quality, rather than wait a week and have crap.
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Chapter 30.2
Chapter 30.2

"I have made a decision."

Shinji and Asuka stopped walking and turned around. Rei was standing a couple of meters away, looking down at her new acquisition.

The three Evangelion pilots had remained quiet on their way home until the First Child had just spoken up, a few minutes after they got off the bus and were walking back to the apartment.

"Decision? What do you mean?" queried Shinji.

"About my birthday," Rei replied.

Asuka hissed. "I shouldn't have brought it up. It was just... for a moment I'd forgotten about your... circumstances."

The bluenette smiled. "The fact that you forgot I was once not fully human is nothing to apologise for. It makes me happy that you thought of me as just another person." Her eyes jumped between her fellow pilots. "The day that will be my birthday is the day I returned from Instrumentality. The day I... became human."

"Damn," Asuka remarked, a grin softening the harshness of the word. "Guess we won't be having a birthday party for you for a while."

"It is alright. I am patient enough to wait." Rei looked back down at her viola. "And patient enough to learn how to play this. It will take quite a while before I am able to match your skill, brother."

"Does our school still have a music club?" Shinji wondered. "They might be able to help you improve."

"Perhaps, but I should first concentrate on becoming proficient."

"If we weren't pilots, we could have probably arranged for a tutor right away," Asuka remarked. "But they would have to go through a ton of security checks just to be considered."

"I am confident you will do well in teaching me what you can, Asuka."

Since violas were very similar to violins, Asuka had offered herself as something of a mentor. Shinji was now carrying a bag of lesson books that he had bought for Rei, once again refusing to let her pay. The trio resumed walking.

"We need to mark your birthday on a calendar, Rei," Shinji spoke up. "What was the date of your return?"

"Sixth of March," Asuka replied instantly. "Same day the First Revenant attacked."

"Oh... I see..."

A sober mood came over the teenagers with the mention of the Revenants.

"There are only three left," Rei sombrely said. "But the last two attacked at the same time."

"It'd really suck if we had to face all three of them." Asuka immediately slapped her face once she realised what she had just said. "I just jinxed us, didn't I?"

"Um... I hope not."

"It matters not how they attack us," Rei stated. "We must defeat them, therefore we shall."

Asuka thought for a moment. "What would actually happen if we lost? Not that I'm saying we don't need to fight, but... We're not protecting something that can end the world if the enemy reaches it anymore." She stared hard at Rei. "Why does Adam want to win? What would that gain him?"

The First Child looked away pensively. "Adam... already has what he needs. He is simply doing this out of a sense of fair play."

"Fair play my ass," Asuka retorted. "What's to stop Adam from doing... whatever he's planning once he loses?"

Rei had no answer for her, and that sent a chill running down the spines of all three teenagers.

The redhead sighed. "Just as I thought. Well, since you know what he needs, can you at least tell us what he's planning?"

For that question, there was an answer. Adam was planning to follow the original directive of the Angels, who had been drawn towards Tokyo-3 by Lilith. They were driven by the desire to merge with their progenitor, but Adam and Lilith were similar enough beings that the 'signal' given off by the imprisoned mother of humanity fooled them.

But only one Angel made it to Terminal Dogma and discovered the truth.

Shinji brought a hand up to his mouth to stifle a gasp. "Kaworu... when he reached Terminal Dogma, he was shocked by what was there and then let me kill him." He winced, evidently recalling that memory. After a moment he added, "If it had been Adam there... would he have done the same thing?"

"Only one person could answer that, brother," Rei replied. "The question is irrelevant now anyway. He could still have initiated an Impact by coming into contact with Lilith, but chose not to."

Asuka blinked. "What would have happened if an Angel merged with Lilith?"

"I am... not sure. An Angel that merged with Adam would have spawned more of its type, but-"

She couldn't help herself. Asuka interrupted the girl with, "So if Adam had been around, there was a chance that Earth would have ended up inhabited by gigantic flying laser polyhedra?"

