[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks

[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We got a List.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof

... actually, doesn't Algard's Excuse kinda necessitate asking for a vacation?
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... actually, doesn't Algard's Excuse kinda necessitate asking for a vacation?
It's a good reason to ask for one, but it doesn't necessitate one. You could easily be taking the recuperation out of your personal time (what would have been used on research etc.) because you feel dutybound to keep working.
It's a good reason to ask for one, but it doesn't necessitate one. You could easily be taking the recuperation out of your personal time (what would have been used on research etc.) because you feel dutybound to keep working.
AP hell is real.

Thank you for giving us the one paper/turn :)
It's also made in character for Algard forcing us to be in Altdorf :D
AP hell is real.

Thank you for giving us the one paper/turn :)
It's also made in character for Algard forcing us to be in Altdorf :D
I figured if anyone was going to have a tower with a room for doing writing work in it'd be Algard. Mechanically identical to Room of Serenity although I am thinking about what the aesthetic differences are likely to be.
I figured if anyone was going to have a tower with a room for doing writing work in it'd be Algard. Mechanically identical to Room of Serenity although I am thinking about what the aesthetic differences are likely to be.
Hopefully we can take a look at his pocket dimension desk... now that we know about the demiplane.
[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We have the list Abelhelm created up until his death, Regimand had his own list.

[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We got a List.

I'd prefer to just let Regimand know but I suppose it isn't that much of an issue. Really do need to put a proper social action into Regimand as soon as possible, poor man is probably feeling very confused, guilty and worried at the moment.

[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

This is pretty important for Empire status and actions, I think. I can see Mathilde being based out of Stirland a lot more this time around and perhaps doing more Empire focused quests. This will smooth things slightly with the local nobility, and if we're lucky we won't get an almost useless chunk of land.

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse

Not really any reason to change the Council Report or Orders. Can't do anything with Drakenhof without most of our spells anyway. Giving Algard's excuse to Abelheim is perfectly fine. It's also the truth, which makes it even better. Just need to emphasise that while Mathilde can't let him know all the details, like time travel, right now, she'll probably be able to at a later date. I'd say do the same with Regimand as well, or just outright tell him. He is basically Mathilde's Dad after all, they likely have some secret code they can use to pass on information that will let him know everything.

I'm of two minds with Stirland. On the one hand I'm completely fine with letting things happen roughly as they did in DL, with a few tweaks here and there to improve how things work out, like with the Haunted Hills purge and that valley full of ghouls the Stirland army stumbled upon. Was that the Singing King or did he appear a bit later? On the other hand, doing everything roughly the same is kind of boring. First thing we need to do though is get our spells back and write some papers.
A Knighthood and a fief really interests me, the original fief was pretty meh, but I kind of liked that it was bare bones. We could of used wealth and dwarf favours to change that. Though I kinda like the Gandalf the grey thing we had, with the sheep herders, and the relative calm of a place outside of politics. I also like the idea of the guards of our keep overlooking a poor hamlet in dwarf forged chainmail and plate. Being better outfitted then most hedge knights.

A fiefdom is not something you can buy with money. What we can do with our own fiefdom is kinda amazing, the amount of privilege and power is not something you can buy with money. Merchants can own land, buildings, enterprises, but it just isn't comparable to lordship of even a village. A fiefdom makes you a lord, a petty one, sure, but a land owning knight and a unlanded knight are very different things. A fiefdom represents retainers, vassals, people/manpower/serfs/citizens, it represents taxation, levy/militia, a very stable, very material amount of power.

We might never use this, never express it, never dive deep into improving the fiefdom, but it would be something of a safety net for any children born of Mathilde Weber, their status, authority, future would have a security net. Mathilde was lowborn and without magic and the opportunity given to her by that, and the health and law benefits and protections provided by the colleges and Imperial law, she might have experienced many horrific things at the whims of others.

A knighthood and fiefdom are an amazing reward I think Mathilde would generally try and secure, and with Mathilde's skills, talents, and experience, earning a fortune is not difficult, with her memory, and the retaking of the eight-peaks coming, very easily secured.

