Why Yes, I am an Evil Lair. (Worm/Dungeon Core) (No Longer A Quest)

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Now, this is not final, some things may change, but if I unlock the cat tree, it may look like this:

Cat tree

Tier 1

A medium sized feral bobcat that's fairly strong and extremely fast. 5 mp, .5 mp/hr

Good Kitty
A housecat with long, sharp claws. It's impossible to attack this cat, even if it attacks you first. Individuals with an allergy to cat dander are immune to this effect. 10 MP, 1 MP/hr

Tier 2

A large, powerful hunting cat that is a skilled climber, swimmer, and above all, killer. 20 MP 1 MP/hr

A black jaguar with active camoflage. Can slink through shadowed places without being noticed, even if it shouldn't fit. 15 MP 1 MP/hr

Tier 3

A burly cat the size of a tiger, this tawny-brown creature has an extra pair of front limbs and is supernaturally strong. 35 MP, 1MP/Hr

A medium sized cat with oversized, hypersharp claws on all four limbs. This cat can either fade into shadows, or teleport with a flash of white light at the point of departure. 40 MP, 1MP/hr

Tier 4

Sabretooth Tiger
A massive tiger with foot-long fangs, six feet tall at the shoulder and ten feet long, not including the tail. 50 MP, 2MP/hr

Cheshire Cat
A long-haired housecat about the size of a mountain lion, capable of changing color, or even becoming invisible and intangible at will. It's claws can cut anything, even things with no physical form. 150 MP, 4 MP/hr.
Good Kitty
A housecat with long, sharp claws. It's impossible to attack this cat, even if it attacks you first. Individuals with an allergy to cat dander are immune to this effect. 10 MP, 1 MP/hr


Okay, I needed that. :)

But don't worry! I like the kitties and won't hurt them, even though I can. Sadly.

(Does that even apply to ranged or area attacks?)

Also, Cheshire Cat looks like a pretty good high-tier unit.
Chapter 3
Grooooaaaan GROAAN groAaN Grooooaaaan.

You know, it's actually quite remarkable how well preserved these zombie's voice boxes are. I can control the pitch and tone quite well, and my female zombie can hit some lovely high notes. So maybe I've turned my four ambush units into a Zombishop Quartet. I don't know any actual music, I think, but a lot of the basic principles are still there, and spending half an MP on four flat straw hat was worth it. So mow my zombies are arm in arm, groaning in harmony, and I am finally not bored.

I don't deal with boredom well.

At all.

Groan GROAN groan-groan GROOOOAAAAN.

Ok, so I'm really quite bored.

+6.3 MP


I stop making the zombies sing, and they almost seem disappointed, shuffling around aimlessly, dragging their thin hooked canes listlessly.

Boredom. Don't judge me.

Anyway, I finally have a little over 50 MP, and I can finally level up! Bam! Level 2, please!

You have leveled up!

You have unlocked:
Edit Existing Rooms
Exterior Senses

Ok, that's not too bad. Let's see my status.

Level: 2
Core HP: 4000
Max HP: 4000
Total area: 1120 Square Feet
Current MP: 0.4
Max MP: 224
MP Regeneration: 18.7 MP/Hr
Upkeep: 3 MP/Hr
Total MP Regeneration: 15.7 MP/Hr

OOOOOHHH yeah. My MP cap and regeneration just doubled. That's very nice. Now, does it double every time, or is there something different going on under the hood… What are the requirements for level 3?

Requirements for Level 3:
You must control at least 10 Units, have at least 2000 square feet in total area, and pay 100 MP

Got it. Not something to worry too much about right now, and I want to regenerate some Mana, so I am going to make some changes to my layout. Eventually…

After I no longer have 0.4 MP, I guess.

Zombieshop quartet, time for an encore! I could swear that they perked up at that.

In the guard station outside the cell block, Zeke glanced at Paula, the second guard that their captain had assigned to guard the door after whatever was actually in there started making noises. "They're singing again."

