X-Wing, Miniatures tabletop game from Fantasy Flight

I quite like Mauler, though that's entirely from my solo games (due to illness keeping me from game nights), so I can't really claim actual experience with him.

I played my first real game last night, against the manager of my LGS. He was running two named TIE Defenders. One had...I think it's Veteran Instincts? +2 Pilot skill? and a heavy laser cannon, the other had an engine upgrade. I went with Tycho Celchu with Push the Limit, Biggs Darklighter, a Gold Squadron Pilot w/ Ion Turret and a Blue Squadron pilot (B-Wing).

We had to call the game due to time, unfortunately. The highlight was probably me forgetting to account for Koiogran turns (and not knowing that a K4 turn on the Defender is white...) and ending up with both TIEs behind me, which led to Biggs getting vaped, though I managed to pull the same move with Tycho and finish off one of his Defenders.

I am wondering if it's really worth leaving points out for initiative as a Rebel player, considering our stuff gets kind of pricy and the Imperials have the tiebreaker anyways.

EDIT: Also, as a rebel player, what's your choice of fodder unit if you want to try a swarm? Z-95s? Rookie X-wings? El Cheapo A-wings? A mixture?

Imperials only have Tie-Breaker in missions. in constructed play, Tie breaker is decided by coin flip or dice roll-off.

For a Rebel Swarm, Z-95's or cheap A-Wings are the way to go. Rookie X-wings are just a little too pricey for a swarm.
So what do you all think about the third Faction: Scum and Villainy?

Also made a quick 100 pt Squad with the two X-Wings and one E-Wing that I have. Thoughts

Wedge Antilles — X-Wing 29
Marksmanship 3
R2-D2 4
Luke Skywalker — X-Wing 28
Veteran Instincts 1
R2 Astromech 1
Etahn A'baht — E-Wing 32
Veteran Instincts 1
R2 Astromech 1
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I look forward to adding Criminal scum to the list of scum I can blast.

Current list:

Rebel Scum.

That is all
Game of yesterday evening went better.

I was up against Etahn, an X-Wing and a pair of A's.

He was kind enough to boost one A right into my face. Dreiss and the B redecorated the surrounding asteroids with whatever they didn't take as hood ornament.
Firepower 2 is pathetic. Dutch and Blount made Etahn and the other A-Wing eat shit, or rather Ion while the B went face to face with his X. Overall my oplonent made some basic and rather silly mistakes. You don't play chicken with a list like that against my stuff. I can take his "alpha" on the chin. The reverse is -not- the case. A-Wings are not for frontal assaults.

Also, took a crit on Dutch that gave him -1 agility.

Oh. God. No. Not. The. Agility.
I ruled that it was not do much a crit as his lunchbreak starting now.
Firepower 2 is pathetic. Dutch and Blount made Etahn and the other A-Wing eat shit, or rather Ion while the B went face to face with his X. Overall my oplonent made some basic and rather silly mistakes. You don't play chicken with a list like that against my stuff. I can take his "alpha" on the chin. The reverse is -not- the case. A-Wings are not for frontal assaults.

This is one of the reasons I like this game, actual ability and planning are so important.

Firepower two aint bad, you just gotta get in real close and swam the opponent to death. Can't really do that with an A-wing though. Havn't used them yet, but I fugure they get used for flanking not head on strikes

Also, took a crit on Dutch that gave him -1 agility.

Oh. God. No. Not. The. Agility.
I ruled that it was not do much a crit as his lunchbreak starting now.

He was mostly skirmishing at range 2-3 with the one that lived past turn one.

excerpt from Dutch' previous battle :p
"As the last of my shield gave away, the enemy in front of me was out of my forward blasters' effective range (ergo, anywhere). I am telling the turret gunner to focus fire forward, but he can't hear me and is firing to the rear. As I look over my shoulder I see two enemy fighters diving on my six. My gunner hands me a cheese sandwich."
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So, I volunteered to run X-Wing events at the shop. As we've gone from "sometimes two people show up", up to "fifteen to twenty guys show up, and oh my god what do we do now?".

