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It is the 41st Millenium, and there is only war.

Desperate battles are being fought in the name of the Emperor, Last Stands turn into phyrric victories as the enemy falters before the will of man, and titans long lost stir in their dreams.

It is an age of unending battle, rising heroes, and legends being forged in the crucible that is the 42nd Millenium.

Too bad you are too busy with guiding His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo to take part in those conflicts.


Now git, you have a world to build!
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Prologue - The Chosen Dirtball


Unverified Monstergirl
It is the 41st Millenium, and there is only war.

Beset on all sides by Xenos, Mutants, Traitors, and Witches, the Imperium of Man fights onwards undaunted. A realm of a million worlds built by the greatest human to ever live, the God-Emperor of Man, bound by their faith in him as the only true God and defended by the might of his inexhaustible armies. His divinity is apparent to all who can perceive the Warp, be it Sanctioned Psykers or the Navigators of the Navis Nobilite who can see His light beating back the horrors that assail their souls every moment, or His preachers spreading His divinity and word to all worthy humans to exist, no matter how far they may be. But man is nothing if not imperfect, and in moments of weakness, where man's faith wavers and wanes, death soon follows.

The results are lost worlds, who have turned from the Emperor's light, perverted in body and soul by Chaos, Xenos, or Heretics denying the God-Emperors Divinity.

Yet, mighty Crusades are launched every day to reclaim those worlds lost by the weak and unfit, faithful legions of colonists set out, carrying the light of civilization once more to those places thought lost, and mighty bulwarks shield the faithful against further attacks.

And it all may not be enough.

It is the year 999.M41, and the light of the Emperor wavers.

Cadia has been shattered under the 13th Black Crusade.

The Tyrranids seem to have the Galaxy surrounded.

Xeno activity increases by the day.

Chaos has infiltrated even Holy Terra.

Suppose one is inclined to listen to the ramblings of heretical preachers. In that case, this is the Age of Ending, where man will fall, when the last Guardsman will die standing before Eternity Gate ere even the Emperor is dead.

Killed by either Chaos or one of his treacherous sons.

But you, you do not know of this.

How could you?

You are not high enough to be privy to the horrors that the Empire faces at large, only the myriad of tiny threats that have assaulted your sections of the realm. And it is with your service that you have been granted something you never thought, or wanted, to reach: retirement.

Although, service does not end for you, merely another type. You are shuffled away for your predecessor to take the reigns of your post, as an illness has taken your ability below the level expected of you.

What was it again?

[ ] General In The Guard
You served faithfully within the first and last line of defense and offense against all that assails the Imperium of Man. Countless campaigns are under your belt, hundreds of victories and only one shameful defeat for which you have atoned. Now, within your twilight years, your homeworld regiment and you have been given one last task: settle a world and dig the first trench.
(Gain: 1 Free Guard Regiment you will customize later. Allows for quicker Military buildup.)

[ ] Admiral Of The Imperial Navy
The void is something to be feared, not only for the dangers within but also the need to enter the abominable Warp. Yet, you cannot see it as anything other than your first love, only home, and the place in which you would have wanted to die. But, alas, it is not meant to be, as you no longer possess the health to command a fleet the way you did in your youth of only three centuries. Those were the days! Burning Ork ships left and right, ramming a drukhari with three escorts to align the perfect shot, and blasting traitor vessels to scrap from half a system away! And now? Now you will most likely die on a blasted ball of mud. Dammit.
(Gain: 1d2-1 Light Cruisers and 1d3 Escorts, which will be chosen later, additional option in world generation.)

[No] Magos Lexico Arcanus Of The Adeptus Mechanicum
The settling of this world will offer a strategic advantage in 349 years. Gather the menials and servitor conversion manufactories.
(Gain: Additional Resources in world generation (+2 Points), -2 Morale, effects of Morale are halved (+/-2.5 Points per Morale, instead of +/-5.).)
(Forbidden, because we are trying to create a pleasant planet, not hell world #83vsd.210s-3.)

