Written by the Victors (Warhammer Fantasy)

Please don't attempt to collect taxes from people before enforcing laws on the new territories. Just coming in and taking the money from disenfranchised, legally powerless peasants is not how Republic should do things.

Taxation, representation, etcetera.
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[X] Plan: Continue Integration
-[X] Prototype Infrastructural Protective Talismans [0/???]
-[X] Enforce laws on new territories
-[X] Collect taxes from new territories

Either way every plan is focusing on getting some methods to fix the dhar problem.
[X] Plan: Stereoscopic Dharscope
-[X] Enforce laws on new territories
-[X] Prototype necromancy Dharscope [0/???]
-[X] Prototype light magic Dharscope [0/???]
Once we get those taxes we are sure to finally get some work using these anti dhar measures. Once thos are set we can finally have a long term solution to managing dhar other than "stop using dhar".
[X] Plan: Continue Integration

We have definitely done enough for them I feel confident and happy with beginning true enforcement of the laws and collection of taxes.
[X]Plan 16 From Inner Space:
-[X] Help a nearby prince defend their land.
-[X]Thane Josef Okrisson
-[X] Purge Dhar from Territories
-[X] Monster Hunting: Seek monsters and take their bones
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I must have missed the option to send aide directly, will go edit that in if it is on the list. EDIT: Ah help nearby prince, fixed, I legitimately think we could raise a lot of good will by doing so.
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[x] Plan Three Prongs
-[X] Prototype light magic Dharscope [0/???]
-[X] Enforce laws on new territories
-[X] Help a nearby prince defend their land.
--[X] Thane Josef Okrisson

We need to Get some plan on Light Magic to prototype our methods. We need to get these laws enforced so people know what is going on. But, we can also help Josef Okrisson. If we can do that he might be more amenable to us and show other baronies that there are diplomatic options other than trying to kill us on sight. On a less empathic stance of saving the one Thane who won't kill on sight, it does help having one more barony stay alive to assist us in the future.
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[X] Plan Three Prongs
Well we have a reputation of being a undead legion already, may as well show how that can be quite useful against a WAAGH.