Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

How can you possibly guarantee something like that? You're talking about the guy who will pursue his justice to the ends of the earth. If he ends up king he will demand that all of Cersei's bastards go to him, which pits us against him for no good reason whatsoever.

I guess we'll be getting Northern independence after all, just in the most pointless way we could have done it.
He said, without having any proof whatsoever either. I mean, Stannis bends when he really needs. And when sanity attacks him, which is quite often and a lot more often with Davos by his side. His most unreasonable acts were done spurred on by Melisandre. So... He likely won't go to war and we get an useful hostage. So calm down.
Because Ned is having Rhaenys flashbacks.
To be fair, Robert was obsessed with the surviving Targaryans and Stannis is infamously hard-assed.
But I agree with Cleatus. It won't come to war. Stannis will want to secure his rule and while killing the Lannister bastards will help, threatening the North won't. He'll hold a grudge, but he'll also have to acknowledge the aid the Starks gave him too.
Stannis almost embodies Justice. I don't think he would be the type to punish children for the sins of their parents.

At least, that's how I look at it. Specially with Ser Davos by his side, advising him.
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Ned might have been taught a few things here in KL, but his fundamentally good and honorable nature remains, so his reaction is to be expected.

Too late to complain anyway - you shouldn't have voted for that plan or (better or worse, you decide) you shouldn't have let Ned live. But the dice has been cast, so we will live with this choice. No need to start pointing fingers and clog the thread.
Stannis almost embodies Justice. I don't think he would be the type to punish children for the sins of their parents.

At least, that's how I look at it.
It wouldn't be about punishment. Not for the children. It would be about removing unlawful claiments to the throne (which makes Myrcella relatively safe as she couldn't claim the throne anyway), removing the spawn of an unholy union, and punishing Jaime and Cersei.

So Myrcella really will be safe as a hostage. She can't claim the throne herself and she's been taken north where the church won't be constantly reminded of her presence either.
Stannis's possible worries are thus,
-- He'll appear weak by not executing the whole family of pretenders.
----Mitigated by the fact that obsessing over it will do the same.
-- He'll appear weak for not being able to force the Starks to give her up
---- Mitigated by the fact that he owes the Starks
-- Myrcella's future husband could claim conspiracy and that she is a legitimate daughter, making him the legitimate king.
---- Mitigated by the fact that possession is 9/10ths of the law and Myrcella will be raised and likely married off in the North, birthplace of the "conspiracy".
Seems like a pretty excellent result. We got pretty much everything we wanted without contest. Minus Baelish, but he was always a longshot, since pulling a runner in this kind of situation is exactly what we pretty much expected anyway. He was probably gone before the goldcloaks even finished putting down the riot.

Now, what do we want to do? Ned's gonna side with Stannis, which kind of makes Robert's bastards as much an issue to his claim as Cersei's; we know he's not gonna hand them over, but it's probably best to get the whole mess of them on the other side of Moat Cailin fast. Should we maybe send Ned northward with some of the bannermen to oversee Northern defenses and secure the kiddies, while Robb continues to prosecute the war in the South?
Now, what do we want to do? Ned's gonna side with Stannis, which kind of makes Robert's bastards as much an issue to his claim as Cersei's; we know he's not gonna hand them over, but it's probably best to get the whole mess of them on the other side of Moat Cailin fast. Should we maybe send Ned northward with some of the bannermen to oversee Northern defenses and secure the kiddies, while Robb continues to prosecute the war in the South?
Okay so my plan is.

Send Blackfish to the Vale with 1000 Riverlanders and send letters to all the major Vale Lords to find Baelish, also marry Robb to Ysilla Royce, this secures our eastern flank because now Lysa can't do shit without a civil war she will most likely lose and she is Baelish's last card.

