[Worm AU] Cogito Ergo Lung : I Think, Therefore I Am Dragon

English is the bastard that swipes words from other languages, then chucks the spare vowels at them when they aren't looking.
This silly language STILL has grammatical rules from the 15th century and earlier!
With twisted spellings, pronunciation and the great vowel shift... so messy!

I have found best anime, for some reason it not a moving picture how strange.
I would watch the hell out of an anime adaptation of this.
Staff Notice: This is not the appropriate place for talking about staff action.
Hello all, I'm back, free from my infraction induced exile.

An interesting experience all told.

Well, I'm not entirely certain whether or not someone was actually upset and reported me, or if it was a Ctrl-F sweep, the words in particular were flagged, and judgement rendered on the spot.

To keep it short, I am not at all upset that I have got myself infracted [<-- is this a word?], the rules here are the rules here.
But I am curious, was someone hurt?

If so, I would be happy to have a discussion, public or private, whomever you might be.
If not, and no one is hurt, I shall simply keep a list of the words in question as they come up, and be careful in their use.

I must go on regardless, writing as I wont to do.

Expect another chapter, likely an interlude, as soon as I can cludge the words together.

Violation of Rule 2 (Don't Be Hateful) & Rule 5: This is not the appropriate channel, and your transphobia isn't welcome either.
Oh political correctness how I hate thee so. Funny thing is, when the concept first started gaining ground I was of the opinion that this was a fad, a transient madness we would remember and laugh.
Ah, well, screw all that nonsense. When's Khepri going to have her own body? That's what I want to know. :p
Violation of Rule 2 (Don't Be Hateful) & Rule 5: This is not the appropriate channel.
Safe-spacers strike again. Ran headlong into that on SB; a safe-spacer writing a story took GREAT offense at a comment I made about a Trigger event and when it happened; she accused me of glorifying sexual abuse and her loyal zombie followers dog-piled. Fortunately, the mods stepped in on my behalf.

Saved me from getting a lawyer. Yes, I would spend myself broke to legally track anyone who accused me of such a vile thing and do my best within the law to make them utterly regret it.
Staff Notice: This is not the place to discuss staff action.
Politcal Correctness is a Plague
Can we stop with the mod-hate before we get the thread nuked? Please? I like this and I don't want to have to go read it on SB.
Violation of Rule 2 (Don't Be Hateful) & Rule 5:
But what if you do identify as an attack helicopter a la trainwreck? Isn't it hurtful in that case to punish the very statement?

You will hurt train wrecks feeling with your words you cruel bastards!

IMO the joke is only harmful in that it ruffles "other" people's feelings because I can tell you for a fact that it will get a chuckle out of most people who actually identify as X. The reason being that they have already had that exasperating conversation IRL that "yes I really do identify as X and am not just gay..." at some point you develop a thick skin and an infinite amount of patience.
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Ah, well, screw all that nonsense. When's Khepri going to have her own body? That's what I want to know. :p
*more off topic dogpiling and arguing*

Maybe I was being too subtle...
Let's stop the train wreck!
When's Khepri going to have her own body?
That's what I want to know.

*more off topic dogpiling and arguing*

Maybe I was being too subtle...
Let's stop the train wreck!
When's Khepri going to have her own body?
That's what I want to know.

If it happens, it's totally gonna look like a slowbro. Khepri as the cloyster on the tail of the dragon.
Well, apparently Taylor in addition to being [Key] and transforming into [Pearl] can assume dominance as [Khepri] and isn't that interesting that [Khepri] apparently contains sufficient information to qualify as a concept.
Warning: Warning
Hello all, I'm back, free from my infraction induced exile.

An interesting experience all told.

Well, I'm not entirely certain whether or not someone was actually upset and reported me, or if it was a Ctrl-F sweep, the words in particular were flagged, and judgement rendered on the spot.

To keep it short, I am not at all upset that I have got myself infracted [<-- is this a word?], the rules here are the rules here.
But I am curious, was someone hurt?

If so, I would be happy to have a discussion, public or private, whomever you might be.
If not, and no one is hurt, I shall simply keep a list of the words in question as they come up, and be careful in their use.

I must go on regardless, writing as I wont to do.

Expect another chapter, likely an interlude, as soon as I can cludge the words together.

This is not the place to do this. AAPQ, FN & SC, and Appeals are the appropriate channels for talking about staff actions. Otherwise it just causes more disruption than necessary, as you can see by the result of this post. Both of you are receiving staff notices.
Politcal Correctness is a Plague
If you want to whine about staff actions, do it in the appropriate channels.

Oh political correctness how I hate thee so. Funny thing is, when the concept first started gaining ground I was of the opinion that this was a fad, a transient madness we would remember and laugh.
Not the place, and calling the gender identity of others a 'fad' and a 'transient madness' is not okay in the slightest. 25 points and a week off.
Safe-spacers strike again. Ran headlong into that on SB; a safe-spacer writing a story took GREAT offense at a comment I made about a Trigger event and when it happened; she accused me of glorifying sexual abuse and her loyal zombie followers dog-piled. Fortunately, the mods stepped in on my behalf.

Saved me from getting a lawyer. Yes, I would spend myself broke to legally track anyone who accused me of such a vile thing and do my best within the law to make them utterly regret it.
Not only is this not the right place for this, not only is the overall sentiment of your posting trans and nb-phobic, but you've also dipped into ITG nonsense. Take 25 points and time off.
It's part of the excessive wave of mod panic spun up In mauling snarks, I doubt anyone was offended.

They are just being touchy on any identity/gender topics because of political correctness panic.
But what if you do identify as an attack helicopter a la trainwreck? Isn't it hurtful in that case to punish the very statement?

You will hurt train wrecks feeling with your words you cruel bastards!

IMO the joke is only harmful in that it ruffles "other" people's feelings because I can tell you for a fact that it will get a chuckle out of most people who actually identify as X. The reason being that they have already had that exasperating conversation IRL that "yes I really do identify as X and am not just gay..." at some point you develop a thick skin and an infinite amount of patience.
Despite the constant insistence that no, these 'jokes' are totally okay, they continue to be reported. We have something like 8 trans people on staff (including me!). We know what is and isn't offensive. We aren't being trigger happy 'safe spacers.' You don't have to agree with the rules. You do have to follow them if you want to stay here, though. 50 points and a week off.

Everybody, drop this topic. This isn't the place. Move it along.