*Blinks* Oh dear. Say what you want, NERV operatives in the area meant things probably would stay stable due to no one else really stepping into the area beyond trying to launch anti-NERV ops or going after Sarif, and a lot would obviously be deterred from the latter with the former there. Things might be about to get interesting.
Of course we have Shinji, Picard, and Tong all basically running free for at least a turn in the area, so that might more than make up for it depending on how many realize what's up and capitalizing on it. Shinji might realize someone moved out of the area when he picks up on no one watching him anymore.
"This is Eliza Cassan of Picus News Network. Bringing you live 24 hour news coverage. Across the globe and in your home today."
"Fake NEWS!!" Malik said jeering at the female news anchor. "I still think She's a robot."
Prichard sighed. "Can you stop saying that everything Picus says is fake. They are really trying to report the news unlike CNN."
"All corporate Media is fake in some shape." Malik said sticking her tounge out.
"Can I watch the news guys...seriously why do we watch news together, we have TV's at home." Shinji complained.
"I enjoy your company." Faridah said bopping your nose.
Francis sighed. "You have HD-TV and good wifi that I can enjoy after you put Makoto to bed."
"In Local news..."
Serial Killer Dominic Harker has escaped from prison:Following a police transfer, Augmented serial killer Dominic Harker has escaped from prison. If you have any information, please contact local or corporate law enforcement.
"Oh shit, he's in our area." Shinji noted as he moved to lock the doors and windows.
Malik pouted. "He's an impact war vet and an aug, you think a magnum is gonna do anything to him?"
Shinji opened the secret stash under the TV. Revealing a Mossberg 500 shotgun and a massive knife. "I can ask David for more."
"Your a nut Shinji. But that seems like the right thing to do." Malik said. "What's his MO again."
"He targets Children and Augs." Shinji said quietly loading his Magnum. "I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight."
"In other news..."
David Sarif has entered an arms agreement with NERV: In a movie to strengthen international business ties in the asian market David Sarif made a public offer to integrate more cybernetic units into NERV's defence unit.
Shinji laughed. "Nice...you better have given those bastards the faulty shit."
Francis gave a groan. "Ever since you were told your father works for them, your rather hostile to NERV."
"Name one thing that they do besides steal money from countries." Shinji said.
"They have the robots right. Those things unnerve me." Malik said as the three of you shuddered.
Project Evangelion. All that's known is whispers and ghosts.
"Francis they didn't trace us right?" Shinji asked quietly.
"We made sure, no we made damn sure they didn't find out it was us." Prichard said quietly. "We even blamed the Pentagon and everything."
"Just making sure."
"In international news…"
China has fallen into civil strife: Following the 5% increase in NERV's budget. Chinese economic Minister Wei Fen Song has gone on record with a prediction of massive lose in social and economic benefits. This has been met with massive backlash against the CPC, who are now dealing with the largest civil protest since Tiananmen Square. So far no deaths have been reported. But knowing the CPC, they are hiding the truth.
Shinji blinked as he swore Eliza Cassan just winked at the screen. "Did Cassan just throw fire at the Chinese."
"Who knew she took a side for once. Go her." Malik said as she looked for a drink in Shinji's fridge.
Francis did a humph. "Well sometimes these things need to be said.Plus she isn't lying it's China."
Shinji looked at Malik and threw a pillow at her. "Shinji turn off the TV, time for underground."
"In the Underground…"
"That guys final message, how'd he die again." Shinji said noting the mad preachers message.
"NERV used a drone strike on him." Malik said as she started trying to look for your breakfast cereal.
"Hmm.Can you clear it up, I think there's a subliminal." Shinji said noting it due to picking up a ghost frequency with his infolink.
"What the hell…" Malik said as she tried to process what the underground sent.
Francis Pritchard remained calm, he'd seen this before. It was how he met Shinji after all.
"Their using Ghost channels to communicate with us, these guys mean business." Francis said
"Ghost Channels?" Malik asked.
"Ghost Channels are a frequency based communication that can only be discovered by deep sound scan telescopes, like the ones used in astronomy. Special frequency detectors..."
"Or specially built infolinks." Shinji finished. "They can be picked up and translated if you know how to look, like we did now."
"I'm Fucking confused!!" Malik screamed.
