Name: Adam Stryker
Nickname/Call Sign: Sundancer
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance: Outside of combat, he's fond of wearing the stereotypical fighter pilot's leather jacket and jeans. He looks like
this though. Needless to say, he's Fucked.
Personality: He's not the average fighter pilot, focusing more on the intellectual side of things as well as being a cynical ass. But then again, being a cynic might just pay off, given X-COM's potential attrition rate.
History: Ward of the state as a kid due to some prick in a SUV with a few Coronas in him, signed up for the Academy and got accepted, thanks in part to his father having died in Kuwait. From there, became a pilot, flew Raptors and other birds, impressed someone enough to be dragged into X-COM.
Relationships: He's married to a fellow pilot, though she's not in X-COM. Course, she's back in the States running a fighter squadron, and he's out risking his neck against X-Rays who outgun him in so many ways it ain't even funny. As for the rest of the meatshields..... He gets along with fellow pilots fine, something to do with them being the fellow aviators around, but the gropos get no sympathy from him.