[Worm AU] Cogito Ergo Lung : I Think, Therefore I Am Dragon

@Tnoz & @Tanath - Panacea cannot modify herself with her powers directly, aka, grow a new limb or heal herself. But she can make something sharp and poke herself with it. And, you'll note that her attempts in this chapter to do things to herself have been external objects invading, injecting, and the locations have been areas she's seen over and over in the hundreds if not thousands of people she has healed.
In short, much like a famous gourmand trying their hand at cooking a dish, she's poking things into her body where she's pretty certain they are.

Also, if you lads n' lasses could check the first post, I've added some things but they only sort of work. On Opera they do not, yet on Firefox they do. And on my phone they sort of work, so please, if you've read the entire story thus far and are therefore not going to be spoiled by anything, give it an examine.

It all works on mobile chrome and the Samsung browser. Also that invisible text has me worried.
@Tnoz & @Tanath - Panacea cannot modify herself with her powers directly, aka, grow a new limb or heal herself. But she can make something sharp and poke herself with it.
Granted, any such modifications would need to be indirect, but it's not about that. Let me put it this way: What is the difference between the microbial biology she's known to be immune to and the non-microbial biology she's using to get around her power? Why would she be immune to one and not the other? Biology is biology.
And it makes sense that such a limitation would exist to protect the cycle.
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Granted, any such modifications would need to be indirect, but it's not about that. Let me put it this way: What is the difference between the microbial biology she's known to be immune to and the non-microbial biology she's using to get around her power? Why would she be immune to one and not the other? Biology is biology.
Isn't her immunity to microbial biology just her killing bacteria and viruses that come into contact with her using her power? I figure she can be selective if she wants to.
The new chapter is AWESOME! Really well written, you can really see the friendship and desperation, and Amy and the Dragon was pure cinema! This is definitely a night Panacea will never forget, and I am really curious how she will change as a result. She has seen things and been things that cannot be taken back, only embraced.
Isn't her immunity to microbial biology just her killing bacteria and viruses that come into contact with her using her power? I figure she can be selective if she wants to.
Hm, a quick search suggests it's up to interpretation. I didn't find WoG or anything about it, so I guess I can suspend my disbelief now. I've probably read too many fanfics.
@Tnoz & @Tanath - Panacea cannot modify herself with her powers directly, aka, grow a new limb or heal herself. But she can make something sharp and poke herself with it. And, you'll note that her attempts in this chapter to do things to herself have been external objects invading, injecting, and the locations have been areas she's seen over and over in the hundreds if not thousands of people she has healed.
In short, much like a famous gourmand trying their hand at cooking a dish, she's poking things into her body where she's pretty certain they are.
Granted, any such modifications would need to be indirect, but it's not about that. Let me put it this way: What is the difference between the microbial biology she's known to be immune to and the non-microbial biology she's using to get around her power? Why would she be immune to one and not the other? Biology is biology.
And it makes sense that such a limitation would exist to protect the cycle.
Isn't her immunity to microbial biology just her killing bacteria and viruses that come into contact with her using her power? I figure she can be selective if she wants to.
Her being immune to one and not the other would really depend on what her Power deems as being Amy. Her Power definitely limits modifying things to what is the most basic unit in biology, an organism. This would prevent her from being able to modify her body directly, but you do run into the problem of what about the beneficial microbes (bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists and viruses) in and on the human body that are required for the human body to function properly. Are they considered as being part of the organism or are they considered as being separate. Would she be able to co-opt them or does her Power prevents her from modifying them because of permissions being denied. If her Power does allow it, it would give her leeway in improving certain processes that require microbes to function (improved digestion, better immunity from invaders, etc...) without external processes as these in the chapter. If the Power doesn't allow modifying them, would it allow Amy to use a loophole of replacing her existing microbes with new ones that she created externally. For example, drinking a glass of water full of improved gut bacteria to replace her existing ones or dipping into a bathtub to replace external ones. Or would she need to overwhelm her Power's continual passive defenses that give her immunity from microbes and if it the case, what are these limits that she would need to pass to overwhelm those defenses.

