We have 4 free dice. Your plan only uses 3 intentionally? That would be the final point of criticism for the plan. Otherwise I'm for it :)

Forgot about it when editing plan earlier, I'm throwing it at Emergency Medical Responders, since we can afford it.
Last edited:
[x] Finishing the basics
@Dezron We have three Agriculture dice, but your plan only uses two of them. Seeing how we are currently constrained by metal you should just add the extra die to the Sharkhound investigation.
[x] Finishing the basics
-[x] Flood Channels - 1 Dice
-[x] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Orchard Mine (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Colony Ship Dissasembly - 3 Dice (2 Dice +1 Free Dice)
-[x] Sharkhound Investigation - 3 Dice
-[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 1) - 3 ( 1 Dice + 1 Free Dice)
-[x] Emergency Medical Responders - 1 Free Dice
So I just joined this quest by reading all the threadmarks and not really paying attention to planning but I have some questions about the dice alotment.

First why 3 dice on Sharkhound investigation when the action only needs 25 points? It just seems massive overkill to assign 2 dice to that much less 3.

Second why do both cop recruitment and medics instead of focusing on a single one? Cause both actions need more than a 100 points to finish meaning there's no way that a single dice will finish them even if we get a nat 100 (well technically medics only needs a 99 to finish but a 2% chance I feel isn't something we should bank on). So why not concentrate effort on one of the actions and hopefully finish one earlier than take 2 turns to do 2 actions. Like unless there's some benefit to starting/continuing an action I don't see why we shouldn't finish one project and get its benefits sooner
First why 3 dice on Sharkhound investigation when the action only needs 25 points? It just seems massive overkill to assign 2 dice to that much less 3.

Not enough resources to do anything else and leaving idle Dice seems wasteful.

Second why do both cop recruitment and medics instead of focusing on a single one? Cause both actions need more than a 100 points to finish meaning there's no way that a single dice will finish them even if we get a nat 100 (well technically medics only needs a 99 to finish but a 2% chance I feel isn't something we should bank on). So why not concentrate effort on one of the actions and hopefully finish one earlier than take 2 turns to do 2 actions. Like unless there's some benefit to starting/continuing an action I don't see why we shouldn't finish one project and get its benefits sooner

Copa are getting 3 Dice (and yes i noticed that i forgot to assign 1 Free Dice, i edited that), which should give us good chance to finish them.

Medics are getting single Dice now to start them and then I plan finish them next turn.
Like unless there's some benefit to starting/continuing an action I don't see why we shouldn't finish one project and get its benefits sooner
Putting a project on hold and then restarting it later, like in RL, comes with costs (which haven't been stated by the QM). Plus, starting two when you know you'll need both but don't know which one you'll need first and don't need either to be completed right away is a good idea.
I just want to say this has been one of the most exciting imperial dirtballs I have ever read about, sort of like an Antithesis to Krieg although I suppose us living in the clouds or some such would suit that idea even better.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 11, 2021 at 11:00 AM, finished with 26 posts and 13 votes.

