When your Mother is the Simurgh...[Worm]

Can we have the only sane man in the bunch be Kid Win? Please? *Engages maximum kitty eyes* Plus it means Mama Ziz gets to leach his tinkering all the time.

As I've said I don't know If I'll include guys, but if I do somewhere down the line then it's possible for him, clock or Newter to join. And yes they, individually, would be the only sane guy of the bunch.

Shadow Stalker?

Her contribution to the harem is right there in her name.
Gonna have to second that one. Ew.

Kinda Nazi heavy too. And Squealer is a double ew.

I have plans for Sophia. By the time I'm done with her you'll... probably... maybe be sorry for her.

Also Nazi heavy is because of female density of Nazi capes in city. the E88 is like, half female. Compared to like 1/3rd Wards (including reinforcements) and 2/7th Protectorate. Only cape group that matches that 1/2 thing is New Wave, and I'm already drawing Panacea and Glory girl from it.

The density is counter balanced by the same number of differing ethnicity that Sabah, Lily, Sophia and Bakuda bring to the table. And, as I said. Conflict of character traits, different camps, different ideologies and now we're sorta... crowbarring all of these people into a single living space and expecting them try to keep from burying the hatchet in each others backs. It's like reality Tv meets super powered harem shenanigans.

And consider Squealer like one of her cars. Rough, in need of some polish, but plenty of potential there once all the junk is out of the system. She'd be an excellent tinker if she wasn't high off her ass all the time and was in a more stable environment. Panacea can clear up all the crap in her system and repair most/all of the damage to her body. And let me tell you, she cleans up really, really well. Still vulgar as hell though, you don't spend a few years with Skidmark without picking up at least some of his foul language.

I cannot see Ziz being okay with her daughter getting with her torturer.

Because that's pretty much what Sophia is. Her torturer.

It really depends on how Taylor feels about Sophia after I'm through with her. Ziz, on top of wanting whats best for Taylor, is kinda big on ironic/Karmic punishments. What's the best way to both punish Sophia and reward Taylor?

I'll give you a little hint.

I'd also like to point out how difficult it is to find a picture where the character is both gagged and tied up with a bow, while also being SFW.

Incest is Wincest, but-no
Not particularly interested in the incest route this time. That's not to say I haven't written that before, but it generally gets it's own story. Fem harem comedy here, wincest can be kept for another day and another site.

Hey, Ack pulled it off.

If I can pull off even half of what Ack pulls off, I'd consider this thread a success.

I believe I've already made my stance clear on these two topics in this thread. Kinks shall be kept to a minimum. Kissing, hugs, hand holding and at the very most implied and fade to black situations are the container in which this story is sandboxed, so keep it in your pants..
However, on the topic of Sophia's inclusion. Tiger and her Kitten and Putting Down Roots Sophia are adorable and I really like those portrayals of her. Do with that what you will.

Despite the direction this appears to be going, being a girl in Taylor's age group does not mean one is required to be a member of Taylor's harem.
Indeed ಠ_ರೃ
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I'd also like to point out how difficult it is to find a picture where the character is both gagged and tied up with a bow, while also being SFW.

Speaking of which, as much as I'm liking this story (and I am, make no mistake) it feels like alot of potential fun is lost by you having to stay within the bounds of SFW territory.

If I can pull off even half of what Ack pulls off, I'd consider this thread a success.
And speaking of Ack, a fair bit of his stuff is in fact NSFW, hence why he uses QQ.
I'm thinking some kinky BDSM, with Taylor in charge and Sophia fearing what would Ziz do to her if she didn't obey.
I don't know if the Endfamily vacation will be going that far abroad, but seeing as Squealer is intended to join, a roadtrip is highly likely in the Endfamily's future.

it feels like alot of potential fun is lost by you having to stay within the bounds of SFW territory.
And speaking of Ack, a fair bit of his stuff is in fact NSFW, hence why he uses QQ.

I didn't particularly want to write porn this time around but I did want to write A lesbian harem comedy. As you can imagine making one, without the other, is difficult as I could go really, really out there with the kinks if I was on QQ. Staying within the boundaries of propriety is a challenge, I like the challenge.

