Wolf Spider (Worm) (Complete)

Huh, neat interlude. I will note I laughed insanely hard at Piggot's punishment of Amanda at the end being formatted like a mod punishment.
Interesting format for a post-endbringer recap. I like it.

Seems like things are looking up for the camp and there's been an interview with Taylor and Rachel.
Welcome to The Bitch Zone!

I don't think I've seen Rachel's fans get explored in more detail than a passing mention in other fics. That's a first. It's even rarer for us to actually see them work towards helping Rachel. Loving it.

Colin Wallis is survived by a mother and an older sister, who both declined to comment.

I don't think I've ever seen Armsmaster have family other than a girlfriend in Dragon in any other fic before, barring that one fic where he had a daughter. Mentioning that he still has parents and has siblings is a first. That's an interesting bit of detail.

Fourteen letters? You're not even being subtle.

*rapidly types out all combinations of Hitler, Nazi and Empire stuff I can think of*
*scratches head*

Well, it's definitely too subtle for me to pick up on it...


Ah, never mind. First I've heard of it, but I guess that's expected considering how I am from a country with barely any white people (and therefore few, if any, white supremacists.

Her power involves controlling bugs, right? That doesn't sound very impressive, really, but maybe I'm missing something?

I doubt the range is much, but who knows?

Haha, we have a new hero and she controls bugs? That's weird, isn't it? I wonder, what can she do with bugs?

*fights to hold back evil laughter*

I think! All of those bugs, and stuff. I was just thinking, and what if her range is way, way, way longer then we think. Like a mile or something! And she's watching everyone. How else could she know how and where to attack the E88? She's totally some walking, talking super-spy. I bet she knows everything about all of the E88.

*pats head*

Soon, you too shall learn to fear the swa-, right, she's a hero in this fic.

Thread Title: Bitch spotted in post-Endbringer Camp, Reports Say

Thread Title: Calling all Bitch Fans--Help Out!

I am loving all these BitchZone posts. So many fics just do PHO and nothing else, so this is just really nice for a change.

Also WagtheDog's crush is just cute.

"Tattletale is that you?"

They'll flame out before too long. I bet.

That's what they all say, until that one bug controller ends up taking over the city.

Overall, I really enjoyed that Interwebz Interlude. It's a really nice change over what most people do, and fulfills the job of explaining how the world and a lot of other people react to stuff that's happened better than most Interludes do. Overall, well done.
Wonder if Flechette got in trouble for her pro-Arachne and Bitch tweets...

It may be a toss up on Flechette getting in trouble. Yes, she did promote someone who has a murder warrant in her name, but she was also encouraging a pair that is trying to reform and is helping protect a refugee camp. I would not be surprised if Piggot assigned her a punishment detail of set patrols near Bitch's and Arachne's camp, along with a mission to find a way to bring them into the fold.
Huh. That is pretty cool.
But this makes downloading the fic or opening it in reader mode a pain. How will I read this on long train rides where there's no WiFi now? :'(
I whipped up an epub of it here if that helps… (the formatting is—far from perfect, Flechette's Twitter in particular is pretty mangled, but that's what ya get for 10 min of hacking)
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I whipped up an epub of it here if that helps… (the formatting is—far from perfect, Flechette's Twitter in particular is pretty mangled, but that's what ya get for 10 min of hacking)

First big patrol in BB. Hope everything goes well. Not going to live-tweet it because that's dumb. #ResponsibleWard #HelpBB

Oh wow, I really had an experience. Let me tell you about it, it's amazing. 1/? #Story Time #Tweetstorm.

So, there's a refugee camp right in the middle of Merchant territory, with hundreds of people. 2/? #Merchants Suck

It's the one that they assaulted Saturday morning, but they were foiled, and then Legend beat them 3/?. #Legend.

It's guarded by three capes: Arachne, B*tch, and Pelter. I've told you about Arachne. 4/?

Arachne and B*tch helped transport me, and did their part against Behemoth. Now they're doing their part to help BB… together. 5/?

Yes. They've all but confirmed they're a couple! It was really cute. You know how I am about true love and so on. 6/?

So all three of them are a Team. Team… what? Team Arachne? Team B*tch? Team names are silly to talk about. 7/?

But fun, isn't it? Feel free to make suggestions for what to call them. But I know that those civilians are in good hands. They're really impressive from the AARs I've read. 8/?

B*tch used to be a villain, and I'm pretty sure she turned to the light-side for romance. I always love stories like that. 9/? #Isn'tItRomantic?

I talked to the camp, it's common knowledge. And they all trust Arachne and B*tch. She's saved them, and together they'll conquer all obstacles! 10/?

I just love stuff like that. Maybe I'm a bit of a sap. But I want to see more of that in the world. And it makes me optimistic myself. That I'll find something. 11/?

So, really, give me your views. I'm willing to answer questions about common knowledge. I just wanted to get out how awesome these three (Pelter's new, but nice!) heroes are. #BBHope.

I think this is all of her tweets. The rest of that page is mostly decorative stuff and not really story elements.

