And as long as the GM choice disaster is handled (and there aren't some giant gribbles waiting in the deeper waters) we should be fairly alright.

Though this place is probably going to end up as a combo agri and paradise world because from the sounds of it, we will be able to produce an insane quantity of foodstuffs.

TBH I suspect this is a Maiden World. A -2 point disaster suggests something far worse than merely Necrons on the planet.

And the usual result for human colonists on a Maiden World is "You get one day to evacuate if they think you're not defiling it too badly and then the warcrime weapons come out to remove every scrap of your presence". Warcrime by Eldar standards even.
[x] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
[x] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)

im voting for this because the arkologies will partly look like some halo concepts
Our main export shall be frilly cocktails with little umbrellas in them.
Better then one hive world I read about. Can't remember the name but they imported fish from an agri-world* to feed to giant bloated insect larva (whose description sounded like something out of Nurgle's codex) which they then process in manufactoriums (that also sounded like Nurgle bait even if the place is 100% Imperial) into rations that was then sent to the Imperial Guard.

*The citizens didn't actually get to eat the fish that was imported.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jul 28, 2021 at 11:00 AM, finished with 58 posts and 33 votes.
Turn 2 - Return Of The Choices
Open Arkologies
Infrastructure Focus
With a steady and unrelenting rushing, walls of water rushed from the heavens above to the mortal world down below, nourishing plants, animals, and the soil. It also made humans and beastmen alike swear and rush to and from dry shelters if they didn't have access to an umbrella or raincoat. Few were those poor sods who had access to neither and needed to be in the rain for hours on end. Lord Haku wasn't one of those people, but he had other problems which troubled his bureaucratic mind. Like deciding on what building to prioritize, where to start the founding of the capital, or if he should take menu #4 with or without nuts for lunch.

Indeed, the far future of the 41st Millenium was a dark and horrible place to live, where the endless horror of paperwork never ends.

In another part of the ship, one Alaxa Inuras was having a very different set of problems. For one, she was currently trying to secure her corset alone, always a challenging endeavor as while not enough to restrict her airflow, it was problematic to get it tight enough to fit. The second was her handler, Ahamed, currently standing beside three men and one-and-a-half women (surgery, not Slaaneshi, she checked to be sure), aiming plasma weaponry at her with mild to severe discomfort. Only one had that because of her state of undress; the others were scared because she was a psyker. "So," she finally began, having had enough with her handler's silence and blocked mind not allowing her to read his thoughts. "I am guessing I did something after blacking out, which warrants," she motioned her head towards the line of guns, "that. But it cannot be something severe, as I am currently alive... I think."

"Yes. You exhibited... some concerning behavior... in regards to both use of your powers, as well as state of mind," Ahamed began, his mental blocker still up, annoying Alaxa to no end. How he ever managed to get his hand on whatever allowed him to do so and never be recruited/vivisected by the Inquisition, she would never know. "Specifically, you cast a prophecy of doom on a guardsman after teleporting to Lord Haku, crawled up the inside of a Taurox to stick to the ceiling, delivered a vague prediction, then ignored the laws of physics and matter to float through the Taurox's ceiling, before stealing my pudding and sleeping off whatever happened. As a result, multiple people became... concerned... by your erratic behavior, leading to your juniors and several priests ensuring that nothing had happened to your soul," he finished, looking at her with a stony face.

Alaxa, for her part, looked around her room, spying an empty pudding cup, as well as an abundance of candles, wards, and the aftertaste of faith lingering in the air. "Huh," she intelligently said, fastening her corset with one last pull, turning fully to her handler and the wall of guns. "Considering I haven't been shot, nothing was found?" Ahamed's head shake revealed neither disappointment over not executing her nor relief that he wouldn't have to fight a Gamma. So, Alaxa shrugged, moving onwards with her thoughts. "Well, then a few hours of prayer should be able to clear some things. But first, have you seen my lucky horse skull? I can't find the damn thing anywhere."

Free Dice to allocate: 2 Dice.

