Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

I always have an issue with people pulling the 'lets annihilate matter' to solve a problem given what happens when only a few grams is destroyed.
Yes, yes, I know - suspension of disbelief and all that and the fact that its probably about the only way to get rid of Crawler. Hell, eating him and have it happen in Taylor's stomach I don't have a problem with.

That's mass-energy conversion, whereas the breath appears to be straight up removal. Or, more likely given how shards work, the various atoms and so forth are scattered over a bunch of other dimensions and only appear to be actually destroyed.

She absorbed the energy, of course.

Why waste it?

(Also, a great way to re-power her shard).

"I'm not wasting perfectly good panache on you losers. Though I actually thought this was a pretty good field test for the disintegrator ray - see, it converts all baryonic matter it touches into neutrinos.

Any other variants to matter vanished?
Any other variants to matter vanished?
The matter can be made to vanish by:

Sent away via time travel.

Teleportation beams. I recall that happening in a Marvel comic once; a character was assumed to be disintegrating people, but he was actually transporting them elsewhere.

Collapsed into an infinitely thin disc (seen in One Face, when a damaged FTL drive set the local speed of light to zero).

"Rotating an object about its axis", as in Have Spacesuit Will Travel. The object (a planet in that case) is rotated 90 degrees relative to spacetime so it no longer has any connection to the universe.

Crushed into a stable micro black hole (Borderland of Sol). Of course while the matter vanishes that doesn't mean it can't still eat you...

Shrunk to microscopic size via Pym Particles (Marvel comics).

Smeared across a multitude of alternate possible universes so that its own probability of existence falls below the threshold for it existing in any one of them (seen in Jack of Eagles).

Transformed into "shadow matter", which doesn't interact with normal matter save via gravity.

"Time-Space Separation" from War of Omission, which edited cubical zones out of reality and not only made objects and people vanish, but made people forget they'd ever existed in the first place. Interestingly, it was also reversible (assuming you figured out that it had happened in the first place, of course).

In the Well World series the vast majority of matter in the universe is artificially created and maintained by the Well World computer, and can be made to vanish by a number of methods interfering with that. Since the matter was never "real" in the first place it can be deleted much like a more conventionally simulated object.

Super speed induction, as seen in one Star Trek Original Series episode; the targeted person vanishes because they are now moving too fast for you to see anymore.

Mind control. The matter is still there; you've just been rendered incapable of realizing it.
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So QA traded the 'bug' template for the 'dragon' template to Lung's shard, and decided to snack on a Bit of the (possibly deceased Eidolon) High Priest?
Maybe a touch of internal hacking to remove the top-end limiters, and now QA can sit back relax, and let Taylor escalate to Akatosh levels of BS.
Seems legit. Love the way she can 'nope' problems.
and decided to snack on a Bit of the (possibly deceased Eidolon) High Priest?

Well, if you read the last chapter you'll see the following:

Max sat back and smiled secretly to himself as the battle lines were drawn. It seemed money would change hands no matter which member of the Triumvirate showed up, though it was telling that nobody had any faith in Eidolon to be the one. Not that he blamed them; since Legend quit the Protectorate, the man had hardly appeared in public at all.

Looks like nobody in that little team is dead. Hero wasn't killed by Manton's projection when he first went psycho. Legend instead learned what the rest of the cookpot conspiracy were up to behind his back, and dropped them like a bad habit. And while "hardly appeared in public" might suggest Eidolon could be dead, it suggests he is occasionally seen in public. Then there's the fact that the endbringers are still causing destruction.
Crushed into a stable micro black hole (Borderland of Sol). Of course while the matter vanishes that doesn't mean it can't still eat you...
That wouldn't help. The lifespan of a 500kg black hole is 5.8 nanoseconds; a 1000kg black hole would survive for 46 nanoseconds. During that time the entire mass is radiated away as energy.
Crushed into a stable micro black hole (Borderland of Sol). Of course while the matter vanishes that doesn't mean it can't still eat you...
That wouldn't help. The lifespan of a 500kg black hole is 5.8 nanoseconds; a 1000kg black hole would survive for 46 nanoseconds. During that time the entire mass is radiated away as energy.