Taking the money option just doesnt appeal to me like it would normally. Mathilde Webers greatest wealth was in allies, friends, and knowledge. She could always gather others to her cause, always rally others around an idea, a goal. A knighthood, a more understandable power then a Magister's Title, to most nobility and peasants, one not steeped in superstition and fear. Would help Mathilde expand her circle of associates, friends, allies, as while as open some doors, other wise closed. Whilst being a Magister in the employ of an elector count grants status and protection simular to nobility, it is not nobility. And the nobility will always protect their own benefits, status from usurpation of other groups and factions within the empire, a knighthood is an invitation to this circle, a fiefdom is a admission to its lower rungs. That makes Mathilde a peer, rather than an agent to be employed, subverted, assassinated, redirected. Inviting Knight Mathilde Weber for tea, and snacks, is a lot differant from inviting a Grey Magister of great power, skill, and renown. The Nobility's relationship with the Grey Order is very, well... the emperors spy's and those who have motives to subvert imperial power. I need not say more.
I've done some character sheet editing and added Mathilde's "Mental Library". I used a base rule of keeping every culture she had for every subject (she at least skimmed the basics to know how to organise stuff) and then arbitrarily let her keep more of stuff I felt like she'd have read more of - for example Skaven texts that she used in the translation project, and linguistics texts as it has been revealed that linguistics fascinate her. If you want to try and convince me that she should have read more/less of any particular thing you may do so once, and politely, and I will reconsider.

The sole exception to the "keep every culture" rule is romance books, where all the Imperial and Brettonian ones are gone, unfortunate victims of the Wisdom's Asp.
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I'm of two minds with Stirland. On the one hand I'm completely fine with letting things happen roughly as they did in DL, with a few tweaks here and there to improve how things work out, like with the Haunted Hills purge and that valley full of ghouls the Stirland army stumbled upon. Was that the Singing King or did he appear a bit later? On the other hand, doing everything roughly the same is kind of boring. First thing we need to do though is get our spells back and write some papers.
I don't think it'll be roughly the same enough to be boring if we stay in Stirland. Partly because I trust our GM to make it interesting with Mathilde's new perspective and other people's different reactions, partly because the original timeline spent quite a bit of time on things that we're very much not going to repeat. In particular, the action chain of (Study Dhar Matrix -> Develop Ulgu Matrix -> Struggle with writing paper on Ulgu Matrix) but also studying the snakebox and, twice, plain studying Undead.
-[*][Personal] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead, this time with the addition of Van Hal's personal library.
Mathilde's kind of outgrown that by now. :D

And I dunno what the quiet voters in the thread are for, but the discussion suggests we'll likely be handling the Watch differently from last time.
[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks

[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We got a List.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
The sole exception to the "keep every culture" rule is romance books, where all the Imperial and Brettonian ones are gone, unfortunate victims of the Wisdom's Asp.
:o Truly the worst casualty of the entire event. I've changed my mind, this is clearly the main priority that Mathilde needs to address.

I don't think it'll be roughly the same enough to be boring if we stay in Stirland. Partly because I trust our GM to make it interesting with Mathilde's new perspective and other people's different reactions, partly because the original timeline spent quite a bit of time on things that we're very much not going to repeat. In particular, the action chain of (Study Dhar Matrix -> Develop Ulgu Matrix -> Struggle with writing paper on Ulgu Matrix) but also studying the snakebox and, twice, plain studying Undead.
Mathilde's kind of outgrown that by now. :D

And I dunno what the quiet voters in the thread are for, but the discussion suggests we'll likely be handling the Watch differently from last time.
Going by the updates so far, I have faith in the GM's writing skills. I suppose I was thinking more on how closely we'll be following the DL events here and if it was only those then it wouldn't be that interesting to rehash. You are right, thinking about things some more I forgot how much trouble that first paper was. That will loosen actions up, and I can see them going straight into skaven missions for Algard.

The Watch, we only ever expanded it into Western and Central Stirland if I'm remembering correctly. I'm sure I remember Roswita mentioning South Stirland as the place where a lot of smuggling to the vampires was happening. Expanding it there might help with that. We can also study those Shyish swords this time around as well. Assuming we have the time.
Morr's Code had been developed as a way to get greater information out of the use of the Amethyst Orders, "Knocks of the Departed" and had been widely shared for a few years, until someone who had learned it died and discovered that it didn't actually work.
Wait wait wait wait wait. Is this canon? Because it is stupidly awesome!
You notice a slight smile from the Celestial Patriarch
Didn't the Celestials have a Matriarch? Or did she come to power later in your version of canon?
While we wait for the update, here's a possible scene that popped into my head from the possibility of submitting Skaven papers by mail as "Magister Grey".
I've been thinking. Algard is young-ish. The other LMs aren't ancient undying creatures with personal memories of Teclis either. There is no reason why there couldn't be Grey Magisters or Lord Magisters that have seemingly died or disappeared while actually just being so deeply in cover that literally none of the current eight Grey LMs know they still exist.
Ulgu/Technique: Mathilde's Mystical Matrix
Shouldn't this have been deleted alongside the actual spell?
Wait wait wait wait wait. Is this canon? Because it is stupidly awesome!
Not as far as I could find, but it really feels like it...

