X-Wing, Miniatures tabletop game from Fantasy Flight

Well at least they can't outturn the Ion Turret :p

Still, in that case it is even more of an interesting question. Alternatively I could take a cheap A-Wing instead of the Red Sq. dude.

Zippier but lacks the brutal firepower X-Wings have.

No, but you can use a barrel roll to sidestep out of the way and take potshots out of range. Or use PTL/ Turr Phennir to dance out of the way after shooting. After the TIE interceptors came out I stopped worrying about Ions, because I was always out of the way when it came time for them to shoot.

I would say to go with the A-Wing, because all the firepower in the world does no good if you're never in the right spot to use it. On the other hand though, with multiple speeds an manoverabilities it can get easy accidentally split your flight up and have everyone all over the place and out of range to support each other. Lone units, no matter how good are at a major disadvantage against two or more units in the hands of even an average shiphandler.

I've had two Academy Pilot TIEs going up against fully loaded Luke or Wedge and come out on top, and not because the rebel player was an idiot/newb, but because it becomes exponentially harder to be in the right place/ not in the wrong place for each additional unit you're going up against.
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That's what makes the tie swarm so dangerous: doesn't matter if you kill one if they have two guys set to focus fire one of yours.

In my demo game I went up against a fairly kitted Skywalker with Mauler and a redshirt Tie. The only reason he won was because I got diced; I was only able to score one hit with 7 dice (both at short range); he effortlessly evades, gets a shot at three, I evade nothing (with evasion!) and he just blows me out of the sky. And then it is 1-1. I did exactly one shield hit on him beteen roughly 16 shots or so. Had him pincer'd twice :/
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That's what makes the tie swarm so dangerous: doesn't matter if you kill one if they have two guys set to focus fire one of yours.

In my demo game I went up against a fairly kitted Skywalker with Mauler and a redshirt Tie. The only reason he won was because I got diced; I was only able to score one hit with 7 dice (both at short range); he effortlessly evades, gets a shot at three, I evade nothing (with evasion!) and he just blows me out of the sky. And then it is 1-1. I did exactly one shield hit on him beteen roughly 16 shots or so. Had him pincer'd twice :/

Ouch. Best you can do sometimes is hope to Jebus the dice gods reimburse you at a later date.

Went to my game store to try and pick up a TIE/D and a TIE Phantom, can't get one for love or money. A couple dozen E-wings and Z-95s though. The Imp stuff is back ordered to Hell and back, and the Rebel stuff is rotting on the shelves.
Heh, well, at my place the LGS hasn't been making itself too popular with the established community for the last couple of years so I'm grabbing it off at a discounter. Saves me 4 Euros per blister and 8-10 on the bigger kits. I'll buy at the FLGS when I want something and I can't be arsed to wait a couple of weeks for four Euros but otherwise, meh.

I have a strange relationship with the dicegods, they routinely let me win stuff I should not, but also let me lose games in ways that should not happen.
My place is locally owned game store with a really good/positive scene. I am more than willing to take a bit of a financial hit to help support them. Even if I have to wait a while for the order to come in sometimes. Heck, they're letting me run an X-Wing thing tomorrow, on a day when they're usually closed. 'Cause they're good dudes.
Yeah, it was pretty good until some time ago, with them effectively "unilaterally" deciding that they don't need us (aka. the old gaming group) anymore because they can take care of all the stuff themselves now. If we want tournaments outside of theirs we would have to pay up 70+ Euros. Kinda hard to justify a pricetag like that for small tourneys.

So the only reason I still frequent there is because it is a nice central place and local community still holds it as a base, and said community -in particular the X-Wing/Warmachine Group -practically the same people- are a very nice bunch.
Ok just bought the starter kit. Right now everyone wants the game so there was only HWKs, a few X-wings, B-Wings and a few tie fighters. Since I haven't really played a few games, I figure that I might as well play with the starter kit before I go on a spending spree.
Ok just bought the starter kit. Right now everyone wants the game so there was only HWKs, a few X-wings, B-Wings and a few tie fighters. Since I haven't really played a few games, I figure that I might as well play with the starter kit before I go on a spending spree.

Gives you two TIEs, all you need to get started.
This game seems highly entertaining and relevant to my interests.

Unfortunately it is a miniatures game and thus costs MONEY, a substance that at this point in my college career I am almost convinced is entirely mythical.
This game seems highly entertaining and relevant to my interests.

Unfortunately it is a miniatures game and thus costs MONEY, a substance that at this point in my college career I am almost convinced is entirely mythical.

Starter Set is 40 bucks with additional ships are 15 a pop. I'd say that if you really want it just gradually build the collection and have it go from there.

