[Worm AU] Cogito Ergo Lung : I Think, Therefore I Am Dragon

I'm ... unsure as to what just happened. However, with all that extra biomass, would Khepri have her own body soon??? I mean, Panacea was right there...

Three pairs of pants and two shirts. Wouldn't Lee still have his own? If so, did Khepri emerge like an eldritch butterfly abomination???
I thought I commented on this astounding fic, but I was sadly mistaken. This weird and wonderful fics' focus on the relationship between Lung on Oni Lee alone would have been worth it but the "helpful" interactions between host/s and shard add even more to the mix. Keep up the great work mate.
Given the fleshcrafting, I wonder if Pearl might get her own body out of cloned Lung. Still in Lung's head, but with a spare body for her to puppet (also a backup respawn point in case Lung gets sniped again).

Interesting thing is the scale Shard picking up the idea of a performance. That'll be useful for getting it to go more along with social stuff maybe.
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Given the fleshcrafting, I wonder if Pearl might get her own body out of cloned Lung. Still in Lung's head, but with a spare body for her to puppet (also a backup respawn point in case Lung gets sniped again).

Interesting thing is the scale Shard picking up the idea of a performance. That'll be useful for getting it to go more along with social stuff maybe.
Yeah scale shard + theatrics are not going to end well, but it's definitely going to make for a good show.

P.S.: I FUCKING love this story. Absolute top notch.
So looking to the future, do you think Lung is going to replace Coil as the boss of the Undersiders? He's picking up Taylor and seems to be aiming to take the Bay, getting TT seems useful. On the other hand TT is liable to buck being under someone's thumb might be better as simply alliance.

as for Coil himself, I'd guess he gets killed and/or captured for the sake of using his power.
The Me : I wonder when Cogito Ergo Lung will update?
The Steve : updates
The Me : The Steve does love me! Praise the Steve!

I really was hankering for another chapter yesterday, and you have delivered wonderfully. Also isn't the scales shard going overboard? O gods ITS BEEN INFECTED BY QAs HALPING, WE ARE ALL DOOMED!!!

I mean Escalation Engine went from going <SHINY! GIMME!> and violating QAylor without her consent to forming it's own half-baked <IDEA!>, so...progress?
This contradicts canon. She's immune. This is most likely her power ensuring she can't modify herself.
Are you sure? I sort of hypothesized that she could make something that could then operate on her at her command, thus changing herself indirectly. I figured something like that was happening here.
@Tnoz & @Tanath - Panacea cannot modify herself with her powers directly, aka, grow a new limb or heal herself. But she can make something sharp and poke herself with it. And, you'll note that her attempts in this chapter to do things to herself have been external objects invading, injecting, and the locations have been areas she's seen over and over in the hundreds if not thousands of people she has healed.
In short, much like a famous gourmand trying their hand at cooking a dish, she's poking things into her body where she's pretty certain they are.

Also, if you lads n' lasses could check the first post, I've added some things but they only sort of work. On Opera they do not, yet on Firefox they do. And on my phone they sort of work, so please, if you've read the entire story thus far and are therefore not going to be spoiled by anything, give it an examine.
Also, if you lads n' lasses could check the first post, I've added some things but they only sort of work. On Opera they do not, yet on Firefox they do. And on my phone they sort of work, so please, if you've read the entire story thus far and are therefore not going to be spoiled by anything, give it an examine.

Also works on desktop / Firefox. Sample size is important for statistics. :)
So when is Taylor prepping for the end of the world? Because currently it looks like Lung is running around doing whatever and I think Taylor might get a little impatient with him literally doing no prep.
So when is Taylor prepping for the end of the world? Because currently it looks like Lung is running around doing whatever and I think Taylor might get a little impatient with him literally doing no prep.
It's only been a couple of days while they still have two years or so. And shaping Taylor and Amy for events to come and also giving Armsmaster a little boost on his nanothorn development is arguably doing prep for the end of the world.
The more you go, the less legible it gets. Whose perspective is when, who does what, who thinks how? These are the questions that plagued me for the chapters since Wards\Protectorate debriefing. Also there is a lot that author tries to clumsily leave "outside of narration" but instead of intrigue it leaves only the sense of incompleteness.
if you lads n' lasses could check the first post, I've added some things but they only sort of work. On Opera they do not, yet on Firefox they do. And on my phone they sort of work, so please, if you've read the entire story thus far and are therefore not going to be spoiled by anything, give it an examine.
It looks fine to me (firefox on windows)
Some character bios don't have pictures, but it seems like a planned absence.

Also, that is a bizzarely adorable picture of Skitter, wherever did you find it?
Why use imgur links rather than linking to the picture directly?
The more you go, the less legible it gets. Whose perspective is when, who does what, who thinks how? These are the questions that plagued me for the chapters since Wards\Protectorate debriefing. Also there is a lot that author tries to clumsily leave "outside of narration" but instead of intrigue it leaves only the sense of incompleteness.
what parts where?
Amy is a creepy creep.

I heard that the most unrealistic thing in fiction is women wanting larger breasts, when in reality breasts are inconvenient and most of them want smaller breasts.
Bra stuffing and breast enhancement surgery are a thing, not sure how unrealistic that is.

Won't argue about their inconvenience, but women (especially younger ones) tend to want big boobs.
Amy is a creepy creep.

I heard that the most unrealistic thing in fiction is women wanting larger breasts, when in reality breasts are inconvenient and most of them want smaller breasts.
Remember, this is an insecure teen whom part of her powers is LITERALLY a power to make people go "Oh wow, look at her" she's GOT to have some subconscious issues to lead to that power.
She does realize Vicky doesn't want her to do that.

It's not a question. I know she knows what she's doing is wrong. She might as well molest her sister in her sleep, it'd be less invasive then involuntary plastic surgery.