Why Yes, I am an Evil Lair. (Worm/Dungeon Core) (No Longer A Quest)

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Very nice, lobe the reasoning for the zombies and the ensuring aftermath with predictable zombie-merches
Snort. Just had a thought of the whole dungeon core thing if it was Nilbog that was a dungeon himself.
And now I am imagining a sort of Zombie unit that is a mutated version of the original, an infectious Goblin unit if you will. :whistle:
Calling all Mooks!
Guess what, boys and girls?

Coil is hiring mercenaries!

Just fill out our simple application form!

Physical description:
Military/combat experience:

Keep it simple, no more than a paragraph or two. I'm looking for former soldiers, PRT vets, former cops, gang members, whatever you think would work as a snakey supervillian's hired mercenary.
Name: Robert 'Bob' Jones
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Physical description: 6ft 2in, cropped dirty blonde hair, muscular.
Background: Always a runner-up, Bob never quite 'made it'. There was always someone just that little something better than he was, whether it be in sports, academics, with women, or in the service, and he holds a grudge. When he got tired of being 'shown up' by everybody, he moved into serving super villains, and eventually made his way to Brockton Bay from his native South Dakota. He's been in Coil's service for more than a handful of years, and his promotions here are just as slow as they were in the Army, and for much the same reasons.
Military/combat experience: Army non-com, served his time without any major incidents happening around him. To others nearby, yes; but not him.
Vice: he collects grudges like a Dwarf, and won't let being late for work stop him from stopping to kick the puppy yapping a block over. Violent temper that frays slowly.

AN: this probably needs a bit of work to make more coherent, but have a guy I just came up with. Feel free to get his not-quite handsome enough face killed.
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Name: Francis Duong
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Physical description: 5'11", lean and rangy, clean-shaven, fairly dark skin for a SE Asian. Has a scar on the left side of his face, upwards from the lip - it makes him look like he's sneering a lot.
Background: Gang member, Brockton Bay native. Formerly a member of a small Vietnamese/Laotian gang that got folded into the ABB, he felt that going semi-pro was a better option and had the skills and luck to get away with it.
Military/combat experience: 8-10 years on the Brockton Bay streets, one of Coil's earlier recruits. Includes several fights with the E88, survivor of at least one cape battle thereof.
Vice: If you can get away with it on SV/SB, he's got a weakness for pretty boys. Otherwise maybe cigarettes or something.

How's that do?
Name: Carcer Keel
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Physical description: 5'11, Lean muscled build, close-cropped brown hair. Shrapnel scars on his left arm and shoulder.
Background: Joined the US army right out of school to fight the soviet threat. The arrival of Scion and Powers and the subsequent collapse of the soviet union saw him redeployed against domestic threats. Chafing at the lack of action he took his frustrations out on his fellow servicemen and on prisoners, leading to a dishonourable discharge.
He took up with a Mercenary company instead.
Military/combat experience: 31 years of military/combat training in the army and with Coil's mercs.
Vice: Sadistic tendencies. Likes seeing people in pain
Honestly, Bob Jones is almost literally a textbook Mook npc in every way possible, including his name, and he knows and hates it.

I love it.

Honestly, he's right at the cusp of a trigger event, and all he needs is a push.

Francis and Carcer are both good, although Carcer Keel may be a little too on the nose as a villian name. Not a bad thing, neccesarily.
Name: Murphy McAndrews
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Physical Description: 5'1", blonde, blue eyes, strikingly pretty. First impression is small and fragile, overcompensates in both attitude and posture - prone to scowling and generally used to looking unhappy in order to be taken seriously.
Background: Murphy is a native from the Bay, and an ex-police officer. Joined well aware it would be a miserable experience and toughed out the ensuing issues of being a small, beautiful woman in a Detroit-esk law enforcement situation except with superpowered criminals and the PRT constantly butting in. Was eventually kicked off the force when she killed several E88 members in a shootout, one of whom's family had Medhall connections that would have made many important people very unhappy should the matter be looked into seriously. Joined Coil's mercenaries half out of a need for protection, and half because she simply didn't have anything else to do now.
Military/combat experience: spent half a decade as an honest cop in Brockton Bay - despite not having any official 'training' Murphy has the instincts and reflexes of an urban warfare veteran, as well as intimate knowledge of the city and methodology of the PRT/Protectorate and police, as well as 'having a feel' for how the gangs operate. In general tough as nails and utterly vicious in a fight.
Vices: Murphy doesn't have a hair-trigger temper over people commenting on her appearance, but not being taken seriously is a quick way to piss her off. More seriously, she bears a serious chip on her shoulder about ... a great deal. She hates the gangs, hates the PRT/Heroes for doing nothing but perpetuating the situation and blames them for the powerlessness of the regular police, is isolated from her new comrades and dislikes the mast majority of them, and holds a healthy amount of self-loathing, both in general and specifically for 'giving in' and becoming a criminal. Has possessed a bud for around eight months, and the Shard is pushing at her already frayed psyche in an effort to make her Trigger, but it's been a while with no real change and it's considering jumping ship to a new Host if she doesn't break down soon.
Murphy from Dresden Files, when she didn't get the opportunities to succeed that she got. Nice.
Honestly, he's right at the cusp of a trigger event, and all he needs is a push.