[ ] Cardinal Of The Adeptus Ministorum
With faith as your shield and an adamantium-clad will, you set out in your firebrand days, preaching the good word to savages and lost colonies. You stood on the frontlines with Sisters of Battle, the Guard, and even one Chapter of His Angels. You slaughtered the Traitor, the Xeno, and the Heretic without mercy and brought back those fallen worlds, by word and might. Later, you watched over the souls of an entire world, guarding them against the heresy of Chaos, leading the defense and subsequent deliverance from doubt against them. As a reward, you had been given the rank of Cardinal, elevated to oversee a diocese spanning a dozen planets, a task you accepted with fervor and humility. And now, in your halcyon days, you have admitted that the flesh is indeed weak, even as your spirit is strong, and have given power over to your most faithful and capable subordinate. Now you have but one last task to fulfill: sanctifying a new world in the name of the God-Emperor. Thankfully, an Order Minoris has been created to aid you in this task due to your outstanding piety and century-long support for the Sisters of Battle.
(Gain: Free Order Minoris of the Adepta Sororitas you will customize later. Gain +6 Morale.)

[ ] Adeptus Of The Adeptus Administratum
You kept the wheels of bureaucracy turning, keeping the food flying and materials loaded in the correct bays. With the stroke of a pen, millions were saved or damned, thousands laboring under your directions to fulfill works in whose shades even their children will never rest. With deft politicking, you secured rank and resources, shoving competitors and the offensively corrupt into the light and thus death or worse, demotion. Yet, even the mightiest of pencil-pushers have to accept the end of a glorious career whose end has etched permanent ink stains into your fingers. Now, you have to oversee one last task with capable subordinates before filing the correct form for your death. Bliss fills you with the thought.
(Gain: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.)

Ah yes, you remember now. With a slight internal smile, you turn to the official standing before you, stacks of papers in their hands.

A selection of planets you will be able to choose from, though that is a but a formality, as that decision was made years ago. But tradition needs to be observed, and so you are here, as is the official. So they lay down the dozens of options for you to choose, though even if you had chosen the wrong one, your superiors would have ignored you, and you take your time to peruse them out of curiosity.

You halt after having skimmed them all, then read more carefully again. Then, turning to the official, you speak: "There seems to be a lack of Deathworlds here, have those in charge of creating colonies finally forbidden their settling?"

The official respectfully inclines his head, looking a bit uncomfortable with the subject. "Not so much forbidden,

[ ] Lord (NAME)
[ ] Lady (NAME)
[ ] (TITLE) (NAME)

, as not having any free for settling. They have all been colonized, you see."

You blink at that, surprised that enough madmen could be found to settle those hellholes. "Wait," you say, leaning forwards. "Even that place, what's it called, Avensis?"

"Avernus, and yes."

"Huh," you reply bewildered, then shake your head in slight mirth before tapping the folder with the planet you have been given ownership over.


You have 2(two) Points to customize your planet.
You start at 2/10 morale. (-15 to all rolls.)
[ ] Pleasant World - (-1 Point)
From its smell to its flora and fauna, everything in this world is pleasant to humans. It is a small wonder that nobody has claimed it before, as you cannot imagine a better world to live on, other than Holy Terra, of course.
(Gain +1 Morale.)

[ ] Breathtaking World - (-2 Points)
Everything within this world inspires awe and wonder in humans. From the night's sky with its breathtaking view to the vibrant flora and fauna, its perfect atmosphere and gravity to even the smell! This is a planet blessed by the God-Emperor, no doubt!
(Gain +2 Morale.)

[ ] Xeno Pets - (Optional Description) - (-1 Point)
It seems that one or more species on this planet have been quickly tamed by your colonists, turning them into valued companions. They are also adorable in their juvenile phase.
(Gain +1 Morale.)

[ ] Very Fertile - (-2 Points)
This planet has a substantial amount of biodiversity, making planting and harvesting food simple.
(Greatly increased number of plants, far easier farming.)

[ ] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
This planet has an incredible amount of biodiversity, making planting and harvesting food effortless.
(Massive amount of quickly growing plants, very easy farming.)

[ ] Ore rich - (-2 Points)
Your scanners and prospectors have found massive deposits wherever they ventured!
(Larger metal deposits allow more industry.)

[ ] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
You are pretty sure that the planet is made up of only the purest and rarest ores in the Galaxy. The small adamantine vein certainly proves that.
(Vast metal deposits allow you to create vast industrial complexes.)

[ ] Easily Accessible Promethium - (-2 Points)
"We have found deposits here, here, here, here, here..."
(More Promethium! Less worry about power.)

[ ] Abundant Promethium - (-3 Points)
"Wait, don't di-" A prospector, shortly before being lifted into the air by a promethium Geysir. Again.
(You will need to get some large tanks set up because that stuff is spilling wherever you dig.)

[ ] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
At the nexus of trade, we can expect both Traders and wealth to flow to us.
(This planet is situated on a trade nexus.)