I also think that the size of those micro black holes are below a pesky thing called the Planck Limits, I think the one that applies is Planck Length, which is 1 x 10-35​ meters....

A quick run through the math yields a size of 7.415787 x 10-28 km for a 500 kg black hole, which becomes 7.415787 x 10-25 meters... Ok, so it won't be so small that it can't exist. It'll be smaller than most subatomic particles, though. And yeah, when it evaporates, the hawking radiation will be lethal.

(The simplified math is 2.95 x Mass in Solar Masses ( Mass in kg / 1.989 × 1030 kg ) km. It gets worse for very rapidly spinning black holes.)

However, note that the initial statement says 'stable'. So, through some bit of applied phlebotinum, they keep it stable or allow it to slowly decay after creation.

Eh, it's soft sci-fi. And this really has little relevance to the story, so I'll apologize for the derail.
That wouldn't help. The lifespan of a 500kg black hole is 5.8 nanoseconds; a 1000kg black hole would survive for 46 nanoseconds. During that time the entire mass is radiated away as energy.
However, note that the initial statement says 'stable'. So, through some bit of applied phlebotinum, they keep it stable or allow it to slowly decay after creation.

Eh, it's soft sci-fi. And this really has little relevance to the story, so I'll apologize for the derail.
Actually in this case it's called "the story being written before all those things were actually known about micro black holes".
That wouldn't help. The lifespan of a 500kg black hole is 5.8 nanoseconds; a 1000kg black hole would survive for 46 nanoseconds. During that time the entire mass is radiated away as energy.
And the event horizon would be miniscule (sub-atomic), meaning it wouldn't be able to eat anything anyway.
So cooks everything for miles near instantly with more released energy than a fusion reaction as the energy released is nearly 100% efficient mass-energy conversion.
Bats don't walk on their elbows. They use their wrists and the side of the hand.

It's more the mechanics I'm envisoning. Bats have small claws/hands at the midpoint of their wings which they use when walking. For Taylor, there probably aren't claw/hand apendages on her wings, so the 'elbow' would be roughly the same place.
It's more the mechanics I'm envisoning. Bats have small claws/hands at the midpoint of their wings which they use when walking. For Taylor, there probably aren't claw/hand apendages on her wings, so the 'elbow' would be roughly the same place.
No it wouldn't.

A bat's wing has all the same joints in all the same places as a human arm. It's just that their fingers are extra long. If Taylor's wings are anything like a bat's, even if she doesn't have claws, she'd be supporting her weight on the wrist. Funnily enough, that what's the Monsterverse did for their version of King Ghidorah.
But Ack has said that she is not a bat, which I take to mean her wings aren't bat-like, and that she walks on her elbows, so I just want to know what the hell kind of wings does Taylor have for that even make sense.
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Have a look at the skeleton of a bird/bat some time, a wing is basicly a normal arm with reeeeeally long fingers.
Yeah. Seriously. Nearly all vertebrates have the same basic skeletal layout, just with the individual bones shaped and sized differently. Every animal with four limbs has joints in the same order. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers.

Except that's not walking on the elbows. You can see the elbow quite clearly in that and it's nowhere near the ground.

? what do you consider the elbow if its not the joint in the middle of the wing that in that video is touching the ground as he walks?

The first joint after the shoulder. Just like the knee is the first joint after the hip.

Have a look at the skeleton of a bird/bat some time, a wing is basicly a normal arm with reeeeeally long fingers.

Yeah. Seriously. Nearly all vertebrates have the same basic skeletal layout, just with the individual bones shaped and sized differently. Every animal with four limbs has joints in the same order. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers.
Okay, Imma pull this debate up here.

In Wyvern form, Taylor's upper arm is proportionately much longer than the Skyrim dragon (and bats too, I guess).

Instead of holding her elbow 'back' and walking on her 'wrist', she brings it forward and down, and walks on her 'elbow'.

She just does it differently, okay?
Okay, Imma pull this debate up here.

In Wyvern form, Taylor's upper arm is proportionately much longer than the Skyrim dragon (and bats too, I guess).

Instead of holding her elbow 'back' and walking on her 'wrist', she brings it forward and down, and walks on her 'elbow'.

She just does it differently, okay?
I think it's a bit weird, but alright.