"M'hm." Paula replied, turning a page in her gun magazine. The female mercenary was short, olive-skinned, and kept her black hair buzzed in a military buzz cut. Zeke thought she was kinda cute, but her cold personality was a bit of a turnoff, as were the rumors of her putting guys who wanted to get friendly in the hospital. A semi-automatic shotgun leaned against the desk beside her. "Getting better."

The groaning voices reached a complicated triple harmony, weaving in and out of each other in an aria of loneliness and sorrow. "Yeah." Zeke scratched his head. He was feeling a little odd, actually. He was getting close to the end of his shift, and normally he would be bored and bone tired by now, but he actually felt…. Well, really damn good. Energetic, like he had just had a good breakfast with two cups of coffee. "Are you feeling any different?"

Paula looked up, sharp eyes narrowing at her colleague. "Different how?" She dropped the magazine onto the table. "Impaired?"

"Nah, I feel great, actually. Like I could run a marathon."

Paula frowned. "Surge?"

"No, I don't do that shit," Zeke growled.

"We need to go to medical?"

Zeke snorted. "I'm fine, just feeling better at the end of a shift than I normally do."

Paula looked hard at the door. "Think it's the cape?" She mused thoughtfully.

"Like an energizing aura?" Zeke asked. "He's all the way down in A8, at least 50 feet away from us or more."

"That wasn't no. Makes him valuable. Boss will want to know." Paula pointed out.

Zeke grimaced. Coil gave him the creeps. Part of it was the grown man walking around in spandex, but most of that was how he seemed to look at his employees like they were money he could spend to buy power. Or something like that. The way he acted around that cape girl, Tattler or something, was unnerving as well. Zeke had a little sister, and it was hard not to imagine her in a mask with a gun to the back of her head, just like some of his coworkers had described picking up that girl. "I guess."

Paula's eyes softened slightly. "We'll give it a bit. I don't feel anything different."

"You've only been here for a couple of hours, now."


More groaning music, the sorrowful aria transitioning into a triumphant martial chant.

"Did you see him?"

"The cape?" Paula asked.


"No. Just heard he's a statue, or something."

"Yeah. Boss had me go in with him. I held the door open. He's like this kneeling stone statue thing, but instead of a head, he's just got a green orb. Kinda spooky." He looked helpless, is what Zeke didn't say. "Coil had Richards shoot him with the laser attachment on his rifle, blew one of Statue Guy's hands into dust. Damn thing didn't even move."

"Is it really a cape?"

"Coil seems to think so…" Zeke trailed off. Say what you will about the creepy bastard, he was sharp.

Paula snorted. "'Course he does."

The sound of multiple sets of boots echoing down one of the metal staircases, an ever-present background noise in the cavernous main shaft of Coil's base, started getting closer, and Zeke and Paula straightened up as four well-armed mercenaries climbed up into view. The groaning music stopped in mid-note. Zeke tensed until he recognized the squad, and relaxed. Strike Team Theta. Coil's hired mercs tended to be either unrepentant assholes, monsters, or ex-military and cops with nowhere else to turn. Theta was one of the more tolerable squads, despite their leader.

"Well, you girls about ready to get off your asses and let the real mercs take a look at the land?" The leader asked. Brad Winston, a long-time soldier, mercenary, and professional asshole.

"Winston, you're going in there?" Zeke asked.

"Boss's orders. Something about groaning noises and loss of the camera feed." Winston's tanned face was covered in burn scars, and one of his eyes was a milky white, but despite the injuries that forced his retirement from the conventional armed forces, he was still a crack shot and a good fighter. "Something that should have been reported sooner."

Zeke shrugged. "Thought the cameras were a glitch. And I reported the groaning as soon as it started."

