I know that I am a bit out of the norm in that aspect, but I get confused when people say that Moskva can't push, because to me it's certainly possible. You have to make your way from island to island to keep your flanks safe, similar to Stalingrad. So it's certainly hard to do with your gigantic detection radius and the high vulnerability of your flanks, but as long as all ships that can shoot you are to your front, you can make aggressive moves.

Also I bought FDR with my steel when the coupon reset. But she is currently banned from CB (as is Hak, my other carrier) so I haven't even bought her modules yet. I'm not going to take her into Ranked because there's really no need for me to gamble on my decent but not great carrier skills when I have Alexander Nevsky. Going into Gold has decreased my winrate to "only" 68% (I ended last Ranked at 71%) but she is currently my favorite cruiser.
We were able to successfully take some Moskvas into CB today, abd I must say it feels good to be back. On the other hand, while my gunnery was on point, my handling was a bit off.

So remember to practice your ships between Ranked/CB if you intend to play them because it can make a big difference.
Scarlet's Captains Log: Log 3, July 2021

End of CBs and the other things means that I'm finally able to work on tech trees again. Meanwhile, I've finally bit the bullet and used a coupon for a new T8 premium: Mainz, as a sort of 'b-day' gift to myself.


As usual, my plan to get Kaga gets derailed by another interesting premium, who happens to be the local white-haired black coffee-lover. If you not so aware of her, a quick refresher - T8 CL, based on the light cruiser 'variant' of the Admiral Hipper class that was meant to be Seyditz and Lutzow (Tallinn). Getting her was rather interesting as because I did already had Irian, who has almost the same characteristics, to the point that one could reasonably say that Mainz is merely a 'better' version of Irian, by virtue of having better fire rate and AP shell performance, better manueverability, better torp angles, not needing IFHE and the 6-klick hydro. (Of course, this is offset by the fact that both ships already have the same HE DPM, while Irian has the incredibly dangerous 5/10 DW Torpedo broadside, which I have used to great effect thanks to their long ranges look stop laughing trust me bro it works)

Overall, I can't disagree with the sheer number of people who've sold me on her. While argubly more 'vanilla' then, say, Munchen or Weimar, which I have also considered getting, you can't really disagree with Mainz's great gun performance, and all her attributes makes her a surprisingly decent knife fighter (wouldn't actually recommend actively trying to get into that range with a BB, though I did survive a fight with an FDG and put her down in the process, but if you are under cover and need to dispatch stuff of lighter tonnage that's fair), especially good for giving DDs and other cruisers hell.

OG German DD Branch

I promised myself that I would actually start getting a tech tree DD a while back, partly because people on the SNGNS server were telling me to play them to learn how to counter them, and partly because I wanted to fully diversify my playstyle and learn some valuable lessons from playing the smallest class in game. My time in Harekaze reminded me that I wasn't so bad in them to avoid them completely, so I've went and bitten the bullet.

So far, I'm up to Gaede, and at least I've been performing decently, though I can't say much about my future performance up the tree. I think one issue for the future might be how much I'm relying on hydro as a crutch, by using it to watch out for enemy torpedoes or to aggressively stalk other DDs, which a benefit you won't get on other DDs. We will have to see. At least I'm getting better at smoke usage, as compared to previous times where I was dying pathetically within them.


I actually got her a long time ago, but I've not played with her extensively because at the time, I simply sucked with positionals. Now though, armed with knowledge, she's a surprisingly great ambusher, although she does, sadly, lack the speed I need for accomplishing aggressive flanks as I would do in my Venezia. Which is a shame, because 12 of those american 203mm AP is vicious on cruiser and battleship broadsides, but even then she's still great in a defending role. The main problem is that I open water gunboat in her too much, which means that I keep exposing myself to BB broadsides or DD torpedoes when I shouldn't.

In any case, stationary smoke carrying CAs is an interesting niche that I hope gets explored in the future, because if as Anchorage's performance shows, it's certainly an idea worth looking into.
Incomprehensible is apparently going to have 25mm plating and I'm sad because I was really hyped for another ship I can just thrust forwards to exploit a gap like I often do in Georgia.

Also transferred clans because work prevents me from playing the next season with my old one.
In any case, stationary smoke carrying CAs is an interesting niche that I hope gets explored in the future, because if as Anchorage's performance shows, it's certainly an idea worth looking into.
I hope it doesn't, because they reinforce deadlocks. We got some of that already with the RNCL and Kutuzov, a CA will trump RNCL in range and will be harder to smoke-fire due to less frequent firing. When partnered with a Destroyer, my Kutuzov can stand against some pretty tall odds (without yielding ground like kiting demands). Big guns and great AP would up the threat against other cruisers, which as the radar-carriers are the main counter to these ships. Which is a good part of why Anchorage doesn't get the fun shells.

OTOH it might lead to more people sitting stationary and broadside for my Iowa to blap.
I hope it doesn't, because they reinforce deadlocks. We got some of that already with the RNCL and Kutuzov, a CA will trump RNCL in range and will be harder to smoke-fire due to less frequent firing. When partnered with a Destroyer, my Kutuzov can stand against some pretty tall odds (without yielding ground like kiting demands). Big guns and great AP would up the threat against other cruisers, which as the radar-carriers are the main counter to these ships. Which is a good part of why Anchorage doesn't get the fun shells.
Hmmm yeah, actually now that I think about it, we already have Elbing and the new German DD line running around with better pen values than Ibuki. It probably is overkill to put that gimmick on heavy cruisers.
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Was Wargaming possessed by the spirit of HHGregg or something?
So I have regained Vermont. I now need four more until I have collected all T10 battleships (Conkek, Columbo, Bourgogne and Slava).

