The worst to be hit within the Sub-Sector would be the newly settled world of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo, with One Thousand Sons Battleship (rumored (due to intelligence gained by the Eldar (???)) to be commanded by the heretic traitor Iskandar Khayon), Three Khornate Heavy Cruisers, and Nineteen Miscellaneous Light Cruisers headed there for some unknowable reason. Unfortunately, only the God-Emperor could help them now, as no fleet would be able to swiftly aid them in the coming months of darkness.
Wait fucking what?!?

I thought Iskandar Khayon should be in the custody of the Inquisition at this point. The fuck is he doing here in charge of a Battlegroup coming to our world?
>.> Help us? Or help kill the Chaos?

Because the killed the fuck out of the Chaos space marines.
Yes, they killed the marines OUTSIDE the cities and towns. But we still need to up our defenses so invaders die harder and faster. Nothing like getting stuck between a pointy boulder and deadly green thorn bushes that chase you around!
Looking at the number of people we have being in the negatives I can't help but grind my teeth because this is literally the exact reason you wan't to avoid using too many of one resource at once. Because the most important thing you really need to take into account is that sometimes things happen beyond our control and thus we really need to have a safety net of at least some resources to fall back on in case shit hits the fan. Like a fucking incursion taking out a ton of our people.

Seriously, stop voting to use up all our resources at once. It's a stupid thing to do that's likely to bite us in the ass in case things go wrong and pretending that things can't go wrong is dumb.
Seriously, stop voting to use up all our resources at once. It's a stupid thing to do that's likely to bite us in the ass in case things go wrong and pretending that things can't go wrong is dumb.
I mean, this came about from choosing Cooperatives that incentivise us to spend our extra Morale on progress.

So we set ourselves up for that one.
So... Anyone know what it means a chapter being unable to go trough psycho indoctrination?
It's been ages since I've participated in this thread so I'm unsure as to how the Miscellaneous Materials from the Adeptus Ministorum and Adeptus Administratum work. How do we convert then to Metal, Advanced Machinery etc?

Also, seeing as we have a total of -111 penalty on each 1d100 we can roll, how are we supposed to get any project accomplished if we get a negative total on each dice?

We have a loss of 2 Power per turn. Can anyone see any project which gives an increase in Power per turn rather than just a once-off increase?

Finally, when do we pay the cost for each project? When we start it or when we finish it?
Wait fucking what?!?

I thought Iskandar Khayon should be in the custody of the Inquisition at this point. The fuck is he doing here in charge of a Battlegroup coming to our world?

Or just the Eldar being dicks, who knows?
How does the points work, what do they cost?
You have 500 Materials to spend on whatever for two turns, so for either building or gettin' shit for your planet. The Materials are worth the same as 5 Points in case of Trade.

Then you also have 100 Materials from the Church that will pay the cost for any Faith project as long as it costs up to 100 Materials, and if above, then only 100 of the cost.
How do we convert then to Metal, Advanced Machinery etc?
Either by choosing a project, by which it will act as a 1=1 Conversion, or trade, where 1 Material = 5 Points.
Chaeronea said:
Also, seeing as we have a total of -111 penalty on each 1d100 we can roll, how are we supposed to get any project accomplished if we get a negative total on each dice?
You have two legislations that you can activate to reduce the penalites by a total of 80.
Chaeronea said:
Finally, when do we pay the cost for each project? When we start it or when we finish it?
When you start you pay the up-front costs, then pay the per-turn costs when you finish the project.
I guess the top priority should be getting rid of our ressource shortages to remove our dice malus.
Conveniently enough we can exchange miscellaneous materials for people at a 1:1 rate.

I suggest spending 200 materials to buy 200 people and another 50 to buy 20 advanced machinery.
[x] Miscellaneous Materiał exchange:
-[x] 100 People
-[x] 100 Metal
-[x] 100 Points of Advanced Machinery

Total Cost: 500 Materials

[x] Yes!
-[x] Emergency Powers
-[x] Strategic Economic Activities Act

[x] Build More Places Of Faith
-[x] Pledge To Do So.