Aww, no Mouse Protector.
It's possible for her to show up in story as a comedic character but I don't particularly like her as a harem inductee.
Alert: Hello everyone
hello everyone Having received a report about some of the behaviour in this thread, I've come to tell you all to take some cold showers.

I've spoken with CrunchySharpie about some concerns we've had, concerns which he shares. There have been comments made in this thread which are, frankly, pretty creepy. Talk of BDSM and incest and so on. I remind you all that the majority of you are in your 20s and the main characters are in their mid teens. Having spoken with CrunchySharpie and explained my concerns he has assured me that he will be careful and stay within bounds. His audience must do the same, as well.

In short: keep it cool. The characters are teenagers, and while I am not so concerned about a harem comedy featuring teenagers, past experience teaches me that people on forums such as SV can be remarkably lax about filtering what goes on in their heads. SV is a public space, not the interior of your skull. I don't care how you think or feel, but when you come onto this forum you comport yourself properly. If you cannot keep your fascination with the sex lives of teenagers in check there will be consequences.

To that end I am putting the responsibility back onto you all. Be aware of what you're saying. Double check before you post. Tell other people to cool it. Report things to the staff if you're unsure. CrunchySharpie has been reasonable and responsive to our concerns in a way that is unfortunately rare. Don't screw it up for him.
Lol I think everyone just freaked out a bit when a mod came down to warn everybody in here about being thirsty mofos. It usually takes a few weeks for an update to come out so don't be surprised if it takes a bit before we see one. Or maybe said thirsty guys/gals scared off the writer. Only time will tell dear friend, only time will tell.
Amy Interlude
Is this thing still alive?? i hope it is.... we need more of this...

Lol I think everyone just freaked out a bit when a mod came down to warn everybody in here about being thirsty mofos. It usually takes a few weeks for an update to come out so don't be surprised if it takes a bit before we see one. Or maybe said thirsty guys/gals scared off the writer. Only time will tell dear friend, only time will tell.

I love that word; Thirsty. Thirsty. Thirrrrrstyy. I don't use it nearly as much as I should.

Been a bit busy lately. On a bit of a remodeling bent, spent the last three weeks repainting and repairing 3-4 rooms, staining a staircase and repainting the floor in my workshop. So haven't had much more time than to read or game for an hour or two each night.

And on that ^ note, NEW CHAPTER!

Another sharing of music for those of you who are so inclined and wish to know what I listen to while writing.

Another Traumatic Night At the Hospital (Ellie's Theme) This one is rather appropriate as a first choice....
Blues Saraceno - The River.
Couzare - Catch(Ft, Kee)
Knife Party - Fire Hive Lyrics
Tut Tut child - Uppity Strut
DJ Delinquent - Eureka 187 (Tip Taps Tip Remix)
C-ute - Kiss Me Ashiteru (Though just search for sexy MMD versions, because reasons)
Duck sauce barbra streisand remix (slightly speeded up)
Dub FX - Step on my Trip
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
t+pazolite - Kick Ur Luv
Voltaire-When You're Evil
東 方 Touhou English Vocal arrange #114_ love★ montblanc
Power Rangers Redux - Go Go Power Rangers(2012)
Tech N9ne-Last Words
I Want You (Scanty & Kneesocks theme)

Amy Interlude.

The steady rhythm of a heartbeat monitor filled a small room. Two occupants, one laying on a hospital bed, the other standing over them.

Amy stared down at her latest patient; a little girl suffering from some terminal illness she hadn't even bothered to memorize, and only feeling an intense desire to be anywhere else but here.

It wasn't that she hated the girl, far from it. If anything there was only a mild bit of pity for the girl's illness, unable to truly live but expected to persist on to the bitter end.

Hah, If only it were that easy. Amy- no Panacea reached a hand out and touched the girl on the hand, having received permission to heal the near comatose girl from her parents before even stepping into the room.