The issue is that I am at T5 for the Brits and T8 for the Italians. Iron Duke is OK, I just got cursed with bad teams. Veneto meanwhile is just awful, 16.5km base range (18.1 upgraded) is just not an acceptable range. North Carolina outranges her by literally 50%. And unlike the also very short ranged Vladivostok (or Amagi, which also has an unusually short range), Lepanto doesn't have anything to make up for that.
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The issue is that I am at T5 for the Brits and T8 for the Italians. Iron Duke is OK, I just got cursed with bad teams. Lepanto meanwhile is just awful, 16.5km base range (18.1 upgraded) is just not an acceptable range. North Carolina outranges her by literally 50%. And unlike the also very short ranged Vladivostok (or Amagi, which also has an unusually short range), Lepanto doesn't have anything to make up for that.
The thing about Italian BBs is that they are completely specialised towards close to medium range combat, with SAP shotguns meant to bombard the entirety of a Battleship's armor and the smoke generator to allow to slip in and out of those ranges. Ideally they perform best around 10 - 16km range.

Perhaps abuse cover more like a DD/CA and try to maintain a closer distance?
Perhaps abuse cover more like a DD/CA and try to maintain a closer distance?
I do use cover a lot in all my battleships. The issue with Veneto (I accidentally said Lepanto) is that I can't play her without thinking about how Vladivostok would have executed the same plays so much better because the armor on Vladivostok is godly and Veneto doesn't rise above mediocre in any aspect.

I did way better in the T7. Because there I had actual range to kite back out with.
I do use cover a lot in all my battleships. The issue with Veneto (I accidentally said Lepanto) is that I can't play her without thinking about how Vladivostok would have executed the same plays so much better because the armor on Vladivostok is godly and Veneto doesn't rise above mediocre in any aspect.
Ah yeah, Veneto is the stinker of the line, her gun count is too small to make the shotgun work and she doesn't have the armor/health pool to actively execute the schtick. My sympathies.
I personally found Veneto to be a real joy to play. Sure, the reload is on the longer side, but overall, she performs really well for me. Might be because I have played Roma a lot and thus am used to how to deal with capricious Italian guns.
So, Submarines. I find to be interesting and fun myself. Despite what seems to be a weird opinion roller coaster of "subs ruined xyz..."

Been playing wowships for bout a year now. Enjoy it a fair amount. Although wargaming seems to be worse than EA in regards to "money money money..." Yeah, have to pick and choose prems carefully.

Staying well away from the black hole that seems to be the Napoli...

Considering Congress, tho that seems to not be progress. =P
Annoyingly I got the T10 sub bundle on the first day, which is...quite frankly, annoying as hell. I could take them out for Coop, but I rather use them in ranked.
Got the T6 first... Sadly I'm not good at ranked or randoms really... Although, given subs, that may change, Not sure... Play on NA myself. Just reset ijn dd and bb lines... the latter again.... Not sure why, possible insanity.... I dont have many T10s currently, Montana and Columbo right now...

I enjoy submarines because it offers a challenge that is unique among the classes, staying alive and out of sight. This ranked season should prove very interesting no matter the server.

You can get all three bundles at once if you so choose, not that it really helps, as apparently, only two submarines are allowed in port at one time, but as I've heard, the bundles reset every week, so may not be an issue.
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I enjoy submarines because it offers a challenge that is unique among the classes, staying alive and out of sight. This ranked season should prove very interesting no matter the server.
As a main BB player I hate them. It's another threat you can't really do something against and the homing torpedoes are basically undodgeable. Meanwhile Carriers will still be unaffected because of their long DC and the change to Rocket Attack Planes was 100% done to allow subs to just dive to avoid them. Meaning camping at the back will continue. The secondary changes are largely a farce to suggest that brawling is possible without getting gunned down by x HE spamming Cruisers and now Subs too. Oh yeah, did I mention that you can only throw off the lock of subs by usin your DC? Which is a luxury for BB's anyway because that's usually reserved for the 4 fires and 3 floods that the next CV and or HE-spamming Cruiser will inevitably cause.

I'll probably just rush out of bronze because fuck that noise.
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So apparently submarines at T6 will now have torpedoes that actually belong to Shima's third variant with torpedo speed boost that make 86 knots and are homing. AND THAT'S STANDARD. And those beasts are supposed to fight against New Mexico's 21 knots. And New Mexico is supposed to dodge homing torps of that speed. What the everloving shit WG? They are literally faster than Halland torps.
It's almost like subs aren't ready for release or even balanced. Almost like WG is making shit decision after shit decision.

But, sunk cost fallacy says subs need to come and so they will be crammed into the game, come hell or high water, because otherwise accounting is unhappy. Screw game health.
It's almost like subs aren't ready for release or even balanced. Almost like WG is making shit decision after shit decision.

But, sunk cost fallacy says subs need to come and so they will be crammed into the game, come hell or high water, because otherwise accounting is unhappy. Screw game health.
Yeah, WG needed the next OP class for players to sink their money into.
It's almost like subs aren't ready for release or even balanced. Almost like WG is making shit decision after shit decision.

I mean, the way they worked in the brief test run on the servers back in...early 2019? 2018? It was fine. I only played subs like twice that whole time, I spent a fair bit of time on cruiser and destroyer gameplay to see how bad it would be, and I was pleasantly surprised.

So then they punched up subs to the maximum possible to fuck it up.

Kind of like the CC program is exploding now. Kind of like how Wargaming lied about the Missouri multiple times. Kind of like the carrier rework ultimately didn't change anything, it just punished people who'd gotten good at playing carriers one way.