[X] Plan: Fire? What fire?
-[x] Archipelago Townships (Stage 1) -6 Dice
-[x] Medical Clinics (Stage 3) - 5 Free Dice

-[x] Shrines And Churches (Stage 3) - 3 Dice + 3 Free Dice
-[x] Tourism Support Complexes (Stage 1) - 7 Dice
-[x] Off-Shore Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
--[x] A - 7 Dice
-[x] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 3) - 5 Dice
-[x] Ammunition Complex (Stage 2) - 3 Free Dice
-[x] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 4)

-[x] Sharkhound Domestication (Stage 3) - 5 Dice
-[x] Expanded Weather Forecast Systems - 4 Dice
-[x] Seek Finalization Of Pleasure/Paradise World Status - 3 Dice + 2 Free Dice
Last edited:
They (alongside other things) are directly beneath the Voidport Trade.

<facepalm> Fuck I'm a moron. Sorry about that, boss.

Okay, so Emergency Powers Legislation cuts 40 off our penalty, reducing us to -74 penalty, but cuts our Morale down to 2. And Strategic Economic Activities Act cuts the penalty by another 40, dropping it to -34, but the 40 point reduction of the penalty is replaced by an addition of 20 to the penalty in the following turn, pushing the penalty back up to -94 in the next turn (-114 base + 40 from Emergency Powers -20 for Strategic Economic Activities Act = -94) Is this correct?

If we want to use Miscellaneous Materials to pay for the materials cost for a project on a 1 to 1 scale like you mentioned above (so, for exaple, 1 Materials = 1 Alloy), how would we note that on a plan? And how would we note the use of Free Dice from the Adeptus Ministorum or Adeptus Administratum on a plan - would we just like them as Free Dice (AA) or Free Dice (AM) ?

With The Trauma of the Gate trait, will spending dice on a military project started last turn count towards satisfying the requirements for that trait? For example if we start building Enhance Fortifications Stage 3 this turn but don't complete it, and then spend additional dice on Enhance Fortifications Stage 3 next turn but don't complete it, will we lose the -1 Morale next turn?
[x] Create Civilian Medals/Ribbons/Accolades
-[x] Do Such.
Those Civilian Medals/Ribbons/Accolades will need to be written out by the thread, or the option won't count, FYI.
You gain a +20 Economic Exhaustion Penalty next Turn, which you can counteract by having your current Economic Problems removed/reduced now.
how would we note that on a plan?
I go from the top of the list down, unless you note which projects should be given priority first.
would we just like them as Free Dice (AA) or Free Dice (AM) ?
Just as Free Dice would normaly be used.
With The Trauma of the Gate trait, will spending dice on a military project started last turn count towards satisfying the requirements for that trait? For example if we start building Enhance Fortifications Stage 3 this turn but don't complete it, and then spend additional dice on Enhance Fortifications Stage 3 next turn but don't complete it, will we lose the -1 Morale next turn?
You lose 1 Morale every turn a Military/Defense Project/Law isn't started, completed, or changed. There are a ton of those projects currently behind the legislations, which will tide you over until the Trauma will subside into a more generic malus.
Okay, so speaking of medals I looked around and here's what we should get at the minimun.

A Medal of Honor: (Basically a Purple Heart equivalent) For people who did heroic things
A Medal of Service: For every soldier that fought in the defense and didn't get purged afterwards
A Civilian Award: For civilians who did heroic things
Battle Honors: For our PDF regiments as a whole

Going from that. Only the medal of honor and the civilian award would be permanent, the other two would be a one-off thing.

Fot the Medal of Honor I think a medal with a Leviathan would be cool. It is one of our most recognisable features.
For the Service medal, maybe a ribbon with a small medal that says the year it was awarded along with the typical "In service to..."
For Battle Honors I think a banner for each PDF regiment would be nice. They would get to show them on parades and such.
Maybe a medal designed for posthumous civilians? Like, the ones who fought to the end instead of getting corrupted when there was no hope of survival?
Okay, so speaking of medals I looked around and here's what we should get at the minimun.

A Medal of Honor: (Basically a Purple Heart equivalent) For people who did heroic things
A Medal of Service: For every soldier that fought in the defense and didn't get purged afterwards
A Civilian Award: For civilians who did heroic things
Battle Honors: For our PDF regiments as a whole

Going from that. Only the medal of honor and the civilian award would be permanent, the other two would be a one-off thing.

