Yet Another Stupid Death

a garter snake is slain in a tunnel
[x] Kick the spider corpse over to the coyote
You try to kick the spider corpse, but it's too light. It ends up just sort of drifting in the air before settling back down.
[x] Dash past the coyote and run to door of the bug room
Abandoning the spider corpse, you run. The coyote stirs sluggishly into pursuit.


[x] Open the door
[x] If the room is empty, go through the door, and go all the way across into the bug room and let the coyote and the garter snake follow you (one at a time) and kill them in the bug room.
You open the door and enter the tunnel. It's empty.


You keep running through the tunnel and into the Room with Grass and Water.


The flickering torch light reveals a very large rat crouched in the grass. It bares its teeth at you.
[x] If the room is not empty, close the door and turn around and kill the coyote here

You hastily shut that door.

Now you are in a tunnel with a garter snake and a coyote.


It takes you some time, but when the snake slithers in close to bite you, you stab heavily downwards and kill the snake in a thrust or two.

you have lost 1 HP

You watch to see if the coyote decides to consume the garter snake corpse or if it'll attack you or...

The coyote turns around and runs away.



a: a closed door
b: an open door
S: a garter snake corpse

[ ] Pursue the coyote.
[ ] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [ ] Eat.
- [ ] Store.
- [ ] Wield, swapping out for...
-- [ ] Gladius.
-- [ ] Lit Torch.
[ ] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
[X] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [X] Store.
[X] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
- [X] Attempt to bypass the rat and proceed to the bug room.

We need to store yummies.

Physical condition:
Wounded (7/50)
Though maybe we should roast the snake over a torch, eat it and take a bit of time to heal.
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Do we need to cook dead critters, or can we eat them raw?

[X] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [X] Store.
[X] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
- [X] Attempt to bypass the rat and proceed to the bug room.
- [x] Light the grass on fire and temporarily leave the room if necessary.

(Just checking, doog wouldn't be anywhere close by, right?)
[X] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [X] Wear it as a necklace.
[X] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
- [X] Attempt to bypass the rat and proceed to the bug room.
- [x] Light the grass on fire and temporarily leave the room if necessary.
That's another room that we would be setting on fire if the vote passes... but I'd rather not torch the grass either, might be some healing herbs in there. Or poisonous ones. You'll never know until you try.
a successful flyby
[X] Take the garter snake corpse and...
- [X] Store.
You grab the garter snake corpse and stuff it into your backpack.
[X] Enter the Room with Grass and Water.
- [X] Attempt to bypass the rat and proceed to the bug room.

You open the door. You had intended to simply run past the giant rat to the door in the fence, but... now you see a bee, and a fox lurking in the edge of the torchlight.


You attempt to bypass them all.

a: killer bee
r: giant rat
r: wererat
B: bat

You succeed in evading the rat, bee, and fox, and enter the Bug Room. Like the previous room, the floor is uneven, lumpy grass and dirt, and more than half of it is placid water. There is a rat in the water - you guess the edges of the water are shallow... You wonder how you know it is a wererat.
smoking, sputtering, the weakening flame

And as the Woman said, it's strange how there are no bugs in the Bug Room.

What do?
[ ] Attack!
- [ ] Gladius
- [ ] Lit Torch
[X] Attack!
-[X] Wererat with Gladius
-[X] Bat with Lit Torch

There is a rat in the water - you guess the edges of the water are shallow... You wonder how you know it is a wererat.
...I'm overly curious about what would happen if other creatures, including us, are bitten by a wererat. Turn rabid in the presence of cheese?

[jk] Lead the wererat to the giant rat. For science.

Oh hey, it's a Naruto crossover! ^_^
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I'm overly curious about what would happen if other creatures, including us, are bitten by a wererat.
Roguelike mechanics are weird, there is no consistency about lycantropy. Nethack states that you can catch it from were-creatures, ADoM doesn't. What they all have in common is that wererats can summon normal rats out of thin air. So we'd best beware.

Is it time to go full meta and start carving Elbereth's name onto the doorway?

We probably should have healed before going here. Oh, well. Let's not forget to put the gladius in the backpack before we die.
a wererat slain in the bug room
Attack wererat with Gladius
Holding the torch high, you approach the wererat. It chatters angrily as you approach it, and in fact responds to your approach in kind. It attacks you teeth-first, but you manage to catch it on the blade of your Gladius, which you twist and pull, and when the wererat pulls off you see blood dripping in a long line from its mouth to belly.

The rat practically screams in rodent pain, throwing itself at you. You throw yourself clumsily aside, the flame of the torch guttering with the sudden movement, and as the wererat comes back for another pass, you stab at it and score another bloody line in its fur. The wererat twists around the blade, dodging your next jab, and then sinks its teeth into your leg.
you have lost 3 HP
A moment later you pin it to the ground, and then the Lit Torch goes out.
Quest Progress: Killed 1/15 Beasts that aren't insects in the Bug Room.
Attack bat with Lit Torch
You can't see the bat, and you no longer have a Lit Torch.


#: fence
n: closed door
r: wererat corpse

What do?
[ ] Take the wererat corpse and...
- [ ] Store.
- [ ] Consume.
- [ ] Wield, swapping out for...
-- [ ] Gladius.
-- [ ] Stick.
- [ ] Other. (Write-in.)
[X] Put everything (gladius, torch, corpse) in your backpack. You will die in the next update anyway.
-[X] PRAY.
-[X] Run out of the room screaming.
--[X] Run until you are out in a lit area.
---[X] If you are still alive, check out the pier.

This is a very reasonable suicidal tactic. +1 for the screaming while running.
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We like screaming. It helps drive krakens away, too! I bet if we screamed at the fungus we'd be far more successful in fending it off.

Hm. We haven't tried praying yet. How hard can it be?

Amending my vote to include PRAYing. After we pack things, of course - there is no excuse not to get our mortal possessions in order before making peace with out God.
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We like screaming. It helps drive krakens away, too! I bet if we screamed at the fungus we'd be far more successful in fending it off.

Hm. We haven't tried praying yet. How hard can it be?

Amending my vote to include PRAYing. After we pack things, of course - there is no excuse not to get our mortal possessions in order before making peace with out God.
Clearly, we should pray by screaming "GOOOOOOD!".

EDIT: The QM rated this funny. Now I'm half expecting that to actually be how we pray.
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[X] Take the wererat corpse and...
- [X] Back into the corner and Consume it.
- [X] Be wary of the bat (or anything else) and attack with the gladius if you perceive anything next to you.

Let's get lycanthropy!
a death by killer bee
[X] Put everything (gladius, torch, corpse) in your backpack. You will die in the next update anyway.
You're badly wounded, and you feel death approaching. So you kneel down, placing the Gladius, Stick, and wererat corpse in the backpack.
Not knowing the names of any gods to pray to, you simply fall to your knees and throw your empty arms out.

Nothing seems to happen, but your voice echoes off the walls. At least they're still there.

a distant rumbling, somehow disappointed.
[X] Run out of the room screaming.
You decide that if you're going to die soon, you might as well do it in style.

You take a deep breath and begin running in the direction you remember the door being.

[X] Run until you are out in a lit area.
[X] If you are still alive, check out the pier.
You crash through the open door and run directly into a stinging sensation.

you have lost 2 HP
you have been poisoned

You take another three steps before you stumble and fall.

you have been killed by a Killer Bee

do you want your possessions identified
[ ] y
[ ] n

do you want to try again
[ ] y: new map
[ ] y: same map
[ ] n
[X] y
[X] y: same map

Master Plan: find Doog, stuff him in a backpack, kill yourself, transition to a new map.

No doog left behind!