Send Edmure to occupy Harrenhall with a Riverlander army of about 8000-10,000, he'll be able to make sure no surprise attacks come from the Crownlands, he's a good tactician as well so as long as he is in Harenhall he can probably hold it against a much larger force and, hopefully, since we are going to have to declare for Stannis he might be able to get some Crownlanders to join their armies to his, to give us a decent sized force to keep the Lannisters pinned and the Riverlands safe on the South East side.

Send Ned North with Catelyn and Sansa and Arya. Marry Sansa to a Northern lord, she's had enough of the South and we need to reward our Bannermen for their loyalty. Ned can start raising a second host ready to reinforce the south if necessary, however it will likely be used to fight off the Ironborn and Wildlings invasions, the force will probably be only 10,000 strong or so considering the Northern army down south, but Stannis smashed the Wildlings with less in cannon and the Ironborn only number 15,000 and are shit at land battles as well. So our homelands will be secure

Robb commands his current Northern forces to the West, we should be able to do the slip by the Golden Tooth trick if we haven't convinced Lord Lefford to side with us via a betrothal for his daughter to Edmure. We set the West on fire, ransack their mines and scatter any hosts they try to build up before they can come to be a threat, basically pulling off what Robb did in cannon, except with a whole lot more troops.

Then we just wait for Stannis
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And then Myrcella marries Jon Targaryan :p

But seriously here's a list of concerning things that need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

1. Baelish as pointed out by everyone. Not going to be successfully sieging the Eyrie anytime soon so something needs to be figured out.

2. Tywin needs to die. Period.

3. A real conclusion needs to happen with the Lannisters be it peace or war. Depending on if Renly fucks things up again or not, this shouldn't be too much of a problem with Stannis as King and Dorne as a potential ally.

4. If Renly fucks things up, the Tyrells need to be dealt with as well, preferably with their infrastructure intact. Even if White Walkers aren't coming, Winter is so having at least decent relations with the breadbasket of Westeros is going to be important.

5. Speaking of winter, wildings are probably up to no good so we need to do upgrade our towers.

6. My position on Varys is mixed. He's useful and I'm not so sure that he's an enemy of the Starks. Unless we back Stannis or whoever is King by the time Dany decides to drop by after fucking up Essos. If we decide to turtle up in the north we could probably just wait that little skirmish out if necessary citing war beyond the wall.

7. Fucking Greyjoys. Hopefully this wont be a problem this time as I don't think Theon took the steps for a sausage dinner with Ramsay. Whether he did or not, Euron's still probably planning something, but that probably matters little for the Starks. Probably. Possibilities running everywhere in my brain meats.

8. Mandatory Catelyn shenanigans preparation.

9. Dorne might still be an issue.

10. Shoulda put this in the Dany section, but Faegon's probably not a Targaryan? Another invading army comes.
Let's send Catelyn North at the very least. With the girls and Robert's bastards.

I'd like to send her to the Eyrie with Blackfish to make Lysa snap, but this seems more IC.

I think we should also send Ned north, or at least to Riverrun until his leg heals.
Stannis isn't going to be on a rampage trying to murder Tommen and Mycerella, hell he might even spare Joffrey since his worst excesses have been prevented from happening.

He'll only come after the North if Ned refuses to bend the knee.
6. My position on Varys is mixed. He's useful and I'm not so sure that he's an enemy of the Starks. Unless we back Stannis or whoever is King by the time Dany decides to drop by after fucking up Essos. If we decide to turtle up in the north we could probably just wait that little skirmish out if necessary citing war beyond the wall.

You think Danaerys wouldn't seek the deaths of the Starks? She hates them as much as the Lannisters. At the very least, she'll want Ned dead, since he participated in the rebellion, as well as the Blackfish. Even if we don't back a King and stay North, she'll still want payback.
I don't think we should betroth Robb to the Royce girl yet. If Renly dies, we need to make sure the Reach army does not join the Lannisters by marrying Margaery to Joffrey.
Baelish was down a side door the moment Ned went off-script, and probably halfway to the docks the moment Barristan made his presence known. He's in the wind; let him twist in it.