Winston snorted, before resettling the strap of his rifle across his shoulders. Turning, he glanced at his subordinates in Strike Team Theta. "Doe, you're on point, have the shotgun ready, Dunderson and Stevens, you've got the foamers, you're on the wings, I'll cover the rear." the mercenaries shifted into position with the ease of long practice, Cory Dunderson, a dark-skinned woman with tired eyes, on the left, and Brett Stevens, a grim man with a military buzz cut and a faded marine tattoo on his right forearm, on the right. They hefted the heavy PRT Surplus containment foam sprayers strapped to their backs.

To be honest, Zeke liked both of them. Cory had a wicked sense of humor when she wasn't half-passed out from insomnia, and while Brett was a grim, taciturn person by nature, he wasn't one to tolerate bullshit from anyone, regardless of their rap sheets. John Smith, who usually went by 'Doe' because of his rather generic name, was the quiet sort, so although he preferred to stay out of conflicts within the organization, at least he wasn't the kind to look for trouble. And, all in all, despite Winston being an asshole, he was a professional, and not one to jerk around on the job.

"Anything we ought to know?" Doe asked softly.

"At least four different voices," Paula stated. "No articulation or words, but relatively good pitch control and coordination, improving markedly over time." She glanced at Zeke. "Likely a minion-type master."

"Gut says it's something humanoid, too," Zeke added. "When it first started, I could have sworn it was a sound effect from Dawn of the Dead."

"Are you telling me," Winston asked incredulously, "That you've actually got singing zombies in Cell Block A?" Cory snorted, but Doe started flicking through his ammo pouches, unloading his shotgun and reloading it with a different type of ammo, shells with a stylized flame etched on bright red cases.

Zeke shrugged. "Just a guess. The cameras are down, so we honestly can't tell."

"Hmm." Winston glared at the door as if he could see through it through sheer force of will. "We'll see."


Enemies approach your Dungeon!

Prepare yourself!​

Shit! I cut off my musical zombies mid-groan, and hurry them into position, the sole female still wearing her hat at a jaunty angle and clutching her cane. I still had… 17:46 until my next chunk of Mana comes in, so I'm going to have to live with what I've got. I wait, in the dark, my viewpoint hovering in the middle of the entrance hall. And wait. And wait. I'm losing my mind. Nothing is happening!

I'm about to have my zombies start humming again when the large metal door starts sliding open, a lance of white light spearing into the dark hallway. I'm glad that I put my turrets on either side of the door so that they are somewhat concealed from view. A squad of four mercenaries moves in, flashlights attached to the barrels of their weapons darting around the room. I hold the turrets still, don't want to spoil the surprise, after all. The mercenaries are moving in a rough diamond formation, the man in the lead carrying a shotgun, the two on the sides armed with large back-mounted tanks, connected to wide nozzles. What are those? I recognize the automatic rifle held by the scarred man in the back, but the big weapons? Are those flamethrowers?

Maybe it's luck, maybe it's sloppiness, but the sweeping flashlights just miss my turrets, and the mercs move further inside, past the cells where my zombies are hiding, towards the one with my core. I wish I could close the main doors. That would be so much nicer. For me, at least.

"This is spooky as hell, Win." one of the mercenaries, a tall, dark-skinned woman whispers.

"Can it, Dunderson." The scarred man in the back replies. "We're here to check on the cape. Clear A8 first, then work our way back to the entrance." As he speaks, they come beside the second row of cells, panning their lights over the closed door. The cape? Is that me? I don't have a cape. Maybe I could make capes for my zombies, once they leave. Or I kill them. I don't know which, right now.

It's weird, but having these mercs in here is… Fulfilling. Like having a sip of water. I check my MP. It's gone up by .2 MP. Huh. Just having people inside my walls gives me Mana. Still. They're armed, they're hostile, and they coming for my core. I make my decision. The doors to the two cells holding my zombie hordes slammed open with a loud clang, and my zombies lunged out, groaning loudly - in harmony, for some reason. The mercenaries spin around, startled by the noise, and in that split second, I open fire with my turrets. A quartet of bullets take the scarred squad leader in the chest, and he drops like a rock with a scream that drops into a soft gurgle. A surge of Mana pours into my reserves like sweet wine.