"We speak of this to no one. We have enough to worry about." Shinji said readying his Magnum.
Serial killer is on the loose, Who targets kids and augs. And David won't give you a pay raise after five years of working. And Francis is messing with your Wifi!!
First world problems. It seems, well at least that guy is no longer looking at you from the window.
Diplomacy: Well you met some new people, make that what you will of it.
(Choose 2 options)
[]Hunting Ghosts: Alright...seems that some of the people from the underground are looking for you. Chance of success:30% Reward: You find whoever is looking for you and get some answers or more questions.
[]Teach Makoto good behavior: She's not a baby anymore and needs to start acting a little better, for her own sake as well as yours. Chance of success:90% Reward Makoto learns of good behavior.
[]Play Cello:Let's try to relax a little. It's almost become a normal occurrence. Chance of success:80% Reward:More Oddities, Occurrences and quarters.
Martial:Things are a bit tense right now. Better be safe than sorry.
(Choose 2)
[]Security and you: Lets spend time with Security, Chance of success:90% Reward: Security has lunch with you.
[]Let's go hunting:Legally you should leave the hunting of a serial killer to the police, but here at Sarif industry we leave nothing to chance, security has a plan you see, and you're bait, bait packing heat, but still bait. Chance of success: 50%/10% Reward:Serial killer neutralized.
[]Combat Armor and you: David wants you to try on some new gear for R&D, it won't bite just combat armor. Chance of success:90% Reward: New combat armor tested.
Stewardship: Well it's stockbroking.
You hate stock broking.
No actions available.
Intrigue: It's getting darker each day.
(Choose 2)
[]All out assault:You have the Programs, the CPU, and the Tracer on board, Let's do this. Let's make NERV your bitch. Chance of success: 20% Reward: You take a long piss on NERV's Cyber-security division.
[]Prepare Alibi: In case things go south, they can't legally pin anything on you. Chance of success:90% Reward: NERV gets a -30 to getting anything on you if something goes wrong.
[]Work with Prichard: Something made a hole in the firewall, looking for medical data? You got to trap it. Chance of success: 60% Reward: What do they want with Medical data...no way.
Learning: You once again need to get your act together.
(Choose 1)
[]Finish School:You need to finish this stuff. Chance of succsess:35% Reward: You finish School.
[]A Silent Running: Tracer wants some help with some new cloaking device. Might as well. Chance of sucsess: 45% Reward: Well does it work?
[]Learn to Drive:Being unable to drive at your age, is unaceptable. FIX it. Chance of sucsess:40%, Reward:You can drive now.
Personal Actions: FREE TIME.
(Choose 1)
[]Spend Time with Makoto: You love her so much. Chance of Sucsess:100% Reward Makoto is loved.
[]Learn to Swim: Its a danger, maybe its possible to swim with augs, you never know unless you try. Chance of sucsess:50% Reward: You can swim.
[]Meditate: You need to lower your stress levels. Chance of sucsess:??? Reward:???
[X] Plan Burying the Past
-[X]Hunting Ghosts: Alright...seems that some of the people from the underground are looking for you. Chance of success:30% Reward: You find whoever is looking for you and get some answers or more questions.
-[X]Teach Makoto good behavior: She's not a baby anymore and needs to start acting a little better, for her own sake as well as yours. Chance of success:90% Reward Makoto learns of good behavior.
-[X]Security and you: Lets spend time with Security, Chance of success:90% Reward: Security has lunch with you.
-[X]Combat Armor and you: David wants you to try on some new gear for R&D, it won't bite just combat armor. Chance of success:90% Reward: New combat armor tested.
-[X]All out assault:You have the Programs, the CPU, and the Tracer on board, Let's do this. Let's make NERV your bitch. Chance of success: 20% Reward: You take a long piss on NERV's Cyber-security division.
-[X]Prepare Alibi: In case things go south, they can't legally pin anything on you. Chance of success:90% Reward: NERV gets a -30 to getting anything on you if something goes wrong.
-[X]A Silent Running: Tracer wants some help with some new cloaking device. Might as well. Chance of sucsess: 45% Reward: Well does it work?
-[X]Meditate: You need to lower your stress levels. Chance of sucsess:??? Reward:???
