Inordinately slowly. Social is not my thing, and my sleep has been worse than usual lately. Hopefully I'll have the Abelhelm, Thekla and Hans scene up today - turns out I have no idea how to write children though so... not my best work :p

Have you considered just doing less social, or even none of it and letting the main actions carry that aspect of the quest? What works for BoneyM does not necessarily work for you and that is OK.
Have you considered just doing less social, or even none of it and letting the main actions carry that aspect of the quest? What works for BoneyM does not necessarily work for you and that is OK.
I'm considering it for next turn, but I don't want to go back on what's already been voted for which means I need to hammer out these scenes.

I may experiment a bit with some of them - have been considering having one of them script-style.
Have you considered just doing less social, or even none of it and letting the main actions carry that aspect of the quest? What works for BoneyM does not necessarily work for you and that is OK.
Seconded. You may have gotten inspired from Boney's quest, but this one is yours.

If writing long social scenes doesn't work for you, don't do as much of it.
Turn 2 Social: Part 1 - Dinner at the Castle
It feels strange to be having what amounts to a picnic in a castle with a fully stocked pantry, but given how many people wish for Abelhelm's death it's understandable - even if you wish he had more faith in your counter-espionage capabilities.

The pasties Thekla has prepared don't really compare to halfling pies - especially Panoramia's - but they are certainly edible and it would be rude to make the comparison.

Still, the thought does provide an answer to an old problem. "Abel - remember when we were trapped in your office?"

"I could hardly forget after you barged in half-dressed." You blush. "But I assume that's not what you want to discuss?"

"No - I was thinking about our discussion of how to ensure no infiltrators were in the castle staff. I think I have a solution - at least for the kitchens."

Thekla interjects. "I am not cooking all of Abelhelm's meals!"

"Not what I was thinking." You let out a slight laugh. "Your pasties simply reminded me of halfling pies - and vampires are oddly unwilling to use halflings for anything."

"Unfortunately the kitchen isn't really suited to small people, is it Hans?" Thekla asks.

Hans just shrugs. "I peeled the carrots and 'tatoes."


After dinner Abel and Thekla discuss tales of their past, while you and Hans listen intently.

Thekla's tales are all new to you - even those that include Abelhelm have a new dimension to them from her telling.

"When I first met Abelhelm? Well, he rode into town as my backup when I uncovered a necromantic cabal in Ostland. The very first thing I noticed though was the company he kept - a burning haired woman named Lina..."

Abel interjects "I had requested the aid of a death mage - but when it comes to mages I've learnt to make the best of what I can get." He gestures towards you. "I'd never have asked for a shadowmancer for my council, but you've proven worth your weight in gold."

"Lina was the first college mage I'd ever met, and she was terrifying..."

"Oh, she wasn't that bad."

"Her hair was literally made entirely out of fire, and dripping with sparks! She could boil a kettle by looking at it hard enough!" Thekla looks to you for reassurance. "That's not normal for a magister is it?"

You put on your best enigmatic smile. "There's no such thing as normal, for a magister."

"Oh, great, so in a few years I'll be working for a living shadow... well, I suppose I've had worse bosses." Thekla smiles. "Hans could tell you all about the shyster we were dealing with in Ostermark last year."

"She was a meany and a thief." Hans begins. "Tried to trick people into thinking we was meany thieves too!"

"It's 'we were' Hans, not 'we was'"


While Abelhelm and Hans practice their combat drills - or rather, Hans practises with a long-spear, while Abelhelm pretends to struggle at blocking him with a shield - you and Thekla share a bottle of sherry.

"So, Mathilde - what're your intentions for Abelhelm?"

"I'm his employee, his spymaster, and his friend. That's all."

"You have no interest in the position of Countess?"

"Not as a consort - perhaps if I were to claim a territory of my own one day." You tilt your head. "And you?"

She blushes. "I'm... not entirely uninterested. But as an Elector Count he has far too many suitors already." Then she looks over at Abel hoisting Hans over his shoulder and blushes some more.


You sleep off the sherry in the castle, and take breakfast the next morning with Abelhelm.

He devours his blutwurst with great gusto, and then sits there with a pensive look on his face while you finish yours.

You break the silence: "What's eating at you?"

"I'm a Count without an heir or a wife and the hounds have started scratching at the door. If I'm not betrothed by the Elector's Meet in two years I'll be torn apart by the eligible ladies."

"Any way I can help?"