"...Perhaps," said Rei, before resuming what she had been trying to say. "But I do not know what an Angel/Lilith fusion would create. Fusing Adam with Lilith only resulted in-" She stopped and looked guiltily at Shinji, before mumbling an apology and continuing down the street.

Asuka grasped Shinji's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He looked at her and gave a weak but brave smile. As the two followed Rei, Asuka said to nobody in particular, "Well... let's just hope we're not around to see whatever Adam has planned."


<Sunday, 25th September, 2016>

It seemed as if Rei had inherited the same gift for music as Shinji. A week passed, full of school work and tests at NERV, but the girl had proven to be a very quick study, blowing through the lesson books so fast she almost left scorch marks on them.

Asuka tried to spend as much time as possible playing duo pieces with Shinji, when Rei was either not home or simply not playing. During those occasions when Rei wasn't practising, she still paid close attention to her fellow pilots even while finishing homework. It seemed that no matter what song they played, Asuka and Shinji were always in perfect time; never going too fast or too slow.

Rei spent the entire Sunday of that week studying the more advanced lesson books, to the point where it took the combined efforts of the other two pilots just to convince the driven girl to take a break for food that day. The next day at school, Rei was accepted into the music club.

Asuka breathed a tiny sigh of relief upon hearing the news, as it meant she would get a bit more time to 'make beautiful music with Shinji', as Misato stubbornly insisted on calling it. Privately, Asuka was a bit happy that the woman was so busy, as she didn't think she could survive the amount of teasing possible from a stay-at-home... former guardian. But she would weather an eternity of salacious comments as long as Shinji was there to take them with her.

Even at NERV, Misato would find a way to subtly dig at Asuka or Shinji during their tests, while still maintaining her professional attitude. And all Asuka could do was glare at the woman.

Just like she was doing right now.

"Asuka, your score is slipping a bit," Ritsuko warned.

Breaking the glare off with a huff, the Second Child went back to concentrating on the test. Despite the passing of over a month since the last Revenant attack, NERV was remaining alert for the next incursion. Training had been stepped up yet again, and the pilots were constantly encouraged to keep improving their scores during the sync tests.

The testing soon came to an end. Asuka and Rei were at 74% and 72% respectively, while Shinji was rapidly closing the gap, ending the test at 67%.

It still felt a little strange for Asuka that she was consistently the top pilot, yet she was more concerned with how the previous holder of that title was doing. Only a year ago she would have been shoving her superiority in the poor boy's face for hours after each test, despite how little the tests truly mattered when it came to actual combat; there was a big difference between fighting to stay alive and just sitting in a tin can trying not to fall asleep.

With no more to do at NERV for the time being, the three pilots headed home courtesy of a Section Two vehicle. As soon as they entered the apartment, they were accosted by an angrily gesticulating penguin holding a phone.


"Whoa, down boy!" said Asuka as she stepped over Pen-pen.

Shinji patted the air in a reassuring gesture. "C-calm down, I'm sure we can sort out whatever's wrong," he added as he too got past the penguin, whose flailing and squawking increased at the apparent dismissal of his problem.

Instead of merely following suit, Rei got down on one knee to put her face level with Pen-pen's and said, "It is alright, I shall help you."

The penguin huffed and glared over his shoulder at the other two teenagers. Asuka suddenly felt like she was being accused of a heinous crime, until Pen-pen sullenly broke eye contact and waddled into the lounge room followed by Rei.

"What the hell was that all about?" asked Asuka in a low voice, deciding not to antagonise their strange housemate any further.

"I'm not really sure," Shinji admitted. "I can't understand Pen-pen well enough, especially when he talks that fast. I caught something about somebody being a... moron?"

Asuka folded her arms and stared sceptically at him."You mean to say that you can actually speak Penguin, but still have trouble with German?"

The Third Child hesitantly scratched the back of his head. "Um... it's more like I've just picked up a few obvious things, like when he's hungry. Speaking of which..." He moved to the fridge and began to prepare lunch.