[ ] Population Trait - (Max 1(one)) - (-1 Point)(Disciplined/Fierce/Pious/Stubborn/Cunning/Artisans/Industrious/Courtly)
"Boy, we sure are [INSERT TRAIT] here!"
(Gain boni in the chosen trait's category.)

[ ] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)
A small packet of pre-fabricated fortifications should ensure that we won't have to worry about enemies for some time.
(Gain Level 1 Fortifications.)

[ ] Void Station - (Restricted to Admiral Of The Imperial Navy) - (+/-0 Points)
"YUS!" - You.
(The colony is a void station instead of a planet.)
[ ] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
Someone has had the genius idea of sending a bunch of abhumans along with your colony fleet. Expect them to be the start of trouble.
(Roll 1d6 for which, and 1d20 for a quirk. -1 Morale, +2 to all rolls.)

[ ] A Plethora Of Abhuman Settlers - (+2 Points)
Half of your starting population will be abhumans. Joy!
(Roll 2d6 for which, and 2d20 for the quirks. -3 Morale, +10 to all rolls.)

[ ] Low In Ores - (+1 Point)
There is little metal here. I hope you have enough ships to mine the asteroid belt!
(Buildings will be of lower quality and take more progress.)

[ ] Low Fertility - (+1 Point)
Plants grow slow here, and the biodiversity has suffered in equal measure. Better pack those greenhouses and hydroponics!
(You need to husband your food for most of the game.)

[ ] Little Promethium - (+1 Point)
This planet sports a dearth of promethium, meaning you will have to search for an alternative of more primitive means of power generation.
(You need to create alternatives or husband your promethium reserves.)

[ ] Atoll Planet - (+2 Point)
The planet has only one small continent, with most land being shallow lagoons, coral reefs, and tropical islands.

[ ] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
This planet is home to towering behemoths of flora, capable of holding cities if one desires, or wishes, to restrict themselves like that.

[ ] Bioluminescent Planet - (+2 Point)
Exotic but non-toxic particles cause this world to be almost permanently shrouded in clouds. Despite this, greenhouse effects and geothermal activity have led to life, most of it exhibiting bioluminescent qualities.

[ ] Mesa Planet - (+2 Point)
Great plateaus and mesas are common around the equator, with cooler forested polar regions. Large rivers have cut canyons into the world, their sides covered with vegetation.

[ ] Cenote Planet - (+2 Point)
Giant Sinkholes and underwater river systems snake below the surface of this world. Most landmasses are covered in thick vegetation.

[ ] Isolated - (+1 Point)
It is a long way to this particular planet.
(Reduced Trade and Contact to the Imperium at large.)

[ ] Completely Alone - (+2 Points)
Seriously, nobody is here—Imperial or Xeno.
(Almost no contact to anybody. Expect maybe one Rogue Trader or Xeno craft per decade at most, but that's it.)

The official nods his head and begins to gather the folders once more. Before he leaves, he hands you a single piece of paper, unremarkable, save for the symbol on the sigil and the signature—an order signed by the Inquisition. If you were younger, you would have voided your bowels in fear; as it is, you only wipe a single bead of sweat from your brow, reading carefully what the Inquisition would want from you.

Choose 1(one).
[ ] Strange Obelisks - (+1 Point)
Strange black obelisks with green runes reach into the sky on your future world, Governor. They are not to be interacted with, except the mechanicus contingent bearing this code-

[ ] Forbidden Continent - (+1 Point)

[ ] Native Xenos - (+1 Point)

The planet you are settling is host to native intelligent Xenos in the late paleolithic period. You are to exterminate them with extreme prejudice. If any personnel voice sympathy, they are to be executed posthaste.

[ ] Lost Relic - (+1 Point)
On the chosen world, a holy relic has been located. Therefore, you are expected to outfit and supply all search parties sent towards you. Do not inquire as to the nature of the Relic. You will be shot.

[ ] QM Choice - (+2 Points)


An: Welcome to [WH40K] - Colonizing A Peaceful Planet, the first of my short 2-month quests in which you, dear reader, have the task to create a colony for the Imperium of Man! Unfortunately, all Deathworlds, worlds with dangerous flora, fauna, warp-related phenomenon, powerful Xenos, and all other manners of nasties have been colonized!


Well, nothing to it then, better start building an excellent new colony for the Imperium to gather resources and soldiers, because you will die if you don't! (Not that you will survive the founding of the colony anyways, as you suffer from [CONVENIENT PLOT DEVICE #7]. Tragic.)