Eehhh, maybe. Most people who experience 'trigger worthy events' never had the potential to trigger in the first place, and of those who do have the potential only about one in six actually trigger.

On the other hand, he'd probably go from being a mook npc to being a slightly higher quality mook npc, still continuously overshadowed by other people, who are younger, hotter, and with 'better' or 'more useful' powers.

He'd hate the Undersiders before he gained powers for being young people with powers.

He'd hate the Undersiders after he gained powers for being better than he is.

Use him how you'd like, knowing that he resents you for being a better writer than he is.
Murphy from Dresden Files, when she didn't get the opportunities to succeed that she got. Nice.
I wasn't sure if I could explicitly add in that she's on the verge of a Trigger event, and a Shard has actively marked her in preparation for it - a new parahuman would be a pretty major plot point and I got the feeling that these guys are supposed to be semi-interesting goons. Still, its a neat idea and I'm eager to see where you take this.
I have a history of taking NPCs I find interesting and running with them. That's what happened with Murphy Slaw, the Construction Exosuit Tinker in Human Resources.
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Name: John Smith
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Physical description: 5'6", wiry, brown hair, brown eyes behind dirty glasses, potato chip tattoo on left forearm (he got drunk and took a dare)
Background: He began a long slide into depression in high school, joined the military as the easiest high risk occupation. After several behavioural incidents in his first tour finally culminating in the volunteer assault on Behemoth where he disobeyed orders to retreat after it became clear the Army was only making things worse, his superiors cottoned on to his using the Army as an elaborate suicide method and gave him a dishonorable discharge. Now he works as an unpowered mercenary specializing in fighting capes, where Coil picked him up.
Military/combat experience: Sargent/Corporal (Second in command of small squad, dunno proper rank), 4-5 years military, 4-5 years merc work for parahuman gangs. Cross trained between infantry marksman,
heavy weapons, and demolitions.
Vice: Major death wish, Napolean complex where he acts as a petty tyrant.
I thought this was a Self Insert...
Do you have any knowledge of Worm?

The name Coil would have been a big give away, though you WERE distracted...
I thought this was a Self Insert...
Do you have any knowledge of Worm?

The name Coil would have been a big give away, though you WERE distracted...
While it is a self insert, in that I am trying to work based off of my own personality, the Dungeon has no memories, other than language skills and general knowledge. That means that the DC doesn't even really have a concept of what a supervillain is or what superpowers could be, outside of the framework of his own abilities.
Thanks for all the contributions! I think I've got enough mercenaries for now, and chapter 3 is almost completed, I just have some formatting to do before I can post it. While I get that taken care of, what are some non-sapient units that you would like to see?
Just from the list of things you already have, or anything that might reasonably show up in a dungeon? Not sure if it's the first, but if we're coming up with new ideas I've always been partial to cats.

paws at avatar a bit

Of course, I'm looking forward to seeing the sapient minions, but I guess I'll have to wait patiently.

Hm. I am a depraved videogamer and actually like water levels~
'Kay. In that case, I'm looking for some kind of dog or wolf-sized cat, maybe with an invisibility or blinking ability.
'Kay. In that case, I'm looking for some kind of dog or wolf-sized cat, maybe with an invisibility or blinking ability.



Ambush predators, bite and claw attacks, weak but with high DPS, enhanced with magical abilities for higher Tier units?

That does sound reasonable.

I will put together a tree and see if I can find a reasonable way I can introduce them.