Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

The wombo combo of Missy reducing the distance from Taylor's snout and a soon to be incinerated target to nothing is too good to pass up!
Not as good as she reducing the distance from a flying dragon from a mile up to a couple of centimeters from her target, nothing beats a couple of petty thieves pointing their knives to someone and then suddenly having a monster with teeth larger that their punny blades between themselves and their target while behind them their escape route is suddenly too small for mice to fit through.
With Vicky and Taylor as primary protagonists, of COURSE Ames is the Designated Damsel in Distress.

If it were Taylor and Sophia, it'd be Emma. (That'd be .... something to see.)

Taylor and Lily? Sabah.

You do realize, Ack, that "How to Train Your Dragon" WILL be required viewing in the Dallon household, right?

In addition...

a) The art class scene was great.
b) Yeah, it's totally fair to judge an English Teacher on how he's acting when you show up to his class with the unholy hybrid of a juvinile T-Rex, a Bat, and a flamethrower which weighs as much as your car. I'm sure his teaching ability wouldn't be affected in the slightest. Seriously, SPOCK would have a hard time keeping composure in that scenario! Cut the guy some slack.
c) Amy kidnapped. Seriously, New Wave, just take her to a shooting range and teach her how to use a gun.
d) If Taylor has traditional dragon-y senses, she's gonna know who all the Wards are the instant that she gets near them in her Wyvern form. I'd have liked to get more normal perspectives on Taylor, from Vicky's mundane friends. Sure, it's nice to know that Clock, Gallant, and Aegis are here, but this is a story with a Heroic Taylor in Brockton. We're gonna see the Wards anyway, that's practically a given. I do appreciate Rey's take on Vicky in Deputy and Deputy Commander, where Vicky wasn't hanging out with the Wards all the time at Arcadia, but had her own friends separate from her superheroic identity.
e) Let's be nice to Clock, yes, he wasn't the most coherent, but I'd be even less if you brought a fucking dinosaur dragon to my school. And no, I don't care that she's actually a Wyvern. I mean, I do, but still.
f) This song must be played around Wyvern when they do the public announcement of her.
g) Yes, Wyvern isn't designed to be ridden on. But to be fair, neither are horses, ostriches, camels, alpacas, and any of the other creatures that mankind rides on. And those are only the ones riden on in the real world, you do not want me to get into a list of all the things that FICTIONAL people ride on.
h) What the hell are the Merchants and the ABB fighting over at a museum of local history? There's nothing to snort, drink, inject, or imbibe, and I can't imagine Lung really giving a shit about the past. If it was strategic, well, maybe, but it's a museum of LOCAL history. I've seen local museums, and they usually don't have much in the way of interesting stuff to anyone except die-hard collectors, Native Americans, and the mildly curious. Furthermore, a museum would be a place of affluence, and thus wouldn't it fall into the protective sphere of BBPD and the PRT? Not... not really seeing the point of such a conflict; if you win, you get a place that isn't of significance to either side, and will draw the attention of the PRT. If you lose, you lose face, probably some guys killed in the fighting or arrested by the cops, and all the ammo and weapons you either lost, used, or abandoned...
Allowing her to feel comfortable enough with her power to craft bio-power armor (or, for S-class events, a full-scale EVA) would work too.

I know which one is more likely for Carol to say is okay, and it's not the one that reminds her of Nilbog or Marquis.

TROGDOOOOOOOOR! *clicks link * :(

I MENTIONED HTTYD earlier. Also I was going for something you would want to introduce a HERO to. The Trogdor song is, however, Lung's intro music.
The latter would be an interesting choice, but getting sufficient ammunition for it would be a PITA.

The ammo. The ammo would be a problem, and not getting a sixteen year old a military-grade assault rifle.

... Actually, I'd think that the makers of the P-90 would love to give her free ammo if she uses their gun. "The greatest healer in the world trusts her safety to the P-90!" Great advertising.
P90's not classed as an assault rifle IIRC? And the ammo is expensive.

Sorry, thought it WAS an assault rifle. It's actually classified as a Personal Defense Weapon. My bad. However, a civilian variant of the weapon has been available since 2005. And it was designed for, among other things, support personal, which includes White Mages. And do you think that people would let the Greatest Healer In The World go without personal protection? I seem to recall New Wave getting by on donations. If it kept New Wave in their good books, I could imagine the PRT supplying the materials for her to have said protection on the down low as a "Donation."
It's a shard-swap if I recall. Kenya got insect control, or a variation thereof.

... Well, if a computer can trigger, why not a country?

EDIT: Actually, that'd be kinda cool if a country took anthropomorphic form and triggered, it'd be like the character Uncle Sam in DC Comics. We probably wouldn't see Uncle Sam, but I bet whatever his equivalent for Japan would have shown up by now with Kyushu.

... Although come to think of it, there's plenty of giant bug monsters roaming around in Japanese media... Maybe this Kenta did still fight Leviathan, except he did it with Mothra and Ebirah.
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... Well, if a computer can trigger, why not a country?

EDIT: Actually, that'd be kinda cool if a country took anthropomorphic form and triggered, it'd be like the character Uncle Sam in DC Comics. We probably wouldn't see Uncle Sam, but I bet whatever his equivalent for Japan would have shown up by now with Kyushu.

... Although come to think of it, there's plenty of giant bug monsters roaming around in Japanese media... Maybe this Kenta did still fight Leviathan, except he did it with Mothra and Ebirah.

Instead of Mothra, I get the mental image of a really huge horned beetle, or perhaps a Japanese Hornet the size of a city bus.
Instead of Mothra, I get the mental image of a really huge horned beetle, or perhaps a Japanese Hornet the size of a city bus.

Ugh, a shard made from a fusion of Bitch's Shard and QA... Nope and nope.

Isn't the P-90 relatively new? I recall hearing about it in the story Synthesia

Nope. The P-90 began development in 1986 and production began in 1990 at the request of NATO.

If you're asking about if it'd be butterflied away because of Multiverse Theory, I don't really think so. It's still a good weapon, and either would have still been made here or the designs could have come over from Aleph. Hell, even though it was introduced twenty-seven years ago in our world, it's still being used by 40 nations and the Secret Service of the US.

EDIT: So yeah, relatively new, but only if you count "Nearly three decades old not counting development time" as new.
If Wyvern!Taylor was being introduced to a school of dragons, I do not know how much worse or better it would be, as she could be getting asked questions like "how do do anything with those wings in the way?" a lot.

Though it sounds like a cute web video thing this Taylor could upload on bet, trying to do normal things in changer form, or just being cute in general with Amy and Victoria.
Ugh, a shard made from a fusion of Bitch's Shard and QA... Nope and nope.

Nope. The P-90 began development in 1986 and production began in 1990 at the request of NATO.

If you're asking about if it'd be butterflied away because of Multiverse Theory, I don't really think so. It's still a good weapon, and either would have still been made here or the designs could have come over from Aleph. Hell, even though it was introduced twenty-seven years ago in our world, it's still being used by 40 nations and the Secret Service of the US.

EDIT: So yeah, relatively new, but only if you count "Nearly three decades old not counting development time" as new.
Good to know
Vicky to bring Wyvern back at some point so that he could render her in oils

... Well, if a computer can trigger, why not a country?

EDIT: Actually, that'd be kinda cool if a country took anthropomorphic form and triggered, it'd be like the character Uncle Sam in DC Comics. We probably wouldn't see Uncle Sam, but I bet whatever his equivalent for Japan would have shown up by now with Kyushu.
Please tell me someone has wrote a Hetalia: Axis Powers/Worm crossover!

I so want to read about Ziz-bombed Switzerland!