A lot of the new guys are showing up to take a look at the game and haven't bought much yet. So we're thinking of running a number of 100 point two-on-two matches when guys show up. And as many of them don't have enough units for 100 pt battles (Or even 50), we're going to put together a set of three lists for each faction, focused on the most popular builds (TIE Swarms, etc). And fill those out using store/my own units.

Also we're thinking of having a seasonal ranking based on either total kills, or my suggestion: Ratio of points destroyed to points lost. And at the end of a season commissioning a medal or some other small reward for the highest ranked players.
So, I volunteered to run X-Wing events at the shop. As we've gone from "sometimes two people show up", up to "fifteen to twenty guys show up, and oh my god what do we do now?".

A lot of the new guys are showing up to take a look at the game and haven't bought much yet. So we're thinking of running a number of 100 point two-on-two matches when guys show up. And as many of them don't have enough units for 100 pt battles (Or even 50), we're going to put together a set of three lists for each faction, focused on the most popular builds (TIE Swarms, etc). And fill those out using store/my own units.

Also we're thinking of having a seasonal ranking based on either total kills, or my suggestion: Ratio of points destroyed to points lost. And at the end of a season commissioning a medal or some other small reward for the highest ranked players.

Talk with FFG about the seasonal stuff, as they do Prize support packs etc for that. You could also ask them who the Tournament Organiser is for the region, and get in touch with that person for more info and help. FFG also has their own software for tournaments (I think).
Well I have been growing my collection slowly but I am wondering, does anyone have any good ideas for storing and transporting your minis?
I use tool and parts cases inside of a briefcase...
Well I have been growing my collection slowly but I am wondering, does anyone have any good ideas for storing and transporting your minis?
Large Fishing Tackle boxes are great for this. They often come with customisable compartments, and they've usually got enough space for everything.
http://www.planomolding.com/product.php?BCCID=140&PID=631. Something like that will have plenty of room, and its fairly tough, so no worrying about dropping it and breaking stuff.
It's a bit bulky, but I just keep the ships in their original plastic. You can fit a good amount of them into a shoebox.
Also we're thinking of having a seasonal ranking based on either total kills, or my suggestion: Ratio of points destroyed to points lost. And at the end of a season commissioning a medal or some other small reward for the highest ranked players.

I wish my meta was as large as yours. I've been wanting just to post a "Kill leader" board ala Wing Commander style.

Anyway, as for A-Wings, I usually don't have A-Wings dueling ships that aren't TIE Fighters or Interceptors. I use them either to soften up or follow up the hammer blow from my X-Wings/B-Wings. I also try real hard to keep them in range band 1 to keep that extra attack die.

I'm still having a heck of a time trying to figure out a list for an E-Wing. So damned expensive ;.;
E-Wing should probably be Etahn. The Knave and Blackmoon are too expensive for what they bring to the table -they have to compete with upgraded X and B's- and although they are pretty good I am not sure if they are as good as, say, a fairly bare-bones biggs, or Dreiss with a simple R2 astromech handing out focus for others to use. No, you should take a pilot that does something. Horn is a ganker, being able to shoot twice means you can probably blow anything with a small flying base to shit if you get him at RB1. But Etahn improves everyone's stuff.

Etahn and Ten Numb are a golden duo, but they sort of lock you into a three ship formation unless you take a couple of Tala Sq's or something.
I think the Rebel Ace card Farlander will be a great asset to any rebel setup it's stupidly powerful. Target lock, K-turn, use stress to shoot harder. Barrel roll, hard bank, use stress to shoot harder.

I'd probably do something like:
Etahn A'Baht: Advanced Sensors
Biggs: R5-P9
Ten Numb: Adv. Sensors, Push the limit

But I don't really like 3 ship formations so I'd probably take a bunch of cheaper B's and an X with Etahn. I think going upgrade heavy is a trap.
Just bought a Tide Defender, Tie Phantom and a Third Tie Fighter.