Amy 's Power probably only allows Amy to modify things that she actively focuses on, while everything else is background noise to her and is either ignored, blocked or taken care of by her Power. This would prevent her from being continously overwhelmed by her Power feeding data about the microbes on, in and around her body and microscopic organisms. It does make me curious if that is the case, what her power deems colonial organisms as, one unit or multiple co-dependent units.

Finally, while putting way too much thought into this post, I had a thought that Amy and any other bioshaper can be seen as giant viral factories or just a virus. That their ability to sculpt is all due to their Powers generating viruses that go in and modify the organism's DNA & RNA to whatever the biosculpter can imagine within their Power's permissions. And while the Powers' have knowledge of alternative biochemistry as shown in this story by Lung, those 'sculpting fields' are blocked off similar in the way that Thinkers are limited to certain fields.
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Answers y'all!
Violation of Rule 2 (Don't Be Hateful): "Attack Helicopter" jokes aren't okay.
@zraith This lad/lass/chupacabara biologizes!

@Tanath I did check as well about Panacea, and like most of the man's work, Powers... vary upon the situation. Example, what and how far she can twist Glory Girl, and healing Skitter. I was quite careful in this regard to keep clear of that gray line by showing that her efforts are external that she has to drive internally.
Fun activity, try to find exactly when Victoria learned to control her aura, as in disable it completely, not reduce it to a low growl.

@The Crimson King, Fun Fact! I liek the invisitext. I really does.
So much so, that the eyeball reveal is kind of depressing. Like an easter egg hunt with neon green eggs, it kind of takes the fun out of it. I'll have to find something else to abuse.

As for the conversation about yon bosoms, well, let's try to take this a bit civilly then. And if you believe that, I have some oils or crystals, or drinkable bleach to sell you.
Sadly, getting a gold star does not add "Attack Helicopter", "Opportunistic", or "Chicken" to the gender menu, thus I must reveal my cockerel nature.

I heard that the most unrealistic thing in fiction is women wanting larger breasts, when in reality breasts are inconvenient and most of them want smaller breasts.

*The Steve flips through the online ladies magazines, the few physical ones that the slackers around him are too lazy to toss out, and the two-dozen tabs he's saved from various forums, online support groups, and other errata, like his dreaded spreadsheets.

Horse Hockey.

For men, it's all about performance. Bigger, faster, stronger, harder. Perform perform Perform!
For the women, it's extremely rare (though slowly changing) to see anything that isn't about the T, the A, or the face.

Take any 2AM exercise equipment on cable, or, 'As Seen on TV' places. Something something BowFlex, or Ab-Destroyer, whatever.
They'll show both a bloke and a bint using them, often with a before and after, you know the drill.

The words for the men are always synonymous with building a house.
Develop your core| Build your abs | Enhance those powerful arms you always wanted
vs what they offer the womenfolk with the same machine.
Melt that fat | Tighten those buns | Get that beach body just in time for the summer
Those bits above, do not relate in any way to building a house, I hope you can notice.

They could offer to slim the men down, but they don't, and they could offer to put huge veiny arms on the women, but they don't.

For men, it's usually either the six pack and biceps combo, or the ol' pumps and pills for the peen. This is known in the magazine business as the 'Pec's n' Pecker Package', or a triple P, of which men's magazines invariably have to have about ~30-40 percent at the minimum.
As I don't actually know the colloquial equivalent term for a women's magazine, I shall declare it the XX-Factor, and point out that the men's magazine was 30-40 percent in comparison to the 65-75% that was standard at the time for the average woman's magazine.
This was important as despite selling less than half the magazines on average, it was actually more profitable due to advertisements and having more space available to sell things.

Amusingly, where I formerly worked, there was only two women who ever actually said they desired smaller breasts, and they themselves were the ones who had trouble with car seatbelts, and looked longingly at the petite dresses they couldn't pull off. What the other women said about them is another matter. Humanity is always so much fun to study to this ol' chicken.

So, now that we've got the general Social-psyhological framework of what men and women are conditioned to yearn for, we get to add that bicycle made of nightmares, being a teeny-ager.