Her own stomach growling at the thought of a meal after a sync test, Asuka dismissed the strange event with a wave of a hand in the direction of Pen-pen's exit before sitting down at the table and watching Shinji work his culinary magic.

And then a memory kicked her in the back of the head.

Shinji, nervously handing her a bento box as if he was afraid she would smack him with it, then turning and attempting to flee out of the classroom, before tripping over and hitting the ground face first.

A bento box that, when emptied of its unique meal, she'd kept in her desk for the rest of that year as a reminder, and was now lurking somewhere in her room after its retrieval.


Now seemed as good a time as any to finally lay the mystery to rest.

"Yeah?" The boy glanced over his shoulder for a second before returning his eyes to the cutting board.

"How did you do that one lunch you gave me last year?"

"Um, which one? I did our lunches pretty much every day."

Asuka narrowed her eyes at Shinji's back. "I'll make it easy for you. The German one."

He paused in his preparations and twisted his upper body to look at her with a worried expression. "Wasn't... that the one you threw out?"

Just as she'd thought, Shinji believed that Asuka hadn't eaten the one special meal he'd created especially for her. She sighed.

"I ate the whole thing. Practically licked the box clean."

"R-really?!" The boy spun fully around with wide-eyed astonishment.

"Yes. But what I wanna know is how you got the idea for that meal."

Shinji looked away thoughtfully. "I... don't really know. I got the idea to make you a German meal one day, bought some suitable ingredients, and just... had a go at it."

"'Had a go at it'." Asuka jumped out of her seat and moved around the table to stand directly in front of Shinji with her arms crossed. "That meal was one of my fondest childhood memories. My mother made it for me."

She leaned forward into his personal space, and he leaned back as best as he could while stuck against the kitchen counter. Her voice went low and dangerous. "I spent ages trying to find somewhere I could get that meal done how I remembered it, and you come along and get it perfect just like that?!"

Shinji raised his hands in an attempt at appeasement. "I-I-I don't k-know what you w-want me to say, Asuka!"

"Then say nothing."

Asuka's arms unfolded and her hands shot out, gripping tightly onto Shinji's own hands and interlacing their fingers. She forced their arms out and away from between their bodies, struggling only slightly with his prosthetic arm, and leaned so close their noses bumped into each other.

"Because I want to say something..."

She kissed him; a feather-light touch of their lips.

"...Thank you, Shinji."

With those words, or perhaps with that kiss, Asuka felt the rising tension fade out of Shinji's body and grinned. "Had you going for a sec there, didn't I?"

"K-kind of," the boy sheepishly admitted, before clearing his throat and continuing. "But when you got really close to me, I saw that look in your eyes. The one that says you're enjoying this way too much."

Asuka blinked innocently. "Oh? Didn't know we'd spent so much time staring into each other's eyes already."

Shinji chuckled and turned his head to look at the kitchen counter. Seeing that he wanted to get back to his food preparation, Asuka released her grip on his hands and went back to her seat.

"You know," she remarked as soon as she sat down, "I'm going to have to get you to make that meal again. Not just for me, but for my mother as well." She hesitated for a moment. "And... the others, I guess."

Shinji hummed in agreement. "I just hope I can remember what I did."

"Oh, don't worry. Mama and I will soon tell you if you got it wrong."

At that point, Rei returned to the kitchen to put the cordless phone back on the hook, while a much more sedate Pen-pen went into his fridge with a newspaper.

"So... what was that all about?" Asuka asked of Rei.

"Apparently one of the companies he orders fish from had replaced their phone staff," the bluenette explained. "As a result, nobody could understand him and thought it was a prank call."

"But you can understand him just fine."

Rei nodded. "Of course."

"But... how?!" The redhead threw her arms up in disbelief. "All he says is 'wark'! That could mean anything from 'I'm hungry' to 'Who crashed a ship into my iceberg?'!"