"Win!" yelps the lady merc, and both her and the man with the flamethrowers go to one knee in a guarding position, just ahead of his body. They fire their weapons, sweeping them back and forth, and, rather than the gouts of flame I was expecting, out came a torrent of yellowish foam that rapidly expanded into a heaping pile of sticky mess, hopelessly entangling a pair of zombies. I growl, and direct the fire from my turrets at the two foam-throwers. Unfortunately, the foam blocked or absorbed the shots from my turrets, and before I could redirect my aim, the shotgun-wielding merc moved to the side, around the piles of hardening foam, and started shooting at the two untrapped zombies, each loud report sending a gout of flame and burning magnesium that rapidly slaughtered the pair of undead. I growled, and with a twitch of thought, his head exploded from the concentrated attention of my turrets. Mana flows into me from his death, and I grin internally, licking my lips.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit." The remaining mercenary kept muttering to himself as he peered around the foam barricade at the turrets. "Where the fuck did the turrets come from, Cory? Are those ours?"

"No shit they're not ours, Brett!" Growled his companion. "They took out Winston and Doe, somehow this cape put them here."

"Tinker?" Brett fumbled at his belt for something. I swept my viewpoint around, but his hand is in the way.

"Zombies and gun turrets?" Dunderson asked rhetorically. "Some kind of weird summoner, I guess. 'Nades on three?"

"I've got the one on the right." Brett replied. "One, two, three!" They tossed the grenades, much to my horror, and the explosion mangled my twin turrets. I grit my non-existent teeth - and then grin. I have three zombies left. Dunderson is crouched, her leg right by her deceased captain's head. I grab control of the fresh zombie, created by the zombie plague ability of my poor quartet-turned-duet, and sink his teeth deep into the meat of her calf.

Dunderson screams, high and shrill, and I pull the corpse's long knife from its holster and stab it deeply into her side and twist, hints of fading muscle memory guiding the edge. She gasps and gurgles, and Brett bolts, darting out the open doors. I see a pair of horrified faces in the light, before the doors to my entrance close, leaving the last mercenary to bleed out in the dark. Her death…. Is sweet.

Congratulations! You have killed the last enemy in your dungeon! Calculating rewards!

The bodies of the mercenaries, as well as the weapons and the odd foam dissolve into blue-green sparks, and flow in a river to my core. I breathe in, deep and hard, savoring the mix of mana and… knowledge? Yes, knowledge, I can make these things, now. Grenades, Dragonfire shotgun shells, containment foam, and so much more.

Total gains:
162 MP from enemy deaths
5 MP from enemy drops
Multiple items added to Loot Library
Elite Unit: Zombie Commando - 0 MP cost, .5 MP/Hr upkeep
Achievement unlocked:
First Blood - kill an enemy in defense of your dungeon - Loot generation unlocked.
Unholy Devices - For killing with both Machine and Undead units in the same encounter, you have unlocked the Unholy Devices fusion tree, allowing you to summon powerful Undead units with mechanical enhancements.

I take a few deep breaths, metaphorically speaking. That went… Well, it could have gone worse. I wish I hadn't let the last one escape. Now they know what I can do.


No, they know two things that I can do. They know I have gun turrets, and they know that I have zombies. There's so much more I can do. My evil grin is echoed on three dead faces, swiftly becoming five as the two remaining mercenaries rise as my units, as I turn to my MP. Oh, sweet 167.6 Mana, there is so much for you to do~~

New Available Units.

Skeleton Warrior
MP Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

An animated skeleton wearing a rusty iron breastplate, helmet, and greaves, armed with a random iron medieval weapon. Capable of basic tactics and teamwork. When raised from a humanoid corpse, has that corpse's equipment and Melee weapons instead.