Our next move is going to depend on a couple different things. First, what's the situation with the Flying Baratheon Brothers? Are they at odds or not, and where are the Tyrells standing at the moment? Assume that Ned will back Stannis as the rightful heir for the moment--'cos he is--but in terms of how that affects overall strategy depends on information we don't have as yet.

Second, is Ned going to be fit to fight in the wars to come? I'm thinking he keeps the leg but Bran's not gonna be the only Stark who needs a hand up now. (Hey, maybe he can get tips from Willas Tyrell!)

Third, what are the Greyjoys up to? With everybody distracted in the Crownland/Riverland DMZ Balon's not going to have a better shot at inflicting his vengeance against the North. Probably want to be ready to divide attentions in that case.

Fourth, is shit getting Real up at the Wall? The more shoes drop, the more our attention gets divided...
9. What Comes Next?
The time had come to make some decisions. House Stark had suffered great losses, and bounced back to its feet with a string of unexpected victories. Such good fortune could not be expected to last forever, though, and there are a number of crucial matters which must be dealt with.

Please vote in Plan Format. Include any God Points (x1 -Hopper) and Good Boy Points (x1 -free use).

Father and son have been reunited, but they cannot stay as such. One of you must see to Winterfell and the Wall's defenses. The other must take command in the south.

[] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
[] Robb will go North and Eddard will stay south. The wildlings are no smaller a threat, and Lord Eddard has led a successful campaign against the Iron Throne before.

For months now there have been rumors of a great Wildling host, perhaps the largest ever known. The Watch has found nothing, but the deserter spoke of a foe that would make the Wall useless. What is your plan to deal with this threat?
[] Write-In

For better or for worse, House Stark has declared its loyalty to Stannis Baratheon as King Robert's true heir. This has placed you at odds with Cersei Lannister's bastards (for their legitimacy has devolved to their holding of King's Landing and the strength of Lannister gold) and Lord Renly, who has taken Mace Tyrell's daughter to wife. What is your plan to deal with this threat?
[] Write-In

You have in your grasp several important prisoners. One of them is Ser Gregor Clegane. The Mountain butchered Elia Martell and her son, and slaughtered his way through the Riverlands. For this he was given a death sentence, one which Lord Dondarrion failed to carry out. What shall be done now?
[] Write-In

Littlefinger is still out there somewhere. Further, Lysa Arryn has yet to mobilize her banners or declare for any king. How do you wish to approach this matter?
[] Write-In

In times of war, the strongest alliances are forged by marriage. Rickon has been betrothed to a daughter of House Frey, but the remaining four Stark children are unbetrothed. Perhaps it would be overreaching, but King Stannis' only heir is a young daughter... Do you wish to make any offers at this point?
[] Write-In (Robb)
[] Write-In (Sansa)
[] Write-In (Arya)
[] Write-In (Bran)

There is also the matter of Theon Greyjoy. The heir to Pyke a ward of House Stark. There has been no news from the Iron Islands. Perhaps they could be utilized (or kept from action) in some way. Not to mention finding him a Northern wife, if you are so inclined. Perhaps the eldest Mormont girl?
[] Write-In

