Yet Another Stupid Death

a new hope
@Nevill, @will408914, @Echo, @Terrabrand, @boonerunner
@Oh I am slain!, @FixerUpper


Your Possessions:
1x uncursed Crude Oar
2x uncursed Rags
1x uncursed Torch
1x uncursed Stick
1x uncursed Gladius


a spark in the dark. a torch flares.


b: backpack
W: Woman
n: sealed door
n: open door

You are in the Room with a Sealed Door. The door is still sealed.

You look at your hand. It twinges, but otherwise seems normal enough. The rest of you feels a little abused, but healthy enough.

The Woman stares disapprovingly at you. "You're back."

On the floor by your side is your torn backpack. In it are:

1x uncursed Torch
1x uncursed Stick
1x uncursed Gladius

[ ] What do?
- [ ] Talk
-- [ ] "Where'd you go? I missed you so."
-- [ ] "...can I have that tinderbox?"
-- [ ] "Where's the crying kid?"
-- [ ] "DOOOOOOOG!!"
-- [ ] Other (write-in)
- [ ] Inspect
- [ ] Fight
- [ ] Leave
a talk with a woman
[8] What do?
-[8] Talk
-- [1] "I probably should have waited to ask questions the first time, huh."
-- [1] "Where's the crying kid?"
-- [9] "DOOOOOOOG!!"
-- [1] Calm down. Start indulging in existential angst. ("Is this all a dream? Does life exist? Am I real???")
-- [1] Get bored and go back to crying about your dog. ("DOOOOOOOG!!")
-- [2] "So are you."
-- [2] "Come here often?"
-- [2] "DOOOOOOOG!! Get back here, boy!"
-- [1] "...can I have that tinderbox?"
-- [2] "...may I have that tinderbox? I might even trade you a nice stick for it!"
-- [2] "DOOOOOOOG!! Where art thou!?"
-- [1] Get hints from the woman.
-- [2] Ask the woman for hints and directions. Mostly on how and where to find Doog, but not exclusively. I-it's not like you miss him or anything!
--[1] "Where's the crying kid?"
@will408914, @FixerUpper, @Oh I am slain!, @Nevill, @Terrabrand, @kelllogo, @EvilPorygon


"DOOOOOOOOOOG!!" you burst out at once. The shout echoes off the stone walls, but no Doog comes running.

The Woman's stare deepens in disapproval.

You wait a long moment. Nope, no Doog.

It saddens you.

The Woman keeps staring at you. It's actually a bit uncomfortable, but you are the only other living person in the room, so you can't really blame her.

A thought occurs to you, seeing the lit Torch on the wall.

"May I have that tinderbox?"

She archs her eyebrows.

"What will you pay for it?"

[ ] Uncursed Torch
[ ] Uncursed Stick
[ ] Uncursed Gladius
[ ] Nothing. Take it by force.
[ ] Nothing. You don't want it after all.
[ ] Write-in.

"Could you give me hints?"

She purses her lips.

"What will you pay for it?"

[ ] Uncursed Torch
[ ] Uncursed Stick
[ ] Uncursed Gladius
[ ] Nothing. Take it by force.
[ ] Nothing. You don't want it after all.
[ ] Write-in.

Ask about...
[ ] The Room with Two Doors and Writing on the Wall.
[ ] The River.
[ ] The Room with Grass and Water.
[ ] The Room with the Sealed Door.
[ ] The Room Behind the Sealed Door.
[ ] How/ where to find Doog.
[ ] Write-in.
pantherasapiens threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Boat Ride for Tinderbox? Total: 12
12 12
pantherasapiens threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Stick for Hints? Total: 73
73 73
Last edited:
transactions with the Woman
Offer for Tinderbox said:
[X] A boat ride for two through the mysterious waters of the river of Mystery! The beautiful sights , the breeze on one's cheeks, the (quick)sandy beaches, the pretty (fungal) flowers! It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience! (we even have a corpse to prove it)

The Woman stares at you. Her eyebrows go up, the corners of her mouth go down, and she shakes her head.

an offer made, a transaction declined.

Offer for Hints said:
[X] A Stick of Many Uses. It's a wonder of technology that allows one to achieve feats that would not be possible otherwise. Can't press a button you can't reach, and don't have telekinesis? Enter the Stick of Many Uses! It can push things, pull things, beat things, and much more!
- [X] There also is not a lot of trees, and a stick can serve as a kindle. Would be a waste of a powerful artefact, but hey! We are not judging!

The Woman hums. "Very well."

She takes your Stick.

Ask for Hints said:
[X] The quicksand isle - how to get past the quicksand and what is behind that door.
- [X] If she does not know, then ask about the room with Grass and Water.
-- [X] Is grass eadible? Poisonous? Magical?

The Woman purses her lips.