Pen-pen's fridge opened, and a beady eye peeked around the edge to glance at Asuka before retreating back inside. Though the bird didn't exactly have eyebrows, Asuka could swear that one was raised anyway. When she looked back at Rei, she was surprised to see that the girl was attempting to stifle a giggle.

"Asuka, you just called yourself... something rather unflattering."

With a groan, Asuka let her head thump onto the dining table. "Do I want to know what I said?" she muttered.

"...It would perhaps be best for you to remain ignorant."
So Adam decides to screw everyone over and go ahead with...whatever anyway, Lilith will move to stop him, and we're right back where everything started.

All is proceeding according to the scenario. :whistle:
As another Asuka commented, Shinji's never let not knowing how to do something stop him from doing it.
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"The day that will be my birthday is the day I returned from Instrumentality. The day I... became human."
Makes sense.
"There are only three left," Rei sombrely said. "But the last two attacked at the same time."

"It'd really suck if we had to face all three of them." Asuka immediately slapped her face once she realised what she had just said. "I just jinxed us, didn't I?"
Yes, yes you did.
On the one hand, the threat will be over sooner...
but so will the fic! I don't want it to end!:cry:
"Why does Adam want to win? What would that gain him?"

The First Child looked away pensively. "Adam... already has what he needs. He is simply doing this out of a sense of fair play."
... that's not ominous at all.
Well, since you know what he needs, can you at least tell us what he's planning?"

For that question, there was an answer. Adam was planning to follow the original directive of the Angels, who had been drawn towards Tokyo-3 by Lilith. They were driven by the desire to merge with their progenitor, but Adam and Lilith were similar enough beings that the 'signal' given off by the imprisoned mother of humanity fooled them.

But only one Angel made it to Terminal Dogma and discovered the truth.
So... make more Angels? Propagate the species at the expense of the Lilim?
"I am... not sure. An Angel that merged with Adam would have spawned more of its type, but-"

She couldn't help herself. Asuka interrupted the girl with, "So if Adam had been around, there was a chance that Earth would have ended up inhabited by gigantic flying laser polyhedra?"
*screams geometrically*
"...Perhaps," said Rei, before resuming what she had been trying to say. "But I do not know what an Angel/Lilith fusion would create.
1. A de-facto God, a singular entity on the level of the beings that seeded the... seeds. And what SEELE wanted all along.
2. An unbound Evangelion of immense power.
It seemed that no matter what song they played, Asuka and Shinji were always in perfect time; never going too fast or too slow.
Synchronizing training still sticks.
Asuka breathed a tiny sigh of relief upon hearing the news, as it meant she would get a bit more time to 'make beautiful music with Shinji', as Misato stubbornly insisted on calling it.

As soon as they entered the apartment, they were accosted by an angrily gesticulating penguin holding a phone.
... I'm not going to ask how.
"Whoa, down boy!" said Asuka as she stepped over Pen-pen.

Shinji patted the air in a reassuring gesture. "C-calm down, I'm sure we can sort out whatever's wrong," he added as he too got past the penguin, whose flailing and squawking increased at the apparent dismissal of his problem.
Instead of merely following suit, Rei got down on one knee to put her face level with Pen-pen's and said, "It is alright, I shall help you."
"I'm not really sure," Shinji admitted. "I can't understand Pen-pen well enough, especially when he talks that fast. I caught something about somebody being a... moron?"
Well... we do know now that dogs and cats have specific vocalizations, barks, meows, whines, purrs, and so on, for different things, so I guess Shinji can cotton on. And if anyone'd catch on to being called an idiot in any language, it'd be Shinji. That's both humorous and sad.
Asuka folded her arms and stared sceptically at him."You mean to say that you can actually speak Penguin, but still have trouble with German?"
You don't? :V
The Third Child hesitantly scratched the back of his head. "Um... it's more like I've just picked up a few obvious things, like when he's hungry.
So like what I said above.
"Yes. But what I wanna know is how you got the idea for that meal."

Shinji looked away thoughtfully. "I... don't really know. I got the idea to make you a German meal one day, bought some suitable ingredients, and just... had a go at it."