Your objective is to build the colony as fast as possible, juggling Money, Metal, Promethium, Power, Food, Morale, and People, all the while shaping the planet's society when fulfilling projects.

Your task OOC is also to build a planet where people live a good life! Not to create a powerhouse of galactic portion, a horrific dystopia, or the 40k equivalent of the contemporary USA. This quest isn't about Numer-Go-Up or Fix-40k; it is about creating a cozy colony within the 40k Universe where you would want to live.

This quest uses a plan quest dice system. You get xd100 per category, and need to devote them to projects, then roll them to fulfill those.

Morale gives you a -5 modifier for every point of Morale below 5 and +5 for every point above the same.

Once the colony is founded, you die, get replaced with the aid of the chosen political system you set up, and gain an ending post in which I talk about how your planet fairs.

Then the quest ends., yah. :V
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[X] Adeptus Of The Adeptus Administratum
You kept the wheels of bureaucracy turning, keeping the food flying and materials loaded in the correct bays. With the stroke of a pen, millions were saved or damned, thousands laboring under your directions to fulfill works in whose shades even their children will never rest. With deft politicking, you secured rank and resources, shoving competitors and the offensively corrupt into the light and thus death or worse, demotion. Yet, even the mightiest of pencil-pushers have to accept the end of a glorious career whose end has etched permanent ink stains into your fingers. Now, you have to oversee one last task with capable subordinates before filing the correct form for your death. Bliss fills you with the thought.
(Gain: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.)

Need that +5 and good admin. Gimme
Unfortunately, all Deathworlds, worlds with dangerous flora, fauna, warp-related phenomenon, powerful Xenos, and all other manners of nasties have been colonized!

Ah, yes. What a bummer .:V
[x] 40k Hawaii
-[x] Adeptus Of The Adeptus Administratum
-[x] Lord Haku
-[x] Breathtaking World - (-2 Points)
-[x] Xeno Pets - (Looks like hybrid of shark and dog, acts more like dog thankfully) - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[x] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
-[x] Atoll Planet - (+2 Point)
-[x] (PLANET NAME) QM Choice
-[x] (NAMING THEME) QM Choice
-[x] (SEGMENTUM) QM Choice

-[x] QM Choice - (+2 Points)

Haku is hawaiian name, it's also a joke, check it's meaning to get it.

Also if anyone has good planet, naming theme and segmentum name i will change those.
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[x]Plan endless iron jungle
-[x] General In The Guard
-[x] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[x] Population Trait - (Artisans) - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
-[x] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
-[x] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point)
-[x] A Plethora Of Abhuman Settlers - (+2 Points)
-[x] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
-[x] Bioluminescent Planet - (+2 Point)
-[x] QM Choice - (+2 Points)

I always want jump/jetpack troops

I also want cenote and mesa for related reasons
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[X] Admiral Jenkins
-[X] Admiral Of The Imperial Navy
-[X] Allbost Station (Because more things should be named in Welsh)
-[X] Xeno Pets - (Optional Description) - (-1 Point)
-[X] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
-[X] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)
-[X] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)

-[X] Population Trait - (Disciplined) - (-1 Point)
-[X] Void Station - (Restricted to Admiral Of The Imperial Navy) - (+/-0 Points)
-[X] Bioluminescent Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Completely Alone - (+2 Points)
-[X] Native Xenos - (+1 Point)

I think it would be really cool to have to manage a space station rather than a planet.
[X] Plan Truck Stop
-[x] Admiral Of The Imperial Navy
-[x] Lady Anne Bonny
-[x] (PLANET NAME) Saint's Landing
-[x] (NAMING THEME) Named after Imperial Saints
-[x] (SEGMENTUM) Segmentum Pacificus
-[x] Abundant Promethium - (-3 Points)
-[x] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
-[x] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)
-[x] Void Station - (Restricted to Admiral Of The Imperial Navy) - (+/-0 Points)
-[x] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
-[x] Low Fertility - (+1 Point)
-[x] QM Choice - (+2 Points)