  • [x] Finishing the basics
    [x] Finishing the basics
    -[x] Flood Channels - 1 Dice
    -[x] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Orchard Mine (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Colony Ship Dissasembly - 3 Dice (2 Dice +1 Free Dice)
    -[x] Sharkhound Investigation - 3 Dice
    -[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 1) - 3 ( 1 Dice + 2 Free Dice)
    -[x] Emergency Medical Responders - 1 Free Dice
HeroCooky threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Out Struggle Is Holy, For We Total: 600
10 10 11 11 19 19 56 56 88 88 28 28 96 96 36 36 77 77 50 50 93 93 36 36
HeroCooky threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Labor In His Name Total: 171
82 82 6 6 83 83
HeroCooky threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Internal Happenings Total: 254
89 89 24 24 14 14 62 62 65 65
HeroCooky threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: External Happenings Total: 255
98 98 68 68 89 89
Turn 3 - Emperor, hear our prayers... - Results
[x] Finishing the basics
-[x] Flood Channels - 1 Dice
-[x] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Orchard Mine (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Colony Ship Dissasembly - 3 Dice (2 Dice +1 Free Dice)
-[x] Sharkhound Investigation - 3 Dice
-[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 1) - 3 ( 1 Dice + 2 Free Dice)
-[x] Emergency Medical Responders - 1 Free Dice
Few things motivated a Guardsmen or Guardwoman to move, like a psyker telling them to start running to the nearest church/shrine. Fewer things get the rest of the civilian population to outrun them than the entire galaxy above their heads splitting apart in a titanic warp storm. And even more rare is the sighting of a high-ranking member of the Administratum in a hurry. Although, to be fair, that member had been chased by a somewhat irate Lord Haku and his personal guard after the woman had misfiled the taxes of twelve hundred Beastmen which ran the colony a thousand thrones in missed revenue. Now, let us forget that last incident since the more important thing in everybody's mind was the rather pressingly matter of the enormous warp storm and the resulting theological debate.

It was a debate that was as fierce and close to ending in the flamers (which had been brought out) as it could be when one sect argued that the storm was a result of the continued existence of the Beastmen. Yet, at the same time, the other said it had happened because the other was blatantly going against the God-Emperors' will. A situation in which one specific female psyker, wearing a gown, corset, and horse skull, attempted to ring up the usual channels to figure out what was going on. Knowing that the Mad Baron had been executed by an Inquisitor for gross incompetence and corruption (of the mundane sort), while Waagh Thunderhook had been shattered in the storm were nice to know; the other piece of information was rather more interesting.

Namely, the one where said female psyker wearing a gown, corset, and horse skull, began to cry, pray, and shout, rather loudly and rudely into everyone's head:

"Rejoice, Faithful Servants Of The God-Emperor! Roboute Guilliman, Loyal Son Of The God-Emperor, And Primarch Of The Ultramarine Legion Has Awoken! By The Order Of HIM On Holy Terra Itself, He Has Ascended As Regent Of The Empire, To Lead A New Great Crusade! All Hail The God-Emperor, All Hail The Avenging Son!"

To say that there was more than a little bit of shock would be the understatement of the Millenium.

[] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1)

While not needed for survival, being able to shower, bathe, and flush a toilet keeps people happy, healthy, and smelling okay.
(-1 Metal, +1 Morale (22/200))

Despite the allocated resources, work on expanding and incorporating several unique features within the Sanitation and Hygiene Infrastructure has proceeded at a slow crawl, rather than the march forwards expected of the Emperor's servants, at worst. This, however, can be directly traced to the panic and uncertainty upon the Warp Rift opening above the heads of His servants and the news of Lord Regent Guiliman's awakening on Maccrage. We are sure that the fervor of the population upon the word of the Primarch's ascendancy will ensure that the project will be completed with only a bit more effort.

[] Flood Channels
This planet is verdant mainly due to the abundance of good soil and water. The latter is a problem while raining, as too much can quickly flood your settlements, so building channels to re-route the excess water away is prudent. (67/50)

After only a single mishap, the Channels have been dug, aligned, and connected to ensure the safety and dryness of our settlements and feet. With these precautions in place, nothing short of an apocalyptic rain will flood the streets instead of redirected into the ocean.

[] Orchard Mine (Stage 1)

There is a spot not far from your landing site where a collection of trees grows with fruit, all edible by humans. This 'Orchard' is also home to several deposits of zinc, copper, tin, iron, and others, which require little in the way of clearing or excavation to unearth.
(-1 People, +2 Metal per Turn (177/100), Stage 2 at (77/150))

Work on the Mine has continued, and work has finished as expected. The enthusiasm of the allocated workers has resulted in an increased depth and spread of the mineshafts into the earth. With only a little bit more investment, we are sure that the quantity of dug-up metals can be improved, along with a contiguous expansion of the smelters and factory complexes taking shape. With a continuous stream of metal now secured, our Mechanicus contingent has raised the need for an adequately sanctified shrine to the Omnissiah for more exotic and high-tech tools, weapons, etc.