[X] Plan Make It Double
-[X]Teach Makoto good behavior: She's not a baby anymore and needs to start acting a little better, for her own sake as well as yours. Chance of success:90% Reward Makoto learns of good behavior.
-[X]Play Cello:Let's try to relax a little. It's almost become a normal occurrence. Chance of success:80% Reward:More Oddities, Occurrences and quarters.
-[X]Let's go hunting:Legally you should leave the hunting of a serial killer to the police, but here at Sarif industry we leave nothing to chance, security has a plan you see, and you're bait, bait packing heat, but still bait. Chance of success: 50%/10% Reward:Serial killer neutralized.
-[X]Combat Armor and you: David wants you to try on some new gear for R&D, it won't bite just combat armor. Chance of success:90% Reward: New combat armor tested.
-[X]Prepare Alibi: In case things go south, they can't legally pin anything on you. Chance of success:90% Reward: NERV gets a -30 to getting anything on you if something goes wrong.
-[X]Work with Prichard: Something made a hole in the firewall, looking for medical data? You got to trap it. Chance of success: 60% Reward: What do they want with Medical data...no way.
-[X]A Silent Running: Tracer wants some help with some new cloaking device. Might as well. Chance of sucsess: 45% Reward: Well does it work?
-[X]Spend Time with Makoto: You love her so much. Chance of Sucsess:100% Reward Makoto is loved.
Think we need more prep up first because holy shit a 20% and 30% chance are askin for trouble.
Serial killer is on the loose, Who targets kids and augs. And David won't give you a pay raise after five years of working. And Francis is messing with your Wifi!!
First world problems. It seems, well at least that guy is no longer looking at you from the window.
Diplomacy: Well you met some new people, make that what you will of it.
(Choose 2 options)
-[X]Hunting Ghosts: Alright...seems that some of the people from the underground are looking for you. Chance of success:30% Reward: You find whoever is looking for you and get some answers or more questions. Rolled:1D100 => 90
You sat on a bench next to an older gentleman. "Hello Shinji Ikari."
You looked and jumped ready to draw at a moments notice, he looked very familiar like you should know him from somewhere. "Do I know you?"
"Of course you don't remember, the last time I saw you was eleven years ago."
"What…" You felt your head hurt at that, if he was so important, why can't he recall him.
The older man sighed. "I knew he would have done something to you to make you forget about me. Sit down. And listen to one of your Grandfather's stories."
(Continued in Ghosts of a Broken past.)
-[X]Teach Makoto good behavior: She's not a baby anymore and needs to start acting a little better, for her own sake as well as yours. Chance of success:90% Reward Makoto learns of good behavior.Rolled:1D100 => 96
Your child has learned what it means to be a hard working girl, and find time to relax.
She started drawing and working and she even cleaned up most of the living room by herself.
She even cleaned her room on her own and then woke you up to show you.
You feel proud that she is taking your lessons to heart.
Reward: Makoto Ikari gains the Trait: Diligent: This character is a hard worker. (+ 1 all stats). +2 all stats.
Martial:Things are a bit tense right now. Better be safe than sorry.
(Choose 2)
-[X]Security and you: Lets spend time with Security, Chance of success:90% Reward: Security has lunch with you. Rolled:1D100 => 24
"So you see the Tigers game last night?" Felix asked.
"Yep they won.." you said starting with the game results.
Reward:Sarif Security bought you lunch.Sarif Security will now be in standby for a request.
-[X]Combat Armor and you: David wants you to try on some new gear for R&D, it won't bite just combat armor. Chance of success:90% Reward: New combat armor tested.Rolled:1D100 => 91
The test went well and you felt good surprisingly good, like that armor was made for you.
Reward: Gained Equipment: Shinji's Combat armor: This specially made suit of armor was handcrafted for corporate espionage. (Effects unknown.)
Intrigue: It's getting darker each day.
(Choose 2)
-[X]All out assault:You have the Programs, the CPU, and the Tracer on board, Let's do this. Let's make NERV your bitch. Chance of success: 20% Reward: You take a long piss on NERV's Cyber-security division.Rolled:1D100 => 93+35(Francis,Tracer and the virus's)=118.
"Yep...We kicked a fucking hornets nest." You said to David as he buttered his toast.
"Tell me what you did...one more time." He said not believing a word.
(Continued in The Untouchables.)