Are there any other matters you wish to deal with before moving forward? There has been talk among the army of Lord Lefford's daughter, an unmarried heiress of age with Sansa. Lady Whent is old and childless, and you could move to see one of your own named her heir. Or perhaps there is something more?
[] Write-In
Adhoc vote count started by Charcolt on Jul 19, 2017 at 4:04 PM, finished with 81 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fortify
    -[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
    -[X] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a small host to be gathered near the Long Lake.
    -[X] Say nothing in regards to Stannis or Renly. We may have declared for Stannis, but we owe him nothing; he did nothing to aid Lord Eddard in his danger, as should be his duty. Vassalage is a two-way street - if Stannis wants the powers of it, let him prove he also honors its responsibilities. As For Renly, we have no quarrel with him; the Riverlands are ours, and should he want anything of them or us, let him come and ask. But while you do not offer anything to either lords, use this time wisely: fortify, fortify, fortify. Attacks could be coming from all directions. With Baelish in the wind and knowing that Lysa is under his influence, there may come trouble from there. You can't trust the Westerlands to stay silent either for too long. Also, suggest advantageous marriages between Northern and Riverlander noble families to tie the two realms closer together.
    -[X] See who has lost the most due to Clegane's rampage and offer that lord to take his head. Before the execution, send out an invitation to Dorne. They can attend the execution if they manage to get there on time and if they want the body afterwards to do whatever they want to do with it, that's fine with us.
    -[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who killed Jon Arryn and desires to rule the Vale. Hint that Lysa might have been involved in Arryn's death somehow due to her close relationship with Baelish, without outright saying it.
    -[X] Negotiate with all the major Northern houses for Robb's betrothal and then chose the one who you need to bind the most to you and offers you most.
    -[X] Take up negotiations for Sansa's betrothal with some of the major Vale houses, preferred outcome here being either Harry Hardying or one of the Royces
    -[X] It is a bit too early to make commitments for Arya's betrothal. She's young yet and too willful. But keep on the lookout for good marriage prospects advantageous to the war and who could handle Arya. You want her to be happy, after all, and for a second Lyanna Stark not to happen.
    -[X] Try to betroth Bran to Lord Lefford's daughter (see below).
    -[X] For Theon, speak to the Mormonts and the Manderlys about a possible betrothal to Theon, but don't push. If one of them is inclined to agree, talk to Theon and convince him that you're doing him a favor, wanting him happy, and rediscovering his heritage by giving him strong allies on the coast. Make it seem like he has a choice (he doesn't, of course). Send a letter to Pyke using Theon's progress as a warrior as pretense (talk about all the things that would impress an Ironborn), casually mention that you shattered the Lannisters and that the Westerlands are almost unprotected now, though do not make it seem like you want Balon to attack them. Perhaps if you don't tell them to attack the Westerlands, but give them the information that they're ripe for the picking, they will attack the Westerlands. Also, fortify the North against possible Ironborn attacks, while you are at it, just in case.
    -[X] Betroth Bran to Lord Lefford's daughter. Sweeten the deal by having Lady Whent name Bran her heir. Make it so that when they're married, one son will inherit Harrenhal, one son will inherit the Golden Tooth. Meanwhile, Lord Lefford's daughter should be invited as a lady-in-waiting for Catelyn, so that she might meet her betrothed. Have the Blackfish act in Bran's place until Bran is of age, should direct action be necessary in Harrenhal (should Lady Whent die) or in other such cases.
    [X] Plan Hedge Our Bets
    -[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
    -[X] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a small host to be gathered near the Long Lake.
    -[X] Say nothing in regards to Stannis or Renly. We may have declared for Stannis, but we owe him nothing; he did nothing to aid Lord Eddard in his danger, as should be his duty. Vassalage is a two-way street - if Stannis wants the powers of it, let him prove he also honors its responsibilities. As For Renly, we have no quarrel with him; the Riverlands are ours, and should he want anything of them or us, let him come and ask.
    -[X] Execute Ser Gregor and send his head to Prince Doran. He was sentenced to death under King Robert, with the sentence carried out by his loyal Wardens of the North, the Stark; let that be an end to it. Still, Princess Elia deserves justice, so they now have it (if we have Amory Lorch, do the same for him).
    -[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who killed Jon Arryn and desires to rule the Vale. Indicate a willingness to betroth Sansa to Robin Arryn, and should that not work out, to Harrold Hardyng.
    -[X] Along with Gregor Clegane's head, send a message to Prince Doran, indicating willingness to betroth Arya* to Quentyn or Trystane Martell.
    -[X] Speak with Lord Lefford and his daughter about betrothing Alysanne to Bran. Should they (most likely) refuse, offer instead a betrothal between Edmure Tully** and Alysanne
    -[X] Speak to Lady Whent and Edmure Tully about making Rickon*** heir to Lady Whent.
    -[X] Send a force of men with Arya to find her direwolf. Nobody wants that beast to become feral and terrorize the Riverlands.
    [X] Plan: Secure the East, burn the West
    -[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
    -[x] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a host of decent size to be gathered near the Long Lake
    -[x] Edmure Tully will gather a host and lead defensive operations in the south from Harrenhall, making sure to clear out Lannister bandits and eliminate them whilst keeping up a defensive posture, Robb will take the Northmen to attack the West as he did in canon, burn than, scatter their hosts and loot it.
    -[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who knew of Joffrey's origins and betrayed Lord Stark. Betroth Robb to Ysilla Royce and send the Blackfish with 1000 men to hunt him down.
    -[x] Enter negotiations with the Northern Lords for Sansa's hand. Her hand will be used to find a good match and reward the Northern Lords for their loyalty
    -[X] Enter negotiations with Lord Leo Lefford to betroth Edmure to his daughter
    -[X] Execute Ser Gregor and send his head to Prince Doran. He was sentenced to death under King Robert, with the sentence carried out by his loyal Wardens of the North, the Stark; let that be an end to it
    [x] Plan Turtle
[X] Plan Hedge Our Bets
-[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
-[X] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a small host to be gathered near the Long Lake.
-[X] Say nothing in regards to Stannis or Renly. We may have declared for Stannis, but we owe him nothing; he did nothing to aid Lord Eddard in his danger, as should be his duty. Vassalage is a two-way street - if Stannis wants the powers of it, let him prove he also honors its responsibilities. As For Renly, we have no quarrel with him; the Riverlands are ours, and should he want anything of them or us, let him come and ask.
-[X] Execute Ser Gregor and send his head to Prince Doran. He was sentenced to death under King Robert, with the sentence carried out by his loyal Wardens of the North, the Stark; let that be an end to it. Still, Princess Elia deserves justice, so they now have it (if we have Amory Lorch, do the same for him).
-[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who killed Jon Arryn and desires to rule the Vale. Indicate a willingness to betroth Sansa to Robin Arryn, and should that not work out, to Harrold Hardyng.
-[X] Along with Gregor Clegane's head, send a message to Prince Doran, indicating willingness to betroth Arya* to Quentyn or Trystane Martell.
-[X] Speak with Lord Lefford and his daughter about betrothing Alysanne to Bran. Should they (most likely) refuse, offer instead a betrothal between Edmure Tully** and Alysanne
-[X] Speak to Lady Whent and Edmure Tully about making Rickon*** heir to Lady Whent.
-[X] Send a force of men with Arya to find her direwolf. Nobody wants that beast to become feral and terrorize the Riverlands.