Thankfully, I spent most of my time on the old gray brick of a Gameboy, not that fancy smaller one, the ol' six AA battery, kill a toddler if you drop it on their soft spot Gameboy, or, on a computer.

But I did hear things, even as I did my best to pretend to not give a crap about the rest of the pimple and hormone laden unwashed masses.
Good lord, the things I heard women say about other women. Who was doing what to who, who was stuffing their bras, and the staggering amount of degrees of loathing for certain people talking to other people. And sometimes, they didn't actually have to do even that, someone just had to say they saw someone.

So, do you think that Amy wasn't listening to Victoria gripe about such and such girl and how she's totally a slut and wants all the guys looking at her, she didn't even wear a proper bra and omigawd Dean looked her way and I swear if she tries to get her hooks into him I'll fling her into the bay...

And yes, that doesn't even factor the 'Parahuman from a family of Parahumans', and how living a normal life wasn't ever an option and how she was part of the 'elite' at school even before she had powers.

All eyes were on her indeed.

The amount of people, Men or Women, who are completely free of body issues is a tragically small pile of the overall heap of humanity.
Add on top of that, being a hormonal teenager, in an elitist social circle, with parahuman powers and a massive public presence.
And yes, Amy was being a creepy creep.

Malignant diatribe over.
Apologies for this, but it's something experience tells me I should stamp out whilst it is embers, I've seen where this can go.

@Tascion There's a size comparison chart, with Skitter next to Leviathan for scale. I'll dig it up and offer youse a link, but I suspect you'll be able to google it fast.

@TheQwertyOne Good, it's supposed to be getting messy.
If you've read other bits of mine you'll find I love the 'smearing perspectives but it's totally obvious is you don't skim' trope.
As for the 'clumsily leave "outside of narration"', well, yeah. The Debriefing chapter, with bits of Taylor, Bakuda, Wards, the Challenger reveal, the revealing of Sophia's fate due to Fourtaste, the Wards not being ostriches with their heads in the sand oblivious to the fact that a Ward has vanished and they aren't being told even the barest of lies... there is plenty of things not being said and it should be noticed that they aren't being said.

Well, I hope it's just the two chapters, and not the ones with Lung, Lee and Panacea initially, I mean, if I left out narration in them, well, that'd be bad.

@amimai Note to self, The Robe Bearer, who is not Jin, should get a name. Any takers?

@Golden Eyed King To be fair, that's what Lung always looks like he is doing, just running around doing whatever.

And so, back to the paper
I have decided, for as long as I have this weird cat icon thing here, I'll both use and abuse it, devaluing it by using it like a toddler uses glitter.

Starting from you, I'll be marking, by default unless they actually warrant something better, every person who I've read the message from, with a cat.

I'm gonna grind this into the ground so hard and fast you'll swear you were living in Venezuela!

Because of you @fadingMelody.
I have decided, for as long as I have this weird cat icon thing here, I'll both use and abuse it, devaluing it by using it like a toddler uses glitter.

Starting from you, I'll be marking, by default unless they actually warrant something better, every person who I've read the message from, with a cat.

I'm gonna grind this into the ground so hard and fast you'll swear you were living in Venezuela!

Because of you @fadingMelody.
What I'm hearing here is that one of my favourite authors has directly and personally recognised my existence, knows my name, and has decided to do some particular thing specifically because of me. I count this as a win. :p It's like your favourite steamer giving you a shoutout in the chat!
on the breasts thing, you just have to keep one thing in mind... humans always want what they don't have.

Women with naturally curly hair want straight hair, women with straight flat hair want curly hair. Women who grew up with giant DD breasts want breast reductions so that they don't have big boobs. Flat-chested girls want breasts, and so on forth.

It's a case of the grass being greener on the other side... so to speak. I also see similar behavior in men as well.