[] Colony Ship Disassembly
With the ship now grounded, you should start turning all that Metal into something useable. (+12 Metal (142/150))

Work on the disassembly has almost finished, requiring only a little bit of effort. Though building further settlements should be highly considered, reports show that overcrowding is slowly taking hold of many Family Units and allocated living spaces.

[] Sharkhound Investigation

Well, the professionals decided to shoot the sharkhounds and have lived to tell the tale. Now they want to go back to gather medical data and their biological make-up before 'riding them back in glory' as they said. You wonder if someone is putting something into the guards' drinks, they are already eating rations from that one place that processes insects after all. (202/25)(Sharkhound Domestication Stage 1 ((177/100) Complete, +2 Morale, +1 Money per Turn, Further PDF Options, Stage 2 at (77/200))

Well, the medical and biological data have been gathered, alright. Along with around nine hundred Sharkhound juveniles, three hundred adults, and fifteen 'Alphas' as the thrice larger variant has been dubbed. While the Guardsmen and Guardswomen who have done so were punished with caring for the Sharkhound (which is debatably a reward), the resulting increase of morale within the civilian population has been fascinating to observe. Already, trade around the animals has sprung up, with toys, food, leashes, care packages, and other items being offered to those wealthy enough to buy one of the Sharkhounds. In a more military sense, the animals are an intense curiosity and potential goldmine for the Momi. The common Sharkhound is capable of enduring/breathing nearly the same breadth of atmospheres as humans, nutritional requirements that can be easily satisfied by almost any fish and meat on record, are capable of switching to a plant-only diet for several weeks if needed, alongside their protective scales, which are capable of resisting up to and exceeding a fully powered Las-Shot or seven normal ones to the same spot. Additionally, we have observed a curious phenomenon in which Sharkhound Juveniles seem to grow in proportion to the food they receive and the size of their 'school.' Extrapolation suggests that a Juvenile can reach adulthood in less than four years or remain juvenile for up to twenty!

Services 1 Dice
[] Emergency Medical Responders

With this being a new world, without any infrastructure for people to access, injuries and death will be all too common. Using a few landers and building small clinics will reduce mortality by a small margin and see a great increase in Morale. (+1 Morale, -2 Money (56/125))

The allocation of Medical Workers has begun with little fuss, alongside the building of the needed bureaucratic structures to ensure proper and swift responses, regardless of where the emergency takes place or to whom. But, surprisingly, the sub-category of the Beastmen, known as 'Mintoaurs' by them, has shown a lot of interest in joining. Upon investigation, we have been told that 'the healing arts' are seen by their sub-group as honorable and hold religious importance.

[] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 1)
Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of Mea hoʻokō. (-1 Money (179/150))

The creation of the first class of Mea hoʻokō has concluded with much fanfare and celebration by their families. The perceived elitary status and pay have seen many taking an excessive amount of pride in their work. While all those who keep the God-Emperors servants in line and secure from the Heretic, the Mutant, and the Xenos are justly entitled to feel pride, the care and closeness to the letter of the law have surprised many. This resulted in five Adepts being observed, arrested, charged, and judged on corruption charges only three weeks after their officialization.

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: N/A
Traits: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.

(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate as to what it means.)
Purists: 60%
(We need to ensure the purity of our souls by any means necessary.)

Pretty Darn Happy/Euphoric
Demands: Baths (Working On It)

Money: 6 (+2 Per Turn)
Metal: 1 (+2 Per Turn)
Promethium: 4
Food: 9 (+1 Per Turn)
Power: 3
People: 5 (+1 Per Turn) (Abhuman Settlers, +4 to all rolls)
Morale: 6/10 (+5 to all rolls) 20/10 (+75 to all rolls for 1(one) Turn)
Turn 4 - Shit Got Real!
Free Dice to allocate: 4 Dice.