*I don't really care about Dorne, but it makes us look willing to talk, and let's be honest, Arya will need to be married, and Dorne is probably the place she'd be happiest.
**Brings the Golden Tooth into the Riverlands, doesn't cost us anything, and is an excellent offer - they'd be fools to refuse.
***Will also have the benefit of making Walder Frey happy.
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[] Plan Turtle
-[] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
-[] Send a veteran force with many scouts north of the Wall to scout and find out more about this foe with the aid of the Night's Watch. Their knowledge of the terrain and regular dangers will prove invaluable to the mission's success. Additionally, the Night's Watch is dangerously low on manpower and supplies. Provide them what aid we can by sending prisoners, volunteers and a variety of supplies their way. Perhaps the gold gained from the Lannister's can pay for this?
-[] For now, House Stark must look to their own. Adopt a defensive posture in the Riverlands and clear out any remaining bandits and Lannister stragglers. Any attack by the Lannisters or Renly will be met with force. Robb will lead these operations in the Riverlands from Harrenhal with strong garrisons along the Southern and Western border but the threat of the Ironborn must not be neglected and Seagard should be defended vigilantly.
-[] Gregor Clegane will be executed immediately and his head will be sent to Dorne. Such a monster can't be allowed to live and the late king's justice must be carried out in full.
-[] Feelers should be sent out to the noble houses of the Vale, both to determine if Petyr Baelish can be captured as well as the general mood towards the war currently is with special focus on Lysa Arryn. However, no significant force shoud be sent into the Vale as this could be viewed as an act of aggression by the proud and paranoid Lysa. Perhaps Catelyn and Edmure should contact their sister to attempt to gain some form of support in the war.