Didn't the Celestials have a Matriarch? Or did she come to power later in your version of canon?
I mixed myself up by looking at the wiki, and ended up using the name of someone who definitely isn't patriarch yet.

I'll go back and fix - while Mathilde first meets the Celestial Matriarch 11 years later, and I could easily justify having a different one in place, it certainly couldn't be Raphael Julevno given as he's about Mathilde's age.

EDIT: He's now Zurück von Zukünftod. Because why not?

Shouldn't this have been deleted alongside the actual spell?
Due to reasons, I decided to separate out techniques such as Apparition Binding from spells, at least for the sake of what the asp got to eat.

I'm pretty sure the Matrix falls on the technique side of that arbitrary distinction, unless someone has a strong argument to the contrary.
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I'm of two minds with Stirland. On the one hand I'm completely fine with letting things happen roughly as they did in DL, with a few tweaks here and there to improve how things work out, like with the Haunted Hills purge and that valley full of ghouls the Stirland army stumbled upon. Was that the Singing King or did he appear a bit later? On the other hand, doing everything roughly the same is kind of boring. First thing we need to do though is get our spells back and write some papers.
I would like to get Algard's authorization to share our Stirland-applicable papers with Abelhelm before he launches into his invasion in full, if we can. If we return from Altdorf after becoming a Magister and go "the Colleges have pulled these texts out of a future that will now never be as their contribution to your upcoming invasion" that's a reasonably solid excuse that doesn't involve telling him anything about time travel- it's basically claiming a really detailed and obscurely focused type of prophecy, and everyone knows the Colleges do that. Having that kind of military data about his enemies' locations and nature far enough in advance to prepare appropriate force distributions- or even armaments!- could be a significant contribution to the success of his efforts.

Admittedly his daughter's name on the byline of the second one would probably precipitate an interesting conversation. Not necessarily a bad one, depending upon how much he trusts us by then... but if it prompts him to actually let us meet her early then Memories of Companionship will kick in for her and she might become less scared of wizards in spite of the fact that we're more scary than we were when she first met us due to the Arcane Marks.

For other ways that the invasion very likely won't go the same way, we reported the possibly-nascent College of Necromancy, which means that the Colleges might be inclined to throw a bit more muscle alongside Abelhelm's invasion this time if only because it's a major strategic objective for them to make sure that such a thing never comes to be. They can't afford to bet that the invasion will end up with Stirland permanently in control of Drakenhof this time around so they need to ensure that there's enough of a punch to strangle that concept in the crib and preferably dust the vampire who thought it was a good idea.

And on the topic of giving our papers to others, Rakilid un Thaggorhun is basically the seed money for a Dwarf Favor engine. If we can give them that, even in a "the king and his closest advisors only know but are sworn to secrecy about their source" kind of way, then we get the Rep which will provide the credibility to do a ton of things. There are a ton of ways to gain Dwarf Favor which are enabled in the first place by having a solid amount of Dwarf Rep, just because they're so much more willing to work with people they already know and respect, and working with them means getting chances to show your excellence. Being able to personally take credit for those would let us start springboarding our way back to Most Favored Human status.

Both that and Vlag are things the Grey College will have the opportunity to act on independently of us rather than reserving for us to handle, though... Vlag at least it might not be a good idea for them to do on their own, or at least not as good as waiting, unless we have reason to believe that Slaanesh will get word that we know and act to slaughter the survivors. The dwarves in Vlag are really paranoid and the dwarves in general have a well-founded distrust in magic; if Vlag comes back and the Colleges take credit, it's likely that most of the potential Rep would evaporate into a cloud of dwarven paranoia and "maybe it came back on its own". Remember that circumstances and appearances matter a lot for Rep gains, such that Mathilde was getting twice or more as much for kills in open combat as she was for assassinating Warbosses even when it was strictly less beneficial to kill them after they'd marshalled their forces onto the field. Protector dodges that in a big way, so from a political perspective if we want someone Imperial to get credit for the job it's best to use it, or at the very least, we need to get someone with sky-high Dwarf Rep to vouch for the fact that the Colleges are responsible for bringing Vlag back to a dwarf important enough that their opinion matters, before we do it. Algard will only know about the latter option unless we tell him about our divine artifact, though, and while I think the risk in telling him what the Protector does is low (and might produce amusing results if he schemes to use Mathilde to farm Empire Rep on behalf of the Colleges) it's not nonexistent.