Infrastructure 4 Dice
[] Open Arkologies (Stage 1)

Instead of creating a Hive or building conventional cities, we will integrate the surrounding nature into our very city, with artificial waterways, forests reshaped into parks, plants on the houses and near the streets, the whole works! Though this would be the most costly proposal in terms of money, Metal, and power, it would boost Morale and food once we find safe sources. We'll need about 3(three) stages to give everyone a home, including those projected to be born.
(-8 Metal, -4 Power, +2 Money per Turn, +2 Food per Turn, +3 People per Turn (0/500))

[] Villages and Townships (Stage 2)
There is a difference between settlements that house people and those in which people can live. Shops are needed to distribute produced goods; services like medicine, law enforcement, schooling, and shrines/churches are critical to maintaining order, and the boost in taxes is also helpful.
(-4 Metal, -1 Power, +4 People, +1 Money per Turn (9/250))

[] Swiftwater Port (Stage 1)
One of the advantages that the coast has brought is that you can create a port. While for now, the ships built there won't be anything fancy, mostly scouts, speeders, patrol boats, exploration ships, and fish trawlers, soon the port will be able to create military and civilian vessels of varying potency and luxury.
(-2 Metal, -1 Metal per Turn, -1 Promethium per Turn, -1 Power (0/175))

[] Road Network (Stage 1)
Connecting your various installations on the continent will be vital in their stable operation, supply, and moving the produced resources.
(-1 Metal (0/200))

[] Schooling And Education (Stage 1)
Many Planetary Governors believe that knowledge is a burden on the lower classes of Humanity, something some of your peers believe this too. Yet, they can never answer where you will draw competent adepts if nobody can read.
(-2 Money per Turn, -2 Metal, -1 Power, +2 Morale (0/150))

[] Medical Clinics (Stage 1)
Keeping people from dying because of an infection is the least of your worries, but the one who will have the keenest impact on your population numbers. There are also concerns about unidentified illnesses and pathogens to keep you working.
(-1 Money per Turn, -1 Metal, -1 Power, +1 Morale, +1 People per Turn) (0/275))

[] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1)
While not needed for survival, being able to shower, bathe, and flush a toilet keeps people happy, healthy, and smelling okay.
(-1 Metal, +1 Morale (22/200))

[] Voidport (Stage 1)
A voidport is a massive structure requiring Metal, Promethium, and Power in excess, while legions of workers keep everything running smoothly. Yet, without convenient access to your markets and resources, many traders will likely not visit as often as you'd wish.
(-30 Metal, -12 Power, -8 Promethium per Turn (0/1500))

[] Shrines And Churches (Stage 1)
To keep the souls of Humanity on Momi safe and sound, you will need churches, shrines, and, eventually, a cathedral. While the divided nature of your priesthood brings some problems with them, you are sure that both factions will be happy once they can preach from proper sanctified and hallowed halls.
(-2 Metal, -1 Promethium per Turn, +4 Morale (0/150))

[] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 1)
It is one thing to create a new colony, a whole other thing to ensure it will run smoothly and (as good as you can manage) freely from corruption. At the very least, you will be able to provide enough paper to all adepts with all the trees around.
(-3 Metal, -2 Power, -1 Money per Turn, gain Dice (0/175))

[] PDF Headquarters (Stage 1)
You have fortifications but little troops to staff them. Therefore, build a PDF HQ to start recruitment of local soldiers. It would be horrible if pirates, traitors, heretics, or Xenos decided to attack you, and your defenses had to be manned by people with the barest idea on how to reload a lasgun.
(-2 Metal, -1 Power, -1 People, -1 Money per Turn (0/100))

[] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2)
While bunkers and a Lance are an excellent first step, your engineers and sappers can do much more. Trench lines, proper supply lines, maintenance depots, floating reserve spots, the works.
(-6 Metal, -4 Promethium, -4 Power (0/450))