Infrastructure 4 Dice
[] Open Arkologies (Stage 1)

Instead of creating a Hive or building conventional cities, we will integrate the surrounding nature into our very city, with artificial waterways, forests reshaped into parks, plants on the houses and near the streets, the whole works! Though this would be the most costly proposal in terms of money, Metal, and power, it would boost morale and food once we find safe sources. We'll need about 3(three) stages to give everyone a home, including those projected to be born.
(-8 Metal, -4 Power, +2 Money per Turn, +2 Food per Turn, +3 People per Turn (0/500))

[] Villages and Townships (Stage 1)
Having decided on a plan for your future cities and towns, you now need to start building and creating them. And while making a single city would reduce strain on you laborers, various installations like mines, farms, and manufactorums need to be staffed with people, some of which won't be in convenient transportation range.
(-2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 People (0/150))

[] Swiftwater Port (Stage 1)
One of the advantages that the coast has brought is that you can create a port. While for now, the ships built there won't be anything fancy, mostly scouts, speeders, patrol boats, exploration ships, and fish trawlers, soon the port will be able to create military and civilian vessels of varying potency and luxury.
(-2 Metal, -1 Metal per Turn, -1 Promethium per Turn, -1 Power (0/175))

[] Road Network (Stage 1)
Connecting your various installations on the continent will be vital in their stable operation, supply, and moving the produced resources.
(-1 Metal (0/200))

[] Schooling And Education (Stage 1)
Many Planetary Governors believe that knowledge is a burden on the lower classes of Humanity, something some of your peers believe this too. Yet, they can never answer where you will draw competent adepts if nobody can read.
(-2 Money per Turn, -2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 Morale (0/150))

[] Medical Clinics (Stage 1)
Keeping people from dying because of an infection is the least of your worries, but the one who will have the keenest impact on your population numbers. There are also concerns about unidentified illnesses and pathogens to keep you working.
(-1 Money per Turn, -1 Metal, -1 Power, +1 Morale, +1 People per Turn) (0/275))

[] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1)
While not needed for survival, being able to shower, bathe, and flush a toilet keeps people happy, healthy, and smelling okay.
(-1 Metal, +1 Morale (0/200))

[] Flood Channels
This planet is verdant mainly due to the abundance of good soil and water. The latter is a problem while raining, as too much can quickly flood your settlements, so building channels to re-route the excess water away is prudent. (0/50)

[] Voidport (Stage 1)
A voidport is a massive structure requiring Metal, Promethium, and Power in excess, while legions of workers keep everything running smoothly. Yet, without convenient access to your markets and resources, many traders will likely not visit as often as you'd wish.
(-30 Metal, -12 Power, -8 Promethium per Turn (0/1500))

[] Shrines And Churches (Stage 1)
To keep the souls of humanity on Momi safe and sound, you will need churches, shrines, and, eventually, a cathedral. While the divided nature of your priesthood brings some problems with them, you are sure that both factions will be happy once they can preach from proper sanctified and hallowed halls.
(-2 Metal, -1 Promethium per Turn, +4 Morale (0/150))

[] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 1)
It is one thing to create a new colony, a whole other thing to ensure it will run smoothly and (as good as you can manage) freely from corruption. At the very least, you will be able to provide enough paper to all adepts with all the trees around.
(-3 Metal, -2 Power, -1 Money per Turn, gain Dice (0/175))

[] PDF Headquarters (Stage 1)
You have fortifications but little troops to staff them. Therefore, build a PDF HQ to start recruitment of local soldiers. It would be horrible if pirates, traitors, heretics, or Xenos decided to attack you, and your defenses had to be manned by people with the barest idea on how to reload a lasgun.
(-2 Metal, -1 Power, -1 People, -1 Money per Turn (0/100))

[] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2)
While bunkers and a Lance are an excellent first step, your engineers and sappers can do much more. Trench lines, proper supply lines, maintenance depots, floating reserve spots, the works.
(-6 Metal, -4 Promethium, -4 Power (0/450))

[] Gubernatorial Palace
You may not be picky about where you sleep, but appearances matter. Therefore having a palace to greet guests, host parties (both the diplomatic and festive kinds), and discuss deals will be necessary to both you and all who will follow. And you can always install a cot in a side room to your office.
(-20 Metal, -12 Power, -8 Money, -4 Money per Turn (0/600))