moral is going to start off low so that will probably take priority but we'd be in a real good spot to get money flowing and the Pacificus or west segmentum is where the imperial navy fleet headquarters is located so having fuel to give to traveling ships should be a good boon on top of being in a good trade lane. Fortifications to deal with pirates or what have you since Promethium is valuable as all heck and low fertility and and abhuman settlers because I really don't think most of the detriments work with a void station so low fertility because I don't think void stations are good places to grow food and usually depend on trade or hydroponic bays to stay fed, abhuman settlers because again it's one of the few detriments that makes sense without going against the boons chosen, and Qm choice because partly that some of the disasters don't make to much sense on a void station and because I needed to pick something that got the points out of the negative. Admiral's named is after a famous pirate and the saint name theming is because the it's only name I could think of that wouldn't be some poorly translated latin and actually sound like something that would belong in the 40k universe.
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[X] Plan Civilian shipyard
-[X] Admiral Of The Imperial Navy
-[X] Lord Hydrus
-[X] (PLANET NAME) Poseidon
-[X] (NAMING THEME) Greek/ Roman Sea monster names
-[X] (SEGMENTUM) Segmentum Pacificus
-[X] Easily Accessible Promethium - (-2 Points)
-[X] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
-[X] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
-[X] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)
-[X] Void Station - (Restricted to Admiral Of The Imperial Navy) - (+/-0 Points)
-[X] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
-[X] Atoll Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Native Xenos - (+1 Point)

not sure how my station can have all these world features, but I'm imagining a ocean world with giant animals swimming through it and some kind of Murlock like group that needs the land for eggs. I also hope the abhumans will be good for living on a water world
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[x]Plan endless iron jungle
-[x] General In The Guard
-[x] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[x] Population Trait - (Artisans) - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
-[x] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
-[x] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point)
-[x] A Plethora Of Abhuman Settlers - (+2 Points)
-[x] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
-[x] Bioluminescent Planet - (+2 Point)
-[x] QM Choice - (+2 Points)
[X] Plan: For the Emperor
-[X] Cardinal Of The Adeptus Ministorum
-[X] Lord (Hamilton)
-[X] (TITLE) (Cardinal)
[X] (PLANET NAME) (Bable)
-[X] (NAMING THEME) (Bibical)
-[X] (SEGMENTUM) (Solar)
-[X] Breathtaking World - (-2 Points)
-[X] Xeno Pets - (QM Choice) - (-1 Point)
-[X] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[X] Population Trait - (Max 1(one)) - (-1 Point)(Pious)
-[X] Mesa Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)

-[X] QM Choice - (+2 Points)

This plan is all based around morale, and with it we start at 10 morale.
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[X] plan holy islands
-[X] Cardinal Of The Adeptus Ministorum
-[X] Lord Galahaut
-[x] (PLANET NAME) Avalon
-[x] (NAMING THEME) Arthurian myth
-[x] (SEGMENTUM) pacificus
-[X] Population Trait - Pious

-[X] Breathtaking World
-[X] Crossroads
-[X] Atoll Planet
-[X] Megaflora Planet
-[X] Lost Relic

becouse making a nice shrine world seems like a fun time

(in retrospect the name galahad would have made more sense as he was the most holy but fuck it couse i like Galahaut)
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[X] Plan Civilian shipyard
-[X] Admiral Of The Imperial Navy
-[X] Lord Hydrus
-[X] (PLANET NAME) Poseidon
-[X] (NAMING THEME) Greek/ Roman Sea monster names
-[X] (SEGMENTUM) Segmentum Pacificus
-[X] Easily Accessible Promethium - (-2 Points)
-[X] Abundant metals - (-3 Points)
-[X] Crossroads - (-2 Points)
-[X] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point) - (Can Be Taken Multiple Times)
-[X] Void Station - (Restricted to Admiral Of The Imperial Navy) - (+/-0 Points)
-[X] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
-[X] Atoll Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Native Xenos - (+1 Point)
I am kind surprised most don't wants to do Cardinal Of The Adeptus Ministorum. I mean a its fun, it gives moral options. And it lets us make a Order Minoris, we can customize.
That admiral grant seems a bit generious, that's like a small subsector fleet for one dirt ball.

[X] Plan Civilian shipyard
[X] Plan: Raising the Steeple
-[X] Cardinal Of The Adeptus Ministorum
-[X] Cardinal Karliah
-[X] (QM Choice)
-[X] (QM Choice)
-[X] (Tempestus)
-[X] Breathtaking World - (-2 Points)
-[X] Xeno Pets - (Jaguar-like) - (-1 Point)
-[X] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[X] Easily Accessible Promethium - (-2 Points)
-[X] Population Trait - (Max 1(one)) - (-1 Point)(Pious)
-[X] Megaflora Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Bioluminescent Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Cenote Planet - (+2 Point)
-[X] Lost Relic - (+1 Point)

I can't think of names so I'll leave that in the QM's hands. Also, making a ministorum option because no one else has yet.
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