"One item, one hint."

[ ] Offer additional payment for multiple hints. (Write-in.)

[ ] How do we get past the quicksand?
[ ] What is behind the door on the southern bank of quicksand?
[ ] What about the Room with Grass and Water?
[ ] Is grass edible?
[ ] Is grass poisonous?
[ ] Is grass magical?
quest offer: the bug room (a)
Question said:
[X] What about the Room behind the Room with Grass and Water?

The Woman shrugs lightly. "That's the Bug Room. Though it's been overrun lately by a lot of other kinds of animals. Maybe you should do something about that."
Quest: The Bug Room (A) said:
Kill 15 Beasts that aren't insects in the Bug Room.

Reward: (choose one) +1 Insect Repellent OR +1 Insect Attractant OR +1 Royal Jelly

[ ] Take the quest.
[ ] Decline the quest.

What do?
[ ] Ask for more hints. (Name items/ services to pay with.)
[ ] Head out. (Write-in destination.)
a room with two doors and writing on the wall and five beasts
[X] Take the quest.
- [X] Light our torch from the one in this room.
--[X] Go to the location we last died to see what happened and if we are in a loop, or if this reality is the continuation of the last one.
@Nevill, @Terrabrand, @Oh I am slain!


Quest Taken said:
a new mission, an objective to fulfil

"Thanks! And goodbye!" you tell the Woman, and touch the tip of your own uncursed Torch to the lit flame of hers. Then you head out of the room, not expecting to see her again.

On the other hand, if you don't see her again, how will you get your reward for completing the quest?

And where is the Boy?

And most importantly, where is Doog?

You pass through the tunnel uneventfully, and enter the Room with Two Doors and Writing on the Wall.

It was empty the last time you passed through it, but isn't now.


a: a closed door, leading to the River
b: a closed door, leading to the Bug Room
c: carving on the wall "→⌂ ↓≈"
|: stone wall
!: dirt wall
s: cave spider
d: coyote
S: garter snake
s: centipede

Suddenly you miss Doog even more.

What do?
[ ] Fight your way through, screaming "DOOOOOOOOG!!"
- [ ] Using:
-- [ ] Gladius.
-- [ ] Torch.
-- [ ] Both.
[ ] Flee.
[ ] Write-in.


---a note about monsters---​

They can show up in the most surprising places!
pantherasapiens threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Taunt the Coyotes Total: 62
62 62
a battle with a coyote
-[X] Taunt the coyotes.
Standing in the doorway, you stare at the nearest coyote.


You have gained the coyote's attention, if not quite its understanding.

-[X] Back up a bit so they need to stand in the doorway to attack you. Stab with Gladius.

You quickly take a step back into the corridor, readying your Gladius. You attack as soon as the coyote is within reach.

The coyote evades your first stab and bites you in the leg.

you have lost 2 HP

Trying to adjust to the angle is awkward for you, but the Gladius catches the coyote in the front shoulder, and it disengages from you. You pant from the pain, but you're glad you didn't rip up your pants for bandages before.

"TOLD YOU SO!" you say with a clenched grin. You can see the other animals approaching from behind, and the coyote lunges again - though this time it seems to have learnt its lesson about hanging on, and immediately disengages, jumping out of the way of your swipe.

you have lost 1 HP

you have lost 2 HP

Your next attack connects, but only grazes it; the coyote's smaller size and greater agility, at least compared to you, allow it to twist aside at the last moment. All the same, it whimpers and shrinks back - not that it can go anywhere, as the other animals are starting to hem it in from behind.

More for you. You stab, and the Gladius bites deep into the coyote's flesh. You lean on the gladius, trying to push it deeper in, and the coyote twists and turns on it in a frenzy of barking, managing to sink its teeth into your hand with its dying breath.

you have lost 4 HP

You pull your Gladius free of the coyote corpse, and look up at the centipede behind. The centipede seems to be trying to find a way around the corpse.


a: a closed door, leading to the River
b: a closed door, leading to the Bug Room
c: carving on the wall "→⌂ ↓≈"
|: stone wall
!: dirt wall
s: cave spider
d: coyote
d: coyote corpse
S: garter snake
s: centipede

What do?
[ ] Leave the corpse...
- [ ] Attack the centipede with the corpse in the way.
- [ ] Flee, leaving the corpse as a barrier.
[ ] Take the corpse and...
- [ ] Flee.
- [ ] Eat.
- [ ] Wield.


