X-Wing, Miniatures tabletop game from Fantasy Flight

Looks like all your eggs in one basket (all two of them eggs!) on your opponents' side.

A buddy of mine is probably going for a YT-2400 and the Falcon for his list when the former gets released. Should be strong, I thought chewie + Dash rendar would be a nice enough team, give them both Draw Their Fire and you have a stupidly tough brick.
My core set arrived today! Damn fast shipping. Everything looks good, now I just need to find somebody to play a couple starter games with before the X-Wing and TIE Fighter expansions I ordered show up.

Also, I'm reading over the pilot cards and realizing - Biggs is fucking ridiculous. Dark Curse and Night Beast are both good, but Biggs is RIDICULOUS.
So, I had a bout of momentary insanity and went in with all of the wave 4 ships. TIE Phantoms and TIE Defenders, kind of easy to make lists for. Z-95 too. But I'm having trouble thinking of a list for the E-Wing, anyone got any suggestions?
Just finished my first game ever: I played the political escort scenario, with me as the rebels. I won, but not by being good - the shuttle rolled a hilarious string of evades, allowing it to get off the edge of the map with one hull remaining despite having both TIEs right on its tail for three turns running while its escort was off frantically turning himself around after overshooting the fight. I don't think I scored a single point of damage all game.
So, I had a bout of momentary insanity and went in with all of the wave 4 ships. TIE Phantoms and TIE Defenders, kind of easy to make lists for. Z-95 too. But I'm having trouble thinking of a list for the E-Wing, anyone got any suggestions?

Sorry, don't have much advice for the E-Wing, keep killing them too quickly to get a handle on their strengths.
They are more expensive, better X-Wings that pay too much for their ability to take upgrades. A naked PS1 E-Wing is roughly as expensive as a high-end X-Wing Pilot.

I like the way they look though. That's got to count for something
They are more expensive, better X-Wings that pay too much for their ability to take upgrades. A naked PS1 E-Wing is roughly as expensive as a high-end X-Wing Pilot.
I've been toying around with taking 1 E-Wing and 5 Z-95's as a list, but I still lack enough Z-95s to do it.
To be specific, it would be:
1 Etahn A'baht (E-wing) 32pts
5x Bandit Squadron Pilots (Z-95) 12pts each, 60pts total.
Which would then give me 8pts for some upgrades.
Was playing a friend that took a Titled Hawk-290 with Kyle Katarn (IIRC), he ran it with a support that tossed him Focus, at one point he was sitting on a stack of over 6 focus. He had 2/3 when I finally killed it
Was playing a friend that took a Titled Hawk-290 with Kyle Katarn (IIRC), he ran it with a support that tossed him Focus, at one point he was sitting on a stack of over 6 focus. He had 2/3 when I finally killed it

Uh, wait a minute, I thought Focus tokens got removed at the end of every turn like all the other action tokens? How could you accumulate 6?
Uh, wait a minute, I thought Focus tokens got removed at the end of every turn like all the other action tokens? How could you accumulate 6?

Because there's a combo you can do with one of the Hawk pilots that allows you to keep focus tokens.


I've been toying around with taking 1 E-Wing and 5 Z-95's as a list, but I still lack enough Z-95s to do it.
To be specific, it would be:
1 Etahn A'baht (E-wing) 32pts
5x Bandit Squadron Pilots (Z-95) 12pts each, 60pts total.
Which would then give me 8pts for some upgrades.

I would think fiddle around a bit to get a Lt. Blount with some assault missiles in case you run into another swarm.
Uh, wait a minute, I thought Focus tokens got removed at the end of every turn like all the other action tokens? How could you accumulate 6?

Moldy Crow title, unspent focus isn't removed. So what you do is Run Kyle in the Moldy Crow, with a Recon Officer and take Dreiss.

Kyle lets you pass one focus token to another ship at the start of the combat phase, recon officer says that you get two focus instead of one when you elect it as your action, Dreiss can pass his focus along after using it.

You could do something like this:
100 points

Jake Farrell
Chardaan Refit
22 points

Garven Dreis
26 points

Kyle Katarn
Ion Cannon Turret, Recon Specialist, Moldy Crow
32 points

Lieutenant Blount
Ion Pulse Missiles
20 points

Farrell has a rule that allows him to boost or barrel roll when he gets a focus or performs a focus action. If you take a cheaper Z95 you could trick the others out a bit.
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Thinking about starting my Imperial collection first. Thinking about getting the Imperial Aces set with some additional interceptors and doing the following lists:

Interceptor Squadron


Soontir Fel


Push the Limit/DD

Stealth Device





Turr Phennir



Stealth Device





Alpha Sq Pilot



Alpha Sq Pilot


Squadron 302-B




Squad Leader




Academy Pilot



Academy Pilot



Soontir Fel


Push the Limit/DD




Turr Phennir


Veteran Instincts


Soontir does work good with PTL
I got a bunch of possible combinations on of board game geek. Although they haven't updated it for the newest series. Any suggested lists that include Tie Defenders or Tie Phantoms?

No, Still havn't gotten the new Imperial units. Still on order
First proper game in.
My list:
Dreiss + R2
Dutch + Ion turret & R2
Blount + ion pulse missile
Dagger Sq

His list:
Tycho + chardaan + push the limit
Etahn Something + R2 + PTL
Rookie X-Wing + flechette torps
Tala Sq

Dutch and Blount Tag Teamed Etahn to shit. Ion. Ionionionfuckyouion. His Z-95 was helping out. Dreiss and the B-Wing went after Rookie and Tycho.

Shots were fired. Tycho ate shit after two exchanges (damaged engines and he already had a bunch of stress, lolgtfo).
Dutch died but not before setting the E-Wing up to die by Blount's hands (target lock + focus makes the Z95 deceptively hard-hitting at range 1), leaving only his rookie and tala after I put Tycho ouf of his misery.

Rookie then experienced having a B-Wing blow his load right up his ass. Dreiss head-butted an asteroid. At this point my opponent conceded. Blount had one shield left, and Dreiss and the B-Wing had no shields but were at full health. He took the highway away from the Danger Zone.
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Yes. I saw it.

Poor BFG, you will succeeded at last it seems.

Got a game up against most likely a Millenium Falcon + escorts this Tuesday.
Hope my current setup has the bite to get through that. Should I initially focus on the Falcon or on the pair of X-Wings (Or X/B) that are trailing it?
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Yes. I saw it.

Poor BFG, you will succeeded at last it seems.

Got a game up against most likely a Millenium Falcon + escorts this Tuesday.
Hope my current setup has the bite to get through that. Should I initially focus on the Falcon or on the pair of X-Wings (Or X/B) that are trailing it?
I'd focus on the X-wings first tbh. get rid of its support, then work on nailing the falcon.
I suppose Dutch can put one of the Escorts out of play permanently. Especially if he takes a B-Wing. Agility 1 makes for a sad, sad Ion Cannon target.