Industry 3 Dice
[] Promethium Prospecting

Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (23/75)

[] Orchard Mine (Stage 1)
There is a spot not far from your landing site where a collection of trees grows with fruit, all edible by humans. This 'Orchard' is also home to several deposits of zinc, copper, tin, iron, and others, which require little in the way of clearing or excavation to unearth.
(-1 People, +2 Metal per Turn (0/100))

[] Undergrowth Mine (Stage 1)
About a hundred kilometers from the beach, wild forests tower over everything, including a large formation of rocks and metals. Iron, gold, silver, a smattering of uranium, and other minerals can be found here. However, the cost in both people and machines will be substantial due to the need to clear the forest and operate heavy machinery to dig down.
(-2 People, -3 Metal, -1 Power, +4 Metal per Turn (0/225))

[] Dew Mine (Stage 1)
To you east, an unsuspecting cove holds several deposits of rare metals and gemstones, most of which won't be of immediate use to you but can still be sold and traded both internally and externally.
(-1 People, -1 Metal, +1 Metal per Turn, +2 Money per Turn (0/175))

[] Colony Ship Dissasembly
With the ship now grounded, you should start turning all that Metal into something useable. (+12 Metal (0/150))

[] Geothermal Plants (Stage 1)
There are a few hotspots of geothermal activity which you can exploit to power your facilities. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-2 Metal, +5 Power (0/150))

[] Solar Installations (Stage 1)
Catching the sun's thermal energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-1 Metal, +2 Power (0/75))

[] Wind Farms (Stage 1)
Catching the wind's kinetic energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-1 Metal, +2 Power (0/75))

[] Wave-Generators (Stage 1)
Catching the waves' kinetic energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-3 Metal, +12 Power (0/250))

[] Plasma Ioniser (Stage 1)
Although you already have one, the ship's Ioniser is extremely old and will likely fail within the decade and must be scrapped in two. This first stage is focused on creating the necessary space and the manufactory for construction and use. (-6 Metal, -2 People (0/250))

Agriculture 3 Dice
[] Flora Exploration (Stage 1)

It is imperative that you better understand the native flora than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (43/50)

[] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 1)
Several dozen species have been identified which, once they no longer provide adequate amounts or quality of by-products and have matured, can be slaughtered for their leather and meat. Several slaughterhouses need to be built to process the resulting food, package it, and then send it to the populace for consumption and refinement.
(-2 Metal, -2 Power, -1 People, +4 Food per Turn (0/200))

[] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1)
Several dozen species have been identified that could provide adequate amounts of by-products such as wool, fur, and milk, and once they have matured can be slaughtered for their leather and meat. Several farms need to be built to process the resulting food and substances, package it, and then send it to the populace for consumption and refinement.
(-2 Metal, -1 People, +3 Food per Turn, +1 Money per Turn (0/175))

[] Sharkhound Investigation
Well, the professionals decided to shoot the sharkhounds and have lived to tell the tale. Now they want to go back to gather medical data and their biological make-up before 'riding them back in glory' as they said. You wonder if someone is putting something into the guards' drinks, they are already eating rations from that one place that processes insects after all. (0/25)

Services 1 Dice
[] Labor Corps (Stage 2)

While the Administratum runs the entire Empire of Man, their orders are carried out on the backs of workers endlessly toiling away. They are the vital blood that keeps the Empire running, buildings built on schedule and to specification. (-9 People, gain Dice allocations (0/200))

[] Emergency Medical Responders
With this being a new world, without any infrastructure for people to access, injuries and death will be all too common. Using a few landers and building some small clinics will reduce mortality by a small margin and see a great increase in Morale. (+1 Morale, -2 Money (0/125))

[] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1)
Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of law enforcers. (-1 Money (0/100)

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: N/A
Traits: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.

(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate as to what it means.)
Purists: 70%
(We need to ensure the purity of our souls by any means necessary.)

Pretty Darn Happy
Demands: Baths

Money: 8
Metal: 6
Promethium: 4
Food: 10 (-2 Per Turn)
Power: 4
People: 3 (+1 Per Turn) (Abhuman Settlers, +4 to all rolls)
Morale: 2/10 (-15 to all rolls)(-2 for 2(two) Turns)
Last edited:
Few options that i think we should do this turn.

