When your Mother is the Simurgh...[Worm]

it does bring up the question of what exactly Ziz had Lisa doing that required her to get dancing lessons, go roller skating, and get a job/be at a party at a mexican restraunt just to ensure Taylor would subliminally select that specific skate rink. I feel Lisa is going to be the focus of many noodle incidents of awesome hilarity we shall never see.
You're wildly overestimating how much subtlety is required when Ziz wants Lisa to go do something.

Step 1: Tell Lisa to go patronize a Mexican restaurant, a dance studio, and a skating rink.

Step 2: Go back to happily being Danny's waifu because Lisa is already sprinting off to fulfill the terms of Step 1 as quickly and enthusiastically as possible.
You're wildly overestimating how much subtlety is required when Ziz wants Lisa to go do something.

Step 1: Tell Lisa to go patronize a Mexican restaurant, a dance studio, and a skating rink.

Step 2: Go back to happily being Danny's waifu because Lisa is already sprinting off to fulfill the terms of Step 1 as quickly and enthusiastically as possible.
It's Ziz, there is always another level.
... especially with all the other capes in the E88, many of whom are VERY True Believers. (Or very good at faking it, at least.)

It would be pretty funny if E88 turns out to be the gang equivalent of a Flock of Wolves. Not very likely, unfortunately.

Step 1: Tell Lisa to go patronize a Mexican restaurant, a dance studio, and a skating rink.

Lisa: Done, I've gathered the owners, the managers, most of the staff and a few customers. I then made a presentation with all of their flaws listed in great detail, as well as the reasons for which I am their absolute superior. I have also ensured to show the maximum amount of derision possible and minimum amounts of empathy (and that only when it complemented the aforementioned derision and amplified it)

Couldn't resist.
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Lisa: Done, I've gathered the owners, the managers, most of the staff and a few customers. I then made a presentation with all of their flaws listed in great detail, as well as the reasons for which I am their absolute superior. I have also ensured to show the maximum amount of derision possible and minimum amounts of empathy (and that only when it complemented the aforementioned derision and amplified it)

Couldn't resist.
Well, I'd be lying if I didn't think something very much along those same lines when I wrote 'patronize.'

I'm really, really trying hard NOT to make some sort of joke about the twins being from the South and all that stereotypically implies. (Alternately: TWINS THEY WERE.)

That said, if CrunchySharpie does go with the Twins both dating (and "dating") Kaiser at the same time, it's easy to justify: two girls sharing a dude is an entirely different mental dynamic than two girls sharing... uh... each other. The Twins could EASILY rationalize it to themselves as a "We're not gay and, thusly, it's not incest. We're doing this because it makes Kaiser hot. We're just PRETENDING." (They KEEP pretending when no one else is around because... uh... well, you have to do rehearsals before a play, right? Right! They're just staying in character!)

(See, for example, every girl who's ever made out with another girl at a party and will still staunchly maintain they're totally straight, that doesn't count, it was just ACTING. The counter to that is, of course, the large population of men who's fooled around with another dude, but don't consider themselves GAY because... uh... look, they're straight, okay! That was just a down-low thing! )

Now I've got it in my head that things aren't quite so blatant between them...but that's because each thinks that they're the only one who actually feels the way they do, and that the other is the 'normal' one who would reject and despise her if she ever found out what a filthy deviant her sister secretly was. And as a result, they form a weird kind of bigotry feedback loop.

For instance, during their totally normal and sisterly trip to the skating rink, some nearby Empire thugs see Rune on what could pretty much only be a date with another girl and make audible disparaging remarks about them. Each of the sisters thinks they can't believably pretend not to have heard the comments/thinks the other saw her notice Rune and Taylor, and adds in her own remark for fear of giving any kind of hint as to her true feelings on the matter. The other, thinking pretty much the same thing, also does the same. Repeat this process a couple times, add in the magnifying effect of being in the company of actual bigots, and in a little while they're marching across the floor to physically confront and antagonize Rune and Taylor because neither can bear the thought of their 'normal' sister figuring out the truth.
For some reason I've got this mental image of Simmy and Lisa spying on Taylor's date through a Tinkertech drone or whatever, sharing a bag of popcorm.
"We're not gay and, thusly, it's not incest.
I was going to make a comment along the lines of "oh yes it is" because I was under the impression that they were Kaiser's cousins or nieces or something, but then I double checked and found that they were Heith's cousins, and raised by her. So it would be sorta like sleeping with their stepfather.
"Taylor, are you SURE this is how you're supposed to do a pat down?"

"According to this manual, it is."

"...give me that manual. 'Basic Police Procedures and Safety Measures.' Okay, seems legi-hey, the cover just fell off. Oh, WHAT THE FUCK."