Also--I was one of those girls who developed at a super young age and ended up with big breasts. It came with a lot of problems more than it was worth, and at such a young age I wasn't ready for and didn't want the attention directed my way by the boys. It was also aggravating that the teachers seemed ready to label me a slut just for getting unwanted attention from boys even though I was only 11 at the time. Again, super early bloomer here. I always looked at other girls like they were completely mental every time they said they wanted breasts like mine. Yeah, so that they could be constantly slut-shamed by the teachers for not being able to find kids' clothing that accounted for having breasts from an early age?
I wanted to go back to being flat-chested so badly. heh.
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I do wonder how much like Victoria Amy ended up being. Like, did she just get the airbrushing she's been giving Vicky over the past few years, full on blood sister now, or full on twin?
Was that what was happening at the end? I must have missed it among the theatrics.
ye, or at least that's what I got from this:

"His/my promise," the two words were spoken at the same time, yet one not overwriting the other. "I believe it was to give you everything you've ever wanted, and watch it destroy you."
"Almost." It replied. "There is only his/my promise left."

She stood, feeling the armor she had crafted and grown around her, tense, its dim awareness recognizing threat.

"And to do that, I will need to take something from you."

She tried to bolt, to flee, but what was once supporting her now clung, even as the metal cable impaled to her started to reel her in.

"There is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold. But far more precious to you."
Towards the nucleobases, the Cytosine, the Guanine, the Adenine, and the Thymine.
Victoria's little genetic secret.
The Dragon claimed the golden prize and studied it without eyes.

"But I think not. I think our little game ends here."

The giant metal skull once again opened up, sword-like teeth parting.
Whatever was behind her pushed her forward, into the jaws of the Dragon.

They closed shut.
Leaving her in darkness.

And also i̲̘͎̬̣̤̋ͦͤ̅̿̅n͊̋́͌ͮ́͊ś̻̹͓̦̼͚ͦͤ͑ͫ͋̿ͅi̧̭̰͖̭̭̣͇͗ͤ̿̑ͥ̓ͧd͜e .
Anything and everything she wanted, just like I promised.

And now it was mine.
yeah, I read it as her going full yandere too.
You have a list of items that Vicky complained about and that Amy 'fixed' to make her happy and at the end of that list, it ends with
Anything and everything she wanted, just like I promised.

And now it was mine.
The way it ends, I read it as everything that Vicky ever wanted and that Amy did to her was now hers with the implication that in this situation Lung/Taylor biosculpted Amy.

I don't think that this means that Amy went full yandere over Vicky (which specific definition of yandere is being used here?) as she has already been displaying unhealthy levels of obsesstion over Vicky and she hasn't done anything so far to those that are taking up Vicky's time. Also, earlier in the story you have the line by Lung/Taylor stating that the reason they're sparing her is because of the duty and compassion that was beaten into her by Carol and an even earlier line (1) that implies that Lung/Taylor don't want Amy to go off into the deep end, that they want her to be mentally functional, rational and under their control. Her losing her grasp on sanity and acting irrationally and uncontrollably would be counter-productive to whatever plans they have to change the future.

"I am almost tempted to let you go, right now, if only to see New Wave suffer. Watch you destroy them, watch you twist their flesh, and drive them mad."
This whole kidnapping arc is twisted.

Did Lee get fixed?
Did Amy sculpt herself, or was it Khepri?
Did Khepri make a body for herself from what was 'stolen'?
Is Lung a criminal genius or just a thug?

Why am I sad for Lung and Lee!?!?!?!!

These things and more as the story develops.
Y'know, while reading this absolute unit of a story, I had this uncanny thought that it's very much like this game called Warframe. That one with space ninjas and low-key horror, which suddenly becomes not so low-key and suddenly there's "Rap-TAP-Tap" and "Join Us!" and other scary-scary shit.

So. Now I know why the story seemed similar - we have space whales and theatrical ninjas instead, but the horror is very much the same.
So. Awesome!
"a pair of" perchance?
Only if they are romantically involved. (Which admittedly sounds hot-ish)
The same way "a couple of" doesn't work when there's just two but works when there's different... sets of twins around.
Heck, even I was reduced to a tautology in the previous sentence because writing "a set of twins" is equally redundant.
Curse you, English language, for being so confusing.

Though judging from the direction the commenters think this story is going there might as well be a pair of twins in the form of Vicky and Amy...
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