"'Had a go at it'." Asuka jumped out of her seat and moved around the table to stand directly in front of Shinji with her arms crossed. "That meal was one of my fondest childhood memories. My mother made it for me."
She leaned forward into his personal space, and he leaned back as best as he could while stuck against the kitchen counter. Her voice went low and dangerous. "I spent ages trying to find somewhere I could get that meal done how I remembered it, and you come along and get it perfect just like that?!"

Shinji raised his hands in an attempt at appeasement. "I-I-I don't k-know what you w-want me to say, Asuka!"

"Then say nothing."

Asuka's arms unfolded and her hands shot out, gripping tightly onto Shinji's own hands and interlacing their fingers. She forced their arms out and away from between their bodies, struggling only slightly with his prosthetic arm, and leaned so close their noses bumped into each other.

"Because I want to say something..."

She kissed him; a feather-light touch of their lips.

"...Thank you, Shinji."
Well that felt warm and fuzzy.
With those words, or perhaps with that kiss, Asuka felt the rising tension fade out of Shinji's body and grinned. "Had you going for a sec there, didn't I?"
Yes you did, you manipulative, spoiled, arrogant, beutiful, genius, and loving woman you.
"You know," she remarked as soon as she sat down, "I'm going to have to get you to make that meal again. Not just for me, but for my mother as well." She hesitated for a moment. "And... the others, I guess."
Daaws incoming.
Shinji hummed in agreement. "I just hope I can remember what I did."

"Oh, don't worry. Mama and I will soon tell you if you got it wrong."
That's the Soryu women for you. If you do something wrong, you'll immediately know.
"So... what was that all about?" Asuka asked of Rei.

"Apparently one of the companies he orders fish from had replaced their phone staff," the bluenette explained. "As a result, nobody could understand him and thought it was a prank call."
Makes sense.
"But you can understand him just fine."

Rei nodded. "Of course."

"But... how?!" The redhead threw her arms up in disbelief. "All he says is 'wark'! That could mean anything from 'I'm hungry' to 'Who crashed a ship into my iceberg?'!"
Pen-pen's fridge opened, and a beady eye peeked around the edge to glance at Asuka before retreating back inside. Though the bird didn't exactly have eyebrows, Asuka could swear that one was raised anyway. When she looked back at Rei, she was surprised to see that the girl was attempting to stifle a giggle.

"Asuka, you just called yourself... something rather unflattering."

With a groan, Asuka let her head thump onto the dining table. "Do I want to know what I said?" she muttered.

"...It would perhaps be best for you to remain ignorant."
... I knew Pen-Pen was smarter then the average penguin, but there's an actual language?
Pen-Pen: Wark! Wark! (Even I don't think she's that bad. Young Female is clearly not an ignoramus.)
With those words, or perhaps with that kiss, Asuka felt the rising tension fade out of Shinji's body and grinned. "Had you going for a sec there, didn't I?"

"K-kind of," the boy sheepishly admitted, before clearing his throat and continuing. "But when you got really close to me, I saw that look in your eyes. The one that says you're enjoying this way too much."
I regret to inform you that you've lost the tsun.
Chapter 30.3
Sorry for the delay on this one. I don't even really have a good reason like 'reality got in the way', because that didn't happen. Instead, my excuse seems to be 'procrastinating to put off writing the next action scene.' Which, once it's actually in words and not just in my head, will make more sense than it does right now.


Chapter 30.3

It didn't take long for Kyoko to find out about the young upstart apparently attempting to knock her off her German cooking throne. The next day after school, Shinji was almost traumatised by another interrogation before being challenged to a cook-off.

Since Shinji would have had something of an advantage thanks to Rei's birthday present, it was decided that both he and Kyoko would use the same kitchen. But because they were each going to be cooking for five people, they wouldn't be able to use it at the same time; instead they would be taking it in turns.