[] Gubernatorial Palace
You may not be picky about where you sleep, but appearances matter. Therefore having a palace to greet guests, host parties (both the diplomatic and festive kinds), and discuss deals will be necessary to both you and all who will follow. And you can always install a cot in a side room to your office.
(-20 Metal, -12 Power, -8 Money, -4 Money per Turn (0/600))

Industry 3 Dice
[] Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)

Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. Getting out from the ground is the easy part. Refining it to something worthwhile will be much more challenging.
A-1/2/3, -2 Metal, -1 People, +2 Promethium per Turn, (0/100)
B-1/2, -3 Metal, -2 People, +5 Promethium per Turn, (0/250)
C-1/2/3/4, -6 Metal, -3 People, +10 Promethium per Turn, (0/400)

[] Orchard Mine (Stage 2)
The smelter complexes have been almost finished with the last effort, requiring only a little more to ensure that we can refine enough Metal for our needs while allowing us to expand our trade or create higher-grade machines and weaponry.
(-1 People, -2 Metal, -1 Promethium per Turn, +4 Metal per Turn (77/150))

[] Undergrowth Mine (Stage 1)
About a hundred kilometers from the beach, wild forests tower over everything, including a large formation of rocks and metals. Iron, gold, silver, a smattering of uranium, and other minerals can be found here. However, the cost in both people and machines will be substantial due to the need to clear the forest and operate heavy machinery to dig down.
(-2 People, -3 Metal, -1 Power, +4 Metal per Turn (0/225))

[] Dew Mine (Stage 1)
To you east, an unsuspecting cove holds several deposits of rare metals and gemstones, most of which won't be of immediate use to you but can still be sold and traded both internally and externally.
(-1 People, -1 Metal, +1 Metal per Turn, +2 Money per Turn (0/175))

[] Colony Ship Dissasembly
With the ship now grounded, you should start turning all that Metal into something useable.
(+12 Metal (142/150))

[] Geothermal Plants (Stage 1)
There are a few hotspots of geothermal activity which you can exploit to power your facilities. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how Metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-2 Metal, +5 Power (0/150))

[] Solar Installations (Stage 1)
Catching the sun's thermal energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how Metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-1 Metal, +2 Power (0/75))

[] Wind Farms (Stage 1)
Catching the wind's kinetic energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how Metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-1 Metal, +2 Power (0/75))

[] Wave-Generators (Stage 1)
Catching the waves' kinetic energy to power your buildings may be primitive, but it is needed for the moment. They will likely only exist until you start the Plasma Iosniser, but considering how Metal hungry their construction is, you will need them until that time.
(-3 Metal, +12 Power (0/250))

[] Plasma Ioniser (Stage 1)
Although you already have one, the ship's Ioniser is extremely old, will likely fail within the decade, and must be scrapped in two. Therefore, this first stage is focused on creating the necessary space and the manufactory for construction and use.
(-6 Metal, -2 People (0/250))

[] Shrine To The Omnissiah
01001000 01100001 01101001 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100001 00100000 01001000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010011 01101111 01110101 01110010 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01001011 01101110 01101111 01110111 01101100 01100101 01100100 01100111 01100101 00101110 00100010
(-4 Metal, -1 People, -2 Morale, +1 Advanced Machinery per Turn, +2 Money per Turn, (0/250))

Agriculture 3 Dice
[] Luxury And Medical Crop Production (Stage 1)

After several dozen plant species that possess medicative, narcotic, or luxurative qualities ranging from sedatives, hallucinogenics, aphrodisiacs, antibacterials, relaxants, and more have been discovered, along with the needed information for their planting, the regulated planting and harvesting of the same can begin in earnest to start accumulating trade goods. First, of course, large swaths of jungle need to be cut down to provide the required space, but due to the verdant nature of Momi, seeding will be quick and effortless. The sudden availability of wood will also be welcome as trading goods.
(-1 Metal, -1 Power, -2 Promethium, -2 people, +4 Money per Turn, +6 Money (0/65))