-[X]Prepare Alibi: In case things go south, they can't legally pin anything on you. Chance of success:90% Reward: NERV gets a -30 to getting anything on you if something goes wrong. Rolled:1D100 => 69+35=94
"So who are we blaming this time. Pakistan or Russia?" You asked as the team prepared.
"RUSSIA..that was the plan." Tracer said.
"Alright Russia it is." You said preparing the alibi.
Reward:NERV gains a -30 to finding you for the next 2 turns.
Learning: You once again need to get your act together.
(Choose 1)
-[X]A Silent Running: Tracer wants some help with some new cloaking device. Might as well. Chance of success: 45% Reward: Well does it work? Rolled:1D100 => 73
"So, it makes my stealth last longer." You asked.
Tracer looked over the screen. "Yep...It's similar to the stealth suits used by the Japanese. but ...it's still buggy."
"It worked fine when I used it."You said calmly.
"Wait you used it." Tracer screamed at the screen.
"Yeah so what. Battery life needs work though." You shrugged.
"Huh, How long." He asked.
"Ten minutes."You said calmly.
Reward: Disposable personal Stealth generator now available.
Personal Actions: FREE TIME.
(Choose 1)
-[X]Meditate: You need to lower your stress levels. Chance of success:??? Reward:??? Rolled:1D100 => 98
You saw a monster wearing your mother's face. And you knew it was true. Your mind had been tampered with and now it can see some light.
Reward:A piece of the truth has been uncovered. Yui is angry that her puppet can see the strings.
"In light of the recent Cyber Terrorism attacks, I'm glad to see that my request to the Japanese government has been expeedeated with their most talented operatives." Gendo had stated in rather surprised tone to his counterpart in JNPSC.
Misato looked at the man in near awe.
Lt. Col. Daisuke Aramaki, a living legend in the International counter terrorist circles. Former JSDF Special Forces group who served across 19 countries in the last 20 years, and one of the pioneers of the Augmented Counter terrorist group Public Security Section 9.
Gendo knew the new organization was officially a search and rescue unit, only an idiot believes the official story. They had been open on every conspiracy theorist blog from Japan to New York, The counter terrorist and espionage record speaks for itself.
They always caught their target. "I understand that this cyberterrorist represents a grave threat to Japan's internal security. But in order to get this guy...I require a joint group and the MAGI system to make it so."
The commander smiled behind his finger tent. "And you shall have those resources and more if need be."
Aramaki looked distrustful. "How ever I require an Insider to make sure this little project runs smoothly. I'm sure you are aware of how these operations are handled Commander Ikari."
Gendo felt an eyebrow raise. "But of course...And I am well aware of your hatred for red tape, rest assured that is not a problem here."
Aramaki looked at Misato. "Oh...that reminds me Major you can come out now."
A women walked out of his shadow. "Lt. Col. Misato Katsuragi meet your new partner for the duration of this operation, Major Motoko Kusanagi."
Reward: Public Security Section 9 is now working with Gendo to find the cyber-terrorist (i.e You) responsible for hacking all of NERV. Disaster roll increases by +20 for the next 2 turns.
AN: Yeah, Gendo rolled pretty well for his hired help, you may now panic. Also...he's in Japan, who else were you expecting.
They don't know who did it. All Shinji did was damage there entire security grid and utterly trounce some of the smartest people on earth. Misato was the closest to catching him but failed by 1. Do not think this was as clean of an operation as the roll sugests NERV was really damned close. So they called in some one to help them out with security.
If there was one thing you truly liked about Francis was that he made breaking into computers easy.
Codebreak a password, download a virus to stop them from trying to counter attack and get what you want.
Of course the highest and hardest thing you ever broke into was NERV USA, and even then it was timed and coordinated with three agencies to cover your tracks. What they were doing now could, if they got caught, spell the end of their lives as free men.
Normally the sane option would be not to do it, to many risks and potential for getting caught.
You'd need an army worth of genius hackers to pull off from dozens of angles to pull it off. And you were going to do it with three people.
But these were no ordinary hackers that stocked the Internet, no these are professionals in their craft.
First we have Francis "Frank" Pritchard, currently a junior security manager for Sarif industry tech base in Detroit. He had gotten the job four years ago after he hacked into Sarif's mainframe on a bet.