The two 'contestants' hadn't even gone out for ingredients before poor Asuka began to feel divided about her loyalties. Shinji had proven time and again that he could practically create works of culinary art, and 'winning' would certainly give him a much-needed boost of confidence... but there was a reason phrases such as 'just like mum used to make' existed. And in this case she hadn't had any of mum's cooking in a decade.

Kyoko knew her daughter well though, and at least partially solved the problem by bringing the other members of the Katsuragi household in as extra judges. Misato readily agreed to it after arranging for a couple of early nights off from her busy schedule. The offer also extended to Pen-pen, who felt brave enough to accept since Misato the Culinary Catastrophe wasn't involved in any part of the cooking process.

Rei diplomatically left that last part out of the translation.

Tuesday came around, and Kyoko took her turn that night. Everybody was shooed out of the kitchen except Asuka, who was kept back so that the two Soryus could chat about Shinji. Unlike last time, the conversation was much more relaxed, as Kyoko began gently inquiring about the boy's condition after Third Impact. As Asuka began telling the story, it dawned on her just how far back she had really begun to fall for the Third Child.

Before Third Impact, it was at best a bit of infatuation mixed with simply trying to get Shinji to pay attention to her. Anybody looking at their interactions back then would have considered it a love-hate relationship, and Asuka would have hastily clarified that as 'I love to hate him'. She still occasionally felt guilty about her actions back then, and she said as much to her mother, but Kyoko simply smiled and said that it sounded like the girl had more than made up for her past behaviour.

Their conversation came to an end at almost the same time the food preparation did. Asuka brought out the dishes and cutlery while Kyoko applied the finishing touches, and the Katsuragi household was soon sitting around the table.

Misato was surprisingly the last person to finish their meal. It had been agreed beforehand, or more precisely Asuka had decided and everybody else acquiesced, that rather than immediately saying what they thought, the judges would hold all comments until after Shinji's turn.

But despite her efforts to keep Shinji's spirits up for his attempt, Asuka caught the look of trepidation on his face when they got into bed that night.

"Hey, you'll do great," she reassured Shinji as she slipped an arm around him.

Shinji hummed absently, before looking into Asuka's eyes and smiling. "Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to beat a native, but I can at least do my best."

"That's what I want to hear!"

The next evening after school, the Katsuragi apartment's kitchen was almost an exact duplicate of the day before, only with Shinji in Kyoko's place as they talked about her mother. Knowing the boy like she did, Asuka could easily detect the occasional flicker of darkness on his face, presumably caused by Shinji remembering his own mother.

The mother who had consciously chosen to essentially kill herself in front of her own child for some insane reason.

The topic of conversation was swiftly changed to something much lighter, and a smile was back on Shinji's face by the time the food was ready. Once again, everybody crowded around the dining table and dug in. This time, Asuka was last to finish.

"Alright," said Misato once the dishes were cleared away. "We've had two wonderful meals over two nights, and now it's time for us to decide who did it better. I'll go first, if there are no objections?"

"Can I say something first?" asked Shinji. Misato nodded, and he addressed the entire table. "I won't be unhappy if you liked Ms. Soryu's dishes more than mine. Asuka has said several times that I give apologies when one isn't needed, and there isn't a need for one tonight. After all, it's just dinner."

Silence reigned for a few moments, before Misato cleared her throat. "I know you guys tend to think my taste buds have been killed off, but I believe that ever since he came into my life, Shinji's meals have done a good job of resurrecting them. He cooks from the heart and that shows; there hasn't been a single meal of his that I didn't like."

She nervously scratched at the side of her mouth. "That being said... on this occasion I'm afraid I have to say that my vote goes to Kyoko. It's hard to compete with someone who grew up with foreign cuisine, but you gave it your best shot and came a very close second, Shinji."

The boy nodded and smiled as Misato took her seat, not a hint of unhappiness on his face.

Rei was next. While she didn't have as much experience with Shinji's cooking as Misato, she still cast her vote for her brother.


Pen-Pen expressed his regret that he couldn't tell the difference between either chef's cooking. Somehow, it took Rei close to half a minute to fully translate, and Asuka couldn't help but question that.