[] Flood Channels
This planet is verdant mainly due to the abundance of good soil and water. The latter is a problem while raining, as too much can quickly flood your settlements, so building channels to re-route the excess water away is prudent. (0/50)

This will help us avoid a lot of troubles in the future.

[] Promethium Prospecting
Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (23/75)
[] Flora Exploration (Stage 1)
It is imperative that you better understand the native flora than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (43/50)

Let's also finish those.

[] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1)
Several dozen species have been identified that could provide adequate amounts of by-products such as wool, fur, and milk, and once they have matured can be slaughtered for their leather and meat. Several farms need to be built to process the resulting food and substances, package it, and then send it to the populace for consumption and refinement.
(-2 Metal, -1 People, +3 Food per Turn, +1 Money per Turn (0/175))

This is way better then Meat Option right now. Slightly less food, but lesser costs and money income make up for this.
[] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1)
Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of law enforcers. (-1 Money (0/100)

This would be great to start this turn.

Besides that i think we should focus right now on getting Metal income.
So we desperately need a metal income, meaning mines, and something for morale as well as baths for the Beastmen. I think we could put 2 dice on sanitation with the rest on Orchad mine and the city.
[x] Up and running
-[x] Flood Channels (0/50) - 1 Dice
-[x] Villages and Townships (Stage 1) (-2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 People (0/150) - 3 Die
-[x] Orchard Mine (Stage 1) (-1 People, +2 Metal per Turn (0/100) - 3 Die
-[x] Promethium Prospecting (23/75) - 1 Free Die
-[x] Flora Exploration (Stage 1) (43/50) - 1 Free Die
-[x] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1) (-2 Metal, -1 People, +3 Food per Turn, +1 Money per Turn (0/175) - 3 Die
-[x] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1) (-1 Money (0/100) - 1 Die
[X] Plan Starting Paycheck
-[x] Villages and Townships (Stage 1) (3 dice)
-[x] Flood Channels (1 dice)

-[x] Promethium Prospecting (1 dice)
-[x] Colony Ship Dissasembly (1 dice) (2 free dice)
-[x] Solar Installations (Stage 1) (1 dice)

-[x] Flora Exploration (Stage 1) (1 dice)
-[x] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 1) (2 dice)

-[x] Emergency Medical Responders (1 dice)

so yeah, power and metal are kind of our bottle necks right now... and low morale, so hoping to finish off the projects we started last turn, strip the ship as it gives us a nice boost of metal which we can then dump into the bigger projects like the undergrowth mine, plasma ionizer or just to get started on the Arkologies to give our people proper places to live, Solar power to give us a bit more wiggle room with our power budget, farms for food and slight profit, and medical responders to try and fix that moral problem which yes I know ends in soon and goes back up to 4 but that still gives us a negative modifier and when we start working on the bigger, more resource hungry projects I would like those negatives gone.
A single problem with this. It appears most of the people are currently using the ship as temporary housing, if you dissasemble it without starting the arcologies I think we will have more issues than it will fix.
well that was part of the reasons I picked villages to give some of them a place to live and I'd probably just throw everything into Arkologies next turn to knock that out of the park ASAP though so far I doubt it will matter much as it seems up and running is taking a good lead.
"Specifically, you cast a prophecy of doom on a guardsman after teleporting to Lord Haku, crawled up the inside of a Taurox to stick to the ceiling, delivered a vague prediction, then ignored the laws of physics and matter to float through the Taurox's ceiling, before stealing my pudding and sleeping off whatever happened

Ok, I like this woman.

So, Alaxa shrugged, moving onwards with her thoughts. "Well, then a few hours of prayer should be able to clear some things. But first, have you seen my lucky horse skull? I can't find the damn thing anywhere."

*snerk* Yeah, she's a keeper. @HeroCooky, your gift of writing appealing characters continues to entertain.

[x] Up and running

Seems good, but I'll point out that this gives us a 51.5% chance of completing villages and towns, and a 33% chance of completing Wool, Milk and Fur. Might be worth considering shifting the Promethium Prospecting die, as that's only a 48% chance of success and doesn't seem that urgent to me.