He was hired a week later and steadily began rising up the ladder and honing his skill as one of North America's most gifted computer masters.
Currently his current record includes the CIA, Pentagon, and Tai-yong medical.
Next on our current roster is "Tracer" Tong Si-Hung. The smartest man on earth, the man who brought down part of the great firewall on a bet and the ear to the ground in asia.
His record includes China's entire firewall, the most complex and ever evolving internet defence grid on the planet. In one day.
And then there was you Shinji Ikari, the man of miracles. You've broken into banks, international cartels, Russia, India and Pakistan at the same time. But there was one beast you hadn't slain.
NERV...the enigma of a organization that was founded to fight something, a research organization for weapons and other unnatural things. All you ever heard was rumors and none of them good.
Prichard tapped your shoulder. "You want to back out last chance?"
No you were going all the way for this. Something must come to light. This is revenge against your father.
"Alright let's roll. Everyone got programs and sutch queued up. Reserves good?" You asked as two green lights flashed.
"Outstanding….Let's break some shit." You said calmly.
(Tracer Tong POV)
Getting past the firewall was easy...someone left a hole in it. Not a big one paresay, but it was noticeable to those who knew how to look.
"Guys, there's a backdoor wide open here that by all accounts should not, how did the techs miss this." You stated calmly as you looked at the code again.
No it was real and not a trap program. So why the hell would there be a massive hole in the most secure perimeter you've ever seen.
Did they want to get hacked by a bunch of Basement dwelling guys with time on their hands, it seems likely.
The scan finished. It wasn't a trap, it was a communication encrypted, the kinds used to hide conversations between very powerful individuals. The kind that could launch Nukes with a button.
"So we gonna take it?" You asked.
"Yeah...double encrypt, I don't want to get blindsided."
Two clicks later you were in.
(Prichard POV)
Whoever designed this Internal security grid is a complete idiot. There are no redundant defences no double encrypted antivirus defences, no...oh shit its was one of those manually run places.
Shit there was no human factor in the plan. "Fuck!!! We got bodies, guys NERV computer techs. Got a plan?"
Shinji was quiet for a moment. "Fuck...we didn't plan for this, Rush'em we'll try to lock them out of their own system before they realize what's going on."
(Maya POV)
You noted a blip in the system and tried to deal with it. Then you noted three, "Dr. Akagi, we got three blips on the internal systems."
Ritsuko looked over your shoulder. "Is it the MAGI doing a sweep?" In a normal day it would have been the MAGI, but they did the sweep half an hour ago. "No...its coming from outside the Geofront."
Ritsuko said nothing as she took a deep breath. "Misato is still in right. Ping her we will need back up and the others went home already...Why did it half to be today."
You opened the call to the Ops commander. "Ma'm we have a code seven. Its all hands on deck."
Why did this sort of shit happen on your first day. You barely got all the shortcuts memorized!!
(Shinji POV)
Shinji sighed as he saw the prize. The commander's main terminal. All you need now is to break it.
It took only a moment. And you got something you didn't expect.
A picture of your mother. You had forgotten what she had even looked like. Had it really been that long since what had happened.
You breathed in and started to download everything. You would steal everything he had, for mom.
It felt cathartic to be stealing everything his father had. Cathartic and sad.
What could have been. He wouldn't dwell on it. It was already gone.
He didn't see the capture programs descend towards him as the progress bar slowly filled.
(Misato POV)
The other two had fled after a long and agonising five minutes of trying to get them. "You should have called me earlier."
Ritsuko looked from the other CPU. "And let you take all the credit for getting them Please this is my kingdom."
"Just shut up and get the capture programs up faster. He's in the commander's terminal." Misato typed in a few more keystrokes.
"What is this guy doing?" You said noting that the flow of his attack lessened as the capture program descended.
"Got yah." You said feeling a smile form.
(Shinji POV)
"Shit what do I do." you said frantically as you looked for the one program you swore never to use.
You found it not a moment too soon. The Tsar Bomba nuke virus.
You had gotten it from a shady merchant in Seattle, and you never bothered to test what it does.
"Here goes nothing." Looking at the progress bar, it ready 80%. So close yet so far.
You plugged in the program and prayed.
(Misato POV)
He was gone a percentage away from capture.
You blinked.Then the Computer sparked as if a small bomb went off inside of it.