Skeleton Archer
MP Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

An Animated Skeleton wearing a leather tunic, wielding a bow and arrow. Has moderate accuracy, and is capable of basic tactics and teamwork. When raised from a humanoid corpse, has that corpse's clothes and ranged weapons instead.

Vigorous Zombie
MP Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

This zombie is startlingly strong and fast, about the equivalent of an olympic-level athlete.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 2 Units from this tree

Skeleton Mage
MP Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A skeleton wearing tattered black robes and wielding a magic staff that allows it to fire baseball sized bolts of death energy that direct damage to enemies and ignore armor.

MP Cost: 40
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A vicious zombie with bone talons, poisoned fangs, and superhuman strength and speed.

MP Cost: 25
Upkeep Cost: 2 MP/Hour

The spirit of a spurned woman, the Banshee's shriek causes fear and reduces armor and damage resistance. The Banshee can only be harmed by magic, fire, or energy weapons.

Foul Corpse
MP Cost: 25
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

This rotten, stinking corpse gradually damages enemies nearby, but is otherwise immobile and cannot attack. The effects of Zombie Plague will not cause enemy units to become Foul Corpses.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 3 Units from this tree

Lich Lord
MP Cost: 100
Upkeep Cost: 3 MP/Hour

A skeletal mage who has locked his soul in a hidden Phylactery, the Lich lord cannot be destroyed until it is located and destroyed. Reduces cost of Tier 1 Undead to 0 and Tier 2 Undead by 50%

MP Cost: 75
Upkeep Cost: 5 MP/Hour

A hulking abomination made of dead flesh stitched together, the Devourer heals itself by consuming its foes.
Armored Turret
MP Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

A stationary automatic gun turret with rudimentary IFF and auto-targeting. Has a heavy armored plate on the front, with a firing slit for the barrel. Still vulnerable to damage from the side or rear.

Buzzsaw Drone
MP Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A flying quadcopter with a spinning circular saw blade mounted on the outside. While relatively fragile, this agile drone is a nasty melee opponent, and a simple network lets it coordinate with other Buzzsaw drones to avoid crashes and coordinate attacks.

Basic Robot
MP Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: 2 MP/Hour

A bipedal humanoid robot with rudimentary combat software.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 2 Units from this tree

Laser Turret
MP Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

A stationary turret with a powerful laser beam and simple IFF and aiming software. The vast majority of the Turret is covered with an armored dome, with only the barrel of the laser weapon exposed.

Miniature Tank
MP Cost: 50
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A heavily armored miniature tank, about 2 feet high and 4 feet long. Has two independent turrets, the smaller with a minigun, the larger with an anti-material rifle and napalm grenade launcher.

Laser Drone
MP Cost: 25
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

A basic antigrav drive with two rotating fans for maneuvering, this agile drone is armed with a weak laser pulse weapon. Optimized for swarming tactics, this drone networks with other drones to dramatically increase their total intelligence.

Combat Android
MP Cost: 75
Upkeep Cost: 3 MP/Hour

An advanced android resembling a human in combat armor, armed with a pulse laser rifle and a combat knife. Capable of performing as well as or surpassing human special forces, with a sophisticated VI capable of learning and improvising.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 3 Units from this tree

War Mech
MP Cost: 150
Upkeep Cost: 5 MP/Hour

An 8 foot tall armored bipedal war mech with integrated heavy pulse laser gun, missile launcher, minigun, and heavy rifle. Extremely durable. Includes sophisticated VI with simulated personality.

Mass Driver Turret
MP Cost: 50
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A larger turret that can only be mounted on the floor, but can be installed in recessed panels or pits to be deployed. Armed with a pair of large-caliber rail guns that blow through nearly any level of armor. Armored with heavy composite plates, and extremely difficult to kill.
MP Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

This quadcopter drone has an animated human skull in the middle, with a single arm hanging underneath, allowing it to manipulate objects. this Unit can explore outside of your Dungeon, and allows you to see through its eyesockets.
Skeleton Soldier
MP Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A skeleton dressed in ragged, but effective, modern body armor, wielding a rusted AK47 variant with an underslung bayonet.