It is well worth it at that price.
I picked up a starter set, a Y-Wing and a TIE Advanced (yes, I know. I wanted some ship variety, dang it) the other day. I'm thinking either the X-wing expansion or possibly a B-wing next, but would a second Y-wing be worth it? And what would you suggest on the imperial side (although I mostly plan to play Rebellion)?
I picked up a starter set, a Y-Wing and a TIE Advanced (yes, I know. I wanted some ship variety, dang it) the other day. I'm thinking either the X-wing expansion or possibly a B-wing next, but would a second Y-wing be worth it? And what would you suggest on the imperial side (although I mostly plan to play Rebellion)?
I would say that a B-wing would probably be better than a second Y-wing.
For the Imps, get a Tie Phantom if possible, or a Tie Defender. Really, all the ships excepting the Tie Advanced on the Imps side are useful, so its a matter of taste really.
Two Y's seems to be very niche. I've read it can work but they are quite pricey with the Ion Turret and unless you have a focus factory, the blaster eats up your action.

B-Wing is very stronk. The secondary upgrades are expensive though, but the HLC brings the pain. It's arguably too expensive though.
I picked up a starter set, a Y-Wing and a TIE Advanced (yes, I know. I wanted some ship variety, dang it) the other day. I'm thinking either the X-wing expansion or possibly a B-wing next, but would a second Y-wing be worth it? And what would you suggest on the imperial side (although I mostly plan to play Rebellion)?

Interceptor. The others might have a higher point cost that can make them hard to use all the time. But the Interceptor will always come in handy. And can be fielded for a decent price
I think everything is useful in one way or the other. Y-Wings have mediocre stats but bring a turret and Dutch is a good teamplayer.

B-Wings are heavy fighters with lots of upgrades that skyrocket its cost way up there.

E-Wings are more expensive, better X-Wings.

A-Wings are fast, and can be cheap.

Z-95's are cheap, and should never cost more than 20 points :p
Actually, a lot of it is up to your play style.

I use Interceptors because I can get to places that my opponent doesn't expect me to, I've become very good a predicting Rebel moves. Y-wings are for slowboaters who give zero fucks about getting shot, and so on. I'm lucky that my playstyle lines up perfectly with the faction I chose, and what I started buying.

I'd suggest taking someone else's/demo units out for spin to see what you like. Unless you like the TIE-Advanced, then you have bad taste and are wrong

In your games, how do you play? Like what do you want to do? Or what frustrates you about what you've already used?
What's so bad about the TIE-Advanced? Is it just too expensive for what it does, or does it actually have some crippling flaw?
What's so bad about the TIE-Advanced? Is it just too expensive for what it does, or does it actually have some crippling flaw?

It's... just not very good, There's really nothing to take it for that you wouldn't be taking something else instead. It tries to be an X-Wing (Good at a variety of things, the "Mario") except it doesn't quite get there. Just a little bit too expensive, just a little bit too underpowered, just a little bit not quite good enough.

It's almost always a better choice to take something else instead. It's not actually horrible, it's just not quite good enough to use.
It's... just not very good, There's really nothing to take it for that you wouldn't be taking something else instead. It tries to be an X-Wing (Good at a variety of things, the "Mario") except it doesn't quite get there. Just a little bit too expensive, just a little bit too underpowered, just a little bit not quite good enough.

It's almost always a better choice to take something else instead. It's not actually horrible, it's just not quite good enough to use.

B-b-but Darth Vader!

Also, I ordered the starter set today. Got it for about twelve bucks by signing up for an Amazon card I'll never use to con them out of a $20 gift card. I'll see whether I want to go Rebel or Imperial after I've played a couple games.

(Probably Imperial, in all honesty.)
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Played a 200 point game today.

Rebels had a tricked out Tantive IV and a Millenium Falcon.

I ran with two loaded TIE Bombers, a Lambda, two fully pimped TIE Interceptors, and a throwaway TIE fighter. Lost nothing by the time I took out the Tantive and the Falcon ran.

Took the Lambda that can hand out target locks, the crew that lets you do target locks at once, and the Lambda Title that allows you to target lock anyone on the map; used that to ensure that the Bombers had no distraction from delivering their payloads. The Lambda also had an Ion Cannon loaded that I used to reduce the Tantive's energy regen rate.

B-b-but Darth Vader!

Also, I ordered the starter set today. Got it for about twelve bucks by signing up for an Amazon card I'll never use to con them out of a $20 gift card. I'll see whether I want to go Rebel or Imperial after I've played a couple games.

(Probably Imperial, in all honesty.)

Woo, show us pics!:D