"Crap!!" You jumped away seeing the other computers spark.
"Ibuki run a sweep on the MAGI has it been compromised!!" Dr. Akagi swore as she tried to get a handle of this up the grapevine to the commander.
You sighed and looked at your old friend. "Well Shit…are we fired?"
Ritsuko nodded no. "He can't get rid of us for doing everything we could, if he did he'd be shot by his subordinates."
"That's comforting." you did one more sweep and found one thing. "Who leaves a calling card?"
Maya gave a huff, "Most hackers have a calling card, but the thing is there's no singular identifying feature everyone of them is as different as the last, or its his first calling card and that's worse."
"How is the first one worse?" You said, having trouble remembering the deeper meanings.
Risuko cut off the younger women. "Its means a complete noob, fucked US!!" She finished by shouting.
I am the Hope of Salvation from Ignorence, the hero known as Wisdom.
Well at least the damned thing looked pretty. "The MAGI is okay at least, whatever happened shook it up." Maya said letting Ritsuko look at it.
"We'll double check in the morning with the others." You said calmly.
Maya looked at the two of you and sighed. "Are first days normally like this?"
You laughed. "HA, You should have seen my first day oh god."
(Gendo POV)
You looked at the monolith unflinchingly. It had been a long and hard road to stand among them, but you took a breath and stood as unflinchingly as ever as SEELE 01 blinked to life.
"Ikari...explain what has been compromised." The dull voice of Keel Lorenzo said as you recalled the files in detail.
Saying the truth was hard, but at the moment he was playing their game as the loyal subordinate.
"And it seems the hacker had a particular agenda against me. But as to why I could not say." You finished as the Monoliths blinked out one by one leaving you alone with your Sub-commander.
Fuyutsuki said nothing for a long moment. You raised a hand to cut him off.
"Do not imply it was him." You stated plainly as the Sub-commander went rigid.
Fuyutsuki gave a huff at the way you had cut him off. "Name one other person, man or women that hold a grudge against you that much Ikari."
"My son lacks the skills and resources to pull off an attack of this magnitude, I think it was SEELE and their tests on my will to continue the Scenario."
The sub commander almost laughed at the attempts to cast blame. "Then name the other Obvious choice Gendo. Say his name."
You gritted your teeth. "Shiro Rokubungi." If there was one man left on this planet that you could say you truly despise it was him.
"Why now...after Eleven years why make himself so blatantly open like this. Him of all people." You mused as you put your hands down.
You palmed the face of your nose. "Get Me JNPSC….you know who I want." "Well this is surprising. Hmm, Kaji its Makinami. Just who did you meet in Detroit that holds such a vendetta. We may need to accelerate the plan."
"But of course. Sir." The sub commander answered. "Shiro's doing what!! No absolutely not, he can't just go run off to see him out of the blue. We are this close to a breakthrough."
"Fine...But if this goes south its on your head. Got it."
"Good...Listen I couldn't have told the old bastard to stop, he'd cut me in two."
Reward:Information on Project Evangelion and its subgroups. Enjoy the feeling of catharsis Azrael Awakens to a cry of war ready for battle.
Are you refering to these?
"Well this is surprising. Hmm, Kaji its Makinami. Just who did you meet in Detroit that holds such a vendetta. We may need to accelerate the plan."
"Shiro's doing what!! No absolutely not, he can't just go run off to see him out of the blue. We are this close to a breakthrough."
"Fine...But if this goes south its on your head. Got it."
"Good...Listen I couldn't have told the old bastard to stop, he'd cut me in two."
Its early cyberpunk enough for real life to get in the way. But far enough along for THE MAJOR to exist. The longer we get away from this time, the more cyberpunk it will get.
Had you chosen the 3.33 start, Shinji can just to key strokes then hack it and get out of equipment ment to hold him with ease. As we get closer to canon the more rediculose tha hacking gets.
You looked at the older man and surveyed the area, just a normal park, no drones, children were playing and the feeling of unease that normally followed you was not present.
All you did feel was an enormous sense of Deja Vu. Like you had seen this man before, no more than once. Where do I know you from.
You approached and looked at him. He was of similar build to your father if not a little shorter due to age. The man was well traveled he had that glint in his eye of seeing many things that could not be put to words.
