XCOM: The Long War [We're back in action]

[X] Field Medic (Allows the soldier to use the medkit 3 times)
[X] Field Medic (Allows the soldier to use the medkit 3 times)
[X] Squad Sight (Allows firing at any target in an allies field of view)
[X] Bullet Swarm (Can still perform actions during the turn after firing primary weapon)
I call dibs on the first SHIV! Name it "Thunder Fucker". SHIVs are great in long war. Being able to zoom around and flank people is great. That suppression bouns is glorious and being full cover for your run and gun Assault to get close and lay the hurt is great. I had two of them on my team all the time.
I call dibs on the first SHIV! Name it "Thunder Fucker". SHIVs are great in long war. Being able to zoom around and flank people is great. That suppression bouns is glorious and being full cover for your run and gun Assault to get close and lay the hurt is great. I had two of them on my team all the time.
SHIVs are always great. Even in vanilla XCOM.
[X] Field Medic (Allows the soldier to use the medkit 3 times)
[X] Field Medic (Allows the soldier to use the medkit 3 times)
[X] Squad Sight (Allows firing at any target in an allies field of view)
[X] Bullet Swarm (Can still perform actions during the turn after firing primary weapon)

And I'd like to be one of the Interceptor pilots, if at all possible.
Hm, looks like most of the soldier slots are taken. Mind if I be an Interceptor pilot?

Christ I can hear it now, "For the last time Rufus, the Interceptors do come with, nor are we going to set aside funds just to give them canards!"
Ok this is getting crazy and all soldiers are already taken

mmm ... Can I be the skyranger pilot? and if not possible, an interceptr pilot? ... please?
Guess I'll be one of the squaddies in our next batch because we're going to need them. (Seriously, 6 days for R&R? Geez, a bit too much? How can we have our soldiers not be tired other than not sending them out in the first place?)
Until I get soldierised, I'm putting myself in charge of the finances we DO have.
That means no plushies Rufus.
Guess I'll be one of the squaddies in our next batch because we're going to need them. (Seriously, 6 days for R&R? Geez, a bit too much? How can we have our soldiers not be tired other than not sending them out in the first place?)

You didn't think what little money we had was going toward weapons or Science did you? Six spa treatments minimum after every mission, with a private spa for each soldier.
The Skyranger pilot is the one XCOM personnel that's guaranteed to survive. This is because all of the worlds Invincibilium was used in making it.
Also, feel free to create a profile for your soldier/staff member/pilot for me to link to in the OP. Stuff like likes, dislikes, personality, history, etc.
Also, feel free to create a profile for your soldier/staff member/pilot for me to link to in the OP. Stuff like likes, dislikes, personality, history, etc.

Name: Hassan Amin
Likes: Living, Trolling
Dislikes: Dying
Personality: Trollish
History: Joined XCOM because he trolled a member of the council, and they responded by conscripting him.
Also, feel free to create a profile for your soldier/staff member/pilot for me to link to in the OP. Stuff like likes, dislikes, personality, history, etc.
Give me 5 mikes, I'll do up a basic profile. Don't expect too much fancy schmancy scheisse, odds are I'll be dying messily.

Name: Lt. Rod Budny, callsign "Sundance"

Likes: Reading, listening to smooth jazz, pranking his squadron mates.

Dislikes: Being caught doing any of his likes. Or being shot at.

Personality: The classic introvert, which is at odds with him being a fighter pilot.

History: Let's just say pranking his former CO may have been a mistaken, given it was him who signed the order transferring Rod to X-COM.