Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Eidolon: "I can take…"

Rest of the Triumvirate: "Noooooooo!!!!"
Bitch you couldnt deal with the Nine, you cant deal with the one that ate them.

Wait a moment....Oh shit, i just realized what happened, Crawler flattened a Van, it was Manton's with him inside.
Shit, she scored 8 members out of 9 and all of them were the most dreaded....Because lets face it, with a lot of water you can take on Burnscar, she was always the lamest, teleportation or not.

Also Piggot to Armsmaster after that
Director: Armsmaster, im going to be very concise with you, if you ever, and I mean EVER, try another one of your schemes to get that girl in the Wards, before you are out the door, I will foam you, go down there, take off your helmet, and blow your head off with the highest caliber I have, am I understood?
Colin: Director I...
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Seven out of nine, actually. Winter died, then Cherish killed Hatchet Face and Mannequin before joining. Unless you count Manton separate from the Siberian. But it was the entire roster regardless, so she got a clean sweep.

More importantly, there's a level of hilarity at the fact that Jack Slash's final words, and thus the Slaughterhouse 9's final words, were, "Wait, wait. Don't I get any final words?"
I rolled over, managing to throw him off. Too late, I saw a small van in an out of the way parking spot, halfway up the hill. For a moment, I thought it might be abandoned, but then I spotted a face watching us through the windshield. "Watch out!" I bellowed. But it was too late. Crawler landed square on it, crushing it flat. God damn it, I groaned. I'd face the music for that later.

Had to reread to notice Manton's end, thus when Siberian popped like a soap bubble. Too bad the world at large doesn't know about Manton, cause the world will think Siberian is still at large somewhere.
Had to reread to notice Manton's end, thus when Siberian popped like a soap bubble. Too bad the world at large doesn't know about Manton, cause the world will think Siberian is still at large somewhere.

If I had to guess, Siberian will become the next creepy urban legend, a la Bloody Mary. As you said, there's no evidence she's actually gone, which is gonna cause more paranoid people to assume she's gotten stealthier. The first time a cannibal remains uncaught for any significant amount of time, I'm guessing a whole bunch of people will immediately latch onto the idea that the Siberian did it, even if they end up catching the actual culprit later. Add in usual Internet shenanigans and voila, in about two decades or so kids on their generation's TikTok equivalent are echoing creepy rhymes intended to summon or ward off the Siberian.
It's kind of funny that SIberian got accidentally defeated, and nobody will ever know cause Manton is likely now unrecognizable and only Cauldron were aware of the connection.
Shit, she scored 8 members out of 9 and all of them were the most dreaded....Because lets face it, with a lot of water you can take on Burnscar, she was always the lamest, teleportation or not.
Burnscar can light her own fire, and it burns fast and spreads alot. Not as easy as it sounds.

Also the Lamest is easily Manaquin. Hes basically just a slight brute and slight mover who can detach his limbs, and rarely does anything else.
Had to reread to notice Manton's end, thus when Siberian popped like a soap bubble. Too bad the world at large doesn't know about Manton, cause the world will think Siberian is still at large somewhere.

Don't remember if cauldron knows about him.
And even if not, now that they have his body, they might recognize him, and then recognize that siberian has the same shape as his daughter using facial recognition. I can see that happening if taylor insists on knowing who he is to apologise to his family, and maybe share some of the bounty.
Don't remember if cauldron knows about him.
And even if not, now that they have his body, they might recognize him, and then recognize that siberian has the same shape as his daughter using facial recognition. I can see that happening if taylor insists on knowing who he is to apologise to his family, and maybe share some of the bounty.

He got squished by Mr "I spit and am covered in acid", aka Crawler. He's likely either a fine paste or so badly melted by the acid that only DNA testing might determine who he is. But as for Cauldron knowing, yes they do. His being part of the S9 is why that group of murder-hobos got covert protection from Cauldron. Manton's power was considered useful against Scion. Remember, in canon Battery was under orders from Cauldron to ensure certain members of the S9 escaped.

But yes, that was a glorious curbstomp.

Jack: "Don't we get any last words?"
Taylor: "No."
Me: "Jack, you just did. And you wasted them."

I think the most glorious S9 Beatdown was Jack Slash getting into a Bible Off in an attempt to twist the main character into his way of thinking, and losing.
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Ok, I have to say it. I suspect there's going to be ALOT of Capes taking a good HARD look at Taylor and going, "Ok, I get the message. The correct response when dealing with Taylor will be to be very, VERY polite, and remember that she DON'T need ketchup to spice her meals up. You piss her off enough she decides it's dinnertime, good luck getting anyone to do more than hand you a Darwin's Award before leaving stage left at a very fast walk....
Unless you're the Butcher. They would be absolutely delighted to be killed by Taytay
I think the most glorious S9 Beatdown was Jack Slash getting into a Bible Off in an attempt to twist the main character into his way of thinking, and losing.
Wasn't that one against Taylor "All the Dakka" Hebert aka Dakka? And he lost because Taylor's power was mastering her to counteract the effects of Broadcast

Unless you're the Butcher. They would be absolutely delighted to be killed by Taytay
And then her powers would adapt to the butcher collective by creating a Janitor's closet to shove them all in.
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I liked this.

The Nine survived because Cauldron wanted them around, they aren't nearly as tough as their rep.

Crawler and Siberian are the only ones a bullet (or 50) wouldn't work on. Most of them should go down like chumps. Even Bonesaw's threat of releasing plague has the obvious answer. Fire. Everything burns.

Most of them really should have by now too, based on their method of operation. "You hurt my dad, I'll kill you" is an easy and natural reaction to the kind of hostage games they play. Any blaster at all who feels like they have nothing to lose should have been able to off half of them. Even worse, they wander around the USA of all places. US-more guns than people-A. Oh and the government will give you millions for putting a bullet between their eyes.

It should be imposssible to be a member of The Nine for more than a week without being bulletproof.
Canonically, the S9 do regularly lose members. Hatchet Face got killed by Cherish as part of her trying to join. But they were already down by one before that, I think. Thus the recruiting run.

That said, Jack screwed up. He expected a wyvern to play by his rules. And it bit him on the ass. Quite literally.