[Webcomic] Marie & The Adventurer's League

the main character Marie is purple, but the elves and gnome dudes from the intro were all orange-close enough to normal human skin-tone that it felt kind of intentional?
Like...She's not necessarily an elf or something obvious, although some sort of demon isn't out of the question?
Hard to tell because while your colours are BRIGHT they don't seem to be mismatched in an obvious colour riot, is the trick.
Marie is definitely supposed to be purple, and the same kind of purple as WoW elves, though we're going to learn that Sea Elves are very different from the traditional elves you may have heard of. After looking at a art through a ton of different filters with my wife (yes i'm a member of the alphabet mafia,) my biggest issue is with stuff between red and yellow, with most yellows looking orange, orange's looking red, and reds being kind of dull and not intense. (I have learned Marie's hair is insanely saturated, but I really like it so it might have to stay.)

I didn't know my normal skin toned characters were orangish, that's actually kind of cool, they were intended to be fairly normal skin tones. I wonder why everything kind of gravitates towards orange, except for reds.

Today, I learned I was color blind, and am going to an optometrist and getting special glasses, because of this, I am curious what my art, and how my art style might change getting fitted with new glasses that might change how I perceive color. People have told me I have a neon style, and I thought that was what I was going for, but things may be much different than I thought they were. This update for both Lab 619 and Marie & The Adventurer's League is getting pushed back to Sunday because of this, as I am trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing and what my art looks like with protanomaly. I hope this doesn't make you not want to read my stuff, or fall off because of the delay. Things will resume on a weekly schedule, but updates will happen on Sunday Nights, instead of Early Thursdays just past Midnight.

Thank you for paying attention and participating in my works! You guys make it worthwhile, and your likes, watches, and votes sustain me. I hope you are all enjoying Marie and the Adventurer's League as much as I enjoy making it.

E: since people have been doing it all day, feel free to ask me what color something is, as it seems people find this fascinating.
Well thats a reason for a delay I haven't heard before. I doubt any will drop it over this.
As for people asking you questions about what colour things are, it might be easier to tell them the type of colour blindness as there are charts for this:
We're pretty sure it's one of Deuteranomaly or Protanomaly, but I want to see an optometrist to make sure. All the online tests oscillate between Protanomaly and Protanopia
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We're pretty sure it's one of Deuteranomaly Protanomaly, or protanopia, but I want to see an optometrist to make sure
Sounds like it based off of the red stuff, and they are the most common ones besides.
I'd probably err away from Protanopia unless greens looks similar to orange which I assume doesn't as I think you would have mentioned that. But obviously getting an optometrists opinion makes more sense than taking a random internet guys opinion as correct.
Oh yeah, then definitely not that one, because with tests with my wife I see a lot of not green stuff as either green or orange, and I see reds as either very dull, or very intense, and I see yellows as very orange.

The glasses are like $500+ though, so I'm really hoping I can find a place that at least has a money back guarantee.
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OH and it ended up being Tritan deficiency moderate range, so Blue Yellow color blind! I've been trying to adjust my colors a bit to account for this.
9 posts: 1d9 1

Winnuh winnuh Chicken dinnuh~

Didn't realise that vote would damage Blade so much.

[X] B
[X] H

You know what, to be honest I didn't either until I started thinking about it! This Javelin was supposed to be the "moderate" option, where you try and keep yourself safe, and don't get too beat up, but then I thought about it, and having you turn a magic shapeshifting entity into tiny thin spears probably would make them at least a little more fragile. So I kind of just rolled with it!~

Now then, if you're one of the few people reading both this and Escape from Lab 619 You might be interested in the Races that exist in my world so far, and the general Timeline that connects the two. If this sounds like you, then hey! I have a website where I keep the centralized information that is tangentially related to the stories, and also an archive for the stories themselves. I also have on there the first Quest I had ever written (though on another site, far, far away fomr here,) If you want to see what my first story and art was like, (It's set 520 years after this one. While 619 is thouuuusands before) Warning, I only got an editor very recently, and it's all very rough.
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Someone on discord taught me what an Art Quest thread is, so everyone I bamboozled my bad.
Er... what exactly happened near the group home? How did we connect the gnome and the portal?


Marie therapy! You didn't kill anyone kid, this is your first kill!