Fot the Medal of Honor I think a medal with a Leviathan would be cool. It is one of our most recognisable features.
For the Service medal, maybe a ribbon with a small medal that says the year it was awarded along with the typical "In service to..."
For Battle Honors I think a banner for each PDF regiment would be nice. They would get to show them on parades and such.
Maybe a medal designed for posthumous civilians? Like, the ones who fought to the end instead of getting corrupted when there was no hope of survival?

Maybe a more general medal for showing courage and faith in the face of chaos corruption? Awarded to everyone who fought at the gate, among other things, including posthumously and to civilians.

I'd also like to build a memorial to everyone lost to chaos, wether killed or corrupted (and not distinguishing between the two). Just because someone wasn't strong enough to resist corruption doesn't mean we have to hate or cannot mourn them.
[X] Yes!
-[X] Emergency Powers
-[X] Strategic Economic Activities Act

[X] Create Civilian Medals/Ribbons/Accolades
-[X] Silver Caduceus
- awarded to medicae, first responders and emergency personnel for acts of great dedication and courage in saving or protecting civilians while risking their own lives (saving civilians from burning buildings, medicae continuing to provide medical aid in a facility under enemy fire etc). A caduceus takes the form of a staff with two snakes entwined around it surmounted by a pair of wings pinned to the left breast - additional awards of the Silver Caduceus are shown by additional pairs of wings on the medal.
-[X]Golden Caduceus - posthumous award to medicae, first responders and emergency personnel who died while exhibiting great courage in the course of saving or protecting civilians, including deliberate sacrifice of their own life. Takes the form of a golden caduceus approximately the length of a power maul (just short of human forearm length).
-[X] Tear of Lord Haku - award issued to civilians for acts of conspicuous courage or devotion to the welfare of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo. The nedal takes the form of a teardrop of cloudy grey crystal hanging from a light blue ribbon worn on the left breast. Additional awards are depicted by small stars on the ribbon.
-[X] Planetary Defence Support Medal - awarded to civilians who provide support services for Planetary Defence Forces and other military forces during operations in defence of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo. These services must be more arduous, risky or demanding than those required of normal civilians during such times, for example exploration corps personnel operating with military forces in the field as guides, medicae serving support duty in combat zones, and labourers volunteering for ammunition hauling and reloading in combat zones would qualify. The medal is a bronze disk with a sharkhound engraved on the disc, hanging from a light green ribbon on the left breast.
-[X] Rockgnawer Fang - awarded to sharkhounds, both civilian and those attached to military and Oihana Hooia units, who show exceptional bravery and devotion to protection of Beastmen and humans (equivalent of PDSA Gold Medal and the Dickin Medal ) . Takes the form of a five centimeter long curved sharkhound fang cast in iron with the sharkhound's name engraved on it, attached as a tag to the collar required by planetary law to be worn by all sharkhounds. An additional copy of the decoration, cast of pewter instead of iron, and mounted on a small trophy base is also given to the owner of the sharkhound, whether a military unit or an individual civilian, as a personal memento. Stickers of a similar appearance, which are often stuck in the windows of the owner's residence or base of operations, are not officially recognised but are becoming widespread.
( Decoration is named after its first recipient. Rockgnawer, the pet of a human family trapped in a collapsed building, attempted to dig them free, then went looking for assistance. Drawing the attention of a PDF squad Rockgnawer led them back to the collapsed building only to find a cultist squad on site. Rockgnawer promptly attacked the cultists and assisted the PDF squad in dispatching them, remained with his family while they were extracted from the collapsed house, then escorted them to a safe bunker.)

[X] Build More Places Of Faith
-[X] Pledge To Do So.

Does anyone know how long it will be before the Adeptus Mechanicus is finished taking all the Advanced Machinery we build and we can start getting some of it?
Never, unless Cohort DOS leaves the planet.
Which is never.
They are staying.
Because they were exiled onto your planet.

But at least you have robots, yay?

So in other words anything that requires Advanced Machinery per turn, like Promethium Cracking Plants, will increase our deficit in Advanced Machinery more and more every turn, leading to an increasing penalty on all our dice every turn, until we can't do anything.
