- Location
- Auckland, New Zealand
I quite like Mauler, though that's entirely from my solo games (due to illness keeping me from game nights), so I can't really claim actual experience with him.
I played my first real game last night, against the manager of my LGS. He was running two named TIE Defenders. One had...I think it's Veteran Instincts? +2 Pilot skill? and a heavy laser cannon, the other had an engine upgrade. I went with Tycho Celchu with Push the Limit, Biggs Darklighter, a Gold Squadron Pilot w/ Ion Turret and a Blue Squadron pilot (B-Wing).
We had to call the game due to time, unfortunately. The highlight was probably me forgetting to account for Koiogran turns (and not knowing that a K4 turn on the Defender is white...) and ending up with both TIEs behind me, which led to Biggs getting vaped, though I managed to pull the same move with Tycho and finish off one of his Defenders.
I am wondering if it's really worth leaving points out for initiative as a Rebel player, considering our stuff gets kind of pricy and the Imperials have the tiebreaker anyways.
EDIT: Also, as a rebel player, what's your choice of fodder unit if you want to try a swarm? Z-95s? Rookie X-wings? El Cheapo A-wings? A mixture?
Imperials only have Tie-Breaker in missions. in constructed play, Tie breaker is decided by coin flip or dice roll-off.
For a Rebel Swarm, Z-95's or cheap A-Wings are the way to go. Rookie X-wings are just a little too pricey for a swarm.