Any idea on a 100 point list that incorporates any of the five ships?
Resurecting thread because I FINALLY got my hands on this and I want to talk about it

Got the core set and a intercepter earlier this week and been having a bunch of fun with it. Intercepter especially. Theres a tournament this sunday I'm going to, planning on picking up a defender to bulk up my points total. Plans to get an A wing for my languishing rebel force which my sister seems to like playing, not sure what to get after then. Maybe one of the aces sets or a phantom
Resurecting thread because I FINALLY got my hands on this and I want to talk about it

Got the core set and a intercepter earlier this week and been having a bunch of fun with it. Intercepter especially. Theres a tournament this sunday I'm going to, planning on picking up a defender to bulk up my points total. Plans to get an A wing for my languishing rebel force which my sister seems to like playing, not sure what to get after then. Maybe one of the aces sets or a phantom

Nice to see another X-Wing player.

If you're doing an interceptor the classic combo of Soontir Fel with Push the Limit is a deadly combo. If you aren't doing circles around your opponent and spamming mass focuses you're doing something wrong. Once Scum Comes out, the Interceptor's only going to be more slippery with Autothrusters.

Phantoms are good, if you have Whisper, Gunner, Fire Control Systems and Advanced Cloaking Device, you'll be able to hit nearly anything although a) you need to think things twelve steps ahead and b) your opponent may deck you.

The Aces packs for both factions are fun and give you options and alternate pain schemes that you wouldn't have access to otherwise.
Resurecting thread because I FINALLY got my hands on this and I want to talk about it

Got the core set and a intercepter earlier this week and been having a bunch of fun with it. Intercepter especially. Theres a tournament this sunday I'm going to, planning on picking up a defender to bulk up my points total. Plans to get an A wing for my languishing rebel force which my sister seems to like playing, not sure what to get after then. Maybe one of the aces sets or a phantom

Eh, I'd avoid the Defender, I find it to be a point sink that doesn't quite make up for in performance the importance that is has for your team.

Or to say it less confusingly, in my experience Imperials maneuver and fight in formation as a team. The Defender is too much of a showboat and ends up out of sync with the other units; it just tends to draw too much fire and provide too little for its points. Though it is good if you are into theory crafting and raw stats.

If you are like me and into maneuver tactics, go with the Phantom. Drop some advanced sensors on there (So that you can cloak and jump around before you move! Which is fun turn one to throw off rebel deployments) and and advanced cloak so that your opponent can never-ever be sure what the hell you are doing. Then drop out maneuver on, because you are almost always going to be out of their firing arc, so drop in right on a guy and get 5 dice against -1 evasion (Y-Wings and B-Wings weep).

TIE PHANTOM MOTTO: Be anywhere, anytime. Kill anyone, anytime

Also go for that Imperial Aces, moar TIE Interceptors is always good, and adding the Royal Guard TIE title is great if you like the Interceptors, slap like, a stealth device and shields or something on. Crush face. As far as pilots go, I tend prefer Turr over Fel, but that's mainly because I am a maneuver player than a raw stats kinda person. But the Fel/PTL combo does great work (DOUBLE BARREL ROLL ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKIES!!)

I also Picked up a Decimator Recently. And that sonnovabitch is just a goddamn brick you toss at the enemy force and laugh. Grab the pilot that hurts ships you overlap, slap Anti-Pursuit lasers on, and mix in Ruthless and just slam into formations brutally beating anything that gets close to you. So you end up taking ten points of damage at like turn two, but after they are all dead or running the fuck away afraid to get anywhere near you.
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My main problem with the phantom is that I don't really understand how to use it. I am hoping that more experience with the game will help solve this. I am planning on getting the defender because I like the look of a white U-turn, having shields and the ability to trick it out. It also fills up my 100 point cost nicely. I have also looked at the firespray but honestly I just don't like the ship.

Somewhat smitten with the look of the striped intercepter in the aces pack and will probably get it at some point, I just want something that can last a bit longer then my fighters and intercepter. I am fairly fond of the intercepters boost and using Phennir to haul ass.
The tournament was cancelled sadly, but enough people showed up with x-wing stuff to play a 2v2. It took about 2 and a bit hours to play, kind of great. I picked up the defender to go with my 2 ties and the intercepter. It did ok, last surviving imperial and taker of first blood. Though me and the new guy got stomped pretty hard, we lost our 8 ships and they lost a Y-wing to my defender. Meh tactics+asteroids+terrible rolls=major rebel victory