Yet despite your own paranoia, you felt drawn to him like a moth to flame.
"Do I know you?" You asked as you moved to sit on the bench next to him.
The old man seemed to smile at that, a bittersweet one, "Hello Shinji Ikari."
You raised an eyebrow. "How...do you know my name?" The tone and control of the conversation had revealed the true source of your curiosity, you had recognized him on instinct and he seemed more familiar to you then you should be feeling right now.
The older man seemed bitter at the fact that you had trouble recalling him. "Of course you don't remember the last time I saw you was Eleven years ago. A few days before your mother's funeral."
Alright now he was pulling your leg. You looked into the files on everyone there when you were 12, he wasn't in the files or the visitors forms.
"And of course your father would endeavor to make it as difficult to find me as possible. He was alway a prick like that….guess it doesn't fall far from the tree." He said bitterly.
"No really who are you." You said calmly, showing off the magnum holster.
The old man seemed to smile at that. "I've seen your handy work, someone had to bring my son down a peg, for once in his bitter life."
Wait...son. 'No..he died during the Impact war, you probably a spy sent to make me confess." You felt a headache you hadn't felt since you were in the LIMB recovering. Your throat felt dry, your heart rate was increasing, there was a brick wall where your head was supposed to be and you were hitting it as hard as your could.
The old man sighed "Hmm.Of course he would try to compound an already delicate problem, took a metaphorical sledge hammer to break eggshells. How disgraceful. The fact you recalled me at all shows that its losing its hold over you, Advanced hypnotherapy and psychological moulding." He stated with absolute certainty, he said it like he had expected something like this.
"Who are you...I know you!!" You screamed as the wall seemed to crack and give way.
He smiled. "I'm Shiro Rokubungi...Professor of Middle eastern history, A specialist on linguistic translation, I'm notable for being one of the first specialists to translate part of the dead sea scrolls. In 1974."
The wall broke. Memories and days were flooding in from the hole made by that phrase. "<Grandpa…>
Shiro smiled. "<Hello Shinji...don't rush to hug. I'm pretty old as it is, I don't want you to break me.>"
Shiro continued his discussion. "<You know of project Evangelion right.>"
You nodded yes as he continued. "<Endure it...the EVA seires was not built to save our race. Only to protect it long enough so it could be destroyed from within.>"
"<It wasn't meant to save us?>" You said in disbelief.
"<None of it was...Your taking this well.>" He noted as he noted most people would have told him to stop.
Shiro looked at his watch. It was time to go.
"<Shinji...Endure the hell that is to come, that is something your father can never do that you can. Endure.>" He left without another word.
All you could feel that night was the heavy feeling of freedom. For the first time in your life, for a brief moment you were free. "Yes...I think it's time to get a cell in Detroit, we'll let them think of a name."
Reward: Shiro Rokubungi met. WILLE has begun their operation against NERV in earnest. Organization is ready to form next turn.
Organizations:These are micro conspiracy formed from larger conspirises WILLE and NERV are two examples. A larger conspiracy is a overarching controlling unit , Examples of a larger conspiracy is SEELE and the Illuminati. These are the equivalent of feuding kingdoms vying for dominance and influence.
AN:What. It wouldn't be Deus Ex or Evangelion without conspiracy's. Turn three will be up soon.
The invisi-text from this update, for those who are interested:
"Yes...I think it's time to get a cell in Detroit, we'll let them think of a name."
"WILLE has begun their operation against NERV in earnest. Organization is ready to form next turn."
"Organizations: These are micro conspiracy formed from larger conspiracies. WILLE and NERV are two examples. A larger conspiracy is a overarching controlling unit , examples of a larger conspiracy are SEELE and the Illuminati. These are the equivalent of feuding kingdoms vying for dominance and influence."
EDIT: Also, missed something in the other update(The Untouchables):"Azrael Awakens to a cry of war ready for battle."
EDIT2: More invisi-text, from Turn 1 results and Turn 2 results:
"Faction Met WILLE:An anti NERV and SEELE organization formed by those fortunate few who figured out part of the truth about Second Impact. Currently they are underground."
"Recruitment of military trainers gains a +20"
"Cloaking Augmentation Upgrade available."
"Sarif Security will now be in standby for a request."
"Yui is angry that her puppet can see the strings."