So if that helps?
Since everyone seems to be freaking out, disowning me, and calling me Grimderp, I feel like I have to add, for the sake of stopping the mass exodus that seems just on the horizon: No. S9 will not show up. For both narrative, thematic, and also just practical and realistic reasons.
So no "Bitch dies to S9 and Taylor has to readapt to things while heartbroken" arc?
That could have been good. Horrible, but good.
Oh, from Flechette's tweets: "First big patrol in BB. Hope everything goes well. Not going to live-tweet it because that's dumb." I want to imagine at least one hero or villain has tried this and gotten themselves killed because of it.

Edit: "Also, can we declare this a, "No straight guy who wanted to fuck Bitch and is now angry at her even though she hasn't even heard of them" zone? Because that's the grossest part of this site. Even if bans are going out left and right for that." - That is depressingly expected. Man, I don't even want to know what the intersection between the dark parts of Reddit (or equivalent) and parahumans are on Bet.
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Gotta say, I was a tad skeptical, but you guys went and blew my mind. And hopefully set a new standard too. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into that. Things like Bagrats display pic... It's pretty rare to see any other sites than PHO, and as far as I can remember none come close to this scale.

Now to re-read three more times to pick up everything I inevitably missed, and confirm one thing I think I didn't...
That is depressingly expected. Man, I don't even want to know what the intersection between the dark parts of Reddit (or equivalent) and parahumans are on Bet.

I've seen some fics mention it offhandedly, and it fits my headcanon, that 4chan or some other imageboard like it would have a /cape/.

You can fill in the rest of the details, I imagine. :p
Gotta say, I was a tad skeptical, but you guys went and blew my mind. And hopefully set a new standard too. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into that. Things like Bagrats display pic... It's pretty rare to see any other sites than PHO, and as far as I can remember none come close to this scale.

Now to re-read three more times to pick up everything I inevitably missed, and confirm one thing I think I didn't...

What thing? If you don't mind me asking?
First off kudos to everyone who worked on this update, it came out amazing. Best forum interlude ever, and one of the best uses of the online medium of fanfiction.

My only real complaint is that the overall plot wasn't moved forward and since I just finished binge reading this, now I have to wait a whole week for more wolf spider fluffiness. But I do understand that interludes like this are to show the state of the world, where the protagonists can't see to help inform the readers of why certain events are occurring. I would have liked to see more of the interview, but I suspect that the interview and its reactions will be covered more in future chapters. ( again I'm impatient to see more )

In terms of the interlude itself, the use of different sites to show the views of different groups and having users that crossed over and are on multiple sites to help show the different communities was incredibly well done.

I loved the Flecthette tweets, I hope some of those memes crop up again. Her being sappy and happy for the Wolfspider ship made my day.

I hope we get to see WagtheDog in person since she's apparently at the camp, and meeting Rachel apparently helped her out a lot in canon.

The fundraising begins, I suspect that this will spiral into something larger in the future.

Also, can we declare this a, "No straight guy who wanted to fuck Bitch and is now angry at her even though she hasn't even heard of them" zone? Because that's the grossest part of this site. Even if bans are going out left and right for that.

This cracked me up, its funny / relatable in a really sad but true way.

This interlude had a noticable lack of Greg, was that intentional or did it just happen to work out that way? Edit: Never mind I just missed it the first time.

Also I was kinda hoping for some information on what Emma's doing right now. I assume she and her family either have already left or are going to, I mean she's obviously grieving for Sophia but she knows Taylor is a cape.

I really like the way that this interlude ties back into the first interlude, especially since the first interlude seemed tacked on at the time.
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This interlude had a noticable lack of Greg, was that intentional or did it just happen to work out that way?

He's in there. He mentions his mother?

Things are a bit different from canon for him, obviously, so he doesn't get his role of like, trying to steal glory a bit, and instead he's coping with other stuff and then distracted a lot with the camp.
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This interlude had a noticable lack of Greg, was that intentional or did it just happen to work out that way?
Greg totally was there!
He wrote that his mother was probably dead. Fun fun fun... And hey, be might even be right!
Then he'd end up in his father's custody, which would turn out terribly well. For everyone.

Edit: Seriously, adjusting to any other parent would probably be difficult for him. Especially if they're the demanding kind of parent who wouldn't want to have Greg as a kid, don't know him very well and that he has to bond with.
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He's in there. He mentions his mother?

Things are a bit different from canon for him, obviously, so he doesn't get his role of like, trying to steal glory a bit, and instead he's coping with other stuff and then distracted a lot with the camp.

I just reread the interlude and was going to edit my post before anyone saw, but apparently I was too late. :D

But yeah I totally missed Greg's post the first time I read it.

Greg totally was there!
He wrote that his mother was probably dead. Fun fun fun... And hey, be might even be right!
Then he'd end up in his father's custody, which would turn out terribly well. For everyone.

Edit: Seriously, adjusting to any other parent would probably be difficult for him. Especially if they're the demanding kind of parent who wouldn't want to have Greg as a kid, don't know him very well and that he has to bond with.

Yeah Greg's not in a great place right now on a lot of levels. Though I doubt he has to worry about being relocated anytime soon, everyone has more important things to worry about at the moment, and who knows maybe his mother managed to survive.