"Wait, you got all that from one 'wark'?!"

Three people at the table stared at her in confusion. Asuka blinked, before letting out a huge sigh and slapping a hand over her face. "Alright, what did I just say?"

"You said 'How's your granny off for soap?'," Misato replied. "Penguin is an... interesting language. All about inflection and tone."

Asuka muttered something in German, but unfortunately for her most of the people in the room understood it, and she got a warning look from Kyoko.

With nothing left to delay the inevitable, Asuka now had to make a decision. With Pen-Pen's non-vote(?), it was now a tie and she was back to having to question her loyalties again. But... this was a relatively minor event. It wasn't as if either Kyoko or Shinji would gain anything besides a bit of recognition or bragging rights... as if Shinji were the type to boast.

Time to bite the bullet.

"Shinji, you did a wonderful job again," she began. "Even without my help, you turned out a stunning German meal." Asuka turned to her mother. "Mama, it's been so long since I last ate anything you made for me, but your skill has obviously not declined during... your time away."

Her view shifted to rest somewhere between the two contestants. "You both gave it your all, and I'm sad that I can only pick one of you." Her blue eyes moved to look into Shinji's cobalt gaze, before moving again to stare into the sapphires that she had inherited.

"...I know you said not to, but I'm sorry Shinji," she said with a sigh. "Maybe it's just the years of separation talking, but I enjoyed Mama's meal just a little bit better than yours."

To her relief, there was no sign of hurt or betrayal on Shinji's face, just a simple smile full of understanding and acceptance.

And with that the first Soryu/Ikari Cook-Off, as Misato later called it, came to an end.

But even though the contest was over, Kyoko wasn't done. Just as Shinji was about to retire to the lounge, he was once again dragged away by the woman right out the door. Nervous looks crossed the faces of most of the spectators, but Asuka remained confident that nothing bad was going to happen to Shinji.

Or at the very least, nothing permanent.

It took nearly two hours for Shinji and Kyoko to return, and when they did the surprise that the boy brought with him ended up putting Misato into a food coma. The rest of the Black Forest cake disappeared almost as fast into the stomachs of everybody else.

Being a school night, Kyoko departed not long after guiding Misato to her room, and the teenagers soon made their way to their own beds.

"So, what did my mum want to talk to you about this time?" Asuka inquired once she and Shinji were in her bed.

"Your mother said I had promise, and took me through a couple of her German recipes," he replied. "I'm not really sure why though..."

The girl chuckled and rolled her eyes, unseen in the dark. "You dummy," she whispered, throwing an arm over his chest.

They both soon fell asleep, but it was only a few hours before Asuka was pulled from her slumber by the quivering of the boy next to her. She swiftly sat up and began to gently shake him by the shoulders, calling his name in an attempt to wake him up. It took a few seconds before Shinji's eyes shot open and began casting about the room as if searching for something. Asuka gingerly placed a hand on his cheek.

"Shinji, what's wrong? A nightmare?" She did her best to disguise her nervousness. The biggest reason for them sleeping together was to help the other fight off the demons that attacked in their sleep. If that was starting to not work anymore for him...

"No, not a nightmare," Shinji mumbled as his body ceased its shivering. "More like... a bad memory."

Asuka breathed a tiny sigh of relief. "Well since I'm awake too, you want to talk about it?"

The boy turned his head away to gaze out through the gap in the curtains. He took several long, slow, and deep breaths before speaking. "I remembered... when you showed up on the beach."

The redhead stiffened for a moment, before relaxing and placing a hand on Shinji's chest. She murmured, "That's in the past, it-"

"Doesn't matter now, I know," Shinji interrupted. "But... I feel like I should tell you."

Asuka sighed. "I'd be lying if I said that I never cared about what happened back then," she admitted. "At one point I was completely ready to try and slap you out of your catatonia to try and get an answer out of you."

Shinji chuckled humourlessly. "Wonder if that would have worked..."