[] Farming Initiative (Stage 1)
Having found hundreds of tasty and nutritious plants, planting can begin with incentives to independent spirits seeking to claim their patch of land (rented or bought from the administration) and create state-owned farms. Again, large swaths of the jungle will need to be cut down, but the resulting wood will earn the state and individuals good money when the next trading convoy stops by.
(-2 Metal, -1 Power, -2 Promethium, -4 people, +14 Food per Turn, +2 Money (0/50))

[] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 1)
Several dozen species have been identified which, once they no longer provide adequate amounts or quality of by-products and have matured, can be slaughtered for their leather and meat. Several slaughterhouses need to be built to process the resulting food, package it, and then send it to the populace for consumption and refinement.
(-2 Metal, -2 Power, -1 People, +4 Food per Turn (0/200))

[] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 2)
While the current production of luxury goods, as well as secondary food products, is sufficient to allow unrestricted access for a third of the population, expanded pens and a better understanding of the needs and biology of native animals will now enable us to ramp up production and ensure that previous goods unavailable for many will become commonplace.
(-5 Metal, -3 People, +6 Food per Turn, +4 Money per Turn (6/450))

[] Sharkhound Domestication (Stage 2)
The amount of data gathered, alongside the number of Sharkhounds, has shown that breeding these creatures is viable and desirable. While costly in terms of food, the resulting amount of animals will be a boon to home-grown Rough Riders and raise civilian Morale and productivity.
(+1 Morale, +1 Money per Turn, +1 to all Dice, -2 Metal, -1 People, -4 Food per Turn, enhanced PDF Options (77/200))

Services 1 Dice
[] Labor Corps (Stage 2)

While the Administratum runs the entire Empire of Man, their orders are carried out on the backs of workers endlessly toiling away. They are the vital blood that keeps the Empire running, buildings built on schedule and to specification.
(-9 People, gain Dice allocations (0/200))

[] Emergency Medical Responders
With this being a new world, without any infrastructure for people to access, injuries and death will be all too common. Using a few landers and building small clinics will reduce mortality by a small margin and see a great increase in Morale.
(+1 Morale, -2 Money (56/125))

[] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 2)
Having recruited the barely needed amount of Mea hoʻokō to keep the peace and allow the law to be enforced, it is time to start creating an academy to ensure a steady stream of recruits can be fed into the system. Ensuring that there are qualified and adequately educated cadets will be the task of the first batch. However, specialized trainers and teachers will instruct future classes in conventional environments rather than the hands-on in-the-street methods we currently have to employ.
(+1 Morale, -1 People, -2 Metal, -1 Money per Turn, -1 Promethium per Turn,26/150)

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: N/A
Traits: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.

(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate as to what it means.)
Purists: 60%
(We need to ensure the purity of our souls by any means necessary.)

Pretty Darn Happy/Euphoric
Demands: Baths (Working On It)

Money: 6 (+2 Per Turn)
Metal: 1 (+2 Per Turn)
Promethium: 4
Food: 9 (+1 Per Turn)
Power: 3
People: 5 (+1 Per Turn) (Abhuman Settlers, +4 to all rolls)
Morale: 6/10 (+5 to all rolls) 20/10 (+75 to all rolls for 1(one) Turn)
We could probably start on the Arkologies as we only need 1 dice for disassembling our ships and the mine is producing metal.

I have better idea, lets increase our resource income.

no agri projects this turn, we lack people for that. Next turn we should do something about this and increase food production too.

[x] Ave Emperor
-[x] Road Network (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] PDF Headquarters (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
--[x] B - 2 Dice
-[x] Dew Mine (Stage 1) 2 Dice ( 1 Dice + 1 Free Dice )
-[x] Colony Ship Dissasembly - 1 Free Dice
-[x] Geothermal Plants (Stage 1) - 2 Free Dice
-[x] Emergency Medical Responders - 1 Dice