[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League

I'll switch to priority vote, that way I can predict the results!


Ok dead-god, I will fight you.
next time try offering free stuff and an obvious trap.

We'll be so suspicious of how unequal the choices are we'll always take the trap.
This is my first quest, so I thought I'd ask you all. Are you guys, gals, NB Pals feeling ok with the votes? I worry that you're not getting enough context, or that I'm relying too much on previous stuff to influence your votes, I've also said there was no wrong answers, but I'm realizing there are still consequences, and that what I think is a right answer from a story perspective might not be the same as what you duders think of when you think "right or wrong." I also wonder if you need more context for your decisions? They all have massive influences on the story, but I worry that because I don't properly convey what is a DIRECT consequence of your actions, that it feels like the votes don't matter. I've probably been overthinking this, but this has been the funnest project I've ever worked on, and that's because of you all participating. I've mostly been treating it like a DND campaign, or if I were to write The Witcher 3.

I love how chaotic this quest feels so I am fine with how votes have been.
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This is my first quest, so I thought I'd ask you all. Are you guys, gals, NB Pals feeling ok with the votes? I worry that you're not getting enough context, or that I'm relying too much on previous stuff to influence your votes, I've also said there was no wrong answers, but I'm realizing there are still consequences, and that what I think is a right answer from a story perspective might not be the same as what you duders think of when you think "right or wrong." I also wonder if you need more context for your decisions? They all have massive influences on the story, but I worry that because I don't properly convey what is a DIRECT consequence of your actions, that it feels like the votes don't matter. I've probably been overthinking this, but this has been the funnest project I've ever worked on, and that's because of you all participating. I've mostly been treating it like a DND campaign, or if I were to write The Witcher 3.
Yeah, context can be difficult to establish. I know they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but you usually wouldn't spend a thousand words on the content of a single picture of Maria waking up in a bathtub.
I think we're relying a lot on the fact that the options we've been offered are selected as 'reasonable' choices by the characters in universe and that they've taken things we aren't aware of into the decision. Or that they're a panicking child and its justifiable that they make terrible decisions.
I don't know that we always have a great understanding of what the consequence of a vote where, or at least I managed to miss Jaina getting catted (I only saw her getting claws I think fur and changing shape mostly happened offscreen) but I think that's a thing where this chaotic ride has so much going on at once that it can be hard to give everything focus.
I'm definetly okay, enjoying it.
For sure, I'll say it explicitly then, Marie heals in Water, at least to some degree, she survived bleeding from her arm being degloved long enough to pass out, and she was out for a week in the bathtub recuperating. So this mean that she didn't need to eat or anything, and was able to get whatever she needed from the water. This is going to come up later, Blade said to add Salt to the bathtub, Salt Water is better then normal water.
I refuse to believe that, you guys talk more. Though voting is about even which when looking at the reader -> poster ratio is kind of insane.
This is what 1600 px looks like

Oh SV only support images up to 1500 px on a 1080 screen, so that puts a kebash on that.
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