Huh, Leukemia? Typical. It was the work of minutes to remove the damaged cells, then a few more to change the girl's DNA to where the cancer wouldn't bother her or her children for at least a few generations. As far as healing's go, this one was as boring and uneventful as the last one, a mind numbing slog through the increasingly faceless masses.

The girl's eyes opened up and Amy quickly called the parents into the room to have a heartfelt and tearful hug with their daughter. Amy grimaced a bit, turning on her heels and grabbing her bag as she walked out of the room.

As she walked through the halls of Brockton Bay Memorial, she couldn't help but feel a weight pressing down on her. Her home life was crap. Mark was an absent father even when you were sitting in the same room as him, his depression and inability to take his medication on time making him a zombie more often than not. Carol wouldn't give her the time of day, too busy praising Vicky's accomplishments while ignoring her own.

And Vicky...

Vicky was her ray of sunshine, the only good thing she had in her life, but also one she'd taken a perverse interest in since they were barely old enough to understand what those words meant.

She loved her sister, but she could never have her. Such a thing was a taboo, a horrible, terrible thing that would never be reciprocated.

But a girl could dream.

Just like she could dream of being away from all this. All this mindless healing, all this thankless work. A moment of weakness came and went and Amy dug into her bag, looking carefully around as she fished out a small, already well worn book out of her purse.

On its cover was a small hint of her deviant behavior, while the inside held all of the evidence anyone would ever need to prove that Panacea- That Amy Dallon loved her sister.

There were only a few precious minutes that she could indulge her book and her fantasies in a day before she had to hide it from the world, away from anyone's notice.

The book's contents gave her hope. And a girl could hope just as much as she could dream. It was a fools errand and she knew this, knew that the odds of her ever being with Victoria Dallon quickly approached zero even on her sisters lousiest of days. Like today apparently...

"Hey Ames, how was today?" Victoria was looking as radiant and flawless as ever, even if her tone of voice had an angry and dejected feel to it.

"Fine." Amy responded, slipping her book back into her purse. "You and Dean fighting again?"

A sour expression crossed Vicky's otherwise perfect features. "Am I that easy to read?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "Vicky, I lost track of the number of times you two have fought around the hundred mark and didn't bother with keeping score after that. Pretty much everyone knows you have two settings with Dean; Perfect for each other and at each other's throats."

Vicky scoffed at that assessment but didn't comment, instead floating off the ground to approach her sister. "You should be more concerned about your own love life Ames instead of worrying about mine."

'If you only knew.' Amy thought with a grimace, ignoring the little voice in the back of her head that wanted her to just reach out and tweak her sister ever so slightly to make her return the affection that she so dearly craved... but no, she wouldn't do that. Only villains twisted people like that and she wasn't one, wouldn't ever be one...

"I really don't want to talk about that right now Vicky, I just want to go home." Amy crossed her arms, staring her sister down until the elder of the two pouted, dropping her shoulders in the most overexagerated way she could.

"Alright, fine. We can talk about something else liiike." Vicky tapped her lips, seemingly in thought, when an idea appeared to have struck from the catlike grin on her face. "How about the fact that Narwhal is in town on business?"

That seemed to grab the younger of the two's attention. "Narwhal? As in one of the leaders of the Guild? That Narwhal?" The healer had come across the ostentatious hero before, several times in fact; Everyone who fought in an Endbringer battle eventually met her whether they wanted to or not... but why was she in Brockton Bay of all places?

"Yeeep" The golden heroine popped the P there at the end. "Big lady said she had something to take care of and would be in town for a few weeks." A frown appeared on the girl's lips. "That's kind of why me and Dean fought, he just wouldn't stop looking at her." The frown turned into a scowl. "As she was leaving I caught him staring at her ass, muttering about wonky emotions or something. I ended up slapping him because he wouldn't give me a straight answer about ogling her, we had an argument and I left." A shrug of the shoulder. "And here I am."

Amy's fingers bridged the gap between her eyebrows, massaging at the headache that was already there and building at her sister's latest blunder. She decided not to point out that as an empath Dean could pick up emotions and he likely didn't want to point out that Narwhal's emotions were out of wack while she was still in the building.