Here's my outline of a possible plan.
I'm really not sure about the marriages and would like input on that. Marrying Bran to Lord Lefford's daugther seems like a fair bet and hitching Theon with a Mormont girl should prove rather interesting. If we can get Lady Whent to proclaim Rickon as her heir, that'd be great but I wouldn't count on it. I'm not sure what to do in regards to Sansa and Arya but Robb should probably marry a Northern girl in order to secure the trust and loyalty of our vassals. Then again, Robb probably already has that given his extraordinary victories against the Lannisters.
I'd also like to execute 'Reek' who's currently sitting in a cell in Winterfell. Killing Ramsay Snow could prevent a lot of misery and death in the North and nobody will miss him, not even his father.
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[X] Plan Hedge Our Bets
-[X] Eddard will go North and Robb will stay south. The heir to Winterfell has proven himself an adept commander, and it has been too long since its Lord saw his lady wife.
-[X] Send as many scouts and rangers out as possible, in a wide but closely connected net, so that if one disappears or dies, the others know of it. Order them to bring you word of whatever they hear or see. Simultaneously, order for a small host to be gathered near the Long Lake.
-[X] Say nothing in regards to Stannis or Renly. We may have declared for Stannis, but we owe him nothing; he did nothing to aid Lord Eddard in his danger, as should be his duty. Vassalage is a two-way street - if Stannis wants the powers of it, let him prove he also honors its responsibilities. As For Renly, we have no quarrel with him; the Riverlands are ours, and should he want anything of them or us, let him come and ask.
-[X] Execute Ser Gregor and send his head to Prince Doran. He was sentenced to death under King Robert, with the sentence carried out by his loyal Wardens of the North, the Stark; let that be an end to it. Still, Princess Elia deserves justice, so they now have it (if we have Amory Lorch, do the same for him).
-[X] Send a message to all the Lord and Ladies of the Vale regarding the recent occurrences. Express surprise that Lysa did not come aid her siblings,but understanding that she may not have been able to do so. Proclaim Petyr Baelish to be a traitor who killed Jon Arryn and desires to rule the Vale. Indicate a willingness to betroth Sansa to Robin Arryn, and should that not work out, to Harrold Hardyng.
-[X] Along with Gregor Clegane's head, send a message to Prince Doran, indicating willingness to betroth Arya* to Quentyn or Trystane Martell.
-[X] Speak with Lord Lefford and his daughter about betrothing Alysanne to Bran. Should they (most likely) refuse, offer instead a betrothal between Edmure Tully** and Alysanne
-[X] Speak to Lady Whent and Edmure Tully about making Rickon*** heir to Lady Whent.
-[X] Send a force of men with Arya to find her direwolf. Nobody wants that beast to become feral and terrorize the Riverlands.

*I don't really care about Dorne, but it makes us look willing to talk, and let's be honest, Arya will need to be married, and Dorne is probably the place she'd be happiest.
**Brings the Golden Tooth into the Riverlands, doesn't cost us anything, and is an excellent offer - they'd be fools to refuse.
***Will also have the benefit of making Walder Frey happy.
Could you add in a betrothal between Robb and Ysilla Royce, it's ensure our eastern border and that the Vale Lords can't attack us, Harold Harding and Sansa will just be seen as an attack by Lysa and Robin and Sansa is just a poor idea that will definitely get rejected by Lysa.
Also could you edit in the Blackfish riding to the Vale to hunt for Petyr