MP Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A zombie enhanced with rusted, corrupted cybernetic components. Extremely slow, but strong, and resistant to damage.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 2 Units from this tree, or three Tier 2 units each from both Machine and Undead Trees

MP Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

A Turret containing the skull of a Skeleton Mage, allowing it to fire a bolt of Necromantic energy that ignores armor to damage living flesh.

MP Cost: 50
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

An abomination of science, made of mechanical components and undead flesh, this zombie can reassemble itself if torn apart or damaged, and has heavy armor to prevent critical damage to the torso or brain.
To unlock, have at least three Tier 3 Units from this tree, or three Tier 3 units each from both Machine and Undead Trees

MP Cost: 200
Upkeep Cost: 5 MP/Hour

The soul of a Lich Lord, uploaded into an enchanted mech, heavily infused with undead flesh and bone. Reassembles missing components and regenerates damage, but any extreme amounts of damage may need tap into your MP reserves to regenerate.

Oh, fuck the hell yes.

With a shaky hand, Zeke presses the intercom button. "Captain Keel? You better come down here." He glances at Brett, sitting curled in the fetal position by the wall, pale and shaken. "We have a problem."

AN: Yes, I know I killed some of the nicer mercs that were submitted. Let me know what you thought of the combat.

Also, to simplify crossposting, I'm just going to do nested spoilers rather than the accordion I have on here, since SB doesn't have that feature.
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You are a dungeon, they are food, you were human, but NOT ANY MORE.
If nice food comes in, I hope they are given a chance however.
Damn, looking at them tier 3s, just one of those tanks could hold off an assault and still come out undamaged if placed properly.

And would ya look at that! Cores finally killed its first dudes and dudet! *sniff* they grow up so fast.
Eh. That's weird. On multiple levels. Some of the mercs are way too nice for Coils hiring practices. Also they are too dumb to live for his MO. His power means he'd have him trained for go no go unless you made it so he can't just do take backsies with the dungeon anymore. That was the biggest limit.
This was mentioned over in the SB thread, but probably ought to be copied here:

"well, it's a little more complicated than that. Thinker shards with hosts outside of the influence of Mana cannot model the effects of Mana. Given exposure to Mana, especially visible effects and actions, Thinker abilities will gradually get better at modelling actions from a Mana-user, at least with what they have already observed. This occurs even with vial powers, cause if a power was actually dead, then it wouldn't do anything at all. There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of communication between shards in Canon outside of Trigger events and Broadcast, and possibly whatever Chevalier does." - Automatonation

So yeah, apparently going inside for a few minutes to carrot/stick your pet Dungeon Core doesn't count as mana exposure. At least not significant mana exposure. Zeke probably qualifies, given that he's getting the benefits of the health-boosting effect...

Incidentally, does the 'beneficial magical mutations' include such things as class levels? Inquiring minds want to know.
Incidentally, does the 'beneficial magical mutations' include such things as class levels? Inquiring minds want to know.

The game system framework is unique to the dungeon, at least in this particular manifestation of Earth Bet.

When conscious use of Mana begins to emerge, it will be more along the lines of 'Channel Mana through your body to enhance your strength and Agility' than "I cast Bull's Strength!"
We will be getting Adventurers by one name or another, though. That's good. :)

Oh, are there no Tier 1 Unholy Devices?
We will be getting Adventurers by one name or another, though. That's good. :)

Oh, are there no Tier 1 Unholy Devices?

Everything I thought of seemed Tier 2 or higher.

In the end, I decided that since it was a special unlocked Fusion tree, it was okay if it didn't have any of the lowest level of units.