Instead she held her arms up and gave her sister a level stare. "Lets just get home, I'm tired and I've had a bad day." Never mind that she always had bad days, today was just a little bit worse with too many patients and not enough time to handle them all. As Vicky's arms wrapped around her from behind, the healing cape settled into her chosen mode of transportation with a sigh of contentment. Flying with Vicky had always been relaxing, even now with her inappropriate thoughts towards her sister that didn't change how comfortable it was to be carried like this, so safe and warm...

The next time Amy opened her eyes she found her vision blurry and their home closing in quickly. 'Must have fallen asleep on the way' Amy yawned, finally letting the exhaustion that had been creeping into her body over the course of the day win out over her own substantial willpower. Reluctantly she slid out of Victoria's arms to land wobbly on her feet.

"Thanks Vicky." Amy mumbled, slumping to the front door and into the foyer.

Right into Carol's tender mercy's.

"And just where have you been all day?" Carol's voice was stern, her expression more so. "At the hospital?" It wasn't much of a question, more a demand really.

Amy stood a bit straighter, her body pulling into itself a bit as she shied away from her mother. "Yes, I had Vicky pick me up." Said girl walked in the door right behind her.

"Hey mom, we're back."

And like that Carol's features smoothed out, turning a loving expression towards Victoria. "How was your day today?"

Vicky blinked, staring at her mother then glancing towards Amy who looked decidedly uncomfortable. "It was okay...had an argument with Dean though-"

"I'm going to get a bath." Amy spoke up suddenly, all but running up the stairs to the bathroom.

Carol watched her go with a frown on her face.

Vicky on the other hand, stared at her mother strangely. "...Also, recently found out that Narwhal's in town on business-." Carol's eyes snapped back to Vicky as the door behind Amy closed.

Amy sighed, dropping her bag by the door as she shucked her costume. The garment hit the ground with the rest of her clothing as she ran a tub of bath water, almost uncomfortably hot, just like she liked it.

The doorknob locked with a click, a hand snaking into her bag to pull out her book, before slipping into the water. Another sigh escaped Amy as the water worked at relaxing her muscles, relaxing away the tension of another terrible day.

As she flipped open the book, her thoughts wandered towards Carol's attitude lately. She had, up until recently simply ignored her, or at best compared her own lackluster performances to Vicky -who could do no wrong in her eyes- But this? As a page fluttered in front of her face, she came to a bit of a realization.

There had been a few times over the last few days that she had nearly been caught reading her book by Carol. The book had been hidden quickly enough but generally left her in an awkward and suspicious position. Carol hadn't said anything then but... now it seemed as if her enjoyment had come at the cost of her mother being even more suspicious towards her.

Amy slumped into the bath water, blowing soft bubbles in annoyance. Even when she had some small moments of happiness Carol still found some way to make it sour. It was just so frustrating!

The water slowly cooled over the next hour and Amy couldn't rationalize staying in there forever. She had to bite the bullet and go outside again. After draining the tub and a quick toweling down, she slipped on a spare change of clothing, hiding her book once again in her bag before taking it to her room.

The bag found itself in a corner as Amy made an about face and walked back downstairs where the smell of dinner had slowly started working it's way back up the stairs. Mark and Vicky were sitting down at the Dinner table while Carol was pulling something that smelled like lasagna out of the oven. A hollow ache filled Amy's chest as she sat herself next to Vicky. Lasagna was one of Vicky's favorite foods, something usually saved for special occasions and or to cheer Vicky up.

Just like Carol to do something for Vicky while ignoring her. She put in more hours than most doctors and worked her fingers to the bone... but Vicky having one fight with Dean and suddenly there needs to be a pity party.

Amy felt her shoulders slump in resignation at another day wasted, another day lost in her attempts at getting the recognition and love she wanted above all else. It just wasn't fair!