"Wha- 'Interrogation and Resistance Play: 101 Fun Uses for a Nightstick'?! God damn it, Mom!"
"Wait, why did you want to practice on me, anyway?"
Lisa: Done, I've gathered the owners, the managers, most of the staff and a few customers. I then made a presentation with all of their flaws listed in great detail, as well as the reasons for which I am their absolute superior. I have also ensured to show the maximum amount of derision possible and minimum amounts of empathy (and that only when it complemented the aforementioned derision and amplified it)

Couldn't resist.
Well, I'd be lying if I didn't think something very much along those same lines when I wrote 'patronize.'
My mind went to another meaning of the word-as in she granted them her patronage.
I imagined her investing in them, Skyrim-style.
It would be pretty funny if E88 turns out to be the gang equivalent of a Flock of Wolves. Not very likely, unfortunately.

Lisa: Done, I've gathered the owners, the managers, most of the staff and a few customers. I then made a presentation with all of their flaws listed in great detail, as well as the reasons for which I am their absolute superior. I have also ensured to show the maximum amount of derision possible and minimum amounts of empathy (and that only when it complemented the aforementioned derision and amplified it)

Couldn't resist.
Lisa: Ziz Jr. In training.

Next up, tinkertech to give her telekinesis.
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Hmmm I'm still holding out for Surtr and Hammy Taylor cause being a cape lets you get away with the most bombastic of things like Mouse she's always amusing......Hopefully she visits just to get to know her fellow hammy Hero.
Please stick to girls in Taylor age group. With Ziz + Blasto + Panacea + Bonesaw you can give the babies any powers you want.

But a teen clone of Mouse Protector would be nice.
Please stick to girls in Taylor age group. With Ziz + Blasto + Panacea + Bonesaw you can give the babies any powers you want.

But a teen clone of Mouse Protector would be nice.

Sorry, but I am perfectly fine with large gaps in age so long as the characters genuinely love each other and are willing to wait until things are legal. Thing is, it's not the powers of the characters that are important here, them having those powers doesn't do anything but add spice to the character, which is the true point of bringing them in. Conflict, between characters that don't like each other or between characters from the same faction or just simple conversations between characters that otherwise wouldn't have spoken a word to each other in story. That is the point of adding most of the harem characters, both teen and adult as each will have a different perspective, a different mentality and different morality.

Also I have decided that I'm including these characters in the harem, yes it is the entire list I'd written down, but going at the pace I'm at I feel I can include all of them reasonably well and easily.

That is to say
Narwhal, Lisa, Panacea, Rune, Squealer, Glory Girl, Shadow Stalker, Fenja-Menja(two-fer), Purity, Bakuda, Parian-Foil(also a two-fer, too cute to break up.) Sundancer and Canary
Are at some point joining.

Though plenty of these characters can and might be peripherals. Each of the characters will probably be off doing their own things while they consider Taylor and her house their home base. Kinda like what we're seeing with Lisa actually. As has been said the main fault of mass harems is having the head of the harem being the only important thing in the story, having him or her be the central point for everything and everyone just kinda follows along blindly to their whim. That wont happen here, if I can help it, because of the aforementioned "Everyone doesn't exactly like everyone" thing, which I showed in the last chapter with The Twins having a very negative opinion of Rummy. That's not just going to "go away" when those two get inducted into the harem. There is going to be fireworks along the way, and not in the lewd way.

To be fair, between Bonesaw and Panacea, any woman could be a girl in Taylor's age group.

This also, if at any point the adult characters want a makeover, it's relatively easy to facilitate that.
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Sorry, but I am perfectly fine with large gaps in age so long as the characters genuinely love each other and are willing to wait until things are legal. Thing is, it's not the powers of the characters that are important here, them having those powers doesn't do anything but add spice to the character, which is the true point of bringing them in. Conflict, between characters that don't like each other or between characters from the same faction or just simple conversations between characters that otherwise wouldn't have spoken a word to each other in story. That is the point of adding most of the harem characters, both teen and adult as each will have a different perspective, a different mentality and different morality.

Also I have decided that I'm including these characters in the harem, yes it is the entire list I'd written down, but going at the pace I'm at I feel I can include all of them reasonably well and easily.

That is to say
Narwhal, Lisa, Panacea, Rune, Squealer, Glory Girl, Shadow Stalker, Fenja-Menja(two-fer), Purity, Bakuda, Parian-Foil(also a two-fer, too cute to break up.) Sundancer and Canary
Are at some point joining.

Though plenty of these characters can and might be peripherals. Each of the characters will probably be off doing their own things while they consider Taylor and her house their home base. Kinda like what we're seeing with Lisa actually. As has been said the main fault of mass harems is having the head of the harem being the only important thing in the story, having him or her be the central point for everything and everyone just kinda follows along blindly to their whim. That wont happen here, if I can help it, because of the aforementioned "Everyone doesn't exactly like everyone" thing, which I showed in the last chapter with The Twins having a very negative opinion of Rummy. That's not just going to "go away" when those two get inducted into the harem. There is going to be fireworks along the way, and not in the lewd way.

This also, if at any point the adult characters want a makeover, it's relatively easy to facilitate that.
Can we have the only sane man in the bunch be Kid Win? Please? *Engages maximum kitty eyes* Plus it means Mama Ziz gets to leach his tinkering all the time.
I cannot see Ziz being okay with her daughter getting with her torturer.

Because that's pretty much what Sophia is. Her torturer.