"Many ways as a spy, and many more as a friend." He smiles warmly at you. "My marriage could be a potent political tool, cementing an alliance, but I must admit I would rather have some romance in a marriage."

"I wasn't sure if you were still in mourning."

"How did you... ah, well you are my spymaster." The smile broadens slightly. "Serena was a wonderful woman, but she wouldn't want me pining. I've simply been too busy to think of such things."

You pause in contemplation.

"I know which I would rather do - but would pursuing love at the cost of Stirland's prosperity be selfish? I'm not a lowly witch-hunter any more, and this position carries responsibilities."


Top level votes will be counted first, then the reasoning presented to Abelhelm will be selected second.

[ ] "You should pursue love."
-[ ] (optional) Write-in reasoning

[ ] "You must weigh the political considerations."
-[ ] (optional) Write-in reasoning

[ ] "Reveal that you have an heir already, and let the matter rest for now."
-[ ] (optional) Write-in reasoning

@Fayhem's Writein:
[ ] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[ ] (optional) Write-in reasoning

The conversation hangs briefly while you gather your thoughts.

"As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have." Abelhelm tilts his head in interest. "Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped - and you'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help, which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle foes."

"I'd like to believe I could choose an uninfluenced wife."

"As would I, but even the Imperial Spymaster and the Patriarchs of the Grey and Light orders have failed to properly vet a spousal candidate before today." The current Empress springs to your mind - and by the look on Abel's face it springs to his as well. You glance around the room, searching for mundane or magical spying, seeing none you continue. "Fortunately the situation of which I'm speaking is now in hand; but any wife selected for her political position will be less devoted than one selected for true love."

"True, such considerations would rather narrow the pool of reasonable candidates."

"And, of course, they would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are expecting you to die shortly."

Abelhelm frowns. "An expectation it will be hard to dispel given the recent history of Stirland."

"And while you could of course settle this whole matter by revealing that you have an heir - and would certainly want to reveal that to any serious suitor to avoid a succession crisis - that would lead people to look for him or her."

"You certainly make a strong case for love..." He smiles at you. "When should I expect to meet your paramour?"

You're very briefly tempted to say a line out of one of your romances, like 'when you next look in the mirror' but you refrain - while you may have had a slight crush when you were younger it's long faded. "I'll be sure to introduce you when I find her, or him."

Author's Note: This took me a week to get out, so... yeah, social turns will likely be restructured next time around. On the up side I've got 75% of three other social actions done!

Also, remember that just because Mathilde recommends something doesn't mean Abelhelm will do it. He listens to her, but he is his own person.
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[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.
Thekla is an old witch-hunter friend of Abelhelm's, between him and Mathilde in age - currently running the Wurtbad Watch. Hans Von Eerie is an orphan she adopted
And if you buy that I have some lovely land just outside Karag Dum to sell you.
[] "Reveal that you have an heir already, and let the matter rest for now."

Picking this feels like the Most Mathilde of the options. In light of them not showing sufficient faith in her counter espionage, she can use this as a way of proving "I'm really, really good at what i do".
+ Mathilde might want to meet Roswita with Abelhelm alive, and maybe get a more friendly start
+ Lowers the tension and lets Abelhelm have some romance
- Marriage for an elector count is a powerful tool. Not as powerful as what Roswita had with a mostly Pacified sylvania, but still.

Edit:Although, maybe we should let Mathilde's inner shipper out :V

[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.

And if you buy that I have some lovely land just outside Karag Dum to sell you.
I hear the nearby plots of land rose greatly in value after a celebrity moved the from Brettonia. There are still a few plots available, if you hurry.

Edit: tiebreaker

[X] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[X] "The weaker Stirland looks, the worse any political deal you get offered will be. Getting swarmed by eligible ladies at an Elector's Meet after you've had two more years to build up Stirland and prove we can hold off Sylvania - or maybe more, if everything goes well enough - isn't a problem. It's an opportunity. Stirland will be in a better position to strike a good deal, and the anticipation will only raise interest higher. And the more options you have, the more likely it becomes that you'll be able to find someone who's a good match politically AND personally. Besides, if worst comes to worst you do already have an heir, after all."
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[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.
[X] "Reveal that you have an heir already, and let the matter rest for now."
- [X] Time it with him having a drink that he can then spit out.
Let's go with the enigmatic option.
[x] "You should pursue love."
-[x] A political match will inevitably be undermined by your choice to keep the fact that you already have an heir hidden, which you would have to reveal to them at some point. But a love match is likely to be much more understanding of your situation there, while also making you publicly unavailable and letting you retain the ability to pull out a fully grown Van Hal at any politically expedient moment. Personal happiness and lower stress in a ruler isn't to be discounted as an advantage, either.

