B wins by far.
6241, Ascending Void
"I'm not going to take you off." You say it solidly, barely the slightest thought going the other way, as you pull Garm more around you. He makes you feel safe - no, he makes you feel powerful. Safety comes from that power, but it wasn't what made Garm so good to have. Personal safety was never going to protect your people, only power could do that. And so you flexed your hand a few times as you looked down at the glowing pillar that was your goal. "I trusted them once, and they ran away and caused all of this. Even if they don't want to hurt me, they might do so for whatever their plan is." If you got hurt, if you couldn't stop things right now, who would follow in your footsteps and save your people? Only Jute and your Mother knew the whole story, neither suited to the work needed to save them all. Your Mother not even accepting that it's all true.
Ultimately, Jute was soft - she couldn't fight like you, she couldn't kill like you, she didn't have the instincts that you did. Even beyond physically, but emotionally, mentally... she wouldn't be able to handle a task like this, to have everything on her shoulders. To have to listen to Garm all the time.
"Hey, I heard that."
Days alone, weeks alone, they wore on the sanity, and you doubted most would be as attuned to that as you. Even you struggled with not seeing other living people for so long, and you'd had years to learn to accept it as you went through the hallways trying to map them on your own. You were the one strong enough to accept everything, the lies, the betrayals, and to keep walking to keep everyone alive. You looked to the sky above and the bright shining sun, and hoped that your Father was proud of you.
"It's so cute that you think you're sane, Isha. Really cute!" Garm jingled his two cents in. "I mean, I like you at least!"
"Everything else aside, you are right. We are the only ones capable of saving your home, currently." Rama was a little kinder to you, as you looked over the building in front of you and thought of your home, of your Father, of every little thing that had always gone wrong. "Steady yourself with knowledge that you are doing what is needed of you. Your home needs you. Breath deep and let that focus fill you. Know that what you do now is not for you, it is for what you know and love. It relies on you. Let the weight of responsibility ground you from drifting into worries."
You take a few deep breaths as you still the world around you for a moment. You cannot literally stop time, nor even freeze it - but your meditative skills mean you can do the next closest thing, as you shift everything inward, looking at the small constellation within.
Three free floating creations existed within your soul.
At the center was a small ball of light, whisping outward to grasp towards all the other celestial bodies, you now knew that this was your Will. It was far from a sun, or even a star, it was simply a ball of floating light. Dwarfed greatly by the greatest constellation inside of you;
Garm was like if your central Will was a thousand times larger, but where yours reached out towards everything curiously, touching on everything, his was a blinding violent light that shown towards something unseen, overwhelming to look at for even a moment, despite it not shining towards you.
The third body within you was now a barren, lifeless rock, but grand spires jut out from its surface, a tower collapsing under its own weight, what once were mountainous monuments coming crashing down from disuse, this was the realm of Rama, you knew that from the melancholy that echoed out.
Smaller glowing bodies float alongside your ball of Will, representatives of your body's balance of elements. Everything you had consumed was here, the barest amount of spiritual power left in the meals now feeding the spiritual Will within you.
Alongside these are even smaller bodies that circle only the small light of your will, less defined, less real. A beating heart, a wave without an ocean, a door of gold, a feeling of dread without physical form, and a light that felt contained. These were paths to power you had, somehow, taken the first step on, and yet you could not name them. Even your spiritual partners could not tell you, for despite your bond, only you could see them - just as you could not see the details of what surrounded the massive Garm or the barren Rama.
One day your light of will would no longer be at the center of your soulscape, you knew that much. One day your soul would be shaped to something solid, something real, and you would learn to channel it. Or, perhaps, your will would simply grow, as Garms showed was possible.
But for now, it was Will, and it was possibility.
Looking at it was calming, it was empowering, and it pushed you forward. Because none of that possibility could come to fruition if you died here, if all of you died here. And so as you opened your eyes, you held your hammer firmly, and let a coolness wash over you.
"How do you want to approach this?" You weren't sure which person asked this. Indeed, it could have been all three souls asking in sync. Because each of you had your thoughts continue from there.
"They made clear they have no good will for you so long as you bear Garm. I suggest to you to hold them at threat to reverse their current machinations. If you must commit violence to them, do not hesitate." Rama was careful with his words as he spoke to you, "In a battle, a moment's hesitation can mean death."
"The simplest option is the easiest option - kill them all. Every single one of them, unless they kowtow to you. Even then, to prevent the knife in the back." Garm's advice is much less kind, "Whatever they have done with my children, I can simply speak to their Armaments and inform you of how to reverse. Unlike humans, my children cannot betray mean, ensuring our victory. We do not need any of these fools. But if you demand to save them, I say we simply destroy one so thoroughly they all kowtow."
First, you had to figure out how you wanted to approach them.
The intent;
[x] A. A diplomatic answer - you want to learn about Darpan and Mala's goals, and you want to see how you can work with one another to both be happy. This opens you up to the most surprise - Requires true majority, overrides some secondary/tertiary votes.
[x] B. An infliction of will - you will get your way, and that's all there is to say about it - if they do not want to acquiesce immediately, you will make them. - Rama's favored.
[x] C. A trade of goods for services - you have a highly valuable lost Armament of potentially great power, they have power over a machine that you want turned down.
[x] D. A preemptive strike - you will attack first, and ask questions later. If you disable everyone who could be a threat, they'll have to listen. - Garm's favored.
[x] E. A preemptive kill - if you destroy the first opponent you can get your hands thoroughly enough, no one will dare stand up to you. Or you could just inspire more violence. - Garm's favored. Requires true majority, overrides secondary vote.
[X] F. Kill the ringleaders - Darpan and Mala have proven themselves incapable being trusted. Kill them both and spare the others. - Requires true majority. Garm and Rama favored.
The second step, was deciding how you were going to respond if things went violent.
The violent will;
[x] G. I will not kill, no matter what - I refuse to stain my hands with human blood.
[x] H. I will not kill intentionally, - but crippling isn't killing.
[x] I. I will not aim to kill, but accidents happen.
[x] J. I will not hesitate if it comes to violence. - Rama's favored.
[x] K. I will kill anyone who opposes me. - Garm's favored. Requires true majority.
The third step was whether you would unleash your full power or not. Breaking your limits made you much, much stronger than anything else in your home. But sometimes... it made the use of violence a little too tempting.
[x] M. Make use of Limit Breaker before you even enter, strengthening your senses and body, prepared for an ambush.
[x] N. Make use of Limit Breaker if it comes to violence, but not before.
[x] O. Do not make use of Limit Breaker at all.
These are all majority votes. 'True majority' means more than half of the total votes, not just more than the other votes.