I'm open to suggestions, if you have any ideas.
Eh. That's weird. On multiple levels. Some of the mercs are way too nice for Coils hiring practices. Also they are too dumb to live for his MO. His power means he'd have him trained for go no go unless you made it so he can't just do take backsies with the dungeon anymore. That was the biggest limit.
His power means he uses it for what he wants. Is it not available to his mercs for any odd job.
MP Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

A zombie enhanced with rusted, corrupted cybernetic components. Extremely slow, but strong, and resistant to damage.

Recommended next step: upgrade flesh to be flame resistant or completely covered in fire-proof material, and install flamethrowers: presto, Flamethrower Cyberzombie.

Alternatively, combine nanomachines with viruses to generate a bio-mechanical virus, so newly risen zombies are cyborgs, or can cyberize themselves with relative ease.
Testing the special cauldron cape dripped off is any odd job?

This is what I mean he wouldn't hire mercs who'd be dumb and walk into the strange cape without him doing oversight.
Why yes, yes it is. It is a sudden alert with a response at a moment's notice without even his active supervision. Without even an indication he is actually present in his pair at the time. You are claiming that he would drop any other time split he has going at that moment just to give his mercy some safety there.

here's the thing - he wouldn't.
Something like a servo-skull from Warhammer? Little flying drone with a single weak arm so he can flip Coil the bird?

A flying skull drone actually works really well in that tree. Maybe with a magitech hacking/manipulator arm so it can explore outside the Dungeon and get access to restricted areas.

I shall cogitate.

Edit: I'm leaving the Coil argument alone since I'm 1000 words into a chapter exploring that, and I don't want to spoil anything.
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maybe an armadillo or a wolverine but magic.
or maybe low tier vamps tree that goes up to elder vamp levels.
maybe haunted armour that possesses power armour later.
maybe summon some demons.
maybe a doom spheres but flying.
or an elephant man race that gets better with magic at higher tiers and becomes more wise sage types when the level.
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Why yes, yes it is. It is a sudden alert with a response at a moment's notice without even his active supervision. Without even an indication he is actually present in his pair at the time. You are claiming that he would drop any other time split he has going at that moment just to give his mercy some safety there.

here's the thing - he wouldn't.
He would cause cape interactions. There are tons of capes the model something similar to dungeon boys bodies equal resources thing and Coil specifically was traumatized by one. Throwing his mercs away when the throwing might say give nilbog reaction mass is silly.
Addition to Unholy Devices Unit Tree
Ok, I am adding the following unit to the Unholy Devices Unit Tree.

MP Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 0.5 MP/Hour

This quadcopter drone has an animated human skull in the middle, with a single arm hanging underneath, allowing it to manipulate objects. this Unit can explore outside of your Dungeon, and allows you to see through its eyesockets.

This will be retconned into the latest chapter shortly.
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What is the cost to change a basic Zombie caused by the plaque effect to the Tier two level? It is 15 from a corpse, but if the corpse is already a basic shamble this should be less.

Skeleton Archer
MP Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: 1 MP/Hour

An Animated Skeleton wearing a leather tunic, wielding a bow and arrow. Has moderate accuracy, and is capable of basic tactics and teamwork. When raised from a humanoid corpse, has that corpse's clothes and ranged weapons instead

Then he would have a shotgun zombie and two foamer zombies... With body armor. :evil:
The zombie effect only works for zombies, not skeletons, but he can choose to use the corpse for the half-price summon on a Skeleton unit.

The automatic Zombie Plague effect automatically summons a zombie of the highest Tier present in combat. Say, for example, you have five Simple Zombies, three Vigorous Zombies, and one Ghoul in an attacking group. If this group slaughters ten mercenaries, the mercenaries would all raise automatically as tier 3 Ghouls. This also applies for zombies in the Unholy Devices tree, like the Cyberzombies and the Frankenborg. If you have multiple types of zombies in the same tier, the zombies that rise from the Zombie Plague effect will have a random distribution between those types.

Unfortunately, most zombies are unable to use ranged weapons, due to cadaverous flesh getting in the way of their dexterity. That's why the Warrior, Archer, and Soldier units are all Skeletons.