The last thing anyone negotiating for a political match with an Elector Count wants is an existing heir to the Elector Count's title to be revealed at the last second, pushing any potential children of the bride under negotiation down the succession. It massively reduces the value of the match being proposed, and thus if it's not shared would really anger whatever faction was married into because they'd be getting cheated. Of course, revealing it endangers Roswita. Unless someone is making a hell of an offer to Van Hal politically and clearly working on a short timeframe (such that they wouldn't care about their candidate not inheriting), it feels like love sort of is the politically appropriate option here. Makes things easy.
The turn, it keeps splitting! 🤪

[X] "Reveal that you have an heir already, and let the matter rest for now."
[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.
[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.
[X] "You should pursue love."
-[X] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.
[] "You should pursue love."
-[] Any political match could turn into a fair weather friend when things inevitably turned Sylvania shaped. You'd likely be unable to properly vet anyone with enough power to significantly help which would open up avenues of attack for the more subtle enemies. They would want at least as much out of you as you can get out of them, possibly even more if they are counting on you dying shortly. Exposing that you have an heir means people start looking for him or her. As long as you follow your heart responsibly, it's the safest option you have.

Alternately (assuming the write-in is acceptable):

[X] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[X] "The weaker Stirland looks, the worse any political deal you get offered will be. Getting swarmed by eligible ladies at an Elector's Meet after you've had two more years to build up Stirland and prove we can hold off Sylvania - or maybe more, if everything goes well enough - isn't a problem. It's an opportunity. Stirland will be in a better position to strike a good deal, and the anticipation will only raise interest higher. And the more options you have, the more likely it becomes that you'll be able to find someone who's a good match politically AND personally. Besides, if worst comes to worst you do already have an heir, after all."

I want the spit take, but I don't want Abelhelm to actually announce Roswita as his heir. He held off on doing that in the OTL for a reason (it was an open question whether she'd even take the seat after him - one of the things we were waiting on... afterwards, was for her to make up her mind re: accepting). Similarly, now is a bad time for Stirland to strike deals, and even if he winds up prioritizing romance over political gains the more options he has the more likely he can find someone he cares for who can also be good for Stirland as a whole.

Edit: since I strongly prefer my write-in, I'm just voting for that for now.
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Alternately (assuming the write-in is acceptable):

[X] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[X] "The weaker Stirland looks, the worse any political deal you get offered will be. Getting swarmed by eligible ladies at an Elector's Meet after you've had two more years to build up Stirland and prove we can hold off Sylvania - or maybe more, if everything goes well enough - isn't a problem. It's an opportunity. Stirland will be in a better position to strike a good deal, and the anticipation will only raise interest higher. And the more options you have, the more likely it becomes that you'll be able to find someone who's a good match politically AND personally. Besides, if worst comes to worst you do already have an heir, after all."
Yep, that's an acceptable write-in.
[X ] "You should pursue love."
-[X] You will be raising your heirs together, and a loving marriage would raise heirs more likely to care for your people.
[X] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[X] "The weaker Stirland looks, the worse any political deal you get offered will be. Getting swarmed by eligible ladies at an Elector's Meet after you've had two more years to build up Stirland and prove we can hold off Sylvania - or maybe more, if everything goes well enough - isn't a problem. It's an opportunity. Stirland will be in a better position to strike a good deal, and the anticipation will only raise interest higher. And the more options you have, the more likely it becomes that you'll be able to find someone who's a good match politically AND personally. Besides, if worst comes to worst you do already have an heir, after all."
[X] You should hold off on doing anything for now.
-[X] "The weaker Stirland looks, the worse any political deal you get offered will be. Getting swarmed by eligible ladies at an Elector's Meet after you've had two more years to build up Stirland and prove we can hold off Sylvania - or maybe more, if everything goes well enough - isn't a problem. It's an opportunity. Stirland will be in a better position to strike a good deal, and the anticipation will only raise interest higher. And the more options you have, the more likely it becomes that you'll be able to find someone who's a good match politically AND personally. Besides, if worst comes to worst you do already have an heir, after all."