Conversation during dinner was sparse, with Vicky being the only one who spoke for any length of time. Carol responded only when Vicky's grades or heroics came up and Mark spoke even less, too busy staring at the table like it held the secrets to the universe. Sometimes she just wanted to reach out and fix the man's bra- no. A sigh escaped her, none of that. No touching brains, no matter how tempting. Amy clenched her fists under the table, taking slow, calming breath's as she centered herself.

When she opened her eyes, she noted that Carol was staring at her like a hawk. "Something you'd like to say Amy?" No "daughter" never daughter. Never with care or sweetness. Just a cruel evenness.

"No." Amy spoke lowly, lowering her head and staring at her food, which seemed even less appetizing than it did before. "I'm just not hungry." She pushed her food away and stood up without another word. She didn't look at Carol as she walked back upstairs, again feeling the woman's eyes on her back all the way up the stairs until her door was between the two of them, and even then it felt like she could see right through the wood.

Amy slumped over to her bed, landing face first into the mattress. A large fluffy body pillow found it's way in her arms after a minute of groping around blindly. Rolling over onto her side, Amy pressed the cool, dark against her face. The cool dark sheets on the cushion slowly soothed the anxiety and helped with the slight buzzing in her ears but didn't stop her stomach from twisting and turning at the thought of things getting worse in her life. She was already bleeding thin, feeling less and less for her patients, getting angry and snapping at those that bothered her. She could feel her control over herself slipping day by day, even with her book helping ease her lusting for her sister, it didn't help with the rest of her problems.

It was after several hours, tossing and turning trying to sleep that Amy was pulled out of her attempts at slumber by someone sitting on the edge of her bed. A quick peak around the pillow she was snuggling revealed Vicky, staring at her with an unreadable expression. It was likely Vicky hadn't realized that she was awake and it she seemed she was struggling with something, having reached out several times to try and shake Amy awake only to pull her hand back just as quickly, stuck in a rather awkward back-and-forth motion, unable to choose between the two.

Curious now, Amy shifted, rolling onto her back and slowly opening her eyes, pretending to have just woken up. Blinking slowly, Amy twitched slightly to fake surprise. "Vicky?"

"Ames..." If anything, Vicky's posture got even more tense. "...Why's mom been so hard on your case the past few days?" Straight to the point it seemed, Amy's anxiety come back with a vengeance.

Swallowing, Amy attempted shrugging her shoulders, only to find them stiff from laying in an awkward position, so instead she waved her hands outward, showing confusion. "I don't know..." Yes you do. She kept those traitorous words to herself even as Vicky's expression seemed to fall even more. Instead of standing like Amy thought she would, Vicky pulled the covers back and hopped into bed beside her.

Terrible, horrible, wonderful thoughts flittered to the front of the girl's mind as her heart started to pound in her chest. Vicky didn't just hop into her bed for no reason and plenty of her fantasies had started exactly like this, with Vicky snuggling up to her, trading soft, tender kisses and... hugging?

Oh, sure there was plenty of hugging in her dreams but those dreams never had Vicky looking so... miserable. "Vicky?"

Vicky shook her head, arms wrapped around her sister like a lifeline. "You're lying to me. Mom lied to me too, after you left." Her grip tightened uncomfortably. "Just what the hell is going on!? Mom looks at you like you've done something wrong and you're just taking it. You two never used to be like this..."

Amy's arms wrapped around her sister as well, hands trembling at this uncomfortable line of questioning. "...Vicky... Carol has always been like that." Vicky's flinched back as if she had just been slapped. "Carol has never done for me what she's done for you. Never..."

Bloodshot eyes stared at her in the dark. "You...you're not calling her mom?" She was only just now noticing that?

Amy swallowed hard. "Vicky... I haven't called Carol 'mom' for years now.

"That's bullshit!" Amy flinched as Vicky grabbed her arms by the shoulder and lightly shook her. "She's your mom, there's been a bunch of times she's done things for you, bought you stuff and...and..." Slowly, her hands fell to their side. "Oh..."

