What WB/DC should do to compete against Disney/Marvel's MCU?

Except the highlighted statement isn't backed up by any numbers? You liked Thor: The Dark World. Cool. But Iron Man 3 made more money than Thor and the Elven King, has lower scores on IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.
RT and those other sites do get trolled by people in regards to some films by people who just hate films cause others hate them online without having seen the actual film. Look at Doom as an example of that.

Even though Iron Man 3 made more money than Thor: The Dark World, that doesn't matter, Iron Man 3 is still the worst of the two films.

Then they're idiots. It was a fucking great twist, as well as pretty astute commentary on how the fear of terrorism is used and manipulated by those in power.

The weakness in IM3 was that the ending sequence couldn't live up to the main body of the film, with that twist and the heavy focus on Tony's PTSD and self-development.
My mates and relatives who are Marvel fans hated the twist as did I. It was a bad stupid twist that ticked me off. Thank god for that one shot All Hail the King. The twist in my opinion was the weakness of the film.

Thor 2: The Dark World is fucking memeticaly bad. No way most marvel fans would put it above Iron Man 3.
I do, as do others. Thor: The Dark World was also in my opinion at least better than Thor: Ragnarok.

And like others have said if WB and DC want to have any chance of competing with the MCU films they have to make better films and to do that, they should reset the DCEU and start again with what worked.
My mates and relatives who are Marvel fans hated the twist as did I. It was a bad stupid twist that ticked me off. Thank god for that one shot All Hail the King. The twist in my opinion was the weakness of the film.
"My friends and family who are fans of films based on comics by Marvel consider Iron Man 3 to be not only the best entry in the MCU series, but the best movie ever produced." This statement is about as meaningful as yours. If you want an anecdotal example, I bring you this thread, where three completely unconnected people said Thor 2 is worse than Iron Man 3.

RT and those other sites do get trolled by people in regards to some films by people who just hate films cause others hate them online without having seen the actual film. Look at Doom as an example of that.

Even though Iron Man 3 made more money than Thor: The Dark World, that doesn't matter, Iron Man 3 is still the worst of the two films.
In this case, I am not sure what other arguments we can bring up. Since there are none. Which renders the entire argument meaningless.
IM3's problem wasn't the twist that the scary terrorism was illusionist bullshit, it's that it sidestepped the implications of that and said that the real scary terrorists we can kill without guilt are wounded veterans who want revenge against the government for getting them fucked up in pointless wars. Those bastards.
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The Dark World being better than Iron Man 3 and Ragnarok is the worst take I have read today.

What was good about it, exactly? The awkward insertion of the Earth cast? Randomly stumbling on the Aether for no reason? The completely forgettable villain and invasion, to the point nobody in future films reference the fact that a fucking spaceship crashed in Greenwich? The entire Dark Elf nation lacking presence, despite poor David J. Peterson giving them a fairly interesting language? Asgard being showcased as a beautiful location, but not much more than that about its inhabitants and society? Frigga being killed to make Loki and Thor sad for some 20 minutes before everyone forgets about it in the third act? The really bad plan to destroy the Stone? The Reality Stone being completely unimpressive and only being used to make some portals, some objects float, and laser beams? The lighting being dark most of the time? Thor having no character arc at all and learning the same lesson at the end of the movie that he had learned at the end of the first movie? Thor and Jane having little chemistry?

What? What was so good about it that a rando on the web would put it above frankly superior movies in terms of pacing, plotting, and theming (even if not without fault)?
I'd like them to avoid doing 'bossfight' sequences. Or at least try to ground them a bit so it doesn't devolve into two flying people beating each other up across a city for twenty minutes. Or the supposedly god being unable to handle a bat to the face.

And please scale it down. The characters they have to work wth are mostly small scale and either baseline or just above it. I honestly think Suicide Squad would have been better if the direction was 'Walker made the mess and they have to get her and help destroy the evidence while the heroes solve the issue and the problem tries to kill them because reasons'.

Also I would love a campy, work place comedy'esque Justice Society of America movie.
Stop cargo culting Dark Knight and make movies as true to the other characters as that was to Bruce, instead of shoving them into a Bruce-shaped hole in a badly-hammered-into-a Batman-shaped script.
Basically, some essential elements were down played for the sake of the story Nolan wanted to tell. Other things were played up. It doesn't make it a bad story, just one that wasn't completely true to Batman.

