We aren't with the Ethereals we swear! (X-com)

[x] Drones and EXALT

You devote some of your forces to trying to locate some of EXALT's cells within the various human countries.

The searches go well all things considered. Several EXALT cells are located and several prisoners are taken from one that you managed to break up.

Naturally they're where casualties, but such Is inevitable and you even got some human FNA out of the whole ordeal.

Result: X-com is alerted to several EXALT cells, 1 units of DNA. Heavy EXALT moral loss


In other good news Squalth makes good on your order for a dedicated support drone.

These bio-drones are controlled by a cloned brain that has been genetically modified to give it incredible reaction time compared to its mechanical peers as well as immunity to hacking. In addition the more effective control mechanism makes is much smaller and harder to hit then a cyberdisk or human tank. Its main method of attack is a powerful sonic weapon that allows it to destroy even the strongest of defense.

They also apparently like musicals, ice cream, and long periods of time hovering over a beach.


In an amazing turn of event the local humans with a support force of your own aquatoids managed to break into and capture an Ethereal base in the process of being assembled. It didn't have much of psychical value beyond sheer about of raw materials, but it included important data on Ethereal research into psychics, and more importantly humanities psychic potential. As it turns out the monkeys have quite a bit of it, and that's not even counting how strong they are without enhancements ed not going anymore. Given the Ethereals habit of turning other species into servitors this is both encouraging and worrying at the same time.

What do you do? (Choose 2)
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] Ethereal starships continue to be a problem and they seem to be attempting to terrify native forces into surrender, you'd better shoot a few more down and kill the crews to keep them from doing their jobs.
[x] Sonic weapons alone clearly won't cut it, you might want to look into more powerful weapons.
[x] Send the humans some Meld, they might be able to find some use for it.
[x] Send the humans some Zorbite, they might be able to find some use for it.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
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[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] Begin production of bioplastics, you've got all the other basics down you might a well complete the triangle.

[x] Ethereal starships continue to be a problem and they seem to be attempting to terrify native forces into surrender, you'd better shoot a few more down and kill the crews to keep them from doing their jobs.
[x] Begin production of bioplastics, you've got all the other basics down you might a well complete the triangle.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] Begin production of bioplastics, you've got all the other basics down you might a well complete the triangle.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatoids to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] Ethereal starships continue to be a problem and they seem to be attempting to terrify native forces into surrender, you'd better shoot a few more down and kill the crews to keep them from doing their jobs.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatoids to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] Ethereal starships continue to be a problem and they seem to be attempting to terrify native forces into surrender, you'd better shoot a few more down and kill the crews to keep them from doing their jobs.
[x] Sonic weapons alone clearly won't cut it, you might want to look into more powerful weapons.

Change of vote, on account of one of my choices no longer existing.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatoids to try and gather information on their next moves.
[X] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[X] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatiods to try and gather information on their next moves.

We need to get going on the psychics, and we need to know what the Ethereals are doing. Everything else would be nice to have, but this is 'need to have'. Heavy morale loss for Exalt for getting targeted by aliens for their traitorous ways? Sounds like success to me.

I wonder how long it takes before people take up 'drone spotting' at the beaches? I know I would arch an eyebrow or two if an alien drone bought ice cream at the local beach...
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[x] Ethereal starships continue to be a problem and they seem to be attempting to terrify native forces into surrender, you'd better shoot a few more down and kill the crews to keep them from doing their jobs.
[x] The Ethereals will not take the seized base lying down, awaken and sent an elite force of Aquatoids to try and gather information on their next moves.
Given we gain new troops through researching earth creatures, is it okay if I post a few aquatic organisms who might be useful?
[x] Sonic weapons alone clearly won't cut it, you might want to look into more powerful weapons.
[x] You now have enough human DNA for actual experimentation, it's best to get started.

Not enough firepower. Tentaculats are advised.