X] Decline

[X] Sharpen Standards
[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks

The racists will need to get over it at some point. Segregation wil not be a help in that regard. But yeah, we should probably do something to improve morale on the next turn.
[X] Decline
[X] Sharpen Standards
[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks

Net neutral on morale and we say no to segregation, raise the standards for our police. Sounds all good to me.
[X] Decline

[X] Sharpen Standards
[X] Allow Beastmen Applicants For Lower Ranks
Net neutral on morale and we say no to segregation, raise the standards for our police. Sounds all good to me.
While this is all good and something that should always be true I feel like people are kind of forgetting that we're in 40K. This kind of talk usually ends very badly for the people trying to make life better.
While this is all good and something that should always be true I feel like people are kind of forgetting that we're in 40K. This kind of talk usually ends very badly for the people trying to make life better.
Look at how the voting has panned out so far. We are trying to make life better.

Consider the Labor Corps Worker reacting to being assigned to a residence he figured was intended for a high ranking bigshot.
Look at how the voting has panned out so far. We are trying to make life better.

Consider the Labor Corps Worker reacting to being assigned to a residence he figured was intended for a high ranking bigshot.
Here's the thing while our people will very likely love us long after we are dead. I can still see some random Inquisitor coming along and punching the Heresy button. Which would end with our planet either going BOOM or invaded, and scarily I think going BOOM would be the better option for our people.
inquistor aren't gonna nuke a perfectly good colony esspically one that admristraum invested a lot of resources in
Here's the thing while our people will very likely love us long after we are dead. I can still see some random Inquisitor coming along and punching the Heresy button. Which would end with our planet either going BOOM or invaded, and scarily I think going BOOM would be the better option for our people.
Some of the most enjoyable games I've played in had "you're doomed" (bog standard for WH40K) as a given. The fun wasn't in trying to figure out how to "win" the scenario but rather in seeing how everything all came crashing down and got sent to hell in a handbasket.
Also, as a side note people seem to be forgetting. Our Beastmen? The abhumans we have? They have been Personally vetted by Multiple Inquisitor Lords as true Abhumans, and allowed to exist. We, our character, has Written Orders from the Inquisition that not only allows, but specifically demands that the Abhumans be allowed to live unhindered.

So yeah, going against the Inquisition is not a bright idea. And if Humans can learn to live with Ogryn's, Ratlings, Squats, and Catgirls, they can deal with the Beastmen.
So, is there an example of what the Beastmen look like? Because all I know is that they've got fur.