Some of these things were logical for a finite movie series, like giving Batman a more concrete goal than "Punch all crime in the face" (Nolan verse Batman's chief goal was to get rid of the Gotham Mob. The other crime fighting was incidental to that goal)

The biggest element that was downplayed was Robin. Robin is a core part of Batman.

Of course, Batman himself is such a versatile character that it's easy to tell great stories without getting him all the way right. Batman is a character that can be both Adam West and Frank Miller, and neither interpretation of the character is wrong.
DC should endeavor to painstakingly rebuild their movie-verse around their greatest work of all time, the Teen Titans Go animated series.
Here's what I think as a DCEU "fan". Snyder's strengths are his ability to make things feel epic through proper use of the environment1​ and shots, his ability to put in multiple layers of symbolism, and a good understanding of how to combine soundtracks with the scene2​. His weaknesses are love of imagery over plot. He cares more about getting good symbolism and making every frame a painting than about making a fun plot that makes sense. Ultimately, this is why I preferred the Man of Steel and BvS. I'd rather have a beautiful mess over an ugly3​ but fun story. Because the first one will make me return to the theater, and the second one will make me wonder why I didn't read a book instead4​.

1​During his fights, the characters have tons of shockwaves and environmental damage. During a Marvel fight, even Hulk-tier strength does nothing to the surroundings, except for the last hit in a sequence.

2​ See the Marvel Symphonic Universe for comparison.

3​ Marvel action scenes love to cut just before major hits. It's why all their impacts have no impact. Also, they aren't willing to use darkness and weather to properly foreshadow what is to come. When the Dark Brotherhood comes to Earth, it should look like a storm is coming. Instead, it looks like a windy Seattle day.

4​ If you are just doing dialogue jokes, a TV-tier budget can do that just fine. If you are going to use a blockbuster-tier budget, you should be doing the kind of comedy that can only be done with a blockbuster-tier budget. Visual cinematic comedy.

A big example of my complaints with the MCU are demonstrated in this epic clip from Avengers 1. Cpt. America and Iron Man have spent the entire movie squabbling with each other. But when the big threat finally arrives, they must finally come together as the Avengers. Their ability to work together in a fight should be a highlight of the movie, a culmination of their transformation from superheroes to Avengers. On paper, Iron Man's and Cpt. America being able to finally do combo attacks should be epic. But it doesn't get the weight that moment deserves. No rising music. No slowmo pause. No emphasis at all, in fact. It's just panned over, as if it was a minor case of beating up mooks, instead of the very first time Iron Man's and Cpt. America managed to cooperate as the leaders of the Avengers.

To give you one more example of how crazy I am, Iron Man 2 had better fight scenes than any of the Avengers movies. The rest of the movie was terrible, but the fights were pre-visualized by the creator of Samurai Jack. It shows in the action, using common Samurai Jack cues like having oil splatter for blood splatter. But it also shows in how menacing Whiplash appears. Thanos is the most menacing villain overall in the MCU, but Whiplash is definitely the most menacing from just the fight scenes.
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The weakness in IM3 was that the ending sequence couldn't live up to the main body of the film, with that twist and the heavy focus on Tony's PTSD and self-development.

Even then IM3 is likely my second favorite Hero Centric film in the franchise. I give it a lot credit for what it tried to do even while botching the landing. Especially given that it kind had to be written with an open ending due to RD Jr. being (iirc) in negotiation for further films at the time.

Dark World is probably the worst simply because it feels like it was made to fill a gap in the marvel movie schedule. I saw it in theaters and thought it was thoroughly almost aggressively MEH.
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What I would love to see happen is to get Timm and co back together and let them go nuts for it.

They know what they're doing and know how to use a lot of the characters in the DC universe, and the closer it is to the DCAU, well, you draw in a lot of people who really grew up with it and love it
Be bold. The one film in the franchise that really worked was Wonder Woman. The problem, of course, is Wonder Woman was a period peace but that's why I said be bold. Get rid of everything but Wonder Woman and reboot all the other characters in the same time period - the Interwar Period. This instantly gives the DC films a intense unique flavour to stand out from Marvel. It even fits with the meta-timeline to a degree - Superman and Batman were first created at the end of the Interwar Peroid and it would be no great effort to move them back ten years.
Realize that trying to compete against Marvel by aping Marvel is setting themselves up for failure.
What I would love to see happen is to get Timm and co back together and let them go nuts for it.

They know what they're doing and know how to use a lot of the characters in the DC universe, and the closer it is to the DCAU, well, you draw in a lot of people who really grew up with it and love it

Eh...... Timm has gone a bit weird on that side of things. I rather he build up Gods and Monsters.