"Just remember, you don't have to say a word about it now. I know now that you had just gone through a terrible experience. You probably didn't even know what you were doing to me."

"I did."

The flat and sudden response was like a broken rail in front of Asuka's train of thought. "W-what?"

"I knew exactly what I was doing," Shinji reiterated, his voice a dull monotone. "I saw you on the beach, with no way of knowing how you even got there. I thought my mind was just playing tricks on me, taunting me with your image. I remember thinking over and over again, 'she's just a doll'. But then you touched my face, and I suddenly realised that you were real."

As if mirroring that far off event, Asuka laid a hand against his cheek and smiled sadly. "It was the only thing I could do at the time to apologise for my rancid behaviour towards you. There was so much pain and confusion back then."

Shinji brought up a hand to cup the one on his cheek, but then the smile starting to grow on his face was cut off. "But then... you said something... horrible."

Asuka frowned, trying to remember what she had said. All she could recall was feeling...

"You called me 'disgusting'."

'Ugh, I feel so...' Asuka's eyes widened in shock. "Oh Gott," she whispered. Now she knew just why Shinji had fled from her at the beach. At possibly his most vulnerable moment she had, purely by accident, crushed the small glimmer of hope that he had begun to build. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Shinji!"

It was probably the tightest hug Asuka had ever given Shinji as she choked out her explanation of that moment on the beach, that the pain due to her injuries and somebody sitting on her stomach had made her feel 'disgusting'.

A hand placed itself on her back and began to stiffly caress it. She wiped away the tears that had sprung forth and looked at Shinji, who was staring upwards at the ceiling.

"Evangelions seem to bring a rather nasty curse with them," he remarked after a few minutes, smiling brittlely. "They make anybody connected with them incapable of communicating like rational people. One word had me hiding from you for days, and it turns out that you weren't even talking about me!"

"That... couldn't have been it though, surely," Asuka hesitantly replied.

Shinji's voice turned sarcastic. "Oh, of course not. My mind decided the best thing to do, instead of working out what had happened, would be to traumatise me with your image telling me just how pathetic I was." He sighed. "I tried to shut it out, but it's impossible to get away from a voice that's inside your own head. You may as well try to stop breathing."

"So when you saw me in the pharmacy, you thought I was just another trick."

The boy nodded. "Yeah. And I thought I had just gotten away from one only to run into another."

Asuka rolled onto her back, dragging Shinji with her so that his head was resting on her shoulder. "And then I didn't see you until I found you unconscious near the Geofront crater."

Shinji shifted his head slightly in order to speak clearly. "I... don't think I remember anything about that bit."

"No surprise, you had a pretty nasty head wound and a broken hand. A doctor later said that you'd obviously punched something."

"...No, still don't recall anything," Shinji said after a moment of hard thought.

"And it doesn't matter now anyway," Asuka declared. "Screw the past, think about the future, Shinji."

Shinji burrowed into her shoulder. The room was quiet for a while before he quietly said, "The future holds more Revenants, you know."

"...Okay screw that too, for now. Think about the present instead."

Asuka could literally feel the smile forming on his face.

"The present feels... warm..."

"And comfortable."

"'n' comf't'ble..."

This time, when the two teens fell asleep, their slumber remained uninterrupted until morning.

...When the Angel alarm rudely brought them back to reality.
"Your mother said I had promise, and took me through a couple of her German recipes," he replied. "I'm not really sure why though..."

She can see the grandbabies in your eyes.

"Evangelions seem to bring a rather nasty curse with them," he remarked after a few minutes, smiling brittlely. "They make anybody connected with them incapable of communicating like rational people. One word had me hiding from you for days, and it turns out that you weren't even talking about me!"

Yes. Self-awareness is good.

...When the Angel alarm rudely brought them back to reality.

You'll probably be happy to hear that these words induce a certain amount of dread.
It rates right behind attacking when in the middle of celebrating Shinji's birthday in 'fastest ways to remove yourself from the Adamite gene pool at the hands of an irate redhead'.
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