I've done some character sheet editing and added Mathilde's "Mental Library". I used a base rule of keeping every culture she had for every subject (she at least skimmed the basics to know how to organise stuff) and then arbitrarily let her keep more of stuff I felt like she'd have read more of - for example Skaven texts that she used in the translation project, and linguistics texts as it has been revealed that linguistics fascinate her. If you want to try and convince me that she should have read more/less of any particular thing you may do so once, and politely, and I will reconsider.

The sole exception to the "keep every culture" rule is romance books, where all the Imperial and Brettonian ones are gone, unfortunate victims of the Wisdom's Asp.
That's a neat idea. Does the mental library pick up books automatically when we're taking actions which would involve referencing books? For example, we currently have access to the Grey College libraries at magister level, so if we start reading up on Waystones in preparation for doing something involving them, will our Waystones Imperial automatically rank up to whatever level the Grey College libraries are at, or possibly whatever the fraction of them we could read in the allotted AP are at?

Presumably she could potentially devote entire actions to nothing but reading books in order to fill out her mental library but the value of AP is always at a premium, so spending one on upgrading our library would have to be very generous in the number of virtual books per AP in order for that to be worth it.

As far as thoughts on "what of Mathilde's huge library would she have actually read" go, a lot of that comes down to what she actually does with her time and what kind of person she is. So... a few thoughts.
  • Mathilde is quite possibly the foremost specialist on Skaven culture, mindset, warfare, and linguistics in the Empire. She spent years with them as her primary enemy, learned enough about the way they think to break their internal structures apart, to analyze captured intelligence, and to run a long con on a skaven prisoner. While she might not have all of her Divided Loyalties "Skaven +13 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Skaven", she should have most of it- and frankly she might have it all. It's one of the largest bonuses in her library because those books were hugely important to her work; she was definitely reading them and pulling out everything useful she could.
  • Similarly, I can't see her collecting a +12 Karaz Ankor bonus for the library simply so that she could be proud of her collection- she had intimidating titles like "Loremaster" and "Thane" to live up to, a need to understand and navigate dwarf politics in order to provide quality advice to Belegar, and for a long while she was trying to wrap her head around dwarf culture, too. The Civilized Realms categories are in particular the ones that cover history, and Mathilde has spent a lot of time reading on dwarf history over a period of many years for all the previously mentioned reasons.
  • When Mathilde was raising Wolf she bought Imperial Familiars +2 and Canines +5 to make sure that he was growing up properly. How many of these books she read in their entirety probably relates directly to how much you think she was excited about her new familiar's future development and worried about closely monitoring his health.
  • Her greatsword books date to when she was trying to integrate two different styles of greatsword combat into one another. That's a difficult task and she never actually finished it to get her Master trait, but at the very least she spent a fair bit of time working at and thinking about it (measuring by AP spent).
  • From what I recall, Mathilde tried to get everything the dwarves could tell her about magic and in its entirety it came to Sevir +2. With pickings that slim I have trouble thinking that she didn't read every word of what she could get. The rest of Sevir was important to the Aethyric Vitae projects which ate up a few AP so she might retain more than a +1 from the Imperial side after all the time spent on it.
And more petty items:
  • Her Chaos Dwarf Skaven listing should probably retain the (Only Esoteric) tag since as I recall it comes from a text on their biological variants almost exclusively.
  • I don't think she actually has any Skaven Anatomy books in the original quest, unless I'm crazy and reading things wrong.
[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)
[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)
[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire
[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
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  • Her Chaos Dwarf Skaven listing should probably retain the (Only Esoteric) tag since as I recall it comes from a text on their biological variants almost exclusively.
  • I don't think she actually has any Skaven Anatomy books in the original quest, unless I'm crazy and reading things wrong.
She had a skaven book on Anatomy, it was the one on Chaos Dwarf Anatomy. It's not listed as such in Divided Loyalties, but the focus seems to be more on anatomy than on culture or tactics.

I think I actually intended to drop the Chaos Dwarf Skaven listing entirely on that basis, but then I realised that the amount she's talked to Qrech about them made it feel reasonable to keep combined with whatever cultural notes were in said book.

On the rest of your notes, I'll think on it a bit more. Keeping the full +12 Karaz Ankor bonus isn't going to happen - that would be the point at which I was just letting her keep everything fully - but I think +6 is probably reasonable. She won't have read all of them, there's just too much, but she probably referenced them regularly enough and I had cut it down a bit far.

The Skaven bonus she definitely should have a bit more of too.

Hmmm, maybe I should add a half minimum? Yeah, that'd work and keep things simple.
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