Yes... Carol had bought her things, sometimes expensive things... but in the same day she'd always bought Vicky something even more valuable or desired. You only needed to look as far as the phones they carried every day to see the writing on the wall. Amy's keyboard flip-phone, while a pretty pricey buy, wasn't nearly as expensive as Vicky's new smart phone. And that was just one thing; clothing, allowance, movies during movie night, family outings. All of these things had more often than not been skewed towards Vicky and the things that she enjoyed, to an almost ridiculous degree.

Vicky wasn't stupid, she also had a fairly decent memory and that was hurting her now as she remembered each and every little incident, each little remark that, while minor by itself... painted a horrible, lonely picture. And then thoughts of Amy's lifestyle came to the forefront. Always working at the hospital, spending as much time away from their mother as possible, working herself to the bone.

Vicky looked at her sister, really looked at her for once.

Tired and worn thin. Those four words didn't even begin to cover Amy's appearance. Dark circles that normally blended into her freckled face stood out prominently in the dim light. The hollow, sunken eyes that looked mysterious under her Panacea hood looked positively gaunt otherwise. A hand rubbed gently across Amy's back, Vicky's stomach sinking with every knot of tension and stress she found there.

"I've been a good sister...right Ames? You don't hate me?" The touch of pleading in her voice was almost heartbreaking to hear for her sister, who couldn't help but draw parallels to her book. The star crossed siblings, overcoming the problems of their family, sharing a confession of love in the night despite the blood ties that kept them at arms length. She wanted her sister to love her so much, she wanted her to return the feelings she felt for her so badly that it hurt... But this wasn't a story, this wasn't some book and her sister wasn't asking if she loved her like lovers do.

With a sigh, Amy clamped down hard on the urge to warp her sister's mind and gently placed her hands on Victoria, pulling her into a hug. "Yeah, Vicky. You've been a good sister, don't worry."

"...Okay." She didn't sound convinced but she did return the hug. "Hey Ames?"


"What say we go out tomorrow night and have some fun, just the two of us, whatever you want to do."

'Dammit Vicky, you are making this harder than it needs to be!' Amy's expression tightened somewhat. "You don't have to do that, I'm fine, really."

In response, Vicky's grip became slightly uncomfortable and a very disconcerting gleam was shining in her eyes. "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily." A hand, wiggling and squirming made contact with her sides and Amy let loose a gasp, then laughter. By the time the freckled girl put up a defense she was already in tears trying desperately to ward off Vicky's tickling fingers.

"Alri- hahaha oka-hehah- stop it!" A bunch of light slaps had Vicky grinning up a storm with a breathless Amy gasping underneath her. After a few moments to catch her breath Amy gave Vicky a withering glare. "Alright, we can go out and do something, just no more tickling."

Victoria held up a pair of fingers in a salute. "Scouts honor."

A deadpan. "You were never in the scouts."

If anything Vicky's grin grew wider. "Doesn't make them any less honorable." She slumped onto her side, staring at Amy. "So, get some sleep, we're going to have some fun tomorrow!"

A sinking feeling filled Amy's guts. "You're... sleeping here tonight?"

In response, a hand grabbed, then bodily hauled with superhuman strength Amy into her more voluptuous sister. "Why wouldn't I? You're comfortable."

Amy opened her mouth, trying to dispute that claim but only soft sounds of indecision escaped her mouth. Finally, after trying and failing to come up with something to say against her sister's supposed logic, Amy chose to shut up and just get it over with.

Her sister was too stubborn to sway anyway.

As the two got comfortable, Vicky hugging Amy like a big teddy bear, Amy couldn't help but think, heart pounding, body flushed and distinctly uncomfortable about the whole situation. 'This is going to be a loooong night.'

Annnnnd done.

As always, If there's a problem, I'll fix it in a bit.
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Fear not, Amy. The Purest Form of Love cannot be denied. You will get the girl of your dreams*, even if it looks like it'll take a miracle** to make your wish come true.

* Can't guarantee the Girl of Your Dreams you'll get then will be the same person as the current Girl of Your Dreams, though. Neither can we guarantee your dreams aren't going to be telekinetically controlled from across town.
** Ziz is kind of an angel, so every time she intervenes she's sorta making a miracle, right? Right.