---a note about corpses and monster sizes---​

Monsters' movement can be blocked or impeded by the corpses of other monsters. However, some monsters will simply eat corpses they encounter!
a fight with bugs in a corridor
[x] kick the coyote corpse so that it lands on top of the centipede, pinning it.
You put your foot on the coyote corpse and push hard. It skids forwards, but doesn't roll over onto the centipede as much as you wanted. Still, the centipede is at least partially pinned under the bulk of the coyote corpse.
[x] dash forward and stab the centipede
The centipede thrashes about under the corpse, but you drive the Gladius through its body, severing it completely in two. The upper half of the centipede falls off and lies on the floor, still.
[x] back off into the corridor, letting the remaining animals come at you one at a time.
Leaving the pile of corpses, you back off. The other coyote approaches the pile of corpses and drags it away to eat, clearing a space for the spider to approach. You remain still, waiting for the spider to come within reach, and lunge with the Gladius once it comes within range.

You find yourself having aimed for the spider's shadow, which in the flickering torch-light is much larger than the spider itself. What ensues is something of a slapstick fight as you try to hit the spider without hitting yourself, while it scuttles about taking little bites whenever the opportunity presents itself. Your larger size proves to be something of a liability, as the tunnel does not impede the spider's movement at all.

All the same, you finally stand victorious over the spider's corpse.

The other coyote seems to have finished eating the coyote and spider corpses, but is moving slowly. You might be able to dash past it and grab the garter snake...


a: a closed door, leading to the River
b: a closed door, leading to the Bug Room
c: carving on the wall "→⌂ ↓≈"
|: stone wall
!: dirt wall
s: cave spider corpse
d: coyote
S: garter snake

What do?
[ ] Write-in.
a garter snake is slain in a tunnel
[x] Kick the spider corpse over to the coyote
You try to kick the spider corpse, but it's too light. It ends up just sort of drifting in the air before settling back down.
[x] Dash past the coyote and run to door of the bug room
Abandoning the spider corpse, you run. The coyote stirs sluggishly into pursuit.


[x] Open the door
[x] If the room is empty, go through the door, and go all the way across into the bug room and let the coyote and the garter snake follow you (one at a time) and kill them in the bug room.
You open the door and enter the tunnel. It's empty.


You keep running through the tunnel and into the Room with Grass and Water.


The flickering torch light reveals a very large rat crouched in the grass. It bares its teeth at you.
[x] If the room is not empty, close the door and turn around and kill the coyote here

You hastily shut that door.

Now you are in a tunnel with a garter snake and a coyote.


It takes you some time, but when the snake slithers in close to bite you, you stab heavily downwards and kill the snake in a thrust or two.

you have lost 1 HP

You watch to see if the coyote decides to consume the garter snake corpse or if it'll attack you or...

The coyote turns around and runs away.



a: a closed door
b: an open door
S: a garter snake corpse

[ ] Pursue the coyote.
[ ] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [ ] Eat.
- [ ] Store.
- [ ] Wield, swapping out for...
-- [ ] Gladius.
-- [ ] Lit Torch.
[ ] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
a successful flyby
[X] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [X] Store.
You grab the garter snake corpse and stuff it into your backpack.
[X] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
- [X] Attempt to bypass the rat and proceed to the bug room.

You open the door. You had intended to simply run past the giant rat to the door in the fence, but... now you see a bee, and a fox lurking in the edge of the torchlight.


You attempt to bypass them all.

a: killer bee
r: giant rat
r: wererat
B: bat

You succeed in evading the rat, bee, and fox, and enter the Bug Room. Like the previous room, the floor is uneven, lumpy grass and dirt, and more than half of it is placid water. There is a rat in the water - you guess the edges of the water are shallow... You wonder how you know it is a wererat.
smoking, sputtering, the weakening flame

And as the Woman said, it's strange how there are no bugs in the Bug Room.

What do?
[ ] Attack!
- [ ] Gladius
- [ ] Lit Torch
a wererat slain in the bug room
Attack wererat with Gladius
Holding the torch high, you approach the wererat. It chatters angrily as you approach it, and in fact responds to your approach in kind. It attacks you teeth-first, but you manage to catch it on the blade of your Gladius, which you twist and pull, and when the wererat pulls off you see blood dripping in a long line from its mouth to belly.

The rat practically screams in rodent pain, throwing itself at you. You throw yourself clumsily aside, the flame of the torch guttering with the sudden movement, and as the wererat comes back for another pass, you stab at it and score another bloody line in its fur. The wererat twists around the blade, dodging your next jab, and then sinks its teeth into your leg.
you have lost 3 HP
A moment later you pin it to the ground, and then the Lit Torch goes out.
Quest Progress: Killed 1/15 Beasts that aren't insects in the Bug Room.
Attack bat with Lit Torch
You can't see the bat, and you no longer have a Lit Torch.


#: fence
n: closed door
r: wererat corpse

What do?
[ ] Take the wererat corpse and...
- [ ] Store.
- [ ] Consume.
- [ ] Wield, swapping out for...
-- [ ] Gladius.
-